Downtown Goochland Parham RoadVA Relay 711Reynolds Community College Catalog (804) 371-3000College Catalog2015-2016
College Catalog 2015-2016Reynolds Community CollegePost Office Box 85622Richmond, Virginia 23285-5622Reynolds Community College provides its website, catalog, handbooks, and any other printed materials or electronic media for your general guidance. Reynolds does not guaranteethat the information contained within them, including, but not limited to, the contents of any page that resides under the DNS registrations of is up-to-date, completeand accurate, and individuals assume any risks associated with relying upon such information without checking other credible sources, such as a student’s academic advisor. Inaddition, a student’s or prospective student’s reliance upon information contained within these sources, or individual program catalogs or handbooks, when making academicdecisions does not constitute, and should not be construed as, a contract with Reynolds. Further, Reynolds reserves the right to make changes to any provision or requirement withinthese sources, as well as changes to any curriculum or program, whether during a student’s enrollment or otherwise.Links or references to other materials and websites provided in the above-referenced sources are also for information purposes only and do not constitute the Reynolds endorsementof products or services referenced.Design by Reynolds Community College, Office of Marketing Cover photo by Cabay Photography
Reynolds community College2
A Welcome from the PresidentCONGRATULATIONS! You have made one of the most importantdecisions of your life by deciding to attend college and invest inyourself. Your education will prepare you for unexpected opportunitiesthat come your way. I am thrilled you have chosen Reynolds CommunityCollege as part of your educational journey. Let me tell you why.You have the distinct benefit of learning from our outstanding facultywho teach from a real-world view. These faculty members are anamazing resource for you. Many are heavily involved in nationalprofessional associations and local career networks for their particularsubject or industry, and still work in the field. Ask them questions.Take their advice. They are your number-one cheerleaders and wantto help you succeed at Reynolds and beyond the classroom.When you are in class, look to your right and to your left. You will be sitting beside students from all backgrounds,and of all ages. Community college campuses offer a rich diversity. Your peers represent a wonderful variety ofpeople to learn alongside. Some are right out of high school, many are mid-career, and others are seasoned,professional business owners; you have a tremendous amount of talent and experience to benefit from in classevery day. I encourage you to talk with these peers. Motivate and encourage one another. Network with eachother and use these connections to further your career interests.You have chosen to join Reynolds at an exciting time. Community colleges are frequently highlighted by our nation’spresident, Virginia’s governor, and local businesses as a crucial pathway to the workforce, preparing students likeyou for college graduation and a great job. My commitment to you is to make sure you are ready for that nextstep, whatever this means for you. Your experience here will give you the tools to pursue your dream job, providethe credits needed to transfer to a four-year university, or advance in your present workplace.Welcome to Reynolds where outstanding lives get started!The best.Gary L. Rhodes, Ed.D.College President3
TABLE OF CONTENTSGENERAL INFORMATION. 5-12Specialty Programs.33-38StudentReynolds History.6Center for Distance Learning. 34Student Rights and Responsibilities. 52Reynolds Mission, Vision, and Values.6Accreditation Statement.7Degree and Certificate Programs Availablein Distance Learning Format. 34Student Grievance. 52Nondiscrimination Policy and Contact Information.7Teacher Preparation. 35Student Advocacy. 52Annual Public Notice.7Teacher Licensure Requirements for theCommunity College Student. 35Academic Honesty. 53Virginia Teaching Scholarship Loan Program. 36Student Sexual Misconduct. 53Professional Development for School Personnel. 36Substance Abuse. 53EducateVA Career Switcher Program. 36Student Assessment. 53Community College Workforce Alliance. 36VCCS and Reynolds Computer Ethics Guidelines. 54Academic Calendar 2015-2016.8-10Telephone Directory. 11( visit for most currenttelephone numbers)Campus Locations. 12Student Complaint. 52Student Conduct. 53Reynolds Advance College Academy. 37ADMISSION & ENROLLMENT.13-16High School Dual Enrollment. 