Afkortingenlijst T.b.v. Supply Chain Management, Inkoop En . - Cologic


Afkortingenlijst t.b.v. Supply Chain Management, Inkoop en LogistiekVersie april 2011Omstreeks 1990 werd mij als redacteur van het Handboek Logistiek gevraagd om een afkortingenlijstvan inkoop- en logistieke begrippen op te stellen. Uit diverse logistieke boeken werden deafkortingen verzameld en in de lijst opgenomen. Dit initiatief is overgenomen door het blad Logistieken leidde tot een ABC-boekje. Daar kwamen ook afkortingen in voor uit de dagelijkse praktijk of dievergelijkbaar zijn met de begrippen uit inkoop en logistiek. Deze lijst groeide gestaag in de daaropvolgende jaren. Omstreeks 2005 is de lijst weer eens compleet herzien. Het werd in mijn ogen weereens tijd om de lijst bij te werken. Deze lijst is steeds in ontwikkeling en wordt zeker aangevuld.Gezien het feit dat het vakgebied rondom logistiek steeds meer grensoverschrijdend is werd gekozenvoor de gewijzigde titel waarin ook de begrippen inkoop en supply chain management integraal zijnopgenomen. Diverse externe bronnen zijn geraadpleegd. Een goed voorbeeld is de APICS Dictionary.De afkortingen zijn bijgewerkt tot de 13de druk van deze Dictionary (2010). De termen uit de APICSDictionary zijn vet gezet.Als auteurs van het boek “Werken met logistiek” (WML) zien Ad van Goor enondergetekende het nut om extra materiaal bij het boek te ontwikkelen voorstudenten die verder gaan zoeken. Moge deze lijst daar een bijdrage aan geven.In de lijst zijn ook algemeen geldende afkortingen opgenomen die lijken op delogistieke afkortingen. Hierdoor wordt duidelijk welke afkortingen al gebruiktworden. Verkeerd gebruik kan namelijk verwarring opleveren.Met 35 pagina’s en bijna 1650 afkortingen denken we u een dienst vantoegevoegde waarde te kunnen leveren. De zesde druk van WML uit 2011 metISBN 978-90-01-79440-8 bevat de meest gebruikte termen op logistiek gebied. Alle afkortingen uit dezesde druk van WML zijn met geel geaccentueerd. Deze lijst is met een honderdtal afkortingenuitgebreid ten opzichte van de vorige versie. Het zou fijn zijn als u hier een bijdrage aan zou kunnenleveren door nog meer termen aan te dragen.Het is duidelijk dat er ook fouten kunnen voorkomen in deze lijst. Hoezeer er ook gebruik gemaakt isvan zorgvuldige bronnen, ook daar en bij het overnemen zijn er mogelijk vergissingen gemaakt.Het gebruik van deze termen is derhalve voor eigen rekening en verantwoording. Hier kunnen geengaranties bij verleend worden. Dit valt onder uw eigen aansprakelijkheid. Natuurlijk staan we openvoor verbeteringen. Stuurt u gerust een bericht met aanvullingen en/of correcties.Hessel VisserSmidsweg 7A3295BT ’s-GravendeelT. 078 6737356E hesselvisser@chello.nlW www.hesselvisser.nl1

InhoudInhoud . 2Cijfers . 3A. 3B . 5C . 6D . 10E . 12F . 15G . 16H . 17I . 17J. 19K . 19L . 20M . 21N . 23O . 24P . 25Q . 27R . 27S . 28T . 30U . 31V. 32W . 33X . 34Y . 34Z . 34Bronnen: . 352

