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participant guide1

Copyright 2012 Inspirational FilmsISBN 978-1-935018-57-5Author: Staff of Inspirational FilmsSenior Editor: Amanda GibsonCover Design: Devon Hoernschmeyer and Sarah KennedyAll Scripture quotations are taken from the New International Reader’s Version Bible unlessotherwise noted.NEW INTERNATIONAL READER’S VERSION , Copyright 1996, 1998 Biblica.All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of Biblica.THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION , NIV Copyright 1973, 1978,1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission.All rights reserved worldwide.Published through The International Localization Network.For additional copies of the Leadership Guide or Participant Guide please contact:



��sElder SisterNeighbor iam’sFriend5Neighborand Rivka’sServantAmira,helped byLaila


lesson oneIn the FamilyKeyCharactersMariam, Rivka,Sara, Laila,Moussa, DawudThe StoryMariam’s mother,Laila, lies in bed, burning with fever. Although fearful of the Romansoldiers who patrol the streets, Mariam hurries to the home of hermother’s close friend, Rivka. Mariam knows he is defying her father’swishes, for he does not want Rivka in their home. He dislikes her becauseshe is married to a tax collector and because she is a follower of Jesus.Yet Laila, who also follows Jesus, asked for Rivka.As Rivka tends to Laila, Mariam says that she feels ashamed when shetries to pray and unworthy for God to hear her prayers. Rivka assures herthat God hears her and loves her, for Mariam, too, has accepted Jesus asher Messiah. Comforted, Mariam then asks how God can love someonelike her brother, Dawud, who cares more about fighting the Romansthan caring for his family. She asks, “How can God love someone who’swilling to throw away everything that’s important?” Rivka tells Jesus’story of the selfish son who took his inheritance early and squanderedit through shameful living. When the son returned home, his fatherwelcomed him with open arms and forgave him. Rivka assures Mariamthat God not only is waiting for Dawud, but also running after him. Asshe leaves their home, Rivka encourages Mariam to take hope in God’spresence and in His Word.7

notesAccess to GodNMajor Lesson – None of us can come toGod on our own; we all are impure becauseof our sin. When we do something that hurtsanother person, something that hurts God,something against the law, or even simplyhave those attitudes in our hearts, God takesthose things very seriously and calls themsin. Sin is going our own way, and in doingso, falling short of God’s perfect plan for ourlives. Jesus paid for our sin, taking away ourshame and our guilt, through His death onthe cross and His resurrection from the dead.We accept the peace God offers us when wereceive His promised Messiah, our SaviorJesus, and His sacrifice for us. His sacrificegives us access to God.NLife Lesson – God sees us as His children–loved, treasured, valued. No matter how wefeel or what our situation, His view of us isthe only true view. As followers of Jesus, weare friends and daughters of God. We nowhave access to Him that otherwise would beimpossible.1.Which character do you most relate to andwhy?2.Mariam said that when she prays, she doesnot feel God hears her. Do you ever feel thatway?Rivka - lesson one8

3.What do you think we need to do in orderto be accepted into God’s presence and beassured that He hears our prayers?4.Do you have the power to make yourselfworthy to be in God’s presence?The Book of Romans in the Bible explains thatno one is good enough to approach God on herown; we all have sinned against God and nevercan make ourselves good enough. However,Jesus lived a perfect life; He never did anythingwrong or even thought anything that was notgood. He never sinned against God and alwaysloved all people perfectly. Let’s look at what Godsays in the Bible about this.Romans 3:21-24 says:“But now God has shown us how tobecome right with Him. It has nothingto do with obeying the law. We are maderight with God by putting our faith inJesus Christ. That happens to all whobelieve. Everyone has sinned. No onemeasures up to God’s glory. The free giftof God’s grace makes all of us right withhim. Christ Jesus paid the price to set usfree.”Romans 5:6-8 says:“At just the right time Christ died forungodly people. He died for us when weIn the Family9notes

had no power of our own. It is unusual foranyone to die for a godly person. Maybesomeone would be willing to die for a goodperson. But here is how God has shown hislove for us. While we were still sinners,Christ died for us.”notes5.What do these verses say about our abilityto make ourselves worthy enough to comebefore God?6.How is “obeying the law” like trying to makeourselves worthy for God to hear us?The story Rivka told Mariam about the son whochose to go his own way is actually a story Jesustold in His teachings. It can be found in chapter15 of the Gospel of Luke. In the story the son lefthome, cutting all ties to his father and soon foundhimself starving and alone in a foreign land. Whenhe came to his senses, he knew he no longer wasworthy to be his father’s son and there was nothinghe could do to make himself worthy or earn backhis place in the family. However, he decided toreturn home, hoping his father would take pity onhim and allow him to be a worker in his fields.Much to the son’s surprise, his father welcomedhim home and restored him to his place as his son.Rivka - lesson one10