37PROGRAM INFORMATION. 57-64Admission Requirements.14Weekend College. 37College Transfer Programs. 58Placement Testing/Test Waiver.14Middle College. 37University Parallel Study. 58Placement Test Waivers. 15Great Expectations. 38International Student Admissions. 16English as a Second Language. 38State Policy on Transfer from Community Collegesto Senior Institutions. 58Student Identification. 16Learning Communities. 38Transfer Agreements. 58FINANCIAL AID. 17-24POLICIES & PROCEDURES. 39-56Career Studies Programs. 59Domicile Determination for In-StateTuition Eligibility. 18EnrollmentComputer Competency Requirement for Students. 59Classification of Students.40Acacemic Program Directory A-Z.60Financial Aid. 18Freshman.40Occupational and Technical Programs. 59Eligibility Criteria. 18Sophomore.40CURRICULum PLANNING. 65-178General Eligibility Criteria. 18Registration Information.40Application Process. 19Registration Periods.40General Information Pertaining toCurricular Offerings.66Deadlines. 19Self-Registration.40General Education Definition.66Loan Applications. 19Academic Course Load.40General Education Goals and Objectives/Outcomes. 67Federal and State Financial Aid Programs Chart.20Prerequisite and Course Sequencing.40General Education Electives. 68Disbursement. 21Repeating a Course.40Foreign Language Electives. 70Students Attending Two Colleges at the Same Time. 21Withdrawal from Courses. 41Impact of Drops/ Withdrawals from Courses. 21Auditing a Course. 41Transfer Degree & CertificateRequirements.71-88Satisfactory Academic Progress. 22Military Students During National Emergency. 41Veterans Benefits. 22Non-Native Speakers of English(English Proficiency). 41State Educational Assistance Programs. 22Scholarships. 23ADVISING. 25-26Associate Degrees & Certificates.89-150Career Studies Certificates. 151-178Classroom & InstructionalCourse Information.179-234Grading — Developmental Studies. 42Explanatory Notes. 180Grade Point Average. 42Course Descriptions A-Z.181Academic Advising. 26Repeated Grade. 42Reynolds Advising Days. 26Final Grades. 42COLLEGE ORGANIZATION.235-252Transfer Advising. 26Academic Renewal. 42Virginia Community College System.236Academic Standing. 43State Board for Community Colleges.236Reinstatement from Suspension or Dismissal.44Reynolds Community College Board.236Advanced Standing and Transfer Creditfrom Other Colleges.44Reynolds Administration.236Transfer Credit from International Institutions.44Community College Workforce AllianceVice President and Staff.236STUDENT Resources.27-32Career, Employment and Transfer Centers. 28College Success Skills Classes. 28Resources for Students in Academic Difficulty. 28SAILS . 28Counseling. 28New Student Orientation. 28Program for Adults in Vocational Education (P.A.V.E.). 29Student Life. 29Enrollment Services. 29Academic Support Centers (Tutoring).30Bookstores.30Services for Students with Disabilities.30Center for the Deaf. 31Libraries. 31Computer Labs. 314Credit by ABLE (Local Examination).44Reynolds Community College President.236Prior Learning Activity for Credit Evaluation. 45Faculty. 237Military Credit. 45Faculty Emeritus.241Credit for Occupational Experience. 45Senior Adjunct Faculty.241Credit by Advanced Placement. 45Classified Staff.244Exam Information.46Advisory Committees.249Graduation and Program Requirements.49Change of Curriculum (Program/Plan).50Waiver and Substitution of Course Requirements.50Student Records.50Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.50Notice Regarding Directory Information. 51INDEX. 253-258
Reynolds community CollegeReynolds HistoryReynolds Mission, Vision, and ValuesAccreditation StatementNondiscrimination Policy andContact InformationAnnual Public NoticeAcademic Calendar 2015-2016Telephone DirectoryCampus LocationsGeneralInformationGeneral Information66777811125
Reynolds community CollegeReynolds HistoryGeneralInformationResponding to the recommendation of a legislative study committeethat “every citizen of the Commonwealth be given an opportunityto attend an institution of higher learning offering academic,occupational/technical, and community service programs at anominal cost,” in 1966 the General Assembly of Virginia establisheda state-wide system of community colleges. A newly establishedState Board for Community Colleges, prepared a master plan for asystem of 23 institutions.The Lieutenant Governor, J. Sargeant Reynolds, heralded the creationof the community college system by the General Assembly as “oneof its finest acts and finest hours in this century.”J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College, the last of these