EPISODE 1 CHARACTERS: Speaking: Viva Bennett Mel Amber .


EPISODE 1CHARACTERS:Speaking:Viva BennettMelAmber DeanHolli VavasourSaz KaurAliyahAnna TrenchRob BennettJamie BennettBrandonNon-speaking:Baldie (Mel's baby)SchoolkidsSkateboard kidsFootball squad #1Holli's younger siblingsWest Hill football squadAnimals:GoldfishDog (flashback - i/v?)LOCATIONS:EXT. The EstateINT. School Changing RoomEXT. School Playing FieldINT. Estate StairwellINT. Viva's FlatINT. Viva's BedroomINT. Holli's HouseEXT. Holli's HouseEXT. Brandon's HouseINT. Brandon's BedroomEXT. Football PitchEXT. SchoolEXT. Estate Play AreaINT. Amber's BedroomEXT. West Hill Football PitchsideEXT. West Hill Football PitchEXT. Playground

SOME GIRLS/Episode 1 by Bernadette Davis Draft 24.2.121/1pt1 INT. VIVA’S BEDROOM. DAY 1. TIME 075011/1pt1Music plays.Montage of Viva is getting ready for school.We cut between her: drinking some juice, doing her hair,checking her teeth, shoving files in her bag, laughing at atext, checking reflecton of her back view in mirror, puttingiPod in bag, putting on her lip gloss, zipping up her bag,headphones in, football boots in bag, grabbing a banana.CUT TO:1/1EXT. THE ESTATE.DAY 1. TIME 08151/1It’s the type of estate where blocks are arranged round acentral area that has some trees and attempts at greenery anda small children’s battered play area.Viva walks along the walkway of her block. She sees a girl inthe play area below with her baby on the swing.The girl waves at VIVA.VIVAHey, Mel.We hear Viva’s v/o as she comes along the walkway, and downthe stairs.VIVA (V/O)No way you’d catch me gettingpregnant. I’ve got it all plannedout. First of all I’ve got to getmy career sorted - as a top childpsychologist. I’m alreadypartially qualified.As she reaches the bottom of the stairs two kids runs towardseach other in front of her at top speed pushing abandonedsupermarket trolleys which smash into each other right infront of her.VIVA (V.O.).as I know loads of kids who area bit mental.She shoves the trolleys out of her path and crosses towardsMel.MELBaldie’s been up all night,screaming his big bald head off.

SOME GIRLS/Episode 1 by Bernadette Davis Draft 24.2.121AVIVACareful, you’re dropping ash on hishead.MELWhoops, sorry mate.Mel kisses Baldie lovingly. Viva films them on her mobile.VIVAAaaah.

SOME GIRLS/Episode 1 by Bernadette Davis Draft 24.2.122VIVAYou had any breakfast?She puts a banana on the swing next to Mel and walks awaythrough the estate. During Viva’s next v/o about Mel perhapswe see a flash viva’s mobile footage of Mel/Baldie.VIVA (V/O)Take Mel - to the Government she’sjust another pramface after a flat,but I know the real Mel and what’smade her how she is. cidermostly.Another girl - AMBER - appears onher bike.AMBERHey!AMBER rides up to VIVA and stops.VIVA (V.O.)Amber is one of my oldest friends.She’s a lovely girl with hardly anyissues - unless.Smash cuts of Amber being thick with doors:1. Pulling with all her might on a door that says PUSH in bigletters.2.Going round and round ina revolving door.3.Stuck with head thru a cat flap.VIVA (V.O.). is being a bit thick an issue?AMBERD’you want a lift to the bus stop?VIVAYeah, thanks.(She arranges herself onthe dip in the handlebarsof Amber’s bike.)So, did you see Brandon last night?Amber rides off with Viva on her handlebars out through thealleyway leading from the estate to the main road.AMBERYeah but I’m worried. It’s not thesame any more. When we used tokiss it was like this lovelywhooshy, tingly feeling.(MORE)

