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Author of Apple (Campaña)(Series) Book 11 K.A. Author of Applegate (2017) The Reaction Animorphs (Series) Book 12 Katherine Applegate Author Emily Ellet Narrator (2020) The Reaction Animorphs (Series) Book 12 K.A. Applegate Author (2017) The Change Animorphs (Series) Book 13 K.A. Author of Applegate (2017) The Change Animorphs If youhave ever fantasized about the trade of places with your pet cat or swimming like a squid, all while communicating telepathically, then the series of books for young adults of science fiction from the 90 Animorphs is for you. by Katherine Applegate and her husband Michael Grant, writing together under the name of K.A. Applegate, was first publishedin 1995. The series follows the lives of the children who had the power to become any animal they touch. The 54 Animorphs series books are now available for free download, in Epub and PDF format, for those who need entertaining books to read while they are in quarantine, thanks to the Reddit Animorphs Forum. Animorphs. They used their powersof animal change to help save humanity against a secret alien invasion of the Earth by a parasitic race of aliens that look a lot like big slugs called Yeerks. Of course, their powers of transformation of great animals do not come without some attached strings. Children cannot remain animal for more than two hours. If they stay, it becomes permanentand cannot be transformed into their human forms. The book covers some rather heavy topics, including war, morality, sanity, murder, liberty and the family. The Animorphs series of books later adapted as a television series of the same name, as well as three different video games. 9 more sotof sotof sal sadot went wrong. Wait a moment and tryagain. (Spoiler-free review)In my life, there have only ever been two book series where I spent my time impatiently awaiting the release of the next installation. This was one of them. I grew up being absolutely obsessed with this series. I was there right from the beginning along with several of my friends. Whenever a new book came out, we werethere that day to buy it and we usually devoured it in one or two sittings and then spend the next month talking about it, all the way up until the release of (Spoiler-free review)In my life, there have only ever been two book series where I spent my time impatiently awaiting the release of the next installation. This was one of them. I grew up beingabsolutely obsessed with this series. I was there right from the beginning along with several of my friends. Whenever a new book came out, we were there that day to buy it and we usually devoured it in one or two sittings and then spend the next month talking about it, all the way up until the release of the next book. When the series finally came toan end, I remember wishing that it could go on (the cliffhanger in the last book certainly didn't help things) and that I, too, could be a member of the Animorphs. (Oh, the days I spent wishing I could find one of those blue morphing cubes.) Then, after graduating college, I decided to go back and reread the series for fun and to see if it still held up. I'dbeen disappointed that The Chronicles of Narnia had, sadly, not (see my review), and was prepared to face the same letdown all over again. That didn't happen. I reread every last book, including The Andalite Chronicles, all Megamorphs books, and the others, and loved it as much as an adult as I did as a kid. What I think makes the series stand upbetter than other children's series is that Applegate never talked down to her audience. She even dealt with difficult subject matter like the of war and didn't sugarcoat anything, something I appreciated as a kid and, later on, as an adult. Applegate also had a real knack for creating vivid, relatable, complex, and dynamic characters. For example,Marco begins with the singular trait of being the sarcastic jokester of the group, who often tried to make light of things during serious situations, much to the chagrin of the rest of the Animorphs. Yet, as the series continues and we get more of each character's backstory, we learn why he behaves this way. We learn that he sees he has two choiceswhen things get serious: focus on the negative and feel overwhelmed and hopeless, or try to make things seem like they aren't so bad with humor. As another example, Rachel, who contrasts with Marco and is thus a rival to him, begins the series being described as super-model material with a huge love for malls and shopping.and a good fight.However, as the series goes on, Rachel discovers that she really loves the fight and it gets to the point where she feels intense bloodlust, which worries her friends. When she sees how worried they are, she begins to worry herself and spends time conflicted over her own nature. I could talk about all the other characters, too, but we'd be here all day. Icould also talk about the many themes that Applegate explores, but I think that I'll save that for a blog post.This should, however, stand as a testament to why the series works so well and why it developed such a devoted fan base throughout its run. It was exciting, emotional, action-packed, and original.and didn't shy away from dealing with serioustopics. It treated its readers as intelligent and mature, not as fragile little creatures too sensitive and innocent to be able to handle anything more serious than, I don't know, magical fairy gardens and a bad day at school à  Ânot that there is anything wrong with those books. They have their place, but it would be nice to see Erom. 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in 1995. The series follows the lives of the children who had the power to become any animal they touch. The 54 Animorphs series books are now available for free download, in Epub and PDF format, for those who need entertaining books to read while they are in quarantine, thanks to the Reddit Animorphs Forum. Animorphs. They used their powers