colleges,is named in honor of the late Lieutenant Governor of the State, whochampioned legislation creating the state-supported communitycolleges. Opened in 1972 in temporary headquarters, Reynolds isnow a three-campus institution and the third largest in the VirginiaCommunity College System.The community college master plan called for Reynolds to consistof three permanent instructional centers, serving a geographicdistrict comprising the Virginia counties of Goochland, Hanover,Henrico, and Powhatan, and the city of Richmond (north of theJames River). Louisa County was subsequently added to theReynolds service region on a shared basis with Piedmont CommunityCollege. With the opening of the Goochland Campus in GoochlandCounty in the spring of 1978, Reynolds completed its plan for threecampuses, located at urban, suburban, and rural sites. Additionally,in the spring of 1996, the State Board for Community Collegesadded Richmond south of the James to its service region.The Downtown Campus is now housed in a modern, high-risestructure at Seventh and Jackson Streets, having moved in the fallof 1981 from leased facilities in the 100 block of East Grace Street.In the fall of 1995 a major addition to this facility was completed,adding 84,000 square feet to the existing structure. In 2013, anothermajor renovation was completed of the Downtown Campus buildingto enhance the student experience. In September 1974, the ParhamRoad Campus opened in a newly constructed, contemporarybuilding located on a 105-acre site in northern Henrico County. Asecond instructional building was completed on this suburbancampus in time for the opening of classes in the fall of 1980. Thiscampus is now home to four modern buildings with many state-ofthe-art facilities and resources. With the instructional facility at theGoochland Campus opening in the fall of 1981 and its subsequentaddition, which opened in 2001, Reynolds now operates withmodern facilities at all its instructional sites.Reynolds and John Tyler Community College joined forces in 2003to create a new workforce development entity that providesbusiness, industry and government in the region with a singlesource for workforce development. The organization is named theCommunity College Workforce Alliance (CCWA). The alliance is acooperative partnership dedicated to supporting economic6development and providing world-class workforce training andservices to both the public and private sectors. The vision behindthe organization is to maximize the talents and resources of bothinstitutions’ current workforce development centers in an effort toprovide Richmond, Tri-cities, and surrounding counties with aworld-class regional workforce development organization.Reynolds currently has 87 programs. These include 20 two-yearoccupational/technical degrees, 11 additional occupational/technical specializations, seven occupational/technical certificates,five two-year college transfer degrees, six additional transferspecializations, one transfer certificate, and 37 career studiescertificates requiring less than one year of full-time study. Havingenrolled more than 329,151 persons in credit courses since itsopening, Reynolds continues to strive to meet the aspirations of itsnamesake to provide “a practical and economic answer to thefuture educational needs of thousands of Virginians.”MissionJ. Sargeant Reynolds Community College (Reynolds) provides anaccessible, quality education that develops students for success inthe workplace, prepares students for successful transfer to collegesand universities, builds a skilled workforce that contributes toregional economic development, and promotes personalenrichment and lifelong learning.VisionReynolds will be the preeminent pathway to the workforce anddegree attainment for the greater Richmond region.We ValueOur StudentsWe promote high academic standards and innovative programs thatenable our students to go further and faster in pursuit of their goals.Our PeopleWe promote a culture of collaboration, hire talented individuals,and invest in their professional and personal growth.Our CommunityWe enrich our community through education, leadership,partnerships, and volunteerism.Our EnvironmentWe create and foster safe, healthy and inclusive places for learning,teaching, and working.
