ANNEX 1 -PROFILE OF DUTIES AND COMPETENCIES OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEER(ENTRY LEVEL)DUTIESCOMPETENCIESA. ElectronicsEngineeringPracticeA.1 Abide byengineeringpractice withhighest integrityA.2Conceptualize,Analyze &DesignA.3 GeneratetechnicalspecificationA.1.1 Familiarizewith EcE Law, 2004,RA 9292A.1.2 ObserveLaws, Contracts andEthicsA.1.3 ObserveInternational andLocal Patent Law,WIPOA.1.4 Comply withOSI, ISO and otherstandardsA.1.5 ApplyrelatedindustrystandardsA.1.6 ApplyPhilipineElectronicsCodeA.2.1 SignalProcessing SystemA.2.2 Analog andDigital ElectronicsSystem.A.2.3CommunicationSystemsA2.4 ElectroAcoustics SystemA.2.5BroadcastSystemA 2.6InstrumentationA.2.7 ControlSystem.A 2.8 IndustrialElectronicsA.2.9 PowerElectronicsA.2.10 ElectronicsDevices andSystems TestEquipmentA.3.1 Translateengineeringsolutions intoproduct and/orprocessA.3.2 Verifyproducts and/orprocesses inconformity to giventechnicalspecificationA.3.3 Define andEvaluate Safety &Security StandardsA.3.4 Estimateimpact of errors andtolerancesA.3.5 DefineProof ofperformance(documentation)18
A.4 Conductengineeringevaluation,experiment, andinvestigationA.4.1 Set upprototype,experiment, andworking modelA.4.2 Identifysystem strength andweaknessA.4.3 AnalyzefailureA.4.4 Evaluate andvalidate EcE B.1.2 Formulateproblem statementB.1.3 IdentifyappropriatemethodologyB.1.4 Defineresearch echanicsof safetyincidentinvestigationA.4.7 Determineproduct reliabilityB. RESEARCHANDDEVELOPMENTB.1. Apply basicmethods ofResearch andDevelopmentB. 2. Engage inResearch andDevelopmentProgramB.1.1 Communicatewith industry,practitioners,institutions, andother stakeholders.B.2.1 Identifyresearch focusconducts tests andidentifies informationfor generalapplicationB.2.2 Measure andrecord researchprojectsmethodically.B.2.3. Analyzerecorded resultsand developconclusionsB.2.4 Reportsresults with analysisof their significanceto the underlyingengineeringproblemsB.2.5 Writeand presenttechnicalreports/papers (forpossiblepublication)19
C. MANAGESIGNIFICANTPROJECTSC.1 Interpretproject scopeC.2 Explainquality, safetyand riskmanagementC.3 Discussplans,programs,strategies, andbudget.C.1.1 Determine andexamine eachproject elementfocused to EcEengineering.C.2.1 Identify qualitystandards andperformancemeasurementC.3.1 Enumerateproject workflowdesign tasksC.4.1 Explainsystem architectureC.4 IntegrateSystemsC.1.2 Explain projectmanagementprocessC.1.3 Identifyweaknesses,strength,opportunity andthreat in a projectcase studyC.1.4 Describegiven internal andexternalenvironmental scanC.2.2 Preparereports anddocumentation onquality and controlsconformancesC.2.3 Identifyhazards andpotential safetyissues andpreventionsC.2.4 Identifypotential problemand risk andproactive measureC.3.2 Explain plansand programsC.3.3 Describe themerit of strategiesin a case studyC.3.4 Identifyresources andbudget in a casestudyC.4.2 Interpret blockdiagrams,schematics andsystem componentsC.4.3 Explainvarious techniquesof interfacingsystemsC.4.4 Analyze themerit of a givenintegrated system interms of operationalneeds, cost andtimely deliveryC.1.5Evaluateexisting(technical)system us timemanagement toolsC.3.6Identify andappreciateperformance indicators20
C.5 Implementchanges insystemC.5.1 Describe thesystemC.5.2 Assessperformance of thesystem.C.5.3 Identifysystemperformanceparameters.D.1 Apply TimeMotion StudyD.2 ConductStatistical ProcessAnalysisD.3 Perform SWOTAnalysisD.4 Utilize QualityControl ToolsD.7 PerformMeasurementand SystemAnalysisD.8 UtilizeMetrologyD.9 PracticeProductionPlanning andControlC.5.4 Assess givensystemsperformance vementsD.5 PracticeProcess andChangeManagementD.6.FormulateDesign ofExperimentC.5.6Identifyopportunities forworkplacechangeD OPERATIONMANAGEMENT21
