501 Writing Prompts - MISD


501Writing Prompts

501Writing Prompts NEWYORK

Copyright 2003 LearningExpress, LLC.All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.Published in the United States by LearningExpress, LLC, New York.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:501 writing prompts.— 1st ed.p. cm.—(LearningExpress skill builder in focus)ISBN 1-57685-438-8 (pbk.)1. English language—Rhetoric—Examinations—Study guides. 2. Report writing—Examinations—Study guides. I. LearningExpress (Organization) II. Series.PE1408 .A15 2003808'.042'076—dc212002151698Printed in the United States of America9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1First EditionISBN 1-57685-438-8For more information or to place an order, contact LearningExpress at:900 BroadwaySuite 604New York, NY 10003Or visit us at:www.learnatest.com

The LearningExpress Skill Builder in Focus Writing Team is comprised of experts in test preparation, as well as educators and teachers whospecialize in language arts and math.LearningExpress Skill Builder in Focus Writing TeamBarbara FineEnglish InstructorSecondary Reading SpecialistSetauket, New YorkLara BohlkeMiddle School Math Teacher,Grade 8Dodd Middle SchoolCheshire, ConnecticutSandy GadeProject EditorLearningExpressNew York, New YorkElizabeth CheslaEnglish InstructorCoordinator of Technical &Professional CommunicationProgramPolytechnic University, BrooklynSouth Orange, New JerseyMelinda GroveAdjunct Professor, QuinnipiacUniversity and Naugatuck ValleyCommunity CollegeMiddle School Math Teacher,Grade 8Dodd Middle SchoolCheshire, ConnecticutBrigit DermottFreelance WriterEnglish Tutor, New York CaresNew York, New YorkNoah KravitzEducational Technology SpecialistBrooklyn, New YorkDarren DunnEnglish TeacherRiverhead School DistrictRiverhead, New YorkKerry McLeanProject EditorMath TutorShirley, New YorkCindy EstepMath InstructorSouth Shore Christian School,Long Island, New YorkLinganore High School,Frederick, MarylandAdjunct Professor,Frederick Community College,Frederick, MarylandMeg MoyerMath Teacher, Vestal Central HighSchoolVestal Central School DistrictVestal, New Yorkv

501 Writing PromptsColleen SchultzMiddle School Math Teacher,Grade 8Vestal Central School DistrictMath TutorVestal, New YorkWilliam ReccoMiddle School Math Teacher,Grade 8Shoreham/Wading River SchoolDistrictMath TutorSt. James, New Yorkvi

ContentsixIntroduction1Persuasive Writing PromptsRubrics—Scoring ExplanationsModel Persuasive Essays119202Expository Writing PromptsRubrics—Scoring ExplanationsModel Expository Essays5160613Narrative Writing PromptsRubrics—Scoring ExplanationsModel Narrative Essays891021034Literary Response PromptsRubrics—Scoring ExplanationsModel Literary Response Essays131144145vii

IntroductionWelcome to 501 Writing Prompts! This book is designedto provide you with a variety of writing topics and model essays.Categories in this book cover many different types of writing:persuasive, expository, narrative, and literary response. At some point inyour life, whether you are trying to pass an academic exam or standardizedtest, writing a college placement essay, or vying for a job promotion, youwill need to practice the skills used to express yourself clearly.How to Use This BookFirst, decide on the type of essay you will need to write. There are four typesof writing that are commonly used in a given situation. Persuasive writingargues a point and is often called argumentation. When you write persuasively, you are always expressing an opinion. In order to convince yourreader, you must be able to present sound reasons and good examples. Forinstance, instead of explaining the causes of the Civil War, you might beasked to persuade your reader that the Civil War was more about the economics of the southern plantation system than the social issue of slavery. Persuasive writing and language is often found in editorials, letters of complaint,ix

