Presents How To Write A Killer Joint Venture Proposal That .


PresentsHow to Write a Killer Joint Venture Proposal ThatGets Prospects To Practically Beg To Do BusinessWith You!This Report is Copyright 2008 Goldbar Enterprises, LLCAll rights reserved worldwide.Authored By:Marc & Terry GoldmanGoldbar Enterprises, omCopyright 2008 Goldbar Enterprises, LLCwww.JVUniveristy.com1

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Goldbar Enterprise LLC Presents"JV University is The First Official (AndMost Trusted) Multimedia MembershipSite Totally Focused on Joint VenturesInside You Will Discover The World'sMost Authoritative Strategies To HelpYou AchieveLong Lasting Business Success."With Partnering Agreements, Joint Venture Contracts, Case Studies,JV Proposal Letters You Can Steal and Use as Your Own and SpecificJoint Venture Strategies and Techniques.This Time-Tested, Classic Resource Will Walk YOU Through The Stepsto Dramatically Shortcut Your Way to Success.Even If You Have No Money, No Time, and No Customer List"CLICK HERE! to get FREE INSTANT access to this oneof a kind business education and training program.Copyright 2008 Goldbar Enterprises, LLCwww.JVUniveristy.com3

SPECIAL REPORT:How to Write a Killer Joint Venture Proposal That Gets Prospects ToPractically Beg To Do Business With You!Congratulations, you now hold in your hands the key to your financialfreedom.Does that sound like a cliché?It shouldn’t because what you are about to learn can mean the differencebetween standing on the bread line or the bank line.Let’s face facts – in order for you to ever participate in Joint Ventures youneed to know how to write killer Joint Venture proposals.Joint Ventures are the Most Leveraged Marketing Method Known To Man.They can dramatically increase your income in almost no time at all.But, not everyone knows how to take advantage of the incredible leveragethat Joint Ventures offer.As a matter of fact, many people say that they have tried to take advantageof Joint Ventures and discovered that they simply do not work.And, unfortunately, these people give up and never try again.Joint Ventures do not work for many people simply because they do notknow how to structure a good Joint Venture proposal.Since we have been in the direct marketing business for over 10 years andour expertise is developing online joint ventures, we know for a fact thatmost joint venture proposals end up in the trash.Something very similar occurs in the publicity industry.Many people know that press releases can be utilized to get free publicity fora business, which can result in tons of fame, leads, sales or somecombination of all of the above.But did you know that something like 98% of all press releases end up in theeditor’s trash can?Now, some of our marketing contacts and friends including people like PaulHartunian, Raleigh Pinskey and Mike Van Norden are absolute experts atgetting their press releases into the hands of editors.Copyright 2008 Goldbar Enterprises, LLCwww.JVUniveristy.com4

How do they do it?They follow a simple formula that has been proven time and again to give theeditors exactly what they want.They may not get every editor to pick up every single press release they sendout but, they will get the majority of their press releases picked up and for themost part, published verbatim.Joint Venture proposals work much the same way.If structured properly, your JV proposal will gain you the attention of yourprospective JV Partner.What this special report will do is lay out a simple formula that you can use toinsure that your Joint Venture Proposals get:1. Opened2. Read3. Responded ToIf you can get your JV proposal into the hands of the right prospective JVpartners and it contains the information we outline here – you will dramaticallyimprove your chances of getting them to participate in Joint Ventures with youwhich will in turn produce great profits for both parties (Remember: JointVentures are all about WIN/WIN).WARNING: Once you follow this formula you greatly improve your chances ofwildly profiting from Joint Ventures.But: make absolutely certain that you DO NOT fudge facts, or misrepresentyourself and your products/services using the formula you are about to beexposed to. This may work to get JV partners on board but if your JV does notproduce the results you are predicting in your proposal you may burn yourchances at ever working with them again. Instead, use the formula to learnexactly what it takes to get everything that you will need to have the mostsuccessful JV possible.Ok, lets proceed.I. The Subject LineOK, so you have a great product or service and you want to leverage theincredible power of Joint Ventures to get your product in front of a hot andhungry target market without spending a penny of your own money onadvertising.Smart Move.But, most people never get past their potential JV partners inbox.Copyright 2008 Goldbar Enterprises, LLCwww.JVUniveristy.com5

Why?Because their proposal just doesn’t do enough to interest theirprospective partners.We receive over 100 JV proposals a week! And you know what? We open lessthan 2% of them.Our marketing colleagues and mastermind partners report much the sameresults as well.What is the overwhelming, most reported reason that 98% of these JV proposalsget blatantly ignored?The subject line of the email proposal.By far the most important factor in getting your emails opened is a powerfulsubject that drags your prospect in.It’s just like a sales letter.The headline is the single most important element of a successful sales letter. Agood headline will capture the interested prospects attention and lead themsuccessfully into reading the rest of the letter.Likewise, the subject line of an email proposal must also interest your prospectenough to get them to open your mail and not ignore it.So what’s a good subject line?That depends on you and your potential partners. Based on what you areoffering you will have to determine what is best.Since this topic goes far beyond the scope of this report we can’t spend muchtime on how to craft a good headline or email subject. If you are looking for afabulous resource that will help you to craft killer headlines that can also beused for email subjects, we recommend our friend Scott Britner’s HeadlineCreator Pro.But, if you want to increase the odds of your email proposal being opened,consider the following points when crafting your subject line:1. Personalize the subject. This is extremely important. Most people willopen mail that is addressed to them. Now, one of the most effective tools touse in email marketing is an autoresponder that will automatically merge andinsert your prospects names for you (assuming you have their first name andcan input this informationCopyright 2008 Goldbar Enterprises, LLCwww.JVUniveristy.com6