ANNEX II – SAMPLE CURRICULUM MAPRELATIONSHIP OF THE COURSES TO THE PROGRAM OUTCOMESProgram OutcomesThe Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering (BSECE) program must produce graduates who shall be able to:a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l.apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve chemical engineering problems;design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data;.design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints, in accordance withstandards;function in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams;identify, formulate, and solve chemical engineering problems;understand professional and ethical responsibility;.communicate effectively complex chemical engineering activities with the engineering community and with society atlarge;understand the impact of chemical engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context;recognize the need for, and engage in life-long learning;know contemporary issues;use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for electronics engineering practice;know and understand engineering and management principles as a member and leader of a team, and to manageprojects in a multidisciplinary environment;22
Sample Curriculum MapLEGEND23
MathematicsUnitsCollege Algebra3Advanced Algebra2Plane and SphericalTrigonometry3Analytic Geometry2Solid Mensuration2Differential Calculus4Integral Calculus4Differential Equations3Probability and Statistics3Natural/Physical SciencesUnitsGeneral Chemistry 12General Chemistry 1 Lab1Physics 13Physics 1 Lab1Physics 23Physics 2 IIIIhijklijklIfghIIIIII24
Basic Engineering SciencesUnitsEngineering DrawingComputer-Aided DraftingComputer Fundamentals &ProgrammingStatics of Rigid BodiesDynamics of Rigid BodiesMechanics of Deformable BodiesEngineering EconomyEngineering ManagementEnvironmental EngineeringSafety ManagementAllied Courses112aIEI3233321EEEEUnitsaIEEDiscrete Mathematics3Basic Thermodynamics2Fundamentals of Materials Scienceand flIIIghijkl25
Professional CoursesAdvanced EngineeringMathematics for ECENumerical MethodsUnits33Numerical Methods Lab1ECE Laws Contract and Ethics3Circuits 13Circuits 1 lab1Circuits 23Circuits 2 Lab1Electronic Devices and Circuits3Electronic Devices and CircuitsLab1Electronic Circuit Analysis andDesign3Electronic Circuit Analysis andDesign Lab1Industrial Electronics3Industrial Electronics Lab1Electromagnetics3Signals, Spectra, 26
Professional CoursesSignals, Spectra, SignalProcessing LabUnits1Principles of Communications3Principles of Communications Lab1Energy Conversion3Energy Conversion Lab1Digital Communications3Digital Communications Lab1Logic Circuits and SwitchingTheory3Logic Circuits and SwitchingTheory Lab1Transmission Media and AntennaSystem3Transmission Media and AntennaSystem Lab1Microprocessor Systems3Microprocessor Systems Lab1Feedback and Control Systems3Feedback and Control DDEEEEDDDDEEEEDDDDDDDDDdefghijkl27
Data Communications3Data Communications Lab1Vector Analysis3Practicum /Thesis 1 –1st sem, 5thyear1Practicum /Thesis 2 –1st sem, 55hyear1Seminar and Field TripsECE ELECTIVE 1ECE ELECTIVE 2ECE ELECTIVE 3ECE ELECTIVE DEDEDDEDDDDDDEDDDD28
Annex III- Sample Course SpecificationBSECE Program OutcomesBy the time of graduation, the students of the program shall have the ability to:a) apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve Electronicsengineering problems;b) design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpretdata;c) design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs withinrealistic constraints, in accordance with standards;d) function in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams;e) identify, formulate, and solve Electronics engineering problems;f) understand professional and ethical responsibility;g) communicate effectively Electronics engineering activities with theengineering community and with society at large;h) understand the impact of Electronics engineering solutions in a global,economic, environmental, and societal contexti) recognize the need for, and engage in life-long learningj) know contemporary issues;k) use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary forElectronics engineering practice;l) know and understand engineering and management principles as amember and leader of a team, and to manage projects in amultidisciplinary environment;Course Name:CourseDescriptionNumber of UnitsNumber of ContactHours per weekPrerequisiteCourse OutcomesELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS (LECTURE)Introduction to quantum mechanics of solid state electronics; diodeand transistor characteristics and models (BJT and FET); diodecircuit analysis and applications; transistor biasing; small signalanalysis; large signal analysis; transistor amplifiers; Boolean logic;transistor switch.3 units3 hoursPhysics 2; Integral CalculusUpon completion of the course, the student must be able to:1. Explain the basic concept of atomic theory and relate it to thecharacteristics of materials (POa, POe, POi)2. Discuss the construction, basic operation, characteristics andconfigurations of semiconductor diodes (POa, POb, POe, POi)3. Analyze the function of semiconductor diode in some practicalapplications (POa, POb, POe, POi)4. Discuss the basic structure, operation and characteristics of Bipolar29