His father had the whole household celebratebecause “this son was dead, and now he’s alive;he was lost, but now he has been found.”7.Romans 5 says that, just like the father wholovingly accepted his son back into thehousehold, God desires for us to leave ourself-directed paths and return to Him. Howdoes it feel to know that God cares so muchfor you that He wants to have a relationshipwith you?8.What does Romans 3:21-24 say is the onlyway we can be made right with God?In the Family11notes

notesThis WeekBegin each day asking God to show you thetruths in this lesson.If you have questions or doubts, please speakwith your leader.Rivka - lesson one12

lesson twoHandiworkKeyCharactersMariam, Daliyah,Rivka, Haroon, Sara,Noura, Moussa,Noah, DawudThe StoryPreviously, Rivkaencouraged Mariam in her faith in Jesus. She also helped Mariamunderstand that God loves her brother, despite Dawud’s selfish choicesand acts.In this episode, Rivka visits with Mariam’s sister, Sara, and Noura, aneighbor. Sara expresses fear for her current pregnancy—that she willmiscarry again. She confesses that God seems far away and uncaring.Rivka recounts the story of Jesus’ disciples’ fear when in a storm at sea,even though Jesus was right there with them. They cried out to Jesus,asking why He did not seem to care about the danger they faced. Thoughit was not unreasonable for them to be afraid of the storm, He rebukedthem for their lack of faith in His care for them. She assures Sara—evenif she feels like God does not care for her—that He truly does. As newscomes that the Romans have ordered Mariam and Sara’s father to workin Beirut, a very dangerous place, Noura wonders if God has forsakenthem. Rivka explains God’s salvation through Jesus and the hope to befound in Him. She explains how God cleanses us from our sins, makingus perfect in His sight. She tells Noura that God wants to be close to her,encouraging Noura to pray to Him. Noura tells Rivka, “I will think aboutwhat you have told me.”13

notesFamily of GodNMajor Lesson – God planned for each of usto be His child, His daughter. He made thispossible for us through the death of Jesus.God made us to enjoy His love as a memberof His family, a very large family.NLife Lesson – As a child of God, we canbring all our cares, fears and joys to Him.1.Rivka used the wool the women werecleaning to explain God’s work in them.What is Rivka trying to show by comparingthe dirty wool with Sarah’s finished carpet?Cleaning wool is an example of how God worksin our lives. Today we will look at anotherletter written by Paul, this one to the group ofearly followers of Jesus in the city of Ephesus.Unlike Paul’s letter to the Romans, he knew theEphesians very well. Paul spent three years withthe followers of Jesus in Ephesus, and this letterwas written about 10 years after he had left them.Ephesians 2:8-10 says:“God’s grace has saved you because ofyour faith in Christ. Your salvation doesn’tcome from anything you do. It is God’sgift. It is not based on anything you havedone. No one can brag about earning it.God made us. He created us to belong toRivka - lesson two14

Christ Jesus. Now we can do good things.Long ago God prepared them for us todo.”2.What does this tell you about God’s work ineach of us?Even though we are made by God—Hishandiwork—sometimes you may not feelthat way. You might feel like unclean wool, abeautiful rug, or somewhere in between. Just astransforming wool into a rug is a process, so isGod’s work in our lives.The next passage we will look at comes fromPaul’s letter to the followers of Jesus in Philippi.It was written around the same time as his letterto the Ephesians, and Paul started a church inPhilippi only a few months before he arrived inEphesus.Philippians 1:6 says:“I am sure that the One who began a goodwork in you will carry it on until it iscompleted. That will be on the day ChristJesus returns.” We can be sure God willcontinue to work in our lives, not onlybecause He says so, but because He caresfor us, and we are a part of his family.Handiwork15notes

notes3.How have you seen God working in yourlife?4.How is family important to the charactersin this episode? How is this similar to yourlife?5.Noura asks, “You are saying I can be God’sdaughter?” How would you answer Noura’squestion?In the Bible, John 1:12, 13 says:“Some people did accept Him. Theybelieved in His name. He gave them theright to become children of God. To bea child of God has nothing to do withhuman parents. Children of God are notborn because of human choice or becausea husband wants them to be born. Theyare born because of what God does.”6.According to these verses how do youbecome a child of God?Rivka - lesson two16

