Department Of Physiology Annual Report July 1, 1969 To June 30, 1970 .


Department of PhysiologyAnnual ReportJuly 1, 1969 to June 30, 1970ACADEMIC STAFFE. B. Brown, Jr., Ph. D., Professorand ChairmanAlan M. Thompson. Ph. D., ProfessorDonald Johnson, Ph. D., ProfessorL. P. Sullivan, Ph. D., ProfessorG. N. Loofbourrow,Ph. D., Associate ProfessorJames Rhodes, M. D., Assistant ProfessorJohn Y. Trank, Ph. D., J:.ssistant ProfessorC. Merrill Tarr, Ph. D., A ssistant ProfessorR. L. Clancy, Fh. D., Assistant ProfessorWolkoff, A. S., M. D. t .Assistant ProfessorDennis Waring. Ph. D., Instructor,12/1/69 to 5/30/70Dr.Sullivan has been on leave since September1969, working withDr. GerhardGiebischat Yale University.He expects to returnhis post in this departmentabout August IS, 1970.Dr.toGoetz has accepteda position as Directorof Researchat St. Luke'sHospital,and his researchprogramhas been moved to that institution.He will continue his appointmentin this departmentas Lecturer.PCSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSAntonio Garcia (Carillo), M. D., 8/1/69-7/31/70Paul Hens1eigh, M. D., Supported by Ob-Gyn Training GrantArlo Hermreck,M. D.Eugene Luckstead.M. D., 7/1/69-6/30/70(PediatricsDept. )Sharanjeet Singh, M. D., 1/1/69 to 11./31/69 (PediatricsDept. )David Stubbs, M. D., 10/1/69-6/30/70(PediatricsDept. )GRADUATESTUDENTSDegree* Paul Hens1eigh, M. D.SoughtPh. D.Conrad JohansonIIMartinKramen:,DennisWaringGary BondCarolHendleyItIIi:Date ExpectedFalll970"IIII"1969Spring '70FallJ 70'1'70"'70Spring '11"'12It"'72Kyra RiegelPat Jurewicz""'I"'72.'73"##Frank ScammanSteve Bredehoeff:##Richard Williams -* ArloLesterHermreck,Yih LoongChung-ning##M. D.IIWade##"LaiPangBoth Medical*Postdoctora1"M. A.Studentand Graduateand GraduateStudent1970Studentfor Ph. D.

-2KAW VALLEY HEART STUDENTSDonna BenitzDona ShawMartin CramerRoger TarbuttonSUMMER RESEARCH FELLOWSDon BurkmanSteve RomondoRay RossRalph (Cullen) Thomas(The Scienc (MedicalTalentSearchProgram)Students)TEACHINGThe Physiologyfor Medical Students course 270-271 was again scheduledduring the winter and spring quarterswith the last two weeks of the yeardevoted to the combinedcourse in 0Course#310,Course#322 PhysiologyCourseTransportand- Dr.PermeabilityA. M. Thompsonof the Nervous System, Dr. G. N. Loofbourrow#318 GastroenterologyDr. James Rhodes-GRADUATE SEMINAR COURSE #351A graduateseminar(1semestercredit)on "PhysiologicalClocks"was offeredby Dr. D. C. Johnson.The theme was on establishment,maintenance,alteration of physiological rhythms. particularlythose of the endocrineOUTSIDESPEAKERSDec. 8. 1969.AND VISITORSDr. Wilford P. Stratten.Univ.Nov. 7. 1969of Utah,IIDiazepam19, 1970JaredGrantham,"StudiesFeb.G. 1970of Surface16. 1970Fellow.and PresynapticDept. Neurology,Inhibition.fields.1\of Biology,to theIIM. D. Asst.Prof.deformabilityDept. of renaltubularcells.KUl C."Lu Erwin. Ph. D., PostdoctoralFellow. Dept. of Physiologyand Cell Biology. Univ. of Kansas at Lawrence.Kansas."BiochemicalFeb.PostdoctoralDr. Frank A. Brown, Jr., Morrison ProfessorNorthwesternUniv. system.correlatesof brainFred Samson. Ph. D. Professor,Biology. Univ. Kansas. Lawrence,of material along axons. ilfunction."Dept. of Physiol. and CellKansas."Transport

