Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Popular Hits Level 1B P I An O


Alfred’s Basic Piano LibraryPopular Hits u Level 1BP i a n oArranged by Tom GerouThis series offers Broadway, pop, and movie music arrangements to be used as supplementarypieces for students. Soon after beginning piano study, students can play attractive versions offavorite classics, as well as the best-known popular music of today.Included with most titles in Level 1B is a teacher duet. Not only do the duets add harmony andrhythmic structure to the solos, but they also teach students the “give and take” of working togetherin a collaborative performance.This book is correlated page-by-page with Lesson Book 1B of Alfred’s Basic Piano Library;pieces should be assigned based on the instructions in the upper-right corner of the title page ofeach piece in Popular Hits. Since the melodies and rhythms of popular music do not always lendthemselves to precise grading, you may find that these pieces are sometimes a little longer andmore difficult than the corresponding pages in the Lesson Book. The teacher’s judgment is themost important factor in deciding when to assign each arrangement.When the books in the Popular Hits series are assigned in conjunction with the Lesson Books,these appealing pieces reinforce new concepts as they are introduced. In addition, the motivationthe music provides could not be better. The emotional satisfaction that students receive from mastering each song increases their enthusiasm to begin the next one.All About That Bass (Meghan Trainor) . . . . . . . . . 20Let It Go (from Walt Disney’s Frozen) . . . . . . . . . . 6Baby (Justin Bieber) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Mamma Mia (from Mamma Mia!) . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Batman Theme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18May the Force Be with YouBeliever (American Authors) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16(from Star Wars Episode V:Cantina Band (from Star Wars Episode IV:A New Hope) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Moog City (from Minecraft) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Clouds (Zach Sobiech) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Everything Is Awesome (Awesome Remixx!!!)(from The LEGO Movie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8The Empire Strikes Back) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24When Can I See You Again?(from Walt Disney’s Animated FeatureWreck-It Ralph) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Printed in USA.No part of this book shall be reproduced, arranged, adapted, recorded, publicly performed, stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted by any means without written permission from the publisher. In order to comply with copyright laws, please apply forsuch written permission and/or license by contacting the publisher at byAlfred MusicP.O. Box 10003Van Nuys, CA 91410-0003alfred.comISBN-10: 1-4706-2736-1ISBN-13: 978-1-4706-2736-2Cover Photos: Music speakers: / Martin M303 Headphones: / Jiri Hera

2Use with Alfred’s Basic Piano Library,Lesson Book 1B, after page 17.CloudsWords and Music by Zach SobiechArr. by Tom GerouAndante4&4 œF?4 Œ43œAnd3& Ó? œœ6a24& we’lllitœ? clouds’causeœ �llgoœœÓlit-œ œ up,4œ- goÓœ .flyœbutÓœ wupœwwtlenic35I’llœin-the œer.UpDUET PART (Student plays 1 octave higher.)Andante? 44 ŒRHLHÓPwÓ? œœ œ œ œw 515Ów1 6œœwœœw œ œ œœœœ3 42Ów3Ów3 2013 UP UP UP PUBLISHINGAll Rights Administered by ROUND HILL WORKSAll Rights Reserved 51œ œ œ œœw2

4Use after page 18.When Can I See You Again?(from Walt Disney’s Animated Feature Wreck-It Ralph)Words and Music by Adam Young,Matthew Thiessen, and Brian LeeArr. by Tom GerouAllegro moderato4&4 œ œF?4 Ó4It’s been5take 10 ?hit4 way too short to& ÓitŒœroad,Ógo.1424œ œ ÓÓButŒ œœ31œ œ œ ŒIœ œœ œwgot - ta knowÓÓ to slow. œwŒthegot Ó fun, but now I’ve& œ œ œ œ?Óœ œ œ œ4œ œwLifeisœ œ œ œbe - foreww ÓIgo ’tilland then,DUET PART (Student plays 1 octave higher.)51Allegro moderato? 44 Œ Œ RHLH ? 5 Ó5 Ó œœ Œ œ œ œœ œœ Œ Óœ œœ œ œ4231P1313 Ó œœ Œ œ œ œœ œœ Œ œ œœ œ œ1054Ó œÓ œ Œ œ œ œœœœ œ œ3 œ œ œ œÓ 2012 WALT DISNEY MUSIC COMPANY and WONDERLAND MUSIC COMPANY, INC.All Rights Reserved51412 51

6Use after page 19.Let It Go(from Walt Disney’s Frozen)4&4 Œ ÓF œ œ?4 œ4ModeratoLetitMusic and Lyrics byKristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert LopezArr. by Tom GerouÓ wœœ Œ Œ œ53go,Œ œ œ Œlet35& ww? œ œ Œan - y-œ hold it backœwmore.& œœ Œ œ œ? Œ œ Óitgo.ŒÓwgo.ÓÓ Ó24œ œ 24 Let35 Óœœ œ œ œ 10letit4Ó31wTurn a -Óit wwœ œCan’t wgo,œ œ œ œ way andslamthe 13DUET PART (Student plays 1 octave higher.)Moderato? 44 Œ ÓRHLH? Ów2 41wẇÓPw ww 515 Ów 51Ów ww 210 Ów2 w41 41 2013 WONDERLAND MUSIC COMPANY, INC.All Rights Reserved Used by Permission w5 ÓwÓw wwÓ wwÓ 11

