SCRIPTURE MASTERY - Church Of Jesus Christ


S C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YS C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YS C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YS C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YS C R I P T U R EM A S T E R Y1 Nephi 3:72 Nephi 2:252 Nephi 2:272 Nephi 9:28–292 Nephi 25:23, 26I will go and do.Adam fell that men might be.We are free to choose.By grace we are saved.ContextThe Lord commanded Nephi and hisbrothers to return to Jerusalem to getthe brass plates.ContextLehi taught his sons about the necessity of the Fall and its consequences.ContextLehi taught his sons about the role ofagency in the plan of salvation.Learning is good if we follow God’scounsel.Doctrine or PrincipleThe Fall was a necessary part ofHeavenly Father’s plan and allowedfor our mortal existence.Doctrine or PrincipleWe are free to follow Jesus Christ,which leads to liberty and eternal life,or the devil, which leads to captivityand death.Doctrine or PrincipleThe Lord prepares a way for us to keepHis commandments.ApplicationWhat has the Lord commanded youto do that some might consider to bedifficult? How did He prepare a wayfor you to accomplish it?S C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YApplicationHow does knowing about the Fall andmortality help you better understandyour purpose in life?S C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YApplicationThink of a time you chose to obey acommandment. How do you feel thatyour obedience has or will lead togreater freedom?S C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YContextJacob contrasted the greatness ofHeavenly Father’s plan of salvationand the cunning plan of the devil.Doctrine or PrincipleThe learned often take pride in theirown wisdom and set aside the counselof God. To obtain knowledge is good ifwe continue to obey God.ApplicationHow does obedience to the counsel ofGod help you keep a proper perspective concerning the wisdom of theworld?S C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YContextNephi explained some of the reasonswhy it is only through Jesus Christ thata person can be saved.Doctrine or PrincipleThrough Jesus Christ, we can receivea remission of sins and be saved bygrace after doing all we can do.ApplicationWhat personal feelings and testimonywould you share with a person whoquestioned whether Latter-day Saintsbelieve in Jesus Christ?S C R I P T U R EM A S T E R Y2 Nephi 28:7–92 Nephi 31:19–202 Nephi 32:32 Nephi 32:8–9Mosiah 2:17We cannot justify any sin.Endure to the end.Feast on the words of Christ.Ye must pray always.Serving others serves God.ContextThe prophet Nephi taught his peopleof the great wickedness that wouldabound in the latter days.ContextNear the end of his ministry, Nephiwrote that all people must follow JesusChrist’s example to inherit eternal life.Doctrine or PrincipleAfter we exercise faith, repent of oursins, are baptized, and receive thegift of the Holy Ghost, we must pressforward in righteousness and endureto the end to receive eternal life.ContextNear the end of his ministry, Nephiwrote what all people must do tounderstand and live the doctrine ofJesus Christ.ContextKing Benjamin addressed his people,preparing them to take upon themselves the name of Jesus Christ.Doctrine or PrincipleIn the last days, many will teach false,vain, and foolish doctrines.ContextNear the end of his ministry, Nephiwrote what all people must do tounderstand and live the doctrine ofJesus Christ.Doctrine or PrincipleIf we study the words of Christ and ofHis inspired servants, we will receivethe direction we need to make correctchoices.Doctrine or PrincipleThe Spirit teaches us to pray.ApplicationHow can you recognize the foolishdoctrines of the world?ApplicationWhat counsel would you give a newlybaptized member of the Church? Whatare you doing to “press forward with asteadfastness in Christ”?ApplicationHow have the words of Christ helpedyou know what to do? What will youdo to “feast” on the words of Christ?ApplicationHow can you remember to praynight and day? How can you seek theinfluence of the Holy Ghost in yourprayers?Doctrine or PrincipleWhen we serve our fellow beings, weserve God.ApplicationWhat specific things can you do forthose around you that the Saviorwould do if He were here?

