Frisco System Magazine, September 1904 - The Library


AMERICANNATIONAL BANKII CAPITAL, AND PROFITS, BaIdwfinLocomotive WorksIFORT SMITH, ARKANSAS.We respectfully solicit your banking business. Every facility offered depositors.Correspondence a n d personal interviews invited.I1.SIN LB.S7EAM,EXPANSION.COM PRESSLOAh'DAllPCOMPOUND.A N 3 ELECTRIC.L& SDrink----.-.--- hiladelphia,Pa., U. S. A.SchlitzThe Beer That Made MilwaukeeFamous-----The main difference between good beer and bad beer is in t h e after-effect. Younotice that pure beer, Schlitz beer, does not make you bilious. Pure beer is good foryou; bad beer is unhealthful. You may be absolutely certain of its healthfulnessIWHEN YOU DRINK SCHLITZ BEER.IM1880Ufllsand Oklahoma Farms.Kansas Clty Real Estate.INVBBTMENT C O .Business Property, InvestmentHomes. Farms and Ranchesa specialty.Bell. 3873 e d .Home, 3995 chances of all kinds.Rents Collected, Taxes Paid, Insurance Placed.Dans Secwred, Owr Specialty. Farm Iands and the care of noamresident property.119East Bth, KANSAS CITY,MO.

FRISCO SYSTEM MAGAZINE.SEPTEMBER. 1904.Votum 111.NUMBER8.CONTENTS.-Missouri-Illustrated,Willy and. the Lady,--Southwest Missouri as a Wonian sees it,The Ozark Region-Illustrated,Plant Food Element,--S. F. T .-J . C . Mc Mnni izn.--Enough For Me, --13-24-25-26-3233Jennie Betis H u r l w i c k .South Central Missouri--Illustrated,Deduction,R. D. W a l s l .---34-36-37The Missouri Peach Belt--Illustrated,Will H. Zorn,.The Prosperous Southwest, -J . C. McManinzn.-41E. H . H.E. H. H.E . H. El.--43--44--46-47-47-48-49Where to Invest My Savings,-The St. Louis World's Fair-Illustrated,Blue Spring and the Meramec River, An Ode to the Hen,Solitaire,----Raising Ginseng in the Ozarks,The Indian Medicine Pony,Cltapi rHoward.--W. R. D.Frisco System Land and Immigration Department,----51-53FRISCO SYSTEM MAGAZINE.E. P. O'FALLON, Manager.GUARANTEED CIRCULATION 26,000 A MONTH.The MAGAZINE reaches the very best class of readers, not only over the entire FdscoS stem and i t s connecting lines, but throughout the country, and is daily read by hundredso r t h e traveling public on the observation and reading cars of the System.Advertising rates: Per month, one page, 50; half page, 30; quarter page, 15; eighthpage, 8. Back cover, 100 per month; inside cover, 75 per month. Discounts, five percent o n three months, ten per cent o n six months, and twenty per cent on yearly contracts.This is the only publication of a n y kind carrying commercial advertisements t h a t isissued or authorized by the Frisco System.Remittances may be made by bank check, post-office money order or registered letter,payable t o E. P. O'Pallon, Manager, Publication Office Third and Locust Sts., St. Louis, Mo.FIVE CENTS PER COPYFIFTY CENTS PER YEAR.