3PL4C4GL4PL5S5S5S6S5W6σ7PFirst Party LogisticsSecond Party LogisticsThird Party LogisticsCross Chain Control CenterFourth Generation LanguageFourth Party LogisticsSort Shine Set Standardize SustainSeiko Seiton Seiketso Seiso ShitsukeScheiden Schikken Schoonmaken Standaardiseren SystematiserenSort Shine Set Standardize Sustain SafetyWhy? Why? Why? Why? Why?Six SigmaPersoon Product Proces Procedures Prestatieindicator Passie/perfectie GAAGDAGFAGFAGPAGVAGVAGVSAIAIAIAIAGApplication To ApplicationAutomatische Artikel IdentificatieAdministratieve Applicatie ServiceActa Apostolicae SedisActivity Based BudgettingActivity Based CostingA B C analysemethodeActivity Based ManagementAnti- Ballistic MissileActivity Based PlanningAutomatic Call DistributionAstounding Computers Often Ridiculed NonethelessAfrican Caribean and Pacific countriesAll Clichés RecycledAide De CampAutomatic Data CollectionAccredited Standards CommitteeAccidental death & DisabilityAcquisition Development RetentionArticle Dangereux de RouteAssymetric Digital Suscriber LineArbeids Duur VerkortingAir Flow SpacesAlgemeen Geaccepteerd AcroniemAccijns Goederen DocumentAardappelen Groenten FruitAssurance Général de FranceAccijns Goederen PlaatsAutomatische Gegevens VerwerkingAutomatic Guided VehiclesAutomatic Guided Vehicles SystemArtificial IntelligenceAd InterimAmnesty InternationalAutomative Industry Action Group3

e Identification and Data CaptureAutomated Identification ManufacturersAutomatic Information SystemAgro Keten KennisAutomatic Lay-out DEsign ProgramApplication Link EnablingAda[tive Logistics ManagementAmplitude ModulatieAutomated Material HandlingAdvanced Manufacturing ResearchAutomatic Number IdentificationANalyse Of VArianceAmerican National Standards InstituteAdministratieve OrganisatieActivity On ArcActivity On ArrowActivity On NodeAverage Output QualityAverage Outgoing Quality LevelAccounts PayableAcetol Phenacetine and CafeïneAdvanced Process ControlAdditional Product DocumentationApplication Programming InterfaceAmerican Production and Inventory Control SocietyA- Programming LanguageAdvanced Planner and OrganiserAggregate Production PlanningAnnual Percentage RateAdvanced Photo SystemAdvanced Planning SystemAdvanced Planning and SchedulingApplication Platform SuiteAdvanced Planning Scheduling and SimulationAcceptable Quality LevelAllied Quality Assurance PublicationsAccounts ReceivableAugmented RealityAuto Regressive Moving AverageAutomatic Store Retrievel SystemAccelerated S A PAs Soon As PossibleAmerican Standard Code for Information InterchangeAssociation of South East Asian NationsAdvanced Shipping NoteAnno Salvatoris NostriAutomatic Shipping NoteActive Server PageApplication Service ProviderAspirantAtributive Steek ProefAverage Sales PriceAmerican Society for QualityAmerican Society for Quality Control4

MATMATMATOATPATSATSAVIAVLAWBAvailable To BalanceAll Terrain BikeAutomatische Trein BeïnvloedingAdobe Type ManagerAtmosfeerAutomatic Teller MachineAssemble To OrderAvailable To PromiseAutomatisch Transport SysteemOostenrijkse ShillingAudio Video InterleavedApproved Vendor ListAir Way Bill (IATA BEBFMBIBIBIBIOSBIPBITBLBLBLBMWBOABODBOHBill Of LoadingBill of LoadingBack To BasicsBack To BusinessBusiness To BusinessBusiness To ConsumerBusiness To EmployeeBusiness To GovernmentBusiness To PartnerBusiness To ResellerBudget At CompletionBunker Adjustment FactorBataafse Aanneming MaatschappijBusiness Activity MonitoringBusiness Application Programming InterfaceBATaljonBestellings Afhandelings TijdBewerkingscentra van Beperkte CapaciteitBritish Broadcasting CorporationBlind Carbon CopyBoston Consultancy GroupBusiness Community IntegrationBusiness Control ModelBusiness Continuation PlanBestel EenheidBusiness Functie ModelBouwkundig IngenieurBusiness InventionBusiness IntelligenceBasic In Out SystemBusiness Intelligence PlanningBusiness Intelligence ToolBachelor of LawBenevole LectorBulk LoadBayerische Motoren WerkeBill Of ActivitiesBill Of DistributionBalance On Hand5