Junction Transistors (BJT) (POa, POb, POe, POi)5. Discuss the different configurations, DC Biasing and some practicalapplications of BJT (POa, POb, POe, POi)6. Discuss the basic structure, operation and characteristics of FieldEffect Transistors (FET) (POa, POb, POe, POi)7. Discuss the different configurations, DC Biasing and some practicalapplications of FET (POa, POb, POe, POi)30
1. Introduction of SemiconductorsDiscuss the concept of atomic theory, and the subatomic particles of the atom. (CO1)Identify and differentiate conductors, semiconductors and insulators. (CO1)Discuss the crystal structure of the common semiconductor materials and ions formed from covalentbonding. (CO1)Explain the general characteristics of three important semiconductor materials: Ge, Si and GaAs. (CO2)Explain the concept of conduction in semiconductors using electron and hole theory. (CO2)Differentiate the difference between n – type and p – type materials. (CO2)2. Diode Equivalent CircuitsExplain what happens in a diode during no bias, forward bias, and reverse bias conditions. (CO2)Identify the three equivalent model of the diode and plot its corresponding characteristic curves. (CO2)Calculate current and voltage for circuits with diode connected in series, parallel or series–parallelusing the different equivalent diode models. (CO2)Explain the diagram of a basic power supply and determine the waveform produced by each block.(CO3)3. Wave Shaping CircuitsExplain the process of rectification using diodes to establish a pulsating dc from a sinusoid ac input.(CO3)Calculate and determine the output waveform of half-wave and full-wave rectified signal. (CO3)Calculate and determine the resulting output waveform of a bridge type, transformer-coupled andcenter-tapped transformer rectifier. (CO3)Design a clipper circuit given an output and an input. (CO3)Analyze the output response of a clipper circuit. (CO3)Design a clamper circuit given an output and an input. (CO3)Analyze the output response of a clamper circuit. (CO3)4. Special Diode ApplicationCourseOutlineInterpret the characteristic curves of a zener diode. (CO2)Draw the equivalent circuit of a zener diode. (CO2)Explain how a zener diode produces a constant level of dc voltage during reverse bias condition. (CO2)Solve circuits with zener diodes. (CO2)Discuss the basic characteristics and operation of LED’s, photodiodes, Schottky, varactor, pin, steprecovery, tunnel, and laser diodes. (CO2)5. Power Supply And Voltage RegulationDiscuss how a voltage input is amplified with the use of capacitors and diodes. (CO3)Compute the ripple voltage produced by filtering a rectified output with the use of a capacitor. (CO3)Discuss how a ripple is produced. (CO3)6. Bipolar Junction TransistorDescribe the basic structure of the BJT.Explain how a BJT is biased and discuss the transistor currents and their relationships. (CO4)Discuss transistor parameters and characteristics and use this to analyze a transistor circuit. (CO4)Identify and differentiate the schematic symbol and construction of an npn and pnp transistor. (CO4)Discuss how a transistor amplifies an input voltage/ current. (CO5)Discuss the operation of a transistor in cut-off and saturation region. (CO4)Discuss the operation of a transistor in common configuration: common base, common collector,and common emitter. (CO5)Measure the important voltage levels of a BJT configuration and use them to determine whetherthe network is operating properly. (CO4)Analyze the saturation and cut-off conditions of a BJT network and the expected voltage and currentlevels established by each condition. (CO4)Apply proper biasing of a transistor to ensure proper operation in the active region. (CO5)Perform dc analysis of BJT using different biasing configurations. (CO5)7. Small- Signal Analysis (BJT)Use BJT in an application where its amplification and switching capabilities are used. (CO5)31
