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AVS CodesReference Guide

2021. Cybersource Corporation. All rights reserved.Cybersource Corporation (Cybersource) furnishes this document and the software described in this document underthe applicable agreement between the reader of this document (You) and Cybersource (Agreement). You may use thisdocument and/or software only in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. Except as expressly set forth in theAgreement, the information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and therefore should not beinterpreted in any way as a guarantee or warranty by Cybersource. Cybersource assumes no responsibility or liabilityfor any errors that may appear in this document. The copyrighted software that accompanies this document is licensedto You for use only in strict accordance with the Agreement. You should read the Agreement carefully before using thesoftware. Except as permitted by the Agreement, You may not reproduce any part of this document, store this documentin a retrieval system, or transmit this document, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, orotherwise, without the prior written consent of Cybersource.Restricted Rights LegendsFor Government or defense agencies: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government or defense agencies is subject torestrictions as set forth the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and in similarclauses in the FAR and NASA FAR Supplement.For civilian agencies: Use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraphs (a) through (d)of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clause at 52.227-19 and the limitations set forth in CybersourceCorporation's standard commercial agreement for this software. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws ofthe United States.TrademarksAuthorize.Net, eCheck.Net, and The Power of Payment are registered trademarks of Cybersource Corporation.Cybersource, Cybersource Payment Manager, Cybersource Risk Manager, Cybersource Decision Manager, andCybersource Connect are trademarks and/or service marks of Cybersource Corporation. Visa, Visa International,Cybersource, the Visa logo, and the Cybersource logo are the registered trademarks of Visa International in the UnitedStates and other countries. All other trademarks, service marks, registered marks, or registered service marks are theproperty of their respective owners.Version: 21.01AVS Codes 2

AVS CodesThe AVS code is returned in the following field in the authorization response message: REST API: processorInformation.avs.code SCMP API: auth auth avs Simple Order API: ccAuthReply avsCodeAVS Codes for Cielo 3.0 and Cybersource Latin AmericanProcessingCybersource Latin American Processing is the name of a specific processing connection thatCybersource supports. In the Cybersource API documentation, Cybersource Latin AmericanProcessing does not refer to the general topic of processing in Latin America.Important Note About AVS Codes for Cielo 3.0 and Cybersource Latin American Processing:CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Fisicas) is required only for Redecard in Brazil.AVS Codes for Cielo 3.0 and Cybersource Latin American ProcessingCodeDescriptionDPartial match: postal code and address match.EFGIKLNNot supported: AVS is not supported for this card type.orInvalid: the acquirer returned an unrecognized value for the AVS response.Partial match: postal code matches, but CPF and address do not match.Not supported: AVS not supported or not verified.No match: AVS information is not available.Partial match: CPF matches, but postal code and address do not match.Partial match: postal code and CPF match, but address does not match.No match: postal code, CPF, and address do not match.AVS Codes 3

AVS Codes for Cielo 3.0 and Cybersource Latin American Processing (continued)CodeDescriptionOPartial match: CPF and address match, but postal code does not match.RTVNot supported: your implementation does not support AVS.orSystem unavailable.Partial match: address matches, but postal code and CPF do not match.Match: postal code, CPF, and address match.AVS Codes for Visa Platform ConnectImportant: When you populate billing street address 1 and billing street address2, Visa Platform Connect concatenates the two values. If the concatenated value exceeds 40characters, Visa Platform Connect truncates the value at 40 characters before sending it to Visaand the issuing bank. Truncating this value affects AVS results and therefore might also affect riskdecisions and chargebacks.Types of AVS CodesType of CodesCodesDescriptionAmericanExpress CardCodes--The American Express AVS codes are converted to VisaAVS codes before they are returned to you. As a result,you will not receive American Express AVS codes forthe American Express card type.InternationalVisa CodesDomestic VisaCodesB, C, D, G, I, M, PThe international and domestic alphabetic AVScodes are the Visa standard AVS codes. The standardAVS return codes for other types of payment cards,A, E, N, R, S, U, W,including American Express cards, are mapped to theX, Y, ZVisa standard AVS codes.AVS is considered either domestic or international,depending on the location of the bank that issued thecustomer’s payment card: The AVS is domestic when the bank is in the U.S. The AVS is international when the bank is outsidethe U.S.AVS Codes 4

Types of AVS Codes (continued)Type of CodesCodesDescriptionYou should be prepared to handle domestic andinternational AVS result codes: For international cards, you can receive domesticAVS codes in addition to the international AVScodes.CybersourceCodes1, 2AVS Codes for Visa Platform Connect For domestic cards, you can receive internationalAVS codes in addition to the domestic AVS codes.The numeric AVS codes are created by Cybersource andare not standard Visa codes. These AVS codes can bereturned for any card type.CodeDescriptionAPartial match: street address matches, but 5-digit and 9-digit postal codes do notmatch.CNo match: street address and postal code do not match. Returned only for Visacards not issued in the U.S.BD&MEGIMNPRSUPartial match: street address matches, but postal code is not verified. Returnedonly for Visa cards not issued in the U.S.Match: street address and postal code match. Returned only for Visa cards notissued in the U.S.Invalid: AVS data is invalid or AVS is not allowed for this card type.Not supported: issuing bank outside the U.S. does not support AVS.No match: address not verified. Returned only for Visa cards not issued in theU.S.See the entry for D & M.No match: Street address and postal code do not match.Partial match: postal code matches, but street address not verified. Returnedonly for Visa cards not issued in the U.S.System unavailable.Not supported: issuing bank in the U.S. does not support AVS.System unavailable: address information unavailable for one of these reasons: The U.S. bank does not support AVS outside the U.S.AVS Codes 5