-3Cutside Speakers continued)Mar.2, 1970J. David Bristow, J ssoc. Prof.,Univ. of Cregon Medical School,"Someobservationson reflexDept. of Medicine,Portland,Oregon.controlof heartratein man.IIMarch 9, 1970Dr. Robert Manning,J ssoc."LearningSystems ApproachMarch 16, 1970Wm. M. Bass, Ph. D., Prof. Dept. of Physical Anthropology,Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence,Kansas."Human Evolution. IIMarch 26, 1970Dr. Francis J. Haddy, Chairman Dept. Physiology,MichiganState University,East Lansing, Michigan."C sm01arityand Vascular:March 27, 1970Prof.Univ.7, 1970May 18, 197015, 1970tracersDr. C. D. Withrow,College of Medicine,Ion Regulation. "11from muscletissue.ItPharmacologyDept., Univ. of UtahSalt Lake City, Utah. "Ti"ssue HydrogenHans Haas, M. D., Ph. D., WissenschaftlicherRat,PhysiologischesInstitut der nCrone, Head of Instituteof Medical Physiologyof Copenhagen,Denmark."Studies on the clearanceofextracellularAprilResistance.Dean of Student Affairs,IIin Medical Education.of FastSodiumInwardCurrentin CardiacGermany.Muscle.ilDennis R. Hafemann, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. of Physiol.,Univ.California,Los)\, ngeles School of Medicine, Center forHealth Sciences, Los Angeles, California."Binding ofIsotopicallyLabelledTetrodotoxinto NervousTissue.IITEACHINGThe PhysiologyCourse for Medical Students was again taught during theWinter and Spring quarters,with the last two weeks of the year devoted to thecombinedcourse in Endocrinology.A considerableamount of time has beendevoted during the year to planning for the new curriculum.A tentativeoutlineof the core course in physiologywhich will be taught in one six-weeksmoduleplus a part of a second module has been compiled by the staff of this department.Before'thisschedulewas proposeda completeoutline of cour se content for sucha course was compiled.Weareplanning now to teach physiologyas a block,ratherthan concomitantlywith Biochemistry,during the coming academicyearin order to obtain some experiencewith this type of teaching.A,

-4-Graduate courseswent on tothesemester system last year and thisrequiredrearrangingof our schedule.We now have two graduatecoursesscheduledfor each semester.rotatingover a two-yearbasis.During thefall semesterDr. Thompson'scourse on Transportand Permeability.andDl. Loofbourrow'scourse on Physiologyof the Nervous System wereoffered.During the sprin ermDr. Rhodes' course on Gastroenterologywas offered.,Since Dr. Su iva!1 was on leave, his course on Renal ElectrolyteExcretionwas not present d.This year has been another very productiveonefrom the standpointof our graduatepro ram.Since the last report MartinKramen,D nnis Waring.Gary Bond' and Dr. Paul Hensleighhave completedwork for the Ph. D. degree.Three additionalcandidates.Conrad Johanson.Carol Hendley,and Dr. Arlo Hermreckare completingtheir thesis and willreceivetheir Ph. D. degreesin the next commencement.At the invitationof Dr. Frank T. Y. Liu, A ssociateProfessorandChairmanof Physiologyat the Universityof Missouri-KansasCity School ofDentistry.Kansas City, Missouri.Drs. Brown.Thompson.Trank.Clancy.Loofbourrow.and Johnson participatedin teaching at the Dental College.ACTIVITIESOF STAFFDr. E. B. Brown. Jr.August 1969-Ph. D. - Professor and ChairmanAPS meetingsSept. Z6. Z7, 1969at University-Kansas HeartAssembly.Topeka.Cct.7. 1969AssociationKansasof California.AnnualDavis.meetingand Delegate- Midwest Great Plains Region of AAMC (Council of Faculties)meeting in Chic,ago, Illinois.Nov.1, Z, 1969. Council of AcademicSocietiesEighth Annual ConferenceResearchin Medical Educationat Hilton Hotel in Cincinnati,Jan.Midwest GreatlZ, 13. 1970meeting in Chicago.Jan.30. 1970-- Exec.Comm.Plains RegionalIllinois.of AmericanResearch Review Committee.HeartAAMC CouncilP Atlanticof ChairmenCity. N. Y.of Faculties.PlainsRegionK. C. Missouri.Feb. 5. 1970 - Council of Academic Societies of AAMCAprillZ.onChio.of Departments- Chicago.of PhysiologyIll.meetings