OFFICIAL DIRECTORY.The traveling public and freight shippers will please call upon or address our representatives for reliable information, rates, maps, time tables, descriptive literature, etc.Their addresses are as follows:TRAFFIC OFFICIALS.St. Louis k San Francisco Railroad Company.BRYAN SNYDER, Passenger Traffic Manager.Prisco Building, St. Louis, Mo.ALEX. HILTON, General Passenger Agent. . .Frisoo Building. St. Louis, hfo.J. C. LOVRIEN. Assistant General Passenger Agent .Thayer Building. Kansas City, Mo.A. S. HART, Advertising Agent. .Frisco Building, St. Louis, Mo.S. A. HUGHES. General Immigration Agent. .Frisco Building, St. Louis, Mo.Springfield, Mo.W. Df. DYER. General Baggage Agent. .J. A. MIDDLETON. Freight Traffic Manager. .Frisco Building, St. Louis, Mo.13. I . VOORHEES. General Freight Agent. .Frisoo Building. St. Louis, Mo.H. C. WILSON, Foreign Freight Agent .Frisco Building. St. Louis, Mo.CHAS. HALL. Assistant General Freight Agent. . .Frisco Building. St. Louis. NO.F. C. DUMBECK. Assistant General Freight Agent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Thayer Building, Kansas City, h10.J. F. MACE. Assistant General Freight Agent .Frisco BuiIding, St. Louis, Mo.T. J. FRANKS, Assistant General Freight Agent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Frisco Building. St. Louis, Mo.W. R. POWE.Assistant General Freight Agent .hIemphis,Tenn.M. SCHULTER. Industrial Commissioner. .Frisoo Building, St. Louis, MO.Cllicago & Eastern IUlnois Railroad Company.W. H. RICHARDSON. General Passenger Agent. . . L a Salle Street Station, Chicago.S. J. COOKE. Genernl Freight Agent.La Salle Street Station. Chicago,F. C. REILLY, Assistant General Freight Agent . . L a SaUe Street Station, Chicago,H. H. RHODES, Coal Trallio Manager. . L a S d e Street Station, Chicago.IU.111.111.Ill.Port Worth & Rio Grande Railway Company.St. Louis, San Francisco & Texas Railway Company. :.Wheat Building, Fort Worth, Tex.W. A. TULEY. General Passenger Agent.W. C. PRESTON, General Freight Agent. .Fort Worth, Tex.Paris & Great Northern Railroad CompanyCHAS. GRIFFITH, General Freight and Passenger Agent.;.Psris, Tex.GENERAL AND TRAVELING REPRESENTATIVES.ATLANTA. GA. 6 North Pryor St.BUTTE. MONT. Pennsylvania BIocB.S. L. PARROTT. . District Passenger Agent.T. A. JOHN. .General h e nF. E. CLARK. . Traveling Passenger Agent.CHICAGO.ILL. 131 Adams St.ATLANTA, GA., 739 Equitable Bldg.C. B. GREGORY. .General Agent.G. H. KUMMER. .'Travelina Freight Agent.T. C. TIPTON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Commercial Agent.M.W. BURNS. . .Traveling Freight Agent.L. W. GENT .Traveling Freight Agent.CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO.B1RMINGHA.W. ALA., Morris Hotel.J. L. REINACH. . .Commercial Agent.FRANK M. C R I F F I T H . . Traveling Passenger Agent.L. B. WASHINGTON. . .City Passenger Agent. CHATTANOOGA. TENN., 12 W. 9m Street.E. T. W I L I f l O X .Commercial Agent.T. D. BLACKMAN. .Tnrveling Paaaenger Agent.D. F. McDONOUGH. . .Traveling Freight Agent.BOSTON. MASS. 288 WashinatonStreet.New-England Passenger Agent.CINCINNATI. 0. 38 East Fourth Street.H. I. McCUIRE.District Passenger Agent.HOWARD JOLLY.Traveling Passenger Agent.CINCINNATI. 0. 407 Walnut Street.0. M. ELLSWORTH. . .Commercial Agent.Traveling Freight Agent.C. C. SPALDING.C. 8. HALL. .Traveling Freight Agent.BUFFALO. N. Y. 297 Main Street.A. C. . . . . . . . . . . . .General Agent.W. F. CRAWFORD. .District Pwenqer Agent.lA. 9. COLLINS. ., C o m m e r c Agent.G. W. FEAKINS . .Tmvelinyr Freight Agent.- -TURPIN .City Paasenger Agent.H. C. YOUNG.G. W. T E A R E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Commercial Agent.M. J . K I E P . . . Trnveliig Froight Agent.