Accreditation StatementJ. Sargeant Reynolds Community College is accredited by theSouthern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission onColleges to award associate degrees and certificates. Contact theCommission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about theaccreditation of J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College.Nondiscrimination Policy andContact InformationNondiscrimination PolicyJ. Sargeant Reynolds Community College is an equal opportunityinstitution providing educational and employment opportunities,programs, services, and activities. Reynolds does not discriminateon the basis of age, color, disability, family medical history orgenetic information, military service, national origin, parentalstatus, political affiliation, race, religion, sex (including pregnancyand gender identity), sexual orientation, or any other non-meritbased factor. Reynolds also prohibits sexual harassment includingsexual violence or misconduct.Contact InformationStudents or prospective students who believe they have witnessedor experienced discriminatory conditions or discriminatory actsinclusive of sexual misconduct, sexual violence, sexual harassmentor inaccessible conditions should present their concerns to either ofthe following: Vice President of Student AffairsCollege Title IX Coordinator and ADA/Section 504Compliance OfficerJ. Sargeant Reynolds Community CollegeP.O. Box 85622Richmond, VA 23285-5622Telephone: (804) 523-5296Fax: (804) 523-5714Email: VPSA@Reynolds.eduPhysical Location: Parham Road Campus, Georgiadis Hall,Room 350OrDepartment of EducationOffice of Civil Rights400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.Washington, DC 20202-1100Employees or prospective employees who believe they have witnessedor experienced discriminatory conditions or discriminatory actsinclusive of sexual misconduct, sexual violence, sexual harassmentor inaccessible conditions should present their concerns to:College Equal Employment Opportunity OfficerJ. Sargeant Reynolds Community CollegeP.O. Box 85622Richmond, VA 23285-5622Telephone: (804) 523-5877Fax: (804) 523-5108Email: EEO@Reynolds.eduPhysical Location: Parham Road Campus,Workforce Development and Conference Center, Suite 121Annual Public NoticeReynolds Community College does not discriminate on the basis ofrace, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs oractivities. Reynolds offers programs in many vocational areas underits open admissions policy. Specifically, Reynolds offers admissionsbased on selective criteria in Medical Laboratory Technology,Nursing AAS, Practical Nursing Certificate, and Respiratory Therapythrough a separate application process that is nondiscriminatory.For more information about the application process, contact theadmissions office or Enrollment Services at (804) 523-6464.Inquiries related to Reynolds nondiscrimination policies should bedirected to:Vice President of Student AffairsCollege Title IX Coordinator and ADA/Section 504Compliance OfficerJ. Sargeant Reynolds Community CollegeP.O. Box 85622Richmond, VA 23285-5622Telephone: (804) 523-5296Fax: (804) 523-5714Email: VPSA@Reynolds.eduPhysical Location: Parham Road Campus, Georgiadis Hall,Room 350Programs reviewed and updated August 2014www.ed.gov7GeneralInformationGeneral information
REYNOLDS COMMUNITY COLLEGEGENERALINFORMATIONAcademic Calendar 2015-16Fall Semester 2015Second Eight-Week SessionImportant DatesAdvisingJuly 13–24, 2015Classes BeginPriority RegistrationJuly 13–26, 2015Late Registration and Add/DropOpen RegistrationAdjunct Faculty ConvocationLabor Day (college closed)July 27–August 23, 2015August 20, 2015September 7, 2015College-wide Convocation Day(no classes/no services)September 22, 2015Faculty Research Day (no classes)November 25, 2015Fall Break (college closed)November 26–29, 2015October 21, 2015October 21–23, 2015Last Day to Add ClassOctober 23, 2015Last Day to Drop with RefundOctober 28, 2015Last Day to Withdraw from Classwith a Grade of WNovember 23, 2015Classes EndDecember 19, 2015First Four-Week SessionClasses BeginAugust 24, 2015Late Registration and Add/DropAugust 24, 2015Last Day to Add ClassAugust 24, 2015Regular Session (Sixteen-weeks)Last Day to Drop with RefundAugust 26, 2015Classes BeginLast Day to Withdraw from Classwith a Grade of WSeptember 9, 2015Classes EndSeptember 21, 2015Grades Due by NoonLate Registration and Add/DropLast Day to Add ClassLast Day to Drop with RefundLast Day to Withdraw from Classwith a Grade of WClasses EndExamination PeriodDecember 22, 2015August 24, 2015August 24–28, 2015August 28, 2015September 9, 2015October 30, 2015December 12, 2015December 14–19, 2015Late Registration and Add/DropLast Day to Add ClassLast Day to Drop with RefundSeptember 23, 2015September 23–28, 2015September 28, 2015October 5, 2015Last Day to Withdraw from Classwith a Grade of WNovember 11, 2015Classes EndDecember 19, 2015First Eight-Week SessionClasses BeginLate Registration and Add/DropAugust 