United States Environmental Protection Agency - Us Epa


Lf / 7 7 -d-6UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCYJuly 9, 2004Robert RosenwasserAgent for SCP Distributors, LLCAlliance Trading, Inc.109 Northpark Blvd, 4'" FloorCovington, LA 70433Olympic Skimmer SticksEPA Registration No. 42177-23Application Date: June 14, 2004Receipt Date: June 16, 2004Subject:Dear Mr. Rosenwasser:This acknowledges receipt of your notification, submitted under the provision of PR Notice98-10, FIFRA section 3(c)9.Proposed Notification addition of alternate brand name "Pool Season Chlorinating Sticks"General CommentsBased on a review of the material submitted, the following comments apply:The notification application is acceptable and a copy has been inserted in your file forfuture reference.Should you have any questions or comments concerning this letter, please contact me at(703) 308-6345.Sincerely,Wanda Y. MitchellProduct Reviewer (32)Regulatory Management Branch IIAntimicrobials Division (7510C)CONCVIUIIHCl!SSYMBOL::SURNAMEDATE2. l. .C."E 11 .if.i. "7/f/::;""" 1--tj--t-EPA Form 132G-1A (1190). . . . . . . . . . - .-. . . . . . . .- .

·lY. -"'"-"'"e.;---§'''''-.eft & 0--'United Stet oEPAEnvironmental Protection AgencyW.ohington. DC 20460II'c7,I'. '5nuA liftRegistrationAmendmentOtherOPP Identifier Nwnber301020Application for Pesticide - Section I1. ComponyJProduct Numb.,3. Propo.ed ClueificationE. MitchellNonePM,324. CompanylProduct (Nema)Olympic Skimmer Sticks5. Neme and Address of Applicant (lnclud. ZIP Code)Rutricted6. Expedited Reveiw. In accordance with FIFRA Section 3(cH3)(bl(i). my product is similar or identical in composition and labelingto:Alliance Trading. Inc.09 Northpark Blvd. 4th FloorCovington. LA 70433oo o2. EPA Product Manege,42177-23EPA Reg. No.Check if th is n.w eddrusProduct NameSection - IIiD0"1UAmendment - Explain below.00R ubmi.ion in ,o."on to Agency latter datedNotification - Explain below.Explanation: u edditionalpage(s' ifn.c ry.AMI printed lab. . in replOnlie toAU-nay letter detod-Me Too· Application.Other· ExpIein below.(For ction I and Section II.)"Notificahon of Addition of Attemate Brand Names per PR Notice 98-10.""This notice is consistent with the provisions of PR Notice 98 10 and EPA regulations at 40 CFR 152.46, and no other changes have been made to thelabeling or the Confidential Statement of Formula of this product. I understand that It is a violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 to willfully make any false statementto EPA. I further understand that if this notification is not conSistent with the terms of PR Notice 98-10 and 40 CFR 152.46, this product may be in violationFIFRA and I may be subject to enforcement action and penalties under sections 12 and 14 of FIFRA."Section 11\1. Metoriol TNo Product WII . Poo.",d In:Child Re.i.tantEr··PackagingNoUnit PackagingBV.'tf -Ves-If ·Ve.-No. peroontainerp-,No. peroont8inerPock wgtOther (Specify)ILocation of Net Content. InformationlabolAooticGI NoUnit Pock.gino wgt.be submittedI Ia2. Type of Cont8inarvo.No· tionmu.tg-Water Solubia Packagingr5. Looetlon of loboI Direction.on silkscreened container4. Size«.} Ratail ContainerBI Conteiner6. Menner in Which Labell. Affixed to ProductBUthog' hP , r.uod0OtherStenci edSection ·IV1. Contact Point (Compl.,. it""", Ny below for idenlifketion of individuttl /0 be COlI ted. If n.-y, /0 .,neetion.1Nom.Robert RosenwasserToI""hone No. (Include A,. Cod.)TideAgent for Alliance Trading. Inc.215--715--6419 ' {, ,"CertificationI certify that the stltlments I have mad. on this form end en attachment. thereto ar. true. accurate end complete.I aCknowledge that any knowfingRy fal or misl.eding Aatemant may be punishable by fiM or imprisonnent orb ttY er eppUcebl. lew.2. 4. Typed Nem.Robert Rosenwasser-- 3. Tid. Stamped;. , . . . . -,,Agent for Alliance Trading. Inc. '.8. Date ApplicationRecolved··· ··,. S. Date-.June 14. 2004 · .·· .,.-. -, .-,,''EPA Form 8570·1 IRev. :s.941 Previous editions are obtolete.-EPAFIe Copy (originollV.1ow . ApplClnt Copy

