For Immediate ReleaseGMC TV PRESENTS AN ORIGINAL WORLD PREMIERE GOSPEL PLAY‘FOR RICHER OR POORER’FIRST IN SERIES OF FOUR WEDDING VOW-THEMED PLAYSROCKMOND DUNBAR, GRAMMY AWARD-WINNER LETOYA LUCKETT,ANGELL CONWELL AND CLIFTON POWELL LEAD AN ENSEMBLE CASTFEATURING FOUR-TIME GRAMMY AWARD-WINNING GOSPEL ICONKAREN CLARK SHEARD IN HER TELEVISION ACTING DEBUTPREMIERES SATURDAY, APRIL 14TH AT 7:00 P.M. ETEXCLUSIVELY ON GMC‘FOR RICHER OR POORER’ IS THE SEVENTH INSTALLMENT IN GMC’S CORNERSTONEORIGINAL “GMC PLAYHOUSE SERIES”ATLANTA, GA. March 27, 2012 – GMC TV, America’s favorite channel for uplifting music and familyentertainment, presents the GMC World Premiere of “For Richer or Poorer” a new original gospel play producedexclusively for television starring Rockmond Dunbar ( The Family That Preys, “Soul Food”), two-time Grammy Award-winning R&B singer LeToya Luckett (“Tremé”, Killers), Angell Conwell (“The Young and the Restless”,Baby Boy) and gospel music superstar Karen Clark Sheard—a four-time Grammy Award-winning singer,musician and songwriter making her television acting debut. The inspirational drama about the marital challengesa couple faces after a financial setback is the first in a series of four wedding vow-themed productions that will airon the network in 2012. “For Richer or Poorer” makes its world television premiere exclusively on GMC TV onSaturday, April 14th at 7:00 P.M. ET with encore broadcasts at 9:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.Based on an original screenplay written by Cas Sigers Beedles (“A Cross to Bear”, “If You Really Love Me”) anddirected by Roger Melvin (“The Love You Save,” “If You Really Love Me”), “For Richer or Poorer” tells the timelyand compelling story of Kya (Luckett) and Aubrey Wilson (Dunbar)—a blissfully married couple whose four years- cont -
of wedlock have been remarkably conflict-free. But the couple’s union is profoundly tested when Aubrey suddenlyloses his six-figure job after a company audit reveals his boss was embezzling funds. Kya blames Aubrey for notknowing about his boss and for failing to invest more to secure their future; Aubrey blames Kya for her lavishlifestyle and not saving money for a rainy day. With no new high paying job in sight for Aubrey, the couple isforced to downsize: Kya must quit interior design school and kick her shopping habit. Aubrey has to take a job ata fraction of his last just to bring something into the household. With their marriage crumbling under the financialstrain, Kya considers moving back home, triggering Aubrey’s distrust. It will take friends, family and an act of Godto bring these two back together to work through what it takes to make a marriage last.“For Richer or Poorer” stars Rockmond Dunbar (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, “Soul Food”), LeToya Luckett (“Tremé”,Killers), Angell Conwell (“The Young and the Restless”, Baby Boy), Karen Clark Sheard, Chris Spencer (Postal,Black Dynamite), Buddy Lewis (“Vibe,” Pathology), Clifton Powell (Ray, Norbit), Regina McLeod (The FiveHeartbeats) and Vonna Woodard. Screenplay by Cas Sigers Beedles (“A Cross to Bear”, “If You Really LoveMe”). Directed by Roger Melvin (“The Love You Save,” “If You Really Love Me”).“For Richer or Poorer’s” story of a marriage tested by financial hardship is one I think many of our viewers will beable to relate to in the current economic climate,” says Leslie Chesloff, GMC’s executive vice president ofprogramming. “Many families are losing jobs and homes—or worried about the possibility of losing jobs andhomes—and are being forced to downsize. This story explores how a couple chooses to respond to this difficultsituation. With wedding season kicking off, we thought it was the perfect time to explore this and other maritalchallenges and triumphs with this four-part gospel stage play series.”Inspired by the vows that bind a couple in matrimony, GMC’s four-part nuptial series continues with “From thisDay Forward” in May, “In Sickness and Health” in June and “To Love and Cherish” in September. Each play willfeature a different cast and new storylines all tied into the wedding vow theme.GMC’s” For Richer or Poorer” is produced by Swirl Films’ Eric Tomosunas, who has produced and tapednumerous stage plays and feature-length films for television and DVD including Love for Sale, A Mother’s Prayer,There’s a Stranger in My House, 35 and Ticking, Love Me or Leave Me”, “The Ideal Husband”, “The Love YouSave”, and “Sugar Mommas”.“For Richer or Poorer” is the seventh original gospel stage play to air in GMC’s hit series following the success ofGMC productions “Love Me or Leave Me,” “The Ideal Husband,” “She’s Not Our Sister,” “The Love You Save,”“Sugar Mommas,” and “If You Really Love Me.” GMC is the only network producing the popular medium andbringing it to a broad television audience.Page 2