S C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YS C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YS C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YS C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YS C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YMosiah 3:19Mosiah 4:30Alma 7:11–13Alma 32:21Alma 37:35Natural man is God’s enemy.Watch your thoughts, words, anddeeds.Jesus Christ overcame sin and death.Faith is not a perfect knowledge.ContextAlma prophesied to the people ofGideon that the Savior would comeinto the world and that they mustprepare themselves.ContextAlma taught the humble among theZoramites regarding worship andfaith.Learn in thy youth to keep the commandments.ContextKing Benjamin addressed his people,preparing them to take upon themselves the name of Jesus Christ.Doctrine or PrincipleWe overcome the natural man byyielding to the Holy Spirit andbecoming a Saint through theAtonement of Jesus Christ.ApplicationWhat does it mean to “yield to theenticings of the Holy Spirit”? Whatare some of the promptings the HolyGhost has been giving you?S C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YContextKing Benjamin addressed his people,preparing them to take upon themselves the name of Jesus Christ.Doctrine or PrincipleWe will be judged and held accountable for our thoughts, words, anddeeds.ApplicationWhat are some specific actions youhave taken to maintain clean andvirtuous thoughts, words, and actionsthroughout the day?S C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YDoctrine or PrincipleJesus Christ took upon himself thepains, sicknesses, and infirmities of Hispeople; He delivered mankind fromdeath and provided a way to overcomesin.ApplicationWhen have you felt the healing powerof the Atonement? Write in yourjournal or share with a friend yourtestimony of the Atonement’s healingpower.S C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YDoctrine or PrincipleFaith requires a person to believethings that are true but that may notbe seen.ApplicationHow would you explain to a friendhow something that cannot be seen canstill be true?S C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YContextAlma counseled Helaman to preparehim for leadership responsibilities.Doctrine or PrincipleIt is wise to learn in our youth to keepGod’s commandments.ApplicationWhat experiences have you had thathave strengthened your desire to obeythe commandments?S C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YAlma 39:9Alma 41:10Helaman 5:123 Nephi 12:483 Nephi 18:15, 20–21Go no more after the lust of your eyes.Wickedness never was happiness.Build your foundation on Christ.Ye should be perfect.Watch and pray always.ContextAlma corrected the behavior ofCorianton, who had committed serioussins.ContextAlma taught his son Corianton aboutthe eternal consequences of wickedness and righteousness.ContextJesus Christ taught the Nephites thehigher law and prepared them to bemembers of God’s kingdom.ContextJesus taught the Nephites how to withstand the temptations of the devil.Doctrine or PrincipleThose who give in to lust and immorality cannot be saved in the kingdomof God unless they repent.Doctrine or PrincipleSin cannot bring lasting happiness.ContextNephi and Lehi recalled the counselof their father Helaman and devotedthemselves to preaching to the wickedNephites.ApplicationWhat do you do to overcome lustfulthoughts and forsake your sins?ApplicationHow has your happiness increased byfollowing the example and teachingsof Jesus Christ?Doctrine or PrincipleOnly by basing our lives on JesusChrist can we withstand Satan’stemptations.ApplicationHow has the gospel of Jesus Christfortified you against temptations?How can you consistently base yourchoices on the life and teachings of theSavior?Doctrine or PrincipleWe are commanded to be likeHeavenly Father and Jesus Christ, whoare perfect.Doctrine or PrincipleThrough prayer we can be givenstrength to resist temptation, receiveour righteous desires, and be blessedin our families.ApplicationWhat can you do right now to becomemore like Jesus Christ?ApplicationWhat can you do to be more consistentin your personal and family prayers?

S C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YS C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YS C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YS C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YS C R I P T U R EM A S T E R YEther 12:6Ether 12:27Moroni 7:41Moroni 7:45, 47–48Moroni 10:4–5Witness comes after the trial of faith.Weak things become strong.Charity suffereth long.The Holy Ghost reveals truth.ContextMoroni included his own testimony,counsel, and understanding aboutfaith while abridging the prophetEther’s words.ContextMoroni was concerned about theweakness of his writing. The Lordinstructed him about overcomingweakness.Have hope through the Atonement ofChrist.ContextMormon taught during a time ofgreat wickedness how faith, hope,and charity help us become like JesusChrist.ContextMoroni closed his record with aninvitation for all mankind to learn thetruth of all things, including the Bookof Mormon.Doctrine or PrincipleThe Lord blesses us with a spiritualconfirmation after we have enduredin faith.Doctrine or PrincipleGod gives us weakness to humble us.If we humble ourselves, our weaknesscan be made strong through faith inJesus Christ.Doctrine or PrincipleWe must have charity to be truefollowers of Jesus Christ. We shouldpray to the Father to be filled with thislove.Doctrine or PrincipleThe Holy Ghost will reveal the truth ofthe Book of Mormon to those who askGod in faith with real intent.ApplicationWhen have you demonstrated faith inJesus Christ? What blessings did youreceive?ApplicationWhat weakness could you ask God tomake strong? How can you humbleyourself and have greater faith in JesusChrist?ContextMormon taught during a time ofgreat wickedness how faith, hope,and charity help us become like JesusChrist.Doctrine or PrincipleOur hope should be centered on JesusChrist and His Atonement because ofour faith in Him.ApplicationHow has your hope in the Atonementof Jesus Christ changed your outlookon the future? How can this hopeinfluence the way you live?ApplicationConsider the description of charitytaught in Moroni 7, and ask yourHeavenly Father how you can showthat kind of love to family, friends, andothers.ApplicationExplain to a friend how he or she cancome to know the truthfulness of theBook of Mormon, and “the truth of allthings.”

Book of Mormon Reading Chart1 NephiBook of Mormon Reading 7Jacob1234567Enos1Enos1Jarom1Jarom1Omni1Omni1Words of Mormon1Mosiah2 NephiWords of Mormon1MosiahAlmaHelaman3 Nephi2 3 Nephi121314151617181920212223242526272829304 oni1 2425262728293011101011Alma4 678910Moroni 2012 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.English approval: 6/12. 10459

Daily Scripture Reading ChartJanFebMarAprMay June July Aug 9991010111112Daily Scripture Reading ChartOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMay June July Aug 313131

MASTER Y MASTERY SCRIPTURE MASTERY SCRIPTURE MASTERY SCRIPTURE MASTERY SCRIPTURE MASTER Y SCRIPTURE MASTERY SCRIPTURE MASTERY SCRIPTURE MASTERY SCRIPTURE MASTERY Mosiah 3:19 Natural man is God’s enemy. Context King Benjamin addressed his people, preparing them to take upon them-selves the name of Jesus Christ. Doctrine or Principle We .