TBVTBWBWBill Of LabourBill Of MaterialBewust Ongehuwde MoederBewegen Op MuziekBill Of ResourcesBusiness Object RepositoryBusiness Process Execution LanguageBusiness Process Execution Language for Web ServicesBusiness Process ImprovementBusiness Process InnovationBusiness Process IntegrationBeats Per MinuteBusiness Process ManagementBusiness Process ModelBusiness Process Management SystemBusiness Process OptimalisationBusiness Process ReengineeringBusiness Process RedesignBits Per SecondeBestelniveau Variable Moment Fixed QuantityBusiness Resource ManagementBusiness Requirements PlanningBusiness Room PilotBestelniveau Variable Moment Variable QuantityBritish Standards InstitutionsBase Stock ControlBritish Standard TimeBuild To OrderBelasting Toegevoegde WaardeBy The Way (Chat taal)Business UnitBestellings Voorbereidings TijdBeschikbare Vrije Tijd per bewerkingBalancing Work LoadBurgerlijk 205206207CC2BC2CC2CC3iCACACAC FCADCADCADCAD/CAMCAECAFCAGRCAICostConsumer To BusinessConsumer To ConsumerCradle To CradleCommand Control Communications and IntelligenceCertificate AuthorityComputer AssociatesCross ApplicationCost And Freight (vervallen Incoterm)Computer Aided DesignCash Against DocumentsConsultatiebureau voor Alcohol en DrugsComputer Aided Design Computer Aided ManufacturingComputer Aided EngineeringCurrency Adjustment FactorCompound Annual Growth RateComputer Aided/Assisted Instruction6

CCOCCOCCOCCRCCRCCRMCCSCCSPCDCCD-1Cooperative Applications InitiativeComputer Aided Inspection and TestingComputer Aided LogisticsComputer Aided ManufacturingCustomer Asset ManagementCollectieve Arbeids OvereenkomstComputer Assisted OrderingComputer Aided Order PickingComputer Aided PlanningCustomer Account ProfitabilityComputer Aided Process EngineeringConcurrent Art-to- Product EnvironmentComputer Aided Process PlanningComputer Automated Process PlanningComputer Aided RoutingComputer Aided SelectionComputer Aided Software EngineeringComputer Aided Systems EngineeringComputer Assisted Software EngineeringCargo Accounts Settlement System (in aircargo)CatalogusComputer Aided TestingCustomer Based AccountingCollaborative Business CommunitiesCentraal Bureau voor LevensmiddelenConstraint Based PlanningCapaciteits Behoefte PlanningCase Based ReasoningCentraal Bureau RijvaardigheidsbewijzenCommodity Box RateCentraal Bureau Rijn en BinnenvaartCentraal Bureau voor de StatistiekCollege van Burgemeester en SchepenenCollumbia Broadcasting SystemComputer Based TrainingCall CenterCarbon CopyContact CenterCopy ConformCubic CentimetersCrash CostClever Career ConnectionCustomer Contact CenterCross Chain Control CenterChief Corporate OfficerChief Customer OfficeConsumenten Contact OrgaanCapacity Constraints ResourcesCommodity Classification RatesColloborative CRMContact Center SoftwareCommon Cycle Scheduling ProblemCentraal Distributie CentrumCompact Disk Interactive7