SOME GIRLS/Episode 1 by Bernadette Davis Draft 24.2.123AMBER (cont'd)straight to my pants, but now Idon’t even stop thinking what I’mthinking - like last night I waswondering how come Brandon’sgoldfish got so fat. And then Isuddenly felt Brandon’s tongueflicking that dangly bit in theback of my throat and I was like ohyeah, this is occurring.Amber stops suddenly at the bus stop, and VIVA jumps off thebike. Other kids in the same school uniform are there.VIVALaters.Amber starts to cycle off.AMBER(turning)But you think I should dump him?CUT TO:1/2INT.CHANGING ROOM.DAY 1.TIME 15401/2There are a few other girls in the back ground but VIVA andAmber are part of a group of four girls.There is a much younger girl - Aliyah - not part of the gangwho is sitting on the bench in her coat with her bag.Aliyah is a small Muslim girl wearing a veil, the full niqabwhere just the eyes are showing. Her eyes are large andexpressive flicking back and forth between the girls as shetakes it all in.HOLLIYeah, dump him, what a loser!AMBERI haven’t completely made up mymind yet anyway. I don’t know whatto do.They are getting changed for football training. Amber hasher school shirt off and is wearing football shorts and abra.AMBERWhat you all looking at?They are all staring at her chest.

SOME GIRLS/Episode 1 by Bernadette Davis Draft 24.2.124VIVADid Brandon do that?There is writing on Amber’s chest.capitals. THESE ARE MINE.Aliyah’sIt says in thick blackeyes widen in shock.HOLLIThat is well creepy.VIVAHe’s even signed it.SAZHe’s got really babyishhandwriting. I hate boys who don’thave interesting writing.HOLLILike you’ve got a massive choice.Ooh, Max from the Wanted, let mejust test you on your writingbefore I let you bang me.SAZJust cos you’d do it with anyonefor a packet of Tangfastics, Ivalue my body a bit higher thanthat.HOLLIYou calling me easy?(Saz just shrugs)You calling me easy?SAZI didn’t say that.HOLLIWhat did you mean then?you mean? Eh? Eh?What didVIVA (V.O.)Holli’s violent outbursts arelegendary but she’s thumped so manypeople that if she hits someoneagain she’ll be permanentlyexcluded so she’s had to find otherways to release her aggression thatdon’t hurt anyone.FLASH CUT TO:

SOME GIRLS/Episode 1 by Bernadette Davis Draft 24.2.121/3DENTED METAL DOORS HANGING OFF LOCKERS51/3BROKEN WINDOWA TOILET FALLS THROUGH SHOTBack in the changing room Kelli is absent-mindedly stranglingSaz’s football boot.AMBERI’ve never dumped anyone before.don’t know how to start.IVIVAJust tell him - oy bruv, you’re abit too weird for me.SAZYeah, you could reply to him onyour boobs. Write “it’s over, Inever want to see you again, d’youget me? P.s. You are a creepy,weirdo loser.AMBERIf only my boobs were that big.HOLLIOr you could just send him a textsaying fuck off.AMBERBut he’d get upset and when he getsupset he does this thing.Smash cut to c/u Brandon making sad-eyed face like cat fromShrek.VIVANo, just tell him, no messingabout, I’ve had enough of you.AMBERBut what if he does the face?HOLLIPunch it.Saz turns to stash her bag in a locker and finally noticesAliyah sitting on the bench.SAZWhat you doing here?for me?Aliyah nods.You waiting

SOME GIRLS/Episode 1 by Bernadette Davis Draft 24.2.126SAZI can’t go bus stop with you today,I got football practice.You’ll beall right, I’ll see you tomorrow.Aliyah leaves.VIVAWho’s that?CUT TO:1/4EXT. SCHOOL PLAYING FIELD.DAY 1. TIME 1600The girls walk towards the football pitch.SAZHer name’s Aliyah. She’s gettingbullied. I’m her mentor.HOLLIPoor kid.SAZI know. Some of the Year 7s in herclass are right bitches.HOLLII meant having you for a mentor.Saz scowls at Holli.VIVA (V.O.)Saz only started at our school ayear ago. She’s an interestingcase.Footage of Saz being sarky to a boy holding door open forher.SAZDo I look disabled?Saz is sarky to a teacher.SAZShall I explain it to you again?1/4