8. Field Effect TransistorDescribe the basic structure of the JFET. (CO6)Explain how a JFET is biased and discuss the transistor currents and their relationships. (CO6)Discuss transistor parameters and characteristics and use this to analyze a transistor circuit. (CO6)Identify and differentiate the schematic symbol and construction of a p – channel and an n- channelJFET. (CO6)Sketch the transfer characteristics from drain characteristics of a JFET. (CO6)Discuss the characteristics and operation of a D-MOSFET. (CO6)Discuss the characteristics and operation of an E-MOSFET. (CO6)Discuss the differences between the dc analyses of the various types of FET’s. (CO7)Apply proper biasing of a FET to ensure proper operation in the desired region. (CO7)Perform dc analysis of JFET, MOSFET, and MESFET using different biasing configurations. (CO7)9. Small-Signal and Large Analysis (FET)Solve combination of FET’s in a single network (CO7)Use JFET in an application where its transfer characteristics are used. (CO7)32
SAMPLE OR SUGGESTED CURRICULUM ALIGNED TO OUTCOMES-BASEDEDUCATION (OBE) FOR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRONICSENGINEERINGPROGRAM SPECIFICATIONSI. Program Description1.1 Degree Name:Graduates of the program shall be given the Degree of Bachelor of Science inElectronics Engineering (BSECE)1.2 Nature of the Field of StudyElectronics Engineering is a branch of engineering that integrates available andemerging technologies with knowledge of mathematics, natural, social andapplied sciences to conceptualize, design, and implement new, improved, orinnovative electronic, computer and communication systems, devices, goods,services and processes.Refer to Annex I for the Competency Standards for Electronics Engineeringpractice.1.3 Program Educational ObjectivesProgram Educational Objectives (PEOs) are broad statements that describe thecareer and professional accomplishments that the program is preparinggraduates to achieve within a few years of graduation. PEOs are based on theneeds of the program’s constituencies and these shall be determined, articulated,and disseminated to the general public by the unit or department of the HEIoffering the BSECE program. The PEOs should also be reviewed periodically forcontinuing improvement.1.4 Specific Professions/careers/occupations for graduatesThe scope of the practice of an Electronics Engineer is defined in the ElectronicsEngineering Law of 2004 or R.A. 9292. The scope and nature of practice of theElectronics Engineer shall embrace and consist of any work or activity relating tothe application of engineering sciences and/or principles to the investigation,analysis, synthesis, planning, design, specification, research and development,provision, procurement, marketing and sales, manufacture and production,construction and installation, tests/measurements/control, operation, repair,servicing, technical support and maintenance of electronic components, devices,products, apparatus, instruments, equipment, systems, networks, operations andprocesses in the fields of electronics, including communications and/ortelecommunications, information and communications technology (ICT),computers and their networking and hardware/firmware/software developmentand applications, broadcast/broadcasting, cable and wireless television,consumer and industrial electronics, electro- s, avionics, aerospace, navigational and military applications,medical electronics, robotics, cybernetics, biometrics and all other related andconvergent fields; it also includes the administration, management, supervisionand regulatory aspects of such works and activities; similarly included are those1