DALLAS TEX 259 Msln Street. .Southweetern Pars. Agent.A L E N D EMORE. ROY T E R R E L L . . Commercid Agent.S S. BUTLER.Travelinn FreightAgent.DENVER, COL., 1106 Seventeenth Street.G. W. MARTIN .GeneralAgent.D. R. ELDRIDGE.Traveling Passenger Agent.S E T H I . MARTIN. .Passenger Agent.DETROIT. MICH., 11 Fort Street. West.F. B. G I L M E R . .District Passenger Agent.G. W. WILLIAMS.Commercial Agent.H. T. BOW I E.Traxrelinz- Freieht- Aecnt.FORT SCOTT M.'E. E. DIX .'.General Agent.FORT SMITH ABK.0. M. C O N L Y.General Agent.F. BUAIGARDNER. . . .Travelme FreiehtAnent.FORT WORTH. TEX., Wheat i l d i n g .J. B. MORROW. . .City Pass. and Ticket Agent.E. M. WINSTEAD.Commerc alAgent.C. E WYNNE. J r . .Traveling Freight Agent.HOUSTON TEX 1013 Franklin Avenue.W C. C O N O R : . .Commercial AgentJAS A. GIRAUD.Traveling Freight Agent.INDIANAPOLIS IND Clay ool Building.J . F. POWER;. . . . .'l. . . .Eistrict Passenger Agent.Commercial Agent.D. J . BERMINGRAM.J. A. BENNELL.Tmveling Freight Agent.JACKSONVILLE. FLA. 401 West Building.C. F. AUSTIN.Commercial Agent.JONESBORO. ARK.-. --.C P. H EADLY.Traveling Freight Agent.JOPLIN MO Keystone HotelL. W: P c E.Division Passenger Agent.E. C. HOAG. .Commercial Agent.H. IT MORRIS. . . . . . . . . . .Travelinr -Freieht -Arrent.- - .KANSAS CITY NPo Thayer Building.W. C. ME1 VI LE.':. .Northwestern Pa sengerAgent.C. W JONES. . .City Pa&.n e r and T c k e Agent.tP. W. JOHNSTON. . Fity Passenger Agent.C. 0. JACKSON.Traveling Passenger Agent.W. R. RODGERS . . D e o PassennertAnent--- .KANSAS CITY MO., Board .of r a d e .E. 8. S T E P H N S .Commercisl AgentE. T. HALL.Traveling Freight Agent.I?. hi. WALLACE.Travelinu Freight Acent.LOS ANGELES, CAL. 237 South spring S FRANK L. hIILLER. .District P a s s e n e Agent.rJ. L. STANTON. . .Traveling Passenger Agent.R. F. COONS . .Commercial Agent.W. E. FESSENDEN. . .Traveling Freight Agent.LOUISVILLE, KY., 83 Todd Building.G. W E L K I N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commercial Agent.J. M. K I R K . . .Traveling Freight Agent.MEMPHIS, TENN., Peabody Hotel.J. N. CORNATZAR. . . . .Genll Accnt Passenger Dept.EUGENE SUTCLIFFE.City Passenger Agent.P. 9. W E E V E R . . . .City Ticket Acent.W . L. EVANS. .Traveline Passemer- Anent.---.MEMPHIS TENN., 347 Main Streit.W. P. A D S.Commercial Agent.R. E. BUCHANAN. . .Traveling Freight Agent.MEXICO CITY. MEX. 4 Calle de Gante.C. R. CLEVELAND. . .General Agent.SAMUEL HALEY. . .Traveling Frt. and P a s . Agent.R. J. HANCHETTE. Traveling F r t and Pass. Agent.MILWAUKEE. WIS. 46 Chamber of Commerce.T. 0. JENNINGS. . .Gen'l Apcnt Freipht Dept.WM. H U G H E S . . . Commercial Agent.P H I L . J . R U P P .Traveling- Freicht- Acent.NASHVILLE, TENN.S. L. ROGERS . General Agent.P. R. M.acI INNON. . .Traveling Passenger Agent.NEW ORLEANS, LA 720 Common Street.V. M.CLUIS. . . . . .'.'. . .District Passenger Agent.-.-.