28, 2015August 24–26, 2015Last Day to Add ClassAugust 26, 2015Last Day to Drop with RefundAugust 31, 2015Last Day to Withdraw from Classwith a Grade of WClasses EndClasses BeginSeptember 23, 2015Late Registration and Add/DropSeptember 23, 2015Last Day to Add ClassSeptember 23, 2015Last Day to Drop with RefundSeptember 25, 2015Last Day to Withdraw from Classwith a Grade of WTwelve-Week SessionClasses BeginSecond Four-Week SessionSeptember 28, 2015October 20, 2015Classes EndOctober 20, 2015Third Four-Week SessionClasses BeginOctober 21, 2015Late Registration and Add/DropOctober 21, 2015Last Day to Add ClassOctober 21, 2015Last Day to Drop with RefundOctober 23, 2015Last Day to Withdraw from Classwith a Grade of WNovember 5, 2015Classes EndNovember 17, 2015Fourth Four-Week SessionClasses BeginNovember 18, 2015Late Registration and Add/DropNovember 18, 2015Last Day to Add ClassNovember 18, 2015Last Day to Drop with RefundNovember 20, 2015Last Day to Withdraw from Classwith a Grade of WClasses End8October 8, 2015December 8, 2015December 19, 2015
Spring Semester 2016Second Eight-Week SessionImportant DatesAdvisingNovember 9–20, 2015Classes Begin March 8, 2016Priority RegistrationNovember 9–29, 2015Late Registration and Add/Drop March 8–10, 2016November 30, 2015 – January 10, 2016Last Day to Add Class March 10, 2016Open RegistrationAdjunct Faculty ConvocationMartin Luther King, Jr. Day (college closed)January 7, 2016January 18, 2016Spring Break (no classes) March 21–27, 2016Last Day to Drop with Refund March 15, 2016Last Day to Withdraw from Classwith a Grade of WApril 15, 2016Classes End May 9, 2016Professional Development Day (no services) March 21, 2016Grades Due by Noon May 10, 2016First Four-Week SessionProfessional Development Day May 11, 2016Classes BeginJanuary 11, 2016Graduation May 15, 2016Late Registration and Add/DropJanuary 11, 2016Regular Session (Sixteen-weeks)Classes BeginLate Registration and Add/DropJanuary 11, 2016January 11–15, 2016Last Day to Add ClassJanuary 15, 2016Last Day to Drop with RefundJanuary 27, 2016Last Day to Withdraw from Classwith a Grade of W March 17, 2016Last Day to Add ClassJanuary 11, 2016Last Day to Drop with RefundJanuary 13, 2016Last Day to Withdraw from Classwith a Grade of WJanuary 27, 2016Classes EndFebruary 8, 2016Second Four-Week SessionClasses BeginFebruary 9, 2016Late Registration and Add/DropFebruary 9, 2016Last Day to Add ClassFebruary 9, 2016Examination Period May 3–9, 2016Last Day to Drop with RefundFebruary 11, 2016Twelve-Week SessionLast Day to Withdraw from Classwith a Grade of WClasses End May 2, 2016Classes BeginLate Registration and Add/DropFebruary 9, 2016February 9–12, 2016Last Day to Add ClassFebruary 12, 2016Last Day to Drop with RefundFebruary 19, 2016Last Day to Withdraw from Classwith a Grade of WApril 5, 2016Classes End May 9, 2016First Eight-Week SessionClasses BeginLate Registration and Add/DropFebruary 24, 2016Classes End March 7, 2016Third Four-Week SessionClasses Begin March 8, 2016Late Registration and Add/Drop March 8, 2016Last Day to Add Class March 8, 2016Last Day to Drop with Refund March 10, 2016Last Day to Withdraw from Classwith a Grade of W March 30, 2016Classes EndApril 11, 2016January 11, 2016January 11–13, 2016Fourth Four-Week SessionLast Day to Add ClassJanuary 13, 2016Classes BeginApril 12, 2016Last Day to Drop with RefundJanuary 19, 2016Late Registration and Add/DropApril 12, 2016Last Day to Add ClassApril 12, 2016Last Day to Drop with RefundApril 14, 2016Last Day to Withdraw from Classwith a Grade of WApril 27, 2016Last Day to Withdraw from Classwith a Grade of WFebruary 12, 2016Classes End March 7, 2016Classes End May 9, 20169GeneralInformationGeneral InforMation
Reynolds community CollegeSummer Term 2016GeneralInformationImportant DatesFirst Five-Week SessionAdvisingApril 11–22, 2016Classes Begin May 23, 2016Priority RegistrationApril 11–24, 2016Late Registration and Add/Drop May 23–24, 2016April 25–May 22, 2016Last Day to Add Class May 24, 2016Memorial Day (college closed) May 30, 2016Last Day to Drop with Refund May 26, 2016Independence Day (college closed)Last Day to Withdraw from Class with a Grade of WJune 13, 2016Classes EndJune 27, 2016Open RegistrationGrades Due by NoonJuly 4, 2016August 9, 2016Ten-Week SessionSecond Five-Week
College Catalog 2015-2016 Reynolds Community College Post Office Box 85622 Richmond, Virginia 23285-5622 Design by Reynolds Community College, Office of Marketing Cover photo by Cabay Photography Reynolds Community College provides its website, catalog, handbooks, and any other printed materials or electronic media for your general guidance.