-5April13-16,1970,At 1ant ic City.May cietySymposium,3-KansasHeartAssn.28 - KansasHeartin Topeka,Kansas.May lProgramBoardmeetingsCopenhage.n12-13 - AmericanHeart Assn.' Gl eat Plains Regionaland AdvisoryComm. meeting in Minneapolis,MinnesotaAprilApril- ThirdAttendedmeeting,of Directorsand Lund.ResearchReview(full committee).Vi ngTopeka,Kansas.CFFI CES:Chairman,Am. Heart Assn. Regional ResearchReview Committee.Chairman,Kansas Heart Assn. enof Departmentsof ativeto AAMC Council onEducationand Hospitals.KUMC Representativeto Council of Facultiesof Midwest Great PlainsRegional Assn. of AAMC.LECTURES:18 - "Mechanicsof BreatingI for Am. Assn.for I nhalationTherapy,22 - IIFundamentalsof Acid-BaseBalance!1 for St. Louis Society ofAnesthesiologists,St. Louis, Missouri.May 22I'The Buffer Capacityof the Whole Eody" at the Alfred BenzonSymposiumon Acid-Baseand PotassiumHomeostasisof the Brain,"Copenhagen,Denmark,and Lund, rdL.metabolismCxfordClancy,and Acid-BaseUniversity,Ph. D.,AssistantOxford,ProfesChanges'at PhysiologyEngland.SOl'Nov.13-15, 1969 - j' ttended A nnual Meetingsof the .Americanin Dallas,Texas.April 1970 - Attended F ASEB meetingsin .P tlanticCity,NewSponsoredpaper F ASEB, Spiten, D. G., C. W. Smith,changes on myocardialK . ''Effect of CardiologyspentIHeartA ssn.Jersey.R. L. Clancy,Deterrr.inants 2 consumption.Dr. David Stubbs.laboratory.Fellowa yearworkingin myK. C., Mo.

-61/20/70- Mt. Marty College, Yankton So. Dakota group from chemistry dept.toured our facilities.Sister Kilzer,eSB, wrote letter thanking us for excellentlecturesand demonstrationswhich made their visit worthwhile.- KUMC5/7/70 Sigma Xi lectureWHE AuditoriumLaw of the Heart. 1of Starling'sKenneth L. DirectorAttendedAssn.meetingsat St. Luke'sof ExperimentalCardiologypaperat F ASEBContinuedseriesof physiologyin DallasHospital,Medicine,ConferencePresentedin La Jolla,meetingsas consultantto MidwestGave seminarto Dept.University,July 1969.LecturedDonaldC. hMissouri.Hospital,Dec.Jan.4-6,1, 1970.1969.St. Luke' coronarycareInstitute.Engr.,CaseHospital,WesternK. C.,ReserveMissouri.Ph. D. , Professor1970 - Soc.for Gynecologic1970 - Endocrine31-Sept.Seminarof staff,ResearchK. C.,Cci.lifornia,in Aprillecturesin Nov.St. Luke'sPresentedseries of lectureson cardiovascularnursing class of Regional Medical Programs.Served.P- LecturerPh. D. ,M. D.Attended"Campus.coursePre-doctorateSociety,St. Louis,3, 1970 - APS Meetingsin IIPhysiologicalon ellows:at UniversityRehanDr.PaulCarolPang, Bloomington,Rhythms"Dr.New Orleans.- Fall1969.of MissouriNaqviIndiana.Schoolof Dentistry,- Left Sept.Hensleigh(M.Hendley - finishesChung-ning-K. C. ,Mo.1969.D.) finished his Ph. D. July 1970.Ph. D. Sept.1970.