GMC (www.watchGMCtv.com) is America’s favorite television channel for uplifting music and familyentertainment. The Parents Television Council has twice awarded its Entertainment Seal of Approval to GMCfor being “an authentic family-friendly cable network.” GMC is the only television network brand to be so honored.In 2011, GMC was the second fastest growing ad supported cable network in total day households and A18-49.GMC can be seen in more than 51 million homes on various cable systems around the country, as well as DISHNetwork on channel 188, DIRECTV on channel 338 and Verizon FiOS on channel 224. Follow GMC TV onFacebook and Twitter at http://facebook.com/gmctv and http://twitter.com/gmctv.ABOUT THE CASTROCKMOND DUNBARRockmond Dunbar began his acting career in 1993 with a small role in Misery Loves Company. Soon after, helanded a series regular role in Steven Spielberg’s “Earth 2” gaining him visibility and notoriety. Dunbar went on toappear as a series regular on several acclaimed television series including “Girlfriends,” “Soul Food,” “Heartland,”“Prison Break,” “Terrier’s” and most recently the FX series “Sons of Anarchy”. He has guest starred in a host oftelevision series including “The Closer,” “Private Practice,” “The Game,” “CSI:Miami,” Grey’s Anatomy,” “Shark,”“The Wayans Bros.,” “Pacific Blue,” “The Practice,” “The Pretender,” and “Felicity,” to name a few.On the big screen, Dunbar has starred in Pastor Brown, Tyler Perry’s The Family That Prey’s, Kiss Kiss BangBang, All About You and Punks.Behind the camera, Dunbar has directed and produced feature films and shorts including Pastor Brown and TheGreat Commission, his 2003 directorial debut.A native of Berkeley, California, Dunbar recently completed filming Highland Park and Echo at 11 Oak Drive aswell as the made for television movie “A Taste of Romance.” He is currently filming the GMC TV original movie“Raising Izzie” starring opposite his former “Soul Food” co-star Vanessa Williams. “Raising Izzie” will premiere onGMC TV in July 2012.LETOYA LUCKETTLeToya Nicole Luckett, is a two-time Grammy Award-winning R&B singer, songwriter, entrepreneur and actress.She is an original member of the R&B group, “Destiny’s Child” and has since pursued a successful solo career,topping the U.S. Billboard 200 albums chart and has been certified platinum by the RIAA.A native of Houston, Texas, Luckett grew up singing in the children's choir of her local church and performing inplays at her elementary school, where she met Beyoncé Knowles. In 1993, Luckett joined the group, “Destiny’sPage 3
Child” alongside Knowles, Kelly Rowland and LaTavia Roberson. Graduating from the Houston club scene, thegroup began opening for such acts as Dru Hill, S.W.V., and Immature. Columbia Records signed “Destiny’sChild” in 1997 and in 1998, “Destiny’s Child” released their self-titled debut album, "Destiny's Child", whichincluded the singles "No, No, No" featuring Wyclef Jean and "With Me". They were also featured on the "Why DoFools Fall in Love" soundtrack with the song, "Get on the Bus", featuring Tim Mosley (aka Timbaland). Aftertouring as an opening act on TLC’s "Fanmail Tour" and Christina Aguilera’s debut tour, in 1999, the groupreleased their sophomore album, "The Writing's on the Wall". It became one of the biggest selling albumsreleased by a female group and was certified eight-times platinum in the U.S. After a break with the group, in2003, Luckett decided to pursue a solo career and signed with Capitol Records. She immediately began workingon her debut solo album and, in 2004, she released her first track, "You Got What I Need". Her self-titled debutalbum, "LeToya", was released on July 25, 2006 debuting at number one on the U.S. Billboard 200 and has beencertified platinum.LeToya