501 Writing Promptsor proposals. Expository writing is explanatory. You select informationfrom oral, written, or electronic text and organize it to show that you understand a concept. Expository writing is the type of writing you create for termpapers, essays, or letters. Most standardized tests often include an expositoryprompt. Narrative writing is a type of writing that requires you to tell astory that describes an event or relates a personal experience. A good narrative should have convincing characters, a plot, and a theme. You may beasked to write a narrative of personal experience on your college placementessay. If you write a literary response essay, you will have to read and analyze a piece of literature and then make comments based on the literal andimplied interpretations of the text. If you are taking a state assessment test,you may find yourself facing a literary response essay.Second, learn how to score your essay. For your reference, there is a scoring guide—often called a rubric—in each chapter of this book. To determine your score, simply refer to the categories on the scoring guide to seehow your writing measures up. If you have difficulty figuring out yourscore, ask someone knowledgeable, like a teacher, counselor, writing coach,college professor, or even your boss, to help you.And last, check some of the model essays provided in this book. Thereare sample essays available for all of the bold-faced prompts throughout thebook. The samples provide a look at a top essay, a middle-of-the road essay,and a low-scoring essay. You can use these as benchmarks to compare andcontrast your writing.Make a CommitmentIf you are willing to practice your writing skills, you have already taken animportant step toward improving your writing. As you work through someof the prompts in this book, you may feel confident in your attempts. However, if you feel that you need more instruction before you tackle some ofthese writing assignments, refer to some of the other LearningExpress titles:Better Writing Right Now, Express Yourself, 501 Grammar and Writing Questions,Research & Writing Skills Success in 20 Minutes a Day, or Getting Down to Business. A basic knowledge of language will also help you become a better writer.Use these books to get the extra practice you need: 501 Vocabulary Questions,501 Synonyms and Antonyms, 501 Word Analogies, Goof-Proof Spelling, or GoofProof Grammar.x

501Writing Prompts

1PersuasiveWriting PromptsChoose one of the persuasive writing prompts from the listbelow and write an essay. A certain number of prompts have modelessays in the answer section that you can use to compare and contrast your writing. A scoring guide, or rubric, is also included in the answersection. You can use this guide to give you an idea of the way your essay maybe graded. If you have trouble interpreting the scoring guide, see a teacheror professor for help. Sample responses to the prompts in bold can be foundat the end of the section.1. Many people believe that television violence has a negative effecton society because it promotes violence. Do you agree or disagree?Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.2. According to some people, elderly drivers should be required toreapply for their driving licenses because with age comesdiminished vision, hearing, and reaction time. How do you feelabout this issue? Explain what you think should be done and why.1

501 Writing Prompts3. Medical researchers, cosmetic companies, and others often performexperiments on animals. Many people feel that experimentation onanimals is wrong and should be stopped immediately becauseanimals do feel pain, and there are other alternatives. How do youfeel? State your position and explain your reasons.4. In order to save money, your principal is thinking about cancelingall field trips for the remainder of the year. Write an essaypersuading him or her to allow students to continue attending fieldtrips. Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.5. Some people are actively involved in promoting and supporting acause, such as the release of international political prisoners orprotecting the environment. Is there a cause you actively support?Write an essay convincing readers to support that cause.6. Since the cloning of the sheep Dolly, there has been much debateover whether or not human beings should be cloned. Many peoplefeel this is a violation of the natural order of things and that allresearch in the area of human cloning should be banned. Othersfeel that this is a natural progression of science and humanevolution and that research in the area of human cloning should bea priority. How do you feel about this issue? Use specific reasonsand examples to support your position.7. Many parents give children a weekly or monthly allowanceregardless of their behavior because they believe an allowanceteaches children to be financially responsible. Other parentsonly give children an allowance as a reward for completingchores or when they have behaved properly. Explain what youthink parents should do and why.8. Many people volunteer their time to help others, either throughnon-profit organizations, churches, or other charitable venues.Write an essay convincing readers to find a charity and volunteertheir time.9. All-girl schools have been gaining popularity in recent yearsbecause of the belief that girls learn better when they aren’t2