into the software). This can make your life very easy and also,astronomically improve the response of your marketing efforts. But takeour advice here: NEVER use an autoresponder to send out your JointVenture proposals!JV proposals should be addressed, written and sent to each individualpartner personally. You should know something about each one of yourprospective partners. You may be a fan of their writing (e.g. a subscriberto their newsletter), a customer of theirs or simply know their website.Whatever the case may be, within the first paragraph or two of youremail, point it out to them and let them know how it is you know them.So your subject line should start off with:Firstname,2. Specify your purpose for writing to them. Without a doubt the worstthing you can do is try to “pitch” them in your subject. Most email clientsallow very little space for your subject line so you have to keep yoursubject short.So in five words or less you want to get your point across in order to getyour email opened. Since we don’t know your target market or what yourproduct/service does – it’s difficult to tell you what will work. Be direct,let people know why you are contacting them. This is business and mostsuccessful business people respect someone who is sincere and direct.If you are looking to joint venture, say so. Avoid humor entirely. And DONOT pitch or use hype at all.Oftentimes, a simple generic approach is best.Here are some examples you can try:Firstname, Are You Receptive to Joint Ventures?OrFirstname, Do You Participate in Joint Ventures?Take those and work with them. Test them. Make changes to them, makethem your own.Copyright 2008 Goldbar Enterprises, LLCwww.JVUniveristy.com7

If you ignore the above statement and simply use these examples verbatim, theywill become useless to you and everyone else out there. The point is, you shouldbe testing to find out what subject line works best for you.One last note: NEVER EVER use the subject line “Joint Venture Proposal”. It is anextremely overused subject line and many people may have a rule or filter set intheir email to automatically delete or file away those types of emails.One final note, never become satisfied with one subject line, even if it appearsto be working for you. A good marketer will always test his “control” (this is thesubject line that is working) and try to outdo it in order to get the best possibleresponse.We suggest you come up with a few headlines and test to see which one isperforming the best (meaning – which one elicits the most favorable response toyour Joint Venture proposals).II. The Body:Ok, once you get a killer subject line that gets your JV proposals opened (andare testing different variations), you now need to hook your prospective partnerswith all the juicy details that are going to make them want to work with you.As mentioned in the subject line section, you want to personalize yourproposals - not only in the subject but also in the body.You will want to start by introducing yourself.STOP for one second here.Do not think for one second that your prospective partner really cares that muchabout you. Most human beings only care about “What’s In It For Me”.So before you get carried away and begin to type up a twenty page essay onyourself detailing everything from your bedwetting episode at age 2 to thatembarrassing event at your junior prom you need to consider that most peoplesimply want to know a few simple details: Who you areHow you found THEMWhy they should careThat may sound harsh but it’s the cold hard truth. Most people are busy andself-centered. Again - they want to know “what’s in it for them”. So your job is totell them – in as clear and concise a manner as possible.Copyright 2008 Goldbar Enterprises, LLCwww.JVUniveristy.com8

So here is a good way to start (again – these are just examples to help get youstarted so you will need to tweak them to fit your particular situation):Dear Bill,My name is John Casey.I have been a subscriber to your newsletter, “The Real Estate Chronicles” for 3years now. The content is phenomenal and keeps me glued to my inboxwaiting IMPATIENTLY for the next issue. I especially enjoyed the issue whereyou took on greedy mortgage bankers, I was forwarding it to every singleperson I know.I know how busy you are so I don’t want to waste your time at all.I am contacting you today because I have a product that I believe the othersubscribers to your newsletter would love to know more about and I wouldlike to see if you are open to a joint venture that could be extremely lucrativefor you and would require very little work on your part.The product we sell is called: ‘How to Sell Your House Without a Real EstateAgent’ and I would like to tell you more about it.After introducing yourself a little bit and stating why you are contactingthem, it’s time to move right into the important facts and figures aboutyour JV proposal that will help your prospective partner to make aneducated decision on whether or not to join up with you.An important point to cover in this introductory section is how or whyyour product will benefit your prospective partners customers. Thisshould not be glossed over. Your prospects have one goal and that is to:Make more money while sharing something that can really benefit theiraudience.A real joint venture will match up great products and services that solve aproblem their audience or niche market is experiencing.Your offer should be complimentary, and not compete with the productsand services that your prospective partner already sells.Copyright 2008 Goldbar Enterprises, LLCwww.JVUniveristy.com9

III. Share The Number

JV proposals should be addressed, written and sent to each individual partner personally. You should know something about each one of your prospective partners. You may be a fan of their writing (e.g. a subscriber to their newsletter), a customer of theirs or simply know their website. Whatever the case may be, within the first paragraph or two of your email, point it out to them and let them .