teaching and training activities which develop the ability to use electronicengineering fundamentals and related advanced knowledge in electronicsengineering, including lecturing and teaching of technical and professionalsubjects given in the electronics engineering and electronics techniciancurriculum and licensure examinations.1.5 Allied FieldsThe following programs may be considered as allied to Electronics Engineering:Electrical EngineeringComputer EngineeringInformation TechnologyComputer ScienceII. Program/ Student OutcomesThe minimum standards for the BS Electronics Engineering program are expressedin the following minimum set of BSECE program outcomes.2.1 BSECE Program/ Student OutcomesBy the time of graduation, the students of the program shall have the ability to:a) apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve Electronicsengineering problems;b) design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data;c) design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs withinrealistic constraints, in accordance with standards;d) function in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams;e) identify, formulate, and solve Electronics engineering problems;f) understand professional and ethical responsibility;g) communicate effectively Electronics engineering activities with theengineering community and with society at large;h) understand the impact of Electronics engineering solutions in a global,economic, environmental, and societal contexti) recognize the need for, and engage in life-long learningj) know contemporary issues;k) use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary forElectronics engineering practice;l) know and understand engineering and management principles as amember and leader of a team, and to manage projects in amultidisciplinary environment;III. Sample Performance IndicatorsPerformance Indicators are specific, measurable statements identifying theperformance(s) required to meet the outcome; confirmable through evidence. Belowis a sample of Performance Indicators for Program/ Student Outcome (a) indicated inSection 6.1. Each HEI is expected to develop the Performance Indicators of each ofthe Program/ Student Outcomes which is further aligned with the HEI’s Objectives.2
aProgram/ Student OutcomesApplyknowledgeofmathematics and science tosolve Electronics Engineeringproblems12Performance IndicatorsDistinguish relevant information; realizethe meaning of the collected information;ability to understand the theoreticalconcepts.Formulate strategies for analyzing andsolving problem-based questions; applythe collected information to the problem.IV. Program Assessment and EvaluationProgram Assessment refers to one or more processes that identify, collect, andprepare data to evaluate the attainment of Program Outcomes and ProgramEducational Objectives.In the case of Program Outcomes Assessment, the defined Performance Indicatorsshall be connected to Key Courses (usually the Demonstrating or “D” courses in theCurriculum map), and an appropriate Assessment Methods (AM) may be applied.These methods may be direct or indirect depending on whether the demonstration oflearning was measured by actual observation and authentic work of the student orthrough gathered opinions from the student or his peers. Refer to the sample tablebelow:Performance Indicator1Key h relevant information; Advancedrealize the meaning of the collected Engineeringinformation; ability to understand the Mathematics;theoretical concepts.Electromagnetics2 Formulate strategies for analyzing Signal Spectra andLocallyandsolvingproblem-based Signal Processing;Developedquestions; apply the collected Feedback andExamsinformation to the problem.Control SystemsSample Matrix Connecting Performance Indicators with Key Courses andAssessmentFor the Assessment of Program Educational Objectives, the stakeholders of theprogram have to be contacted through surveys or focus group discussion to obtainfeedback data on the extent of the achievement of the PEOs.Program Evaluation pertains to one or more processes for interpreting the data andevidence accumulated from the assessment. Evaluation determines the extent atwhich the Program Outcomes and the Program Educational Objectives are achievedby comparing actual achievement versus set targets and standards. Evaluationresults in decisions and actions regarding the continuous improvement of theprogram. Refer to the sample table below:Key CoursesAssessment MethodsTarget and StandardsAdvancedEngineeringStandardized Exams70% of the students get aMathematicsrating of at least 70%FeedbackandControlLocally developed Exams60% of the students get aSystemsrating of at least 70%Sample Matrix Connecting Assessment Methods with Set Targets and Standards3