.3r6SCP Pool CorporationJune 14, 2004Document Processing Desk (NOTIF)Office of Pesticide Programs (7504C)U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyRoom 266A, Crystal Mall 21921 Jefferson Davis HighwayArlington, VA 22202-4501Attention: E. Mitchell PM-32 (7510C)Olympic Skimmer Sticks (EPA Reg. No. 42177-23) OPP# 301020RE:NOTIFICATION OF ADDITION OF ALTERNATE BRAND NAMES PER PR NOTICE 98-10Alliance Trading, Inc., 109 Northpark Blvd., 4th Floor, Covington, LA 70433 is submitting this notificationto add one alternate brand name to our Olympic Skimmer Sticks registration (EPA Reg. No. 42177-23).The name of this alternate brand is: Pool Season Chlorinating Sticks"This notice is consistent with the provisions of PR Notice 98-10 and EPA regulations at 40 CFR§ 152.46, and no other changes have been made to the labeling or the confidential statement of formulaof this product. I understand that it is a violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 to willfully make any falsestatement to EPA. I further understand that if this notification is not consistent with the terms of PRNotice 98-10 and 40 CFR 152.46, this product may be in violation of FIFRA and I may be subject toenforcement action and penalties under sections 12 and 14 of FIFRA."Please find enclosed: An application form that includes the required notification language.One copy of the label with the altemate brand name.If you need additional information, please feel free to call me at (201) 242-6577."I l. .,Robert Rose wasserAgent for Alliance Trading, Inc. ., ."SETTING THE STANDARDS IN DISTRIBUTION"dth Flnnr. 1n Northn;!lrk Boulevard. Covinaton. LA 70433-5001 Phone (985) 892-5521"

PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTSHAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALSDANGER: CORROSIVE. Causes irreversible eye damage. Maybe fatal if absorbed through skin. May be fatal if inhaled. Do notbreathe dust or spay mists. Irritating to nose and throat. Harmfulif swallowed. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Weargoggles or face shield when handling this product. Washthoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eating,drinking or using tobacco. Remove contaminated clothing andwash separately before reuse .'C-HLORINATING STICKSConcentrated StabilizedActive Ingredient:Trlchloro-s-trlazlnetrlone:Other Ingredients:Total:Available Chlorine:of water99%1%100%90%KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDRENDANGERswallowedImmediately for tle8tmant advice. Have person alp gl. of water Wable toswallow. Do not Induce vomiting unleas told to do 10by the polson control center or doctor. Do not give anything by mouth to anSEE FIRST AID AND PRECAUTIONS ON SIDE PANELaNET WEIGHT: 25 Ibs (11.3 kg.)Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastriclavage.