began to pursue a career in acting in 1999 and has since appeared in numerous television and film rolesincluding the critically acclaimed and award-winning HBO series “Treme”, and feature films Killers, ThePreacher’s Kid and From the Rough. She is currently filming the indie film Note to Self.ANGELL CONWELLA native of Orangeburg, South Carolina, Angell Conwell began her journey at a very young age as a childpageant queen. After winning countless pageants locally, she signed with Wilhelmina's Kids Division in New Yorkat the age of 10 and pursued a career as a model. Following her dream to act, her big break came when shelanded a role in August Wilson's highly acclaimed stage play, "Fences".At age 11, Conwell booked the CBS/Disney pilot "On our Own". Although, the pilot wasn't picked up, the networknoticed this vibrant young actress and cast her as Meshach Taylor's daughter on the CBS show "Dave's World".Over the years, she continued to guest star and recur on dozens of hit shows, NYPD Blue, City Guys, Sabrina theTeenage Witch, Moesha and 3rd Rock from the Sun, to name a few.John Singleton cast Angell in her first feature film role as Kim in "Baby Boy" sharing the screen with Tyrese, TarajiP. Hensen & Omar Gooding. Immediately after, she began filming the Lionsgate comedic remake "The Wash",and MGM's controversial "Soul Plane" alongside Kevin Hart, Sofia Vergara, & Monique.Conwell appeared as a regular on “The Young and the Restless” and was featured in National Lampoons SexTax: Based on a True Story about the first government owned brothel.Page 4
KAREN CLARK SHEARDKaren Clark-Sheard is a four-time Grammy Award-winning singer, musician, and songwriter. The youngestdaughter of pioneering gospel choral director Mattie Moss Clark, Sheard began her career as a member of theGrammy-Award winning, gospel legendary female group, The Clark Sisters. She is the mother of contemporarygospel singer and actress Kierra “Kiki” Sheard.During the hiatus of the Clark Sisters, Sheard rose to fame after she recorded her critically acclaimed and muchanticipated solo album Finally Karen, which spawned her hit, "Balm in Gilead" (a re-recording of a song sheoriginally recorded as part of The Clark Sisters back in the 1980s for their Heart & Soul album) the R&B-flavored"Just For Me" and "Nothing Without You" - a contemporary duet with R&B diva Faith Evans. Finally Karenbecame one of the most successful gospel albums of 1998 earning Sheard a Grammy nomination and earningher a Soul Train Lady of Soul Award for "Best Female Vocalist”.After her debut album success and much touring, Sheard was hospitalized in 2001 after one of her blood vesselsburst during a minor surgery, resulting in doctors giving her a 2% chance of survival. Her testimony inspired thetitle name for her long-awaited sophomore project, Second Chance released in 2002, featuring a "Secret Place" which is now considered a classic amongst fans. Sheard recorded two more live albums, including The HeavensAre Telling and It’s Not Over (which featured some studio recordings), before releasing All in One, Sheard's firstall-studio-recorded album in 13 years. The album debuted at #3 on the U.S. Billboard Gospel #98 on Billboard'sTop 200 Albums chart, while its first single "Prayed Up" has so far peaked at #10 on the U.S. Billboard GospelSongs chart.ABOUT THE DIRECTORROGER MELVINRoger Melvin is a versatile filmmaker with extensive television and feature film credits to his name. He hasplayed key behind-the-scenes roles as well as directed and produced features and television films. His directingcredits include the GMC TV original gospel plays “She’s Still Not Our Sister,” “The Love You Save,” “SugarMommas,” “If You Really Love Me”, the documentary feature “Agree to Disagree,” and “He’s Mine Not Yours,” afeature which Melvin also produced.###Contacts:Chelsye J. BurrowsJackie Bazan-RossEvelyn Santana770.692.4559212-643-4664 X704212-643-4664 X702cburrows@gmctv.tvjbazaon@bazanpr.comevelyn santana@bazanpr.comPage 5
ATLANTA, GA. March 27, 2012 - GMC TV, America's favorite channel for uplifting music and family entertainment, presents the GMC World Premiere of "For Richer or Poorer" a new original gospel play produced exclusively for television starring Rockmond Dunbar (The Family That Preys, "Soul Food"), two-time Grammy