-.NEW ORLEANS, LA. 720 Common Street.I. T. PRESTON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Commerpial Agent.A. T. MOORE. . . . . . . . . . . . .Traveling Freight Agent.NEW YORK. 401 Broadway.373 Flith Ave. Cor. 36th Street.HAL 8. RAY. . .Genll Eastern Passenger Agent.E. D. SPENCER. . .City Passenger Agent.J. J. DUNNE .Pamenger Agent.J. M. HAYES. . .Traveling Pmsenuer Agcnt.NEW YORK N. Y. 386 Broadway.F. D. R U S S L L . General Eastern Freight Agent.J. L. CARLING . .Commercial Agent.R. B. BlERRICK. . .Soliciting Freiuht Agent.OKLAHOMA, 0. T.W A R R ? N B A K E R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .General Agent.C S S h L L A R . .Traveling Passen er Agent.C: J.'A. MARTIN. . Travelmg F r e i A t Agent.PHILADELPHIA, PA., 111 S. Ninth Street.P E R R Y G R I F F I N . . .District Passenger Agent.M. J. GEARY. .Traveling Pnssenper Agent.D. W. FARROW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Commercial Agent.THOS. P. BUCHANAN . .Traveling Freight Agent.PITTSBWRG, PA 415-416 Park Building.D. H. MALON%Y. .General Agent.T. W. BENNETT. . .Travelinu Papsenger Agent.M. P. FRUTCHEY. .Traveling Freight Agent.PORTLAND. ORE. 140 Third Street.A. H. McDONALD. . .General Agent.F. A. MENXIRS. . .Traveling Freight Agent.W. T. CARSON. . City Passenger Agent.RICHMOND. VA. 1108 E. Maln Street.W. T. SAUNDERS. . .Distrirt Passenqer Agent.C. L. EGGLESTON. . . . . . . . . . . . .Commerc nIAgent.ST LOUIS MO R l s c o Bldg 9th and Olive. . J. DT.:?cI&: . . . . . e n e r a i ' A g e n tPauenger Dept.L. H. McCORMACK. . City Pasenger Agent.CAL. DU'I'I'ON. . . . . . .UnionStationPas engerAgentK. 31. WISHART. . . . . . .Traveling Passenger Agent.A. D. MURRAY. . . . . . .General Agent Freight Dept.WALTER I!. BROWN. . . . .Traveling Freight Agent.ST. PAUL, MINN.C. W. IIUMPHREY. .Northern P.sanger Agent.BALT LAKE CITY. 100 W. Second Street.E. D R A K E . . .District Passenger Agent.GEO. A. BIBLE. . .Traveling Passenger Agcnt.J. E. 0GLF:SBY. . .Co nmercialAcent.J. G. DOOI.ITTLE. . .Traveling Freight Auent.J. L. Y U N D T . . . Traveling Freight Agent.SAN ANTONIO TEX. 102 West Corn. St.J. W. HUTCH SON. . . . . .Travehng Passenger Agent.E. F. TILLMAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Commercial Agent.SAN FRANCISCO CAL., 189 Crocker Bldg.F. W. T H O B I P S N . .General Western Agent,.SAN FRANCISCO CAL 623 Market Street. . .District Passenger Agent.C. A. RUTHICILPORD'.'.P. A. ZEIGICNFUSS. . .Travelinc Passencer Acent.H. W. ADAMS. . .Commersal Anent.J. D. McG1I.L. . . . . . . . . . .Traveling Freight Aient.W. T. A L L E N . . .Traveling Freight Agent.SEATTLE. WASH. 109 Cherry St.W. F. B A K E R . .Agent Freight Department.H. O'CONNO It. . Trav. Passenger- Anent.SACRAMENTO. CAL. 817 K Street.H. H. DEItIt . .Traveling Freight and Pass. Agent,.SPOKANE WASH 4 Old Natlonal Bank Bldg.F. W. BO DRICI?. .Agent Freight Dept.SPRINGFIELD, MO.W. C. SAIITH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .General Agent.WICHITA KAN Passenger Statlon.C. W. S ? R A I . .Division Passenger Agent.H. C. CONL

FRISCO SYSTEM MAGAZINE. Votum 111. SEPTEMBER. 1904. NUMBER 8. CONTENTS. Missouri-Illustrated, - - - R. D. Walsl . - 13 Willy and. the Lady, - - 24 Southwest Missouri .