TVCMCMCMCMCMICMMSCMRCMRCMSCMSCMSCNCustomer Data IntegrationCustomer Driven ManufacturingCompact Disk Read Only MemoryConsumer Device Rendered Obsolete in MonthsComité EuropéenneCost Effect AnalysesCentrale Europese DistributieCenter of Excellence in LOgisticsCollaborative Enterprise NetworkComité Europeén de NormalisationChief Executive OfficerCost Equalisation PointChief Financial OfficerCarbon Food PrintCertified Fellow Production and Inventory ManagementColloborative Planning Forecasting & ReplenishmentCost and FReight (Incoterms 1990)Container Freight StationCommon Gateway InterfaceContinuous ImprovementComputer Integrated BusinessCustomer Interaction CenterComputer Integrated EnterpriseCost Insurance and Freight (vervallen Incoterm)Cost Insurance Freight and CommissionCost Insurance Freight Interest and CommissionCustomer Interaction ManagementConvention Internationale concernant de tran sport de March. par chemin de ferComputer Integrated ManufacturingComité International OlympiqueChief Information OfficerChief Innovation OfficerChief Inspiration Officerfreight Carriage and Insurance Paid to (Incoterms 1990)Cataloguing In PublicationComputer Integrated ProcessingCertified in Integrated Resource ManagementContracts for the International Sale of GoodsCustomer Line Item PerformanceCouncil of Logistics ManagementCentral Logistics OperationsCustomer Life Time ValueCategory ManagementCentraal MagazijnConfiguration ManagementCongregatio MissionisCustomer Managed InventoryComputerised Maintenance Management SystemConvention relative au contrat de transport international de Marchandise par RouteCustomer Managed RelationshipsCampagne Management SysteemCampaigne Management SysteemContent Management SystemCombined Nomenclature8

CPTCPUCRCRCRCRAFTCRBSCRISPCRMCRMCRMCRMConsignment NoteCum NotisConfigurable Network ComputingComputerized Numerical ControlCollection On BoardCentrale Organisatie BeroepsgoederenvervoerCompletely Obsolete Business Oriented LanguageCarbon DioxideCost Of CapitalCultuur en Ontspannings CentrumCash On Delivery (in aircargo)Container On a railroad Flat CarComputer Oriented Goods SystemComponent Object ModelComputer Output in MicrofilmCommon Market for Eastern and Southern AfricaCustomer Oriented Manufacturing Management SystemChief Operational OfficerCall Off and Order SupplyCall Off and Order SurveyCost Of QualityCall Off ScheduleCustomer Order ServicingComplete and On- Time DeliveryCollection On WheelsCeteris ParibusCommerciële PlannningCollaborative Product CommerceCentral Planning DepartmentCollaborative Product Definition ManagementCollaborative Planning Forecasting & ReplenishmentConsumer Packaged GoodsContinuous Process InprovementCertified In Production and Inventory ManagementCritical Path MethodCorporate Performance ManagementCosts Per MillionCounts Per MinuteCertified Purchasing ManagerCustomer Profitability ManagementCapacity Planning using Overall FactorsCritical Process RedesignCarriage Paid To (Incoterms 1990)Central Processing UnitCivis Romanus (latijn)Continuous ReplenishmentCritical RatioComputerized Relative Allocation of Facilities TechniquesCentraal Relatie Beheer SysteemCross Industry Standard Process (voor datamining)Customer Relationship ManagementCommunity Relationship ManagementCost Reduction ManagementCultural Revolution Management9

QCTRCTRCTXCUCUGCUICUSUMCVECVMCVOCWECWTCWQCCustomer Relationship Management AssociationCRM OfficerCapacity Requirements PlanningConference Room PilotContinuous Replenishment PlanningCathode Ray TubeCurrent Reality TreeClient/ ServerCustomer ServiceComputer Security AssociationCargo Service CentreCertified Supply Chain ProfessionalCertified Supply Chain Management ProfessionalCustomer Service LevelComponent Software ManagementComputer and Supplier ManagementComplementary Software ProviderCustomer Service RepresentativeCorporate Social ResponsibilityCustomer Synchronised Resource PlanningCascading Style SheetsCustomer Self ServiceCustomer Service & SupportCentCommandantCrash TimeCollege voor Toelating BestrijdingsmiddelenCumalutive Trauma DisorderCombined Transport DocumentComputer Telephony IntegrationCapable To MatchChief Technical OfficerCombined Transport OperatorCapable To PromiseCritical To QualityCentenaarClick Through RateConsortia Trade ExchangesSee You(chat)Closed User GroupsCharacted-based User InterfaceCUmulative SUMtestCentrale Verwerkings EenheidCustomer Value ManagementCertificaat Van OorsprongCleared Without ExaminationhundredweightCompany Wide Quality ControlD418419420421DAFDAFDAWBDBMSDelivered At Frontier (Incoterms 1990)van Doorne Automobiel FabriekDirect Air Way BillData Base Management Systems10