Other Methods of Program Assessment and Evaluation may be found in the CHEDImplementation Handbook for Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) and InstitutionalSustainability Assessment (ISA).V. Continuous Quality ImprovementThere must be a documented process for the assessment and evaluation of programeducational objectives and program outcomes.The comparison of achieved performance indicators with declared targets orstandards of performance should serve as basis for the priority projects or programsfor improving the weak performance indicators. Such projects and programs shall bedocumented as well as the results of its implementation. This regular cycle ofdocumentation of projects, programs for remediation and their successfulimplementation shall serve as the evidence for Continuous Quality Improvement.CURRICULUMI. Curriculum DescriptionThe BSECE curriculum is designed to develop engineers who have a background inmathematics, natural, physical and allied sciences. As such, the curriculum containscourses in mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals with emphasis onthe development of analytical and creative abilities. It also contains languagecourses, social sciences and humanities. This is to ensure that the electronicsengineering graduate is articulate and is able to understand the nature of his/herspecial role in society and the impact of his/her work on the progress of civilization.The curriculum is designed to guarantee a certain breadth of knowledge of theBSECE disciplines through a set of core courses. It ensures depth and focus incertain disciplines through areas of specialization. It provides a recommended trackof electives that HEIs may adopt or develop. The curriculum develops the basicengineering tools necessary to solve problems in the field of Electronics Engineering.This enables the graduate to achieve success in a wide range of career.Institutional electives are prescribed in order to give a certain degree of specializationso that institutions of learning will develop strengths in areas where they alreadyhave a certain degree of expertise.Emphasis is given to the basic concepts. Previously identified courses arestrengthened to take into account new developments. New courses and/or topics areintroduced so that the student’s knowledge of the fundamentals may be enhanced.This is to allow the student to achieve a degree of knowledge compatible withinternational standards.4
II. Curriculum2.1 Sample CurriculumTable below summarizes the minimum number of lecture and laboratory hours andits corresponding minimum number of credit units. HEIs are expected to designtheir curriculum that suits their respective areas of specializations as suggested inthe Track Electives.Classification/ Field / CourseMinimum Hours /weekLectureLaboratoryMinimumCredit UnitsI. TECHNICAL COURSESA. MathematicsCollege Algebra303Advanced Algebra202Plane and Spherical Trigonometry303Analytic Geometry202Solid Mensuration202Differential Calculus404Integral Calculus404Differential Equations303Probability and Statistics30326026General Chemistry334Physics 1334Physics 23349912Engineering DrawingComputer Fundamentals andProgramming031062Computer-Aided Drafting031Static of Rigid Bodies303Dynamics of Rigid Bodies202Mechanics of Deformable Bodies303Engineering Economy303Engineering Management303Environmental Engineering202Safety Management101171221Sub - TotalB Physical SciencesSub - TotalC. Basic Engineering SciencesSub - Total5
Classification/ Field / CourseMinimum Hours /weekLectureLaboratoryMinimumCredit UnitsD. Allied SubjectsDiscrete Mathematics303Basic ThermodynamicsFundamentals of Materials Scienceand Engineering202303808303Numerical Methods334ECE Laws Contract and Ethics303Circuits 1334Circuits 2334Electronic Devices and CircuitsElectronic Circuit Analysis andDesign334334Industrial Electronics334Electromagnetics303Signals, Spectra, Signal Processing334Principles of Communications334Energy Conversion334Digital Communications334Logic Circuits and Switching TheoryTransmission Media and AntennaSystem334334Microprocessor Systems334Feedback and Control Systems334Data Communications334Vector AnalysisPracticum /Thesis 1 –1st sem, 5thyearPracticum /Thesis 2 –1st sem, 55hyear303031031Seminar and Field Trips031575475Sub - TotalE. Professional Courses1. Core CoursesAdvanced Engineering Mathematicsfor ECESub-total6