8Use after page 20.Everything Is Awesome(Awesome Remixx!!!)(from The LEGO Movie)Music by Shawn PattersonLyrics by Shawn Patterson, Andy Samberg,Akiva Schaffer, Jorma Taccone,Joshua Bartholomew and Lisa HarritonArr. by Tom GerouAllegro4&4 œ œ œ œf w? 44 wœ .ww4Ev - ’ry - thing& œ œ œ œEv - ’ry - thing 9? wwœ œcoolwhenisyou’repart awe - some of a24wteam. Ó wwœ œ œ œ œ .ww& œ œ œ œEv - ’ry - thing14 wwis awe - some.245?is 3œ œ œ œœ œwhen we’reliv - ingour DUET PART (Student plays 1 octave higher.)Allegro? 44 wwÓ FRHLH1? Ów wwŒ œ œ œ51419wwÓ Œ œ wwŒ œ œ œÓ w5 Œ œ ÓwwwŒ œ œ œ 2014 WARNER-OLIVE MUSIC LLC (ASCAP), DROHNEND PUBLISHING (ASCAP),SHEBAR MUSIC (ASCAP), BONER TEK (ASCAP) and SNUGLAR ENTERTAINMENT (ASCAP)Exclusive Worldwide Print Rights for WARNER-OLIVE MUSIC LLC (ASCAP)Administered by ALFRED MUSIC All Rights ReservedwwŒ œ

10Use after page 27.Moog City(from Minecraft)Composed by Daniel RosenfeldArr. by Tom GerouAndante4& 4 .p? 44 b wwœ2 .&? b . 2ŒÓwwb .œ wwwwŒ œÓ246Œ 52 .b wwœŒ .œ .Ó53b wwœ wŒwwŒ œ wDUET PART (Student plays 2 octaves higher.)AndanteBoth hands 8va throughout? b4 Óœ œœb 4œœ Óœœπ œRHÓœ œœœœ Óœœœ21LH5321detachedÓœ œœœœ Óœœœœ Óœ ÓœÓ? bb œÓœÓœ œœœœ152633œ Œœ Œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ? bb Óœœœœœœœœœœœœœ ŒœœœÓŒŒŒŒŒœ15323552 2011 TUNECORE DIGITAL MUSIC (BMI)All Rights Administered by TUNECOREAll Rights Reserved

12Use after page 29.Mamma Mia(from Mamma Mia!)#4 Œ& 4Fœ? # 44 œAllegroœ? # œœŒ25# Œ&œœ?#6œœmy,Œœœhow canœ œ œ œ œ œDUET PART (Student plays 1 octave higher.).œ# 44 œœœP. .œœ n œœœ œŒ.œœœAllegro?.œœ?# œœ.6œ? # �œŒ.n ere.œœœœ.œœœ.œœœIŒgoa - gain.ÓœŒœ œ œ œ Œœœ Mam - ma Mi - a, œœŒŒŒœ œ œ œ œya?ÓœœœÓre - sistŒŒdoes it show a - gain,ŒIœ œ œ œ œ œœœœ œ œ œ œŒœMy,Œ215# Œ&3œ œ œ œ ŒMam - ma Mi - a,œœŒŒWords and Music by Benny Andersson,Stig Anderson and Bjorn UlvaeusArr. by Tom Gerouœœœœjust how much I’ve missed œŒ.œœœŒ 1975 (Renewed) UNION SONGS AB (Sweden) All Rights in the U.S. and Canada Controlled andAdministered by EMI GROVE PARK MUSIC INC. and UNIVERSAL-SONGS OF POLYGRAM INTERNATIONAL, INC.Exclusive Print Rights for EMI GROVE PARK MUSIC, INC. Administered by ALFRED MUSICAll Rights for UK/Eire Administered by BOCU MUSIC LTD. All Rights œœœ.2.œœœ.œœœ

20Use after page 43.All About That BassWords and Music byMeghan Trainor and Kevin KadishModeratoArr. by Tom Gerou2 b &4 Œf bœ bœ œ œ nœbœ œ œ œ bœ?2 ‰ J4Be - cause you know I’m25& ? b œ œ ‰ Jœ10& I’m42œ œ œ? bœallall1b a - bout thatbœ œ œ œall œbass,a - bout thatœa - bout thatœ œbass,œ’bout that bass,œ œ’bout that? bb 42 Œ RHLHœ.F œ.1œ? bb n œj œnœ œJ2jœ œœJ œŒ bass,œno33210œ.œ.155j j# œ œ œœ# œ œJJ23Both hands 8vaœbass, œbœ œ œ‰ Jnotre - ble.I’mb tre - ble.j œj œ#œ# œ œJ œJ2 bœ œ œ bœ œ œ œ‰ Jno153’bout that DUET PART (Student plays 1 octave higher.)Moderatoœ œ bœbass,343tre - ble. 53jœ œœ œJjœ œœJ œI’mall5Œ a - bout thatœ.œ.15Œ œ.œ.15j#œ#œJ23j#œ#œJ23 2014 YEAR OF THE DOG MUSIC (ASCAP), a division of BIG YELLOW DOG, LLC and OVER-THOUGHT UNDER-APPRECIATED SONGS (ASCAP)International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved Used by Permission

Alfred’s Basic Piano Library P i an o Popular Hits u Level 1B Printed in USA . No part of this book shall be reproduced, arranged, adapted, recorded, publicly performed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without written permission from the publisher. In order to comply with copyright laws, please apply for such written permission and/or license by contacting the .