DMAICDMADVDMUDNADNCDNCDNISDNSDNSDrum Buffer RopeData Base SystemDistributie CentrumDebiteuren/ CrediteurenDemand Chain ManagementDon't Come Monday (you're fired)Freight Carriage Paid To (vervallen Incoterm)Distributed Control SystemDouble DensityDue DateDelivered Duty Paid (Incoterms 1990)Distributed Data ProcessingDynamic Distribution PlanningDelivered Duty Unpaid (Incoterms 1990)De Digitale StadDispatch Support SystemDynamic Deployment SchedulerDynamic Distribution TechnologiesDelivered Duty UnpaidDo Expect CutsDuitse MarkDynamic Enterprise ModellingDelivered Ex Quay (Incoterms 1990)Delivered Ex Ship (Incoterms 1990)Double Exponential SmoothingDirect Exchange UCSDesign For AssemblyDesign For the EnvironmentDemand Flow LeadershipDesign For LogisticsDesign For MaintenanceDesign For Manufacture and AssemblyDesign For Six SigmaDalsey Hillblom LynnDistributie Hulp MiddelenDelivery Information Acquisition DeviceDo It Right The First TimeDrive In SatelliteData Interchange Standards Association Secretariaat voor ANSI ASC X12Droge Kruideniers WarenData MartDeutsche MarkDirect MarketingDemand ManagementDirect Marketing AssociationDefine Measure Analyse Improve ControlDefine Measure Analyse Deisgn VerifyDecision Making UnitDeoxyribo Nucleic AcidDirect Numerical ControlDistributed Numerical ControlDialed Number Identification ServiceDomain Naming SystemDomain Name Service11

SLDSLDSSDTFDTPDUMMYDWDWDWDWTDynamic Name ServerDesign Of ExperimentsDistributed Object Messaging ArchitectureDefective Operating SystemDisk Operating SystemDepartment Of TransportDecoupling PointDisplaced PersonMake And Ship To StockMake To StockAssemble To OrderMake To OrderPurchase And Make To OrderDranken Pallet BeheerDirect Product Cost calculationDots Per InchDrogisten Platform KetenintegratieDirect Product Profitability calculationDigital Rights ManagementDistribution Requirements PlanningDistribution Requirements PlanningDistribution Resources PlanningDistribution Requirements PlanningDistribution Resources PlanningDemand and Supply Chain ManagementDirect Store DeliveryDuales System DeutschlandDamn, this Service is LousyDigital Subscriber LineDecision Support SystemDemand Time FenceDesk Top PublishingDigital Urban Modern Mobile YuppieData WarehouseDienst WilligDistributie WinkelDead Economische waardeEfficient AdministrationEstimate At CompletionEnterprise Application IntegrationEnterprise Asset ManagementEuropean Article NumberingEuropean Article Numbering Data Alignment ServiceEmployee Assistance ProgramsEnterprise Application SoftwareElectronic Article ServeillanceElectronic Bill Presentation and PaymentEconomic Batch QuantityEnterprise Business IntelligenceExtra Beveiligde InstellingEnterprise Business Intelligence Suites12

ngs Before Interest and TaxesEarnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation and AmortizationEarnings Before TaxesElectronic CommerceEuropian CommunityEfficient Consumer DemandEuropese Controle DienstEngineering Change OrderEnterprise Commerce ManagementEnterprise Content ManagementEnterprise Content Management SoftwareEnterprise Content Management SystemElectronic Commerce Platform NederlandEffective/Efficient Consumer ResponseExcellent Consumer ResponseElectronic Customer Relationship ManagementEnterprise Customer Relationship ManagementExtended Customer Relationship ManagementElectronic Commerce StrategiesEuropean Currency UnitEuropean Distribution CenterEngineering Data ControlEffective Daily CapacityEarliest Due DateElectronic Data InterchangeElectronic Data Interchange AssociationElectronic Data Interchange Council of AustraliaElectronic Data Interchange Council of CanadaElectronic Data Interchange For Administration Commerce and TransportEvery Day Low PricesElectronic Data ManagementEngineering Data ManagementElectronic Direct MarketingEngineering Document ManagementElectronic Data ProcessingEnterprise Demand PlanningElectronic Data SystemElectronic Data TransferEdifact Data Segments DictionaryEuropese Economische GemeenschapEqual Employment OpportunityEngineering Execution SystemEarliest Finish dateEarliest Finish DateElectronic Funds TransferEuropean Free Trade AssosiationEuropean Foundation of Quality ManagementEuropese GemeenschapEfficient Healthcare Consumer ResponseElektronisch IngenieurEmployee InvolvementEuropean Intermodal AssociationEnterprise Information PortalElectronic Invoice Presentment and Payment13