.-,.ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS: This pesticide is toxic to fishand aquatic organisms.7. other chemicals. This could lead result in a violentchemical reaction. Do not add water to this product in aclosed container. Do not add this product in a smallamount of water in a pail. When adding this product toskimmer make sure pump is on and water is circulatingso that material is drawn into recirculation system. Donot allow buildup of dry materialPHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL HAZARDS:Strong Oxidizing Agent. Mix only with water. Use clean dryutensils. Do not add this product to any dispensing devicecontaining remnants of any other product. Such use may causea violent reaction leading to fire or explosion. Contaminationwith moisture, organic matter, or other chemicals may start achemical reaction, with generation of fire and explosion. In caseof contamination or decomposition, do not reseal container. Ifpossible isolate container in open air or well ventilated area.Flood with large volumes of water, if necessary.It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a mannerinconsistent with its labeling.SPECIAL PRECAUTIONSFOR SWIMMING POOLS1. This product has a powerful chlorine odor. Hold awayfrom face when opening to avoid breathing fumes.2. Prolonged contact between this product in itsundissolved state and vinyl liners or painted surfaces,will result in bleaching of the vinyl or paint. Introduce thisproduct through the skimmer or in a prescribed feader toavoid discoloration of liner or paint.3. When adding this product to skimmer or feeder makesure there are no other chemicals present as a violentreaction may occur. It is always dangerous to mixchemicals.4. Use the product as directed as per instructions on label.Do not take advice from others or experiment byyourself.5. If the product is used to shock or superchlorinate a pool,after treatment it is important to brush walls and poolfloor to expose algae that may be in cracks or wrinklesthat might protect from high chlorine residual. Suchprotected algae will begin to reproduce again when highchlorine residual falls.6. This product, because of its potent formulation, can bedangerous if not used properly. Do not mix with anyDIRECTIONS FOR USEWhen starting up a new pool, superchlorinate to satisfy chlorinedemand and to establish a chlorine residual of 1.0 to 1.5 ppmavailable chlorine. Add 1-1 11, ounces of this product per 1,000gallons which will provide 6.7 to 10 ppm available chlorine. Testwith a reliable chlorine test kit. Bathers should not be allowed toenter the pool until the chlorine residual has dropped to 3.0 ppmor less. The next moming, add conditioner and stabilizer(cyanuric acid), according to the directions on the label, tostabilize the pool.This product should be added daily or as needed at the rate ofYo to 11, ounce per 1,000 gallons of pool water to maintain achlorine residual at all times of 1.0 ppm to 1.5 ppm asdetermined by a suitable test kit. The pH should be maintainedbetween 7.2 and 7.6. Proper dosage should be broadcast overdeep end of pool or added through the skimmer slowly. Do notmix in a pail. A shock treatment should be made every weekduring hot weather or after heavy rains. Less frequent shocktreatments may be made during cooling weather. For shocktreatment, add 1 11, ounces of this product per 1,000 gallons ofpool water which will provide 10 ppm available chlorine.NOTE: Re-entry into treated Swimming pools is prohibited abovelevels of 3.0 ppm of chlorine. \1\

Keep in mind that slight flexibility must be maintained in theevent of heavy accumulations of dust and dirt caused by stormsor super heavy bathing loads which require additional dosagesas needed to maintain the chlorine residual between 1.0 ppmand 1.5 ppm.STORAGE AND DISPOSALKeep this product dry in original tightly closed container whennot in use. Store in a cool, dry, well ventilated area away fromheat or open flame. Moisture may decompose this product andcause a violent reaction leading to fire and explosion. In case ofdecompOSition, isolate container if possible and flood area withlarge volumes of water to dissolve all material before discardingthis container. Do not contaminate food or feed by storage ordisposal.CONTAINER DISPOSAL: Do not reuse container, but place intrash collection. Rinse thoroughly before discarding.Manufactured for:Alliance Trading, Inc.109 Northpark Blvd, 4th FloorCovington, LA 70433EPA Reg. No. 42177-26EPA Est. No. 5185-GA-1

109 Northpark Blvd, 4'" Floor Covington, LA 70433 July 9, 2004 Subject: Olympic Skimmer Sticks EPA Registration No. 42177-23 Application Date: June 14, 2004 Receipt Date: June 16, 2004 Dear Mr. Rosenwasser: This acknowledges receipt of your notification, submitted under the provision of PR Notice 98-10, FIFRA section 3(c)9. Proposed Notification