-7-G. N. Loofbourrow,Associate ProfessorWriting NeurophysiologyTextbook.Consultant, V A Hospital, K. C., Mis souri.DepartmentLibrarian 1969-70.Clinic AuditoriumAspectsTalkof NursingVisitedForceJames- LectureRhodes,Educationclass on ';Physio10gica1, AspectsSchoolSan Antonio,of Aerospaceto study methodsMidwest Gut ClubAm.-Denver- Feb.-ElectedSAMAof instruction.1970.Soc. - Boston - Mayto FacultySteeringTeaching Award1970Day, Manhattan,- 1969.P. Sullivan, Ph. D., ProfessorMerrill1969 working with Dr. GerhardTarr,Ph. D.,AssistantProfessorAug. 1969- APSMeet. in Davis, C:'!.lif.,- presenteda paperon "Effects of Manganeseand tetrodotoxin on two inwardcardiac muscle.1970-APSIIAdvisorto Eugenelaboratoryat this meetingcurrents in'meetingsServed on Ad Hocand myKansasCommittee.Dr. Sullivan on leave since SeptemberGiebisch at Yale University.April"AirSpring 1970.Speaker at K State Annual Student Researchin May 1970.C.of Aging.Brooks- j tlanticCity, N. J. - April 1970.GastroenterologyLawrenceMedicine,M. D., Assistant ProfessorGraduate Cour se in G. 1. PhysiologyF ASEB73 class on "PhysiologicalIIU. S. Air ForceBase,to Pathobiologyin AtlanticCommitteeLuckstead,fromCity,NewJersey.for the DevelopmentM. D.,July 1969-JuneFellow1970.of Facultyin CardiologyPromotionwhoPolicydid research

-8-In charge of DepartmentSeminar1969-70.Representative of Physiology DepartmentSeries Program.Elected to membershipBiophysical Society.Alan M. ThompsonJan.14-16,Mar.11-13, ParticipatingWasWorkshopand Strokeat the Nationalin Hilton Isla.nd, SouthInstituteCarolina.University, Biology Department.Referee for papers in Strokeof the panelfor the Nationalin my laboratory this summerof 1969 were Steve Bruner, 2nd yearstudent and Martin Kramerfrom Drake as a Kaw Valley Fellow.BecameJohnapplicationsDiseases16, gave seminarWorkingmedicalD. C. as a memberfellowshipof NeurologicalPhysiological Society andProfessor-in Washington, Americanfor Biological Sciences LectureAdvisorTrank,ConsultantServedfor Conradin BiomedicalGraduateJohansonof lecturesat Lawrence,departmentaladvisorEngineeringfor Humana series128 courseSupervisedSchool June I, 1970.and LesterWade.A ssistant Professoron CouncilPrtsentedE. E.Dean of Graduateto Garyto Vibration.on maintenanceBondResearchwhoand designcompletedfunction.requirementsfor Ph. D.July 1970.Attended 7th Annual Rocky Mountainin Denver, Colorado.PresentedlecturesDental cardiovascularBioengineering Symposiumphysiologyand hemodynamicsMay4-6to UMKC

-9RESEARCHGRANTSACTIVEPHS HlROI HE 12231.DURING THE YEARIntracellular-02 year 10/1/69-9/30/70Compensationfor Chronic- Dr. E. B. Brown, Jr.PCC2Changes.Kaw Valley Heart Grant #9725, 1/1/69-12/31/69.funds remaining as of 1/1/70. "RespiratoryExtended in order to expendControl"Dr. E. B. Brown, Jr.PHS Trainingto 6/30/70.Grant-05- Dr. H5TIGM1l37E. B. Brown,Director.year.7/1/68ProgramJr.NSF HGB-4314-Dr. L. P. Sullivan.2/1/67 to 5/31/68 (Extended on 8/31/69)"Factors controlling renal excretion of ammonium, hydrogen, andPotassium. "#5-K3-GM, 11.898-04 from 7/1/69 to 6/30/70.Dr. L. P. Sullivan.Development Award."Renal Tubular Potassium Transport. "-HIR01 AM 10227 USPHSDr. Sullivan.toad bladder."1/1/70-12/31/70."DiureticagentsH64R1321 Kansas Heart Assn.(extended)."Coronaryright heart pressure."Dr. K. L. Goetz.USPHS HHE 11560-02 6/1/69-5/31/70Dr. K. L. Goetz.USPHE 13623- 01.USPHS NB 07059-02.perfusedbrain.""A study of atrialand ion transportreceptors.transportto"Dr. K. L. Go"'''' .,6/1/70-5/31/71.1/11/69- 03 yr."Nonelectrolyte1/1/70 to 12/31/70 (#1920) - Dr.#9722 Kaw Vd.11eyHeart - 7/1/69 to 6/30/70Reptiles.Dr. J. W. Trankin theblood flow as 'related(H1723) "A study of atrialreceptors."Careera1teratio!lbA. M. Thomp :-n."CardiovascularControl inIIH9215 Kansas Heart Grant 7/1169 to 12/31/69.control function. II Dr. J. W. Trank."Stimulus-Kansas Heart Association7/1/69 to 6/30/70.cardiovascularresponse.- Dr. TrankNASA InstitutionalDr. Trank.Grant'7/1/69to June30, 1970.PulsatileHumanpatternand cardiovascularstimulationresponseandto vibration.