SOME GIRLS/Episode 1 by Bernadette Davis Draft 24.2.127VIVA (V.O.)On the outside she’s propersarcastic with serious attitudeproblems and on the inside - thesame.Now Saz is back on pitch with Holli who is picking up adropped ball.SAZKeepy-uppies not keepy-downies.ANNA - PE teacher - who speaks in loud, very strong NewZealand accent - breaks into the conversation:ANNACome on ladies!up.Let’s get warmedThey all straggle into a line in front of Anna and she startsputting them through a series of warm-up moves, with themcopying what she does.ANNAHere we go. And reach, and reachand reach. Got some great news foryou girls. We’re playing Westmountthis Friday. Yes, it’s revengetime.A ripple of reaction from the girls at the words Westmount.ANNAPunching out now. Punch. Punch.Punch. Now we all remember whathappened last time we playedWestmount.Saz puts up her hand.SAZI don’t like blood, Miss.ANNAIt wasn’t all that bad, Saz.HOLLIIt was Miss. Hayley’s head waslike a giant red fountain sprayingthe whole pitch with blood.Saz looks sick.*

SOME GIRLS/Episode 1 by Bernadette Davis Draft 24.2.128ANNAThe head is an area that bleeds alot. So it looked worse than itwas.VIVAHer nose was broken - that’s quitebad.ANNAShe.AMBERShe still having counselling?HOLLIYeah, and she’s gotta have surgeryon her face.VIVACos after what happened she kind ofhad an extra nostril.SAZEuurgh, stop talking about it.ANNAShut up! Forget last year. Thatwas last year. It was completelydifferent last year.VIVAYeah, last year Hayley only had twonostrils.ANNAViva! You are not wearing whitesocks. That’s a detention.Viva’s mouth drops open.ANNADo 20 press ups.Viva drops to the ground.HOLLIThat’s not fair Miss.ANNAMake it 30 press ups. You tooHolli. And this is how you do aproper press up.She manically starts doing amazing press ups, even doing somewith a handclap in between.

SOME GIRLS/Episode 1 by Bernadette Davis Draft 24.2.129When she does the handclap press-ups Viva quietly says“bitch” “bitch” “bitch” on each clap, so Anna doesn’t hearher.Viva and Holli ignore her and do their press ups.HOLLIYou heard what they’re saying abouther?Holli indicates Anna.blows.Viva shakes her head.Anna’s whistleCUT TO:1/5EXT. THE ESTATE.DAY 1. TIME 18101/5Viva walks back through the estate. A few kids are loiteringabout. A couple on skateboards whizz either side of Viva atthe same time.CUT TO:1/6INT. STAIRWELL.DAY 1. TIME 18131/6Viva’s steps clang and echo up the concrete stairs. Sheunlocks her front door and goes in, slamming the door loudly.CUT TO:1/7INT.VIVA’S FLAT.DAY 1. TIME 1814Viva’s flat is clean, warm, comfortable.room just inside the front door.1/7There is a sitting*VIVAI’m starving.ROBYou know where the kitchen is.Viva goes to the kitchen for food.

SOME GIRLS/Episode 1 by Bernadette Davis Draft 24.2.1210VIVAWould it kill you to get me a snackready?*ROBI’m not prepared to take the risk.*Viva comes into the room with a jar of Nutella and a largespoon.ROBYou’re late today.*VIVAYeah, my stupid nazi football coachgave me a detention.Now Anna comes into the room wearing a vest and pants, and werealise Viva actually lives with her “stupid nazi footballcoach”.ANNAAre you just going to sit there andlet her abuse me? Rob?*ROBNo, no I’m not. Well I am goingto sit here. can I get back toyou on the other one?*VIVAShe made me stay behind to scrubthe balls, for no reason except totorture me. For fun.ANNAThey get muddy and sweaty.Switty?VIVAWhat’s that?Sweaty.ANNASweaty.ROBShe’s saying sweaty.VIVAThere’s a rumour going round thatyou’re pregnant.They just look at her.VIVAEveryone’s talking about it.