ETCETDETDETFSETLETOETOETVExecutive Information SystemEuropian Logistics AssociationExport Management CompanyEuropean Master in LogisticsElectronics Manufacturing ServicesEconomic Order QuantityEfficient Operating StandardEind ProductEfficient PromotionEuropees ParlementEnvironmental Protection AgencyElektronisch PlanbordEvent-driven Process ChainEngineer Procure ConstructElectronic Product CodeEnterprise Profit OptimizationErythropoetine (bloeddoping)Electronic Point Off SaleExtended Producer ResponsibilityEarnings Per ShareEuropese Poltieke SamenwerkingEconomic Part PeriodfactorEfficient (product) ReplenishmentEmergency RoomEuropean Repair CenterEarliest Release DateEcole Royale MilitaireEmployee Relationship ManagementEnterprise Relationship ManagementEnterprise Resource ManagementE-mail Response Management SysteemEnterprise Resources Planning (system)Electronic Road PricingEarliest Start dateEfficient Store AssortmentEnterprise Service AutomationEuropean Space AgencyEnterprise Service BusEnvironmental Safety and HealthExternal Service ProviderEarley Supplier InvolvementEmployee Stock Ownership PlanEstimated Time of ArrivalEurope Transport AutomationEuskadi Ta AskatasunaExport Trading CompanyEstimate To CompleteExpected Time of DepartureEstimated Time of DepartureEngage Transact Fulfill SupportExtraction Translation LoadingEconomic Trade OffEngineer To OrderElevatory Transporting Vehicle14

SEXWEZCEuropese UnieEuropean UnionEx UsuEuropese Vrijhandels AssociatieEigen Vervoerders OrganisatieElectronic Work InstructionEx Quay (vervallen Incoterm)Ex Ship (vervallen Incoterm)Ex Works (Incoterms 1990)Europian Zone FLSAFMFMFace To FaceFreight All Kinds rateFree At QuayFrequently Asked QuestionsFederal Acquisition RegulationFactory Assembly SystemFree Alongside ShipFinal Assembly ScheduleForward BuyingFiata Combined Transportbill of LoadingFree CarrierFirst Come First ServedFull Container Load LoadingFinite Capacity Planning (Incoterms 1990)Finite Capacity SchedulingFacilitaire DienstFysieke DistributieForwarders Certificate of TransportFirst Expiry First OutFederation Européenne de la ManutentionFEderatie van Nederlandse EXpediteurs OrganisatieFEderatie van Nederlandse ondernemingen in de InformatietechnologieFinancial Execution SystemForthy foot Equivalent UnitFortisimoeffe/even (chat)Field Force AutomationFlexibele Fabricage CelForm Fit FunctionFlexibele Fabricage StraatEffe/even Wachten (chat)Factory Gate PricingFirst In First OutFit In or Fuck OffFédération Internationale des TranslateursFresh In TimeFinancial Information SystemsFlexible Integrated Supply OrganisationFair Labor Standards ActField MarshalFrequency Modulation15

LFTFFTPFTSFTZFUDFailure Mode AnalysisFlexible

54 ALDEP Automatic Lay-out DEsign Program 55 ALE Application Link Enabling 56 ALM Ada[tive Logistics Management 57 AM Amplitude Modulatie 58 AMH Automated Material Handling . 112 ATS Automatisch Transport Systeem 113 ATS Oostenrijkse Shilling 114 AVI Audio Video Interleaved 115 AVL Approved Vendor List .