7.What questions do you have about God’sfamily and your part in His family?8.If we both are children of God, what doesthat make us to one another?9.As children of God, we can bring all ourcares, fears and joys to Him. One way ofdoing that is through prayer—talking withGod. Is there anything you want to tell orask God today that you have not felt youcould say before?Handiwork17notes

notesThis WeekIf you are unsure that you are a child of God,or if you have questions, review what we havediscussed so far. You also can talk with yourleader.If you know you are a child of God, but are afraidof something (like Sara and the disciples on theboat) remember that, as His child, God alwayswill care for you, even if He feels far away. PrayHe will help you to feel His presence this week.Rivka - lesson two18

lesson threeDaily BreadKeyCharactersMariam,Laila, Moussa,Dawud,YacoubThe StoryPreviously,Rivka encouraged Sara and Noura to face their fears by trusting in God’slove and care for them. She also encouraged Noura to consider becominga child of God by choosing to follow Jesus. Mariam and Sara’s father,Moussa, received orders from Rome to leave their home and work inBeirut.In this episode, Mariam’s family prepares for her father to leave.Moussa, desiring to provide for Mariam, tells her he plans to makearrangements, before he leaves, for her to marry Enoch, a responsibleyoung man. Because Enoch does not follow Jesus, Mariam asks herfather not to make her do this. Laila intervenes, asking her husband towait on marriage arrangements for their daughter until after he returnshome. Later, Mariam questions her mother about their decision to followJesus, wondering how they can be sure what they believe about Himis true. Laila reminds her that Jesus’ words and the events of His lifewere foretold hundreds of years ago through prophecies in Scripture. Hefulfilled all of God’s prophecies by the way He lived and died and roseagain. She encourages Mariam to trust the Scriptures because they haveproven to be true; they are the Word of God.19

notesDoubts and Fears about the BibleNMajor Lesson – What is the Bible andwhere did it come from? One of the reasonswe know the Bible is true is because offulfilled prophecy. Fulfilled prophecymeans the Bible accurately tells of thelife and words of Jesus thousands of yearsbefore they came true.NLife Lesson –We can trust the Bible is trueand is useful in our daily lives because faithis not wishful thinking, but certain trust.1.Mariam is a follower of Jesus, but she stillhas doubts. Is it all right to doubt? What arewe to do with our doubts?2.In this episode Mariam asked severalinteresting questions: “How can I knowJesus is the way? How can I know His wordsare true?” How did Laila answer Mariam?Our confidence in Jesus is based on what theBible tells us, so we need to know it is true. TheRivka - lesson three20

Bible contains 66 books written by at least 40writers over more than 1,500 years. The writersinclude kings, prophets, philosophers, militarymen, a farmer, a fisherman, a doctor and a taxcollector. They wrote in three different languages:Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. Even so, the Bibleis consistent.We can easily say the Bible is true and trustworthy,but what proof do we have? The Bible is theonly book of any religion that contains fulfilledprophecy and claims to come from God.Sixty of the major prophecies in the OldTestament were made hundreds of years beforeJesus was born and were fulfilled in Him. Mostof these prophecies were about events no onecould control.The last example Laila mentioned is found inIsaiah 53:4, 5 and 12:“He suffered the things we should havesuffered. He took on himself the pain thatshould have been ours. But we thoughtGod was punishing Him. We thoughtGod was wounding Him and makingHim suffer. But the Servant was piercedbecause we had sinned. He was crushedbecause we had done what was evil. Hewas punished to make us whole again.His wounds have healed us. He wascounted among those who had committedcrimes. He took the sins of many peopleon Himself. And He gave His life forthose who had done what is wrong.”Daily Bread21notes