501 Writing Promptscompeting with or intimidated by boys, who statistically get moreattention in the classroom. Do you think single-sex schools are agood idea? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples tosupport your position.10. We all have favorite activities that we enjoy. Write an essayconvincing readers to try the activity that you enjoy most.11. Research shows that the average American watches as much as sixhours of television each day. Do you think this is too much? Writean essay convincing readers to spend less time in front of the TV.12. Many junior high and high schools around the country nowrequire students to spend a certain number of hours each termdoing volunteer work or community service. Some people believethis is an excellent idea that promotes good citizenship andcultivates compassion. Others feel that forced volunteerism is notvolunteerism at all. How do you feel about this issue? Use specificreasons and examples to support your position.13. Most states allow people to get a driver’s license at the age of 16.Some people feel that 16 is much too young for the responsibilitythat comes with driving a car and that teenagers should not beallowed to drive until the age of 18. In your opinion, at what ageshould people be allowed to drive, and why?14. As part of the “war on drugs” and in reaction to an increase inschool violence, many schools across the nation now conducttargeted searches of student lockers and backpacks. Although theSupreme Court has ruled that public school officials have the rightto search students’ persons and property when they havereasonable cause to suspect weapons or drugs, many people feelthis is a gross violation of students’ right to privacy. Others feelthat since school officials are responsible for the well-being ofstudents while they are in the building, they have the right tosearch for drugs or weapons at any time. How do you feel aboutthis issue? State your position and explain your reasons withspecific examples.3

501 Writing Prompts15. Write an essay convincing readers to break a specific habit that isharmful to their physical, emotional, or financial health.16. In many countries, citizens are required to serve in the military fora year or more. Do you believe the United States should institute asimilar practice? Why or why not? Use specific reasons andexamples to support your answer.17. Have you ever traveled to a place that you found very meaningfuland rewarding? Write an essay that persuades others to visit thisimportant place.18. Many of us spend hours in front of our computers andcommunicate more by e-mail or instant-messaging than in person.Some people believe that this is good because it helps shy peoplecommunicate more openly with others. Others believe thatcomputer communication prevents us from developinginterpersonal skills and limits our ability to have meaningfulrelationships with others. How do you feel about this issue? Usespecific reasons and examples to support your position.19. Some companies offer a paternity leave that allows fathers to stayhome with their newborns for several weeks while still earningpartial pay and benefits. Do you think this is a good policy? Whyor why not? Explain your answer.20. According to some health organizations, many foods on ourgrocery store shelves are made with genetically modifiedingredients. Most of these foods, however, do not have a GMO(genetically modified organism) label. Do you think there shouldbe a law requiring manufacturers to label foods containing GMOs?Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.21. More and more farmers and food manufacturers aregenetically modifying their crops to reduce susceptibility todisease, improve flavor, and reduce costs. Do you thinkgenetically modifying foods is a good idea? Why or why not?Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.4

501 Writing Prompts22. A few decades ago, many families had half a dozen or morechildren. Nowadays, more and more families are choosing to haveonly one or two children. Are smaller families better than largerones? Why or why not? State your position and support it withspecific reasons and examples.23. Representatives of credit card companies can often be found oncollege campuses offering special incentives to get students to fillout credit card applications. Many people feel that this takesadvantage of students, who are often low on cash during theircollege years. Others feel that it is an excellent way to helpstudents begin to build credit and learn financial responsibility.How do you feel about this issue? Take a position and use specificreasons and examples to support

elcome to501 Writing Prompts! This book is designed to provide you with a variety of writing topics and model essays. Categories in this book cover many different types of writing: persuasive, expository, narrative, and literary response. At some point in your life, whether you are trying to pass an academic exam or standardizedFile Size: 449KBPage Count: 181Explore furtherLOTS AND LOTS OF WRITING PROMPTS A. Writing Prompts .www.bhamcityschools.orgWriting Prompts for Middle Schoolmy.hrw.comWriting Promptswww.nadams.k12.in.us23 Persuasive writing Prompts for high School students .www.literacyideas.com501 Writing Prompts LearningExpress downloadb-ok.ccRecommended to you based on what's popular Feedback