AVS Codes for Visa Platform Connect (continued)CodeDescription The AVS in a U.S. bank is not functioning properly.WPartial match: street address does not match, but 9-digit postal code matches.YMatch: street address and 5-digit postal code match.XZ12Match: street address and 9-digit postal code match.Partial match: street address does not match, but 5-digit postal code matches.Not supported: AVS is not supported for this processor or card type.Unrecognized: the processor returned an unrecognized value for the AVSresponse.AVS Codes for Other ProcessorsTypes of AVS CodesType of CodesCodesDescriptionCodes forAmericanExpress CardsF, H, K, L, O, T, VFor American Express cards only. For American Expresscards, you can receive Visa and Cybersource AVS codesin addition to the American Express AVS codes.InternationalVisa CodesDomestic VisaCodesB, C, D, G, I, M, PThe international and domestic alphabetic AVScodes are the Visa standard AVS codes. The standardAVS return codes for other types of payment cards,A, E, N, R, S, U, W,including American Express cards, are mapped to theX, Y, ZVisa standard AVS codes.AVS is considered either domestic or international,depending on the location of the bank that issued thecustomer’s payment card: The AVS is domestic when the bank is in the U.S. The AVS is international when the bank is outsidethe U.S.You should be prepared to handle domestic andinternational AVS result codes: For international cards, you can receive domesticAVS codes in addition to the international AVScodes.AVS Codes 6

Types of AVS Codes (continued)Type of CodesCybersourceCodesCodes1, 2, 3, 4AVS CodesDescription For domestic cards, you can receive internationalAVS codes in addition to the domestic AVS codes.The numeric AVS codes are created by Cybersource andare not standard Visa codes. These AVS codes can bereturned for any card type.CodeDescriptionAPartial match: street address matches, but 5-digit and 9-digit postal codes do notmatch.CNo match: street address and postal code do not match. Returned only for Visacards not issued in the U.S.BD&MEFGHIKLMNOPartial match: street address matches, but postal code is not verified. Returnedonly for Visa cards not issued in the U.S.Match: street address and postal code match. Returned only for Visa cards notissued in the U.S.Invalid: AVS data is invalid or AVS is not allowed for this card type.Partial match: card member’s name does not match, but billing postal codematches.Not supported: issuing bank outside the U.S. does not support AVS.Partial match: card member’s name does not match, but street address andpostal code match. Returned only for the American Express card type.No match: address not verified. Returned only for Visa cards not issued in theU.S.Partial match: card member’s name matches, but billing address and billingpostal code do not match. Returned only for the American Express card type.Partial match: card member’s name and billing postal code match, but billingaddress does not match. Returned only for the American Express card type.See the entry for D & M.No match: one of the following: Street address and postal code do not match. Card member’s name, street address, and postal code do not match.Returned only for the American Express card type.Partial match: card member’s name and billing address match, but billing postalcode does not match. Returned only for the American Express card type.AVS Codes 7

AVS Codes (continued)CodeDescriptionPPartial match: postal code matches, but street address not verified. Returnedonly for Visa cards not issued in the U.S.SNot supported: issuing bank in the U.S. does not support AVS.RTUSystem unavailable.Partial match: card member’s name does not match, but street address matches.Returned only for the American Express card type.System unavailable: address information unavailable for one of these reasons: The U.S. bank does not support AVS outside the U.S. The AVS in a U.S. bank is not functioning properly.VMatch: card member’s name, billing address, and billing postal code match.Returned only for the American Express card type.XMatch: street address and 9-digit postal code match.WYZ1Partial match: street address does not match, but 9-digit postal code matches.Match: street address and 5-digit postal code match.Partial match: street address does not match, but 5-digit postal code matches.Not supported: one of the following: AVS is not supported for this processor or card type. AVS is disabled for your Cybersource account. To enable AVS, contactcustomer support.2Unrecognized: the processor returned an unrecognized value for the AVSresponse.4No match: address is not confirmed. Returned only for PayPal Express Checkout.35Match: address is confirmed. Returned only for PayPal Express Checkout.No match: no AVS code was returned by the processor.AVS Codes 8

AVS codes in addition to the domestic AVS codes. Cybersource Codes 1, 2 The numeric AVS codes are created by Cybersource and are not standard Visa codes. These AVS codes can be returned for any card type. AVS Codes for Visa Platform Connect Code Description A Partial match: street address matches, but 5-digit and 9-digit postal codes do not match.