notesWe see the fulfillment of this prophecy in Luke22:37 which says:“It is written, ‘He was counted amongthose who had committed crimes’ (Isaiah53:12). I tell you that what is written aboutme must come true. Yes, it is alreadycoming true.”3.Who do these verses refer to?God worked in the mind of the authors, givingthem the exact words He had chosen. SecondTimothy 3:16 says:“God has breathed life into all of Scripture.It is useful for teaching us what is true. Itis useful for correcting our mistakes. It isuseful for making our lives whole again.It is useful for training us to do what isright.”Second Peter 1:20, 21 says:“Above all, here is what you mustunderstand. No prophecy in Scriptureever came from a prophet’s ownunderstanding. It never came simplybecause a prophet wanted it to. Instead,the Holy Spirit guided the prophets asRivka - lesson three22

they spoke. So prophecy comes fromGod.”4If this is true, and the prophecies prove it is,then can we rely totally on the truth of theBible?5.When do you have doubts about the truth ofthe Bible? How do you handle them?6.How will this lesson help you in the future?Daily Bread23notes

notesThis WeekWhen you have doubts like Mariam did,remember these verses from Proverbs 3:5, 6:“Trust in the Lord with all your heart.Do not depend on your own understanding.In all your ways remember Him.Then He will make your paths smoothand straight.”Rivka - lesson three24

lesson fourTroubled TimesKeyCharactersSara, Ayoub, Miriam,Laila, Noura, RivkaThe StoryPreviously, as Mariam andher family prepared for herfather’s leaving to work inBeirut, Miriam also struggledwith doubts about followingJesus. Her mother helped easeMariam’s doubts by reminding her of the scriptural prophecies fulfilled byJesus’ life and words.In this episode, a peaceful morning is shattered when robbers attack Ayoub,Sara’s husband, leaving him severely beaten and with a broken arm. Theirneighbor, Yacoub, brings the injured Ayoub home, where Sara and Lailatend to his wounds. Mariam learns that their neighbors believe the attackhappened because they follow Jesus. Ayoub says this could be true, forJesus warned troubles would come to His followers. Noura arrives to help,as does Rivka. After setting Ayoub’s broken arm, Rivka and Noura talktogether in the courtyard. Noura comments, “Sometimes we have to gothrough pain so that we will not be left broken, so we can truly be healed.”She proceeds to tell Rivka that she has decided to follow Jesus, even thoughshe is an old woman and can do little for Him. Rivka, overjoyed at Noura’sdecision, assures her that her days of following Jesus will be her best days.Noura remarks, “I know this will make trouble for me and my family.”“But the pain is worth the healing?” asks Rivka.“Just so,” smiles Noura.25

notesHelp in Troubled TimesNMajor Lesson – God gives each one of usthe opportunity to follow Him. Sometimesour commitment is tested. As we continue totrust God, however, He will give us joy inthe midst of our difficulties. Even in times oftrouble, God is a strong foundation we candepend upon.NLife Lesson – Following Jesus is anindividual choice. You can trust Him to leadand guide you in all your troubles.1.What were the townspeople saying are thereasons for the attack?2.How did Sara, Laila and Ayoub react?3.We all face troubles and react in differentways. Describe how you react.Ayoub and his mother-in-law, Laila, shared Jesus’teaching about the house built on the sand and thehouse built on the rock. Here is that passage fromthe Gospel of Matthew 7:24-27:“So then, everyone who hears My wordsand puts them into practice is like a wiseman. He builds his house on the rock. Therain comes down. The water rises. Thewinds blow and beat against that house.Rivka - lesson four26

But it does not fall. It is built on the rock.“But everyone who hears My words anddoes not put them into practice is like afoolish man. He builds his house on sand.The rain comes down. The water rises.The winds blow and beat against thathouse. And it falls with a loud crash.”4.How are these “houses” the same and howare they different?5.What do we learn about troubles from thispassage?Now we will look at a book from the OldTestament of the Bible. The Book of Psalms isa collection of songs, poems and prayers used inthe worship of God. King David wrote many ofthe psalms. Let’s look at what David and othe

Ayoub, Sara’s Husband Yacoub, Neighbor and Family Friend Abram, Yacoub’s Father Haroon, Rivka’s . cleaning to explain God’s work in them. What is Rivka trying to show by comparing the dirty wool with Sarah’s fi nished carpet? Cleaning wool is an example of how God works in our l