Classification/ Field / CourseMinimum Hours /weekLectureLaboratoryMinimumCredit Units2. Technical ElectiveECE Elective 1303ECE Elective 2303ECE Elective 3303ECE Elective 430312012Social Science 1303Social Science 2303Social Science 3303Social Science 4Sub-total30312012Humanities 1303Humanities 2303Humanities 3303909English 1303English 2English 3 (TechnicalCommunications)303303Pilipino 1303Pilipino 230315015303303Sub-totalII. NON - TECHNICAL COURSESA. Social SciencesB. HumanitiesSub-totalC. LanguagesSub-totalD. Mandated CoursesRizal's Life, Works and WritingsSub-totalE. Physical EducationP.E. 12P.E. 22P.E. 32P.E. 4Sub-total287
Classification/ Field / CourseMinimum Hours /weekLectureLaboratoryMinimumCredit UnitsF. National Service Training ProgramNSTP1003NSTP2Sub-total08036GRAND TOTAL207Suggested Free or Track Elective CoursesThe suggested Track Electives are designed for the HEIs to develop their areas ofspecializations depending on their core competence and available facilities in the delivery ofthe Program. Electives are not limited to the list. HEI may also adopt other elective coursesthat could further improve in the attainment of the desired program/ student outcomes.A. COMMUNICATIONSWireless CommunicationCommunications System DesignNavigational AidsBroadcast EngineeringAdvanced Electromagnetism (also for Micro electronics track)DSP*Telemetry*RF Design System Level*Mixed Signals-Systems Level*Digital Terrestial XSM*Compression Technologies*B. MICROELECTRONICS TRACKAdvanced ElectromagnetismIntroduction to Analog Integrated Circuits DesignIntroduction to Digital VLSI DesignVLSI Test and MeasurementIC Packaging and Failure AnalysisAdvanced Statistics (Also for Biotech/Biomedical track)*Mixed Signals-Silicon Level*RF Design-Silicon Level*CAD-Tool Design*Solid State Physics & Fabrication*C. POWER ELECTRONICS TRACKIntroduction to Power ElectronicsPower Supply ApplicationSemiconductor Devices for Power ElectronicsMotor Drives and InvertersModeling and Simulation*8
Digital Control System*Optoelectronics*Automotive Electronics*D. BIOTECH/BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING TRACKFundamentals of Biomedical EngineeringPhysiologyPrinciples of Medical ImagingBiomechanicsBiomaterialsBiophysical PhenomenaAdvanced Statistics (Also for Microelectronics track)*Telemetry*Optoelectronics*Embedded System*Micro Electrical Mechanical System (MEMS)*Nano Electrical Mechanical System (NEMS)*E. INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL*Mechatronics*Robotics*Modelling and Simulation*Digital Control System*Metrology*MEMS (also for Biotech/Biomedical Engineering track)*NEMS (also for Biotech/Biomedical Engineering track)*Sensors Technology*F. INFORMATION AND COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES*Computer Systems*I/O Memory System*Computer Systems Architecture*Data Structure & Algorithm Analysis*Computer Systems Organizations*Structure of Program Language*Operating Systems*Digital Graphics, Digital Imaging and Animation*Artificial Intelligence**The school may adopt and develop course specification for each course.9
SUMMARYTotal no. of HoursLecture LaboratorySummary:Total No. ofUnitsI. Technical CoursesA. Mathematics26026B. Natural Sciences9912C. Basic Engineering Sciences171221D. Allied Courses808E. Professional Courses5754751213207212154A. Social Sciences12012B. Humanities909C. Language15015D. Life Works of Rizal303G. ElectivesTechnical Courses Sub-totalII. Non-Technical CoursesPhysical EducationNSTPNon-Technical Courses Sub-totalGRAND TOTAL86532072.2 Program of StudyThe institution may enrich the sample/model program of study depending on theneeds of t
A.2.2 Analog and Digital Electronics System. A.2.3 Communication Systems A2.4 Electro-Acoustics System A.2.5 Broadcast System A 2.6 Instrument ation A.2.7 Control System. A 2.8 Industrial Electronics A.2.9 Power Electronics A.2.10 Electronics Devices and Systems Test Equipment A.3 Generate technical specification Proof of A.3.1 Translate