-10-- 10/1/69#1548 KUMC Research 2/28/70.Perfusion."A. M. Thompson.NIH ontrol-2NSF Grantyrs.) 19,500,now in secondin the male.NSF #GB 8067, 9/1/68-8/31/70.Dr. D. C. Johnson.#9214 KansasagentsHeartII"Hypophyseal"GonadotropinPHS #1 401 HE 12426-01, 2/1/69-1/31/72.Dr. C. MerrillTarr.-PUBLICATIONS:Bristow,J. D., E. B. Brown, Jr.,Howson,and P.Sleight."Thehypoxia on the baroreceptorA., Brown,E. B., Jr.,SHOCK.A PHYSIOLOGIC(In press. 6/30/70and Ca current in cardiacyear.Dr. Donald C. maleclamp"and femaleof cardiac(extendedto 6/30/71)muscle, II (no additional#5 ROI AM 12329-02 PHS 6/1/68 to 5/31/71 - 3 yearpeptidasesand peptideshydrolysis"(ArthritisDr. James B. notropicfunds).-period"Intestinaland MetabolicDiseases).D. J. C. Cunningham, R. C. Goode, M. G.influencereflexof ventilation,in man.carbonJ. Physiol.Hermreck,A., H. Bell.BASIS OF THERAPY.Yearbook,Brown, E. B., Jr. "Whole Body BufferBenzon SymposiumIII on Acid-BaseBrain.Munksgaard.(In press. )dioxide(InCapacity!!,in Proceedingsand PotassiumRomeostasisandpress)Chicago.of the Alfredof theBrown, E. B., Jr. and B. 1'. Attebery."In vivo and in vitro CO2 dissociationcurves.In Respirationand Circulation,F ASEB Handbook(In press).McDougal, B. A. and L. P. Sullivan.Studies of the Effect of Bendroflumethiazideon Sodium Transport and Metabolism in the Toad Bladder.J. Pharmacol.and Exp. Therap.172:203-210, 1970.--- u

-11Goetz, K. L., G. C. Bond, A. S. Herrr.reck,J. W. Trank,M. Stearns,andM. R. McGuire,Plasrr.a ADH levels followingsmall reductionsin rr.eanatrial transrr.uralpressurein consciousdogs.Fed. Proc.26:798,1970Abstract).Goetz,K. L.,A. S. Herrr.reck,ReceptorsPhysiol.Goetz,and RenalG. L. Slick,and H. S. ConsciousDogs.(InAtrial- Arr.pressJ.)K. L.,followingFunctionG. C. Bond, A. S. Herrr.reck,a decreasein rr.eanatrialJ. W. Trank.transrr.uralpressure.Plasrr.aADH levels(In press-Am. J. Physiol.)Haas,H. G. and M. Tarr.metabolicinhibition.Merr.branecurrentsin frog atria as ,M., H. G. Haas and J. Trank.Effects of Manganesetwo inward currentsin cardiacrr.usc1e.The Physiologist12:371, 1969.byand Tetrodotoxin(Abstract)onJohnson,D. C. and R. H. Naqvi.A positivefeedback action of Induction of a cyclic D. C. and R. H. Naqvi,assay for follicie stimulating133:536-539,1970.A sirr.plifiedaugrr.entedovarian weighthormone.Proc.Soc. Exper.BioI. and Med.Naqvi, R. H. and D. C. Johnson.The effect of progesteroneon androgengen induced increasesin endogenous FSH in irr.mature ferr.ale rats.Endocrinology87 :418-421, 1970.Johnson,D. C.and pituitaryTemporalaspectsof ncreasesActa Endocrinologicaor estro-in plasrr.a(in press).

Research in Medical Education at Hilton Hotel in Cincinnati, Chio. Jan. lZ, 13. 1970-Midwest Great Plains Regional AAMC . Mis souri. Department Librarian 1969-70. Clinic Auditorium - Lecture to Pathobiology 73 class on "Physiological . gave seminar at Washburn University, Biology Department. Working in my laboratory this summer of 1969 were .