Be Ready. Stay Safe.Broward.org/Hurricane
Here are some important tipsfor hurricane season.2Broward County wants you andyour family to BE READY. STAY SAFE.during hurricane seasonJune 1st through November 30th.Let’s get started!Hurricane Safety Coloring & Activity Book
MY FAMILYCOMMUNICATION PLANFill out a plan with your family to havein an emergency.Cut HereMy Name:My Address:My Telephone Number:Meeting Place:Family InformationWork Numbers:Cell Numbers:Email: Neighbor/Relative name and phone number:Out of town contact name and phone number:Always remember to dial 911 in emergencies.Broward.org/Hurricane3
If the weather is bad, listen to the radio or television.You may need to evacuate if a storm is coming.4Hurricane Safety Coloring & Activity Book
Every family needsa hurricane plan!Even your pets willneed their own supplyof food and water.Broward.org/Hurricane5
Create A Hurricane Safety KitTake a look at all the items below.Circle the items you should put in your family hurricane kit.See Page 14 for answers.6Hurricane Safety Coloring & Activity Book
Don’t drink water from a faucetafter a storm unless a grown-up says it’s OK!Broward.org/Hurricane7
2134567891011121314151620171819ACROSS2. Never go near these if they are downed after a storm.You could get electrocuted.5. Hurricane season begins the first day of what month?7. The is the calm center of a hurricane.8. Broward County wants you and your family to Be Ready.Stay. . this hurricane season.11. The radio in your hurricane kit gets power from these.12. Your hurricane kit should include how many gallons ofwater per person per day?14. How many hurricane categories are there?15. This will keep you warm if you are at a shelter.16. Most accidents happen a storm has passed.17. What is one of the hidden dangers that can be found inpuddles or standing water? (two words)19. If the power is out, you should ask a grownup before youopen this appliance.See page 14 for answer key.DOWN1. What should you and your family develop beforehurricane season starts? (two words)2. You and your family need a hurricane plan.Who else in the house needs a plan?3. You should only call 911 in the case of an .4. These protect the windows in your house duringa hurricane.6. Hurricanes can start developing off the coast of thiscontinent.9. Never use these to light your house if your poweris out.10.These can provide temporary power to your homeif the electricity goes out, but only use one in a wellventilated area.13. 311 is the number for Broward County’s Hurricane18. A Category 1 hurricane has a speed of 74-95 mph.20. This powerful storm almost hit Broward County inOctober 2016.Hurricane Safety Coloring & Activity Book8
When the power goes out, try not to open the refrigerator!If the power has been out for a long time,ask an adult before you eat any food out of the refrigerator.Broward.org/Hurricane9
HURRICANE WORD SEARCH PUZZLE10Hurricane Safety Coloring & Activity Book
Even though it looks like fun, never walk through puddles orplay near fallen trees. Puddles can hide things like broken glass,snakes and power lines.Fallen trees are not steady and can roll over on you.Broward.org/Hurricane11
Find a safe waythrough thestorm.SAFEENTER HERESee page 14 for answer key.12Hurricane Safety Coloring & Activity Book
After The StormAfter a hurricane, be careful outside. Color in the itemsthat need to be taken down, cleaned up, thrown away, orfixed.Broward.org/Hurricane13
Answer PageHurricane Word Search Key6211Create aHurricaneSupply Kit GameFirst Aid KitRadioCanned FoodBreadFlashlight/BatteriesCan openerWaterGames/ToysWhistleMoneyCell PhoneMatches91437812510512349610781112Page 10Page 6Hurricane CrosswordPuzzle KeyAcross2. Powerlines5. June7. Eye8. Safe11. Batteries12. One14. Five15. Blanket16. After17. BrokenGlass19. RefrigeratorPage 814Down1. HurricanePlan2. Pets3. Emergency4. Shutters6. Africa9. Candles10. Generators13. Hotline18. Wind19. MatthewPage 12Hurricane Safety Coloring & Activity Book
dEMDHurricane Hotline311Be Ready. Stay Safe.100 copies of this public document were promulgated at a cost of 158.00, or 1.58, per copyto inform the public about Broward County emergency preparedness services.(Rev. 11/20) EM202076163
Hurricane Safety Coloring & Activity Book 14 Answer Page Create a Hurricane Supply Kit Game First Aid Kit Radio Canned Food Bread Flashlight/Batteries Can opener Water Games/Toys Whistle Money Cell Phone Matches Page 10 Page 6 Across 2. Powerlines 5. June 7. Eye 8. Safe 11. Batteries 12. One 14. Five 15. Blanket 16. After 17. BrokenGlass 19 .