SOME GIRLS/Episode 1 by Bernadette Davis Draft 24.2.1211ROB and ANNA both just look at her.VIVAYou’ll be wanting to nip that inthe bud, I expect.They still stay silent.VIVAOh for fuck’s sake! You’re nottelling me it’s true! I mean,how. why. we have to listen toendless lectures aboutcontraception and you two can’tevan manage to. well you’ll haveto get rid of it, it’s all reallyeasy. Chanelle had a terminationlast month and was back in schoolby dinner time.(getting out her phone)Shall I text her and get the numberof her clinic.*ANNA(interrupting)No. No, no, no, - Viva, it wasplanned.VIVAPlend?ROBIt was planned.Was it?*ANNAYep, we decided to get pregnant andfour weeks later I was checking itoff my to do list, oh yes.ROBYou didn’t really have it writtenon a to do list did you.ANNAThe to do list is a highlyeffective tool.Jamie wanders in, focussing on his mobile.without taking his eyes from his phone.VIVADoes Jamie know?ROBWe were going to tell you bothtonight. Jamie - me and Anna arehaving a baby.He flops down,

SOME GIRLS/Episode 1 by Bernadette Davis Draft 24.2.1212Jamie grunts, non-comittally.VIVAJamie, they’re having a baby.So?JAMIEI’m busy.VIVABut where will it sleep?ANNAFirst off, baby will sleep in ourroom and then later.ROBWhen you’ve gone off to uni.ANNAOr to work in Poundland or MickyD’sor whatever.ROBThe baby will have your room.VIVASo you’re throwing me out?ROBNo, that’s not gonna happen.ANNAYes, basically we will be needingyour room.VIVAWhy don’t I just leave nowthen!!!?Off she stomps slamming the door.ROB and ANNA look at each other.CUT TO:1/8INT. VIVA’S BEDROOM.DAY 1. TIME 1820Viva packs stuff into a rucksack.1/8She’s upset.VIVA (V.O.)Miss Hitchcock imaginativelynicknamed Bitchcock is somehow kindof my stepmum.(MORE)***

SOME GIRLS/Episode 1 by Bernadette Davis Draft 24.2.1213VIVA (V.O.) (cont'd)What does my Dad see in her? Idon’t know. I’ve got some ideasthough.***CUT TO:1/9MONTAGE1/9Quick montage of times Viva’s interrupted Rob and Anna havingsex.1. Viva opens door to see Anna in her pink football coachgear and Rob in his fireman’s gear having sex on the table quickly shuts door.2. Viva opens door and sees Rob topless being vigorouslymassaged by Anna. Rob is making noises of pleasure thatsicken her. She quickly shuts door.3. Viva opens door to see Anna dressed in Rob’s fireman’sgear and Rob in Anna’s too small pink football coach gearhaving sex on the table. Quickly shuts door.Now Viva hoists her rucksack onto her back and walks past theliving room door to leave. Rob and Jamie are on theplaystation and don’t notice her, but Anna gives her a goodbye wave and a smirk.VIVA (V.O.)Yes, they are both giant sexmaniacs!***CUT TO:1/10INT. STAIRWELL.DAY 1. TIME 1825.Viva’s front door bursting open.backpack.1/10Viva comes out lugging aShe stamps off down the stairs passing Mel on her way out.VIVA (V.O.)When I’m a famous psychologist with my own show on Living they’ll be sorry.As she leaves another whizzing shopping trolley nearly takesh

you mean? Eh? Eh? VIVA (V.O.) Holli’s violent outbursts are legendary but she’s thumped so many people that if she hits someone again she’ll be permanently excluded so she’s had to find other ways to release her aggression that don’t hurt anyone. FLASH CUT TO: SOME GIRLS/Episode 1 by Bernadette Davis Draft 24.2.12 4 . 1/3 DENTED METAL DOORS HANGING OFF LOCKERS 1/3 BROKEN