The Al-Qaida Papers - FDD's Long War Journal


AL-QAIDA PAPERSThe following pages are part of a cache ofdocuments that the Associated Press foundon the floor in a building occupied by al-Qaidafighters for almost a year in Timbuktu, Mali.The AP has pieced together the order of thepages as far as possible.

FIRST LETTER FROM ABU BASIR TO EMIR OF AL-QAIDA IN THEISLAMIC MAGHREBIn the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful.All the praise and thanks is for Allah, the Lord of mankind, jinn andeverything that exists, and may the prayers and peace of Allah be upon themost honorable of all the Messengers, Mohamed.To our beloved Sheikh and able emir Abu Musab Abdul Wadud, may Allahkeep him safe. May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you.I pray to Allah that my letter will find you in the best of spirits, moving fromone victory to the next.We have received the glad tidings of your victories in the Islamic Maghrebwhich came to us here in the East like a gentle breeze, reminding us of thevictories of our forbearers, and it made us, along with other Muslims, veryhappy. We pray to Allah that you continue to be victorious.Our dear Sheikh, we donʼt yet have the full details of your conquest ofTimbuktu and Mali, but we are sure that they are your victories, and thefruits of your jihad and steadfastness. We do not know if you and AnsarDine are two factions, or if you are like us (Al-Qaeda and Ansar al-Sharia). Smile!!Our good Sheikh, Allah has crowned your jihad with victories and put thecountry in your hands.The places under your control are a model for an Islamic state. The world iswaiting to see what youʼll do next and how you will manage the affairs ofyour state. Your enemies want to see you fail and they are throwingobstacles in your path to prove to people that the mujahideen are peoplethat are only good for fighting and war, and have nothing to do with runningcountries, and the affairs of society.

Let it be known my good Sheikh that people have neglected their religion.Generations of the Umma lived without really knowing the tenets of theirreligion. They have been hard-pressed by their needs and by the hard toilof making a living. They are being governed by rulers who seek to distancethem from their religion. But Allah has sent you to this Umma to move themtoward the right path. You have to be kind to them and make room forcompassion and for leniency. Try to win them over through theconveniences of life and by taking care of their daily needs like food,electricity and water. Providing these necessities will have a great effect onpeople, and will make them sympathize with us and feel that their fate istied to ours. This is what weʼve observed during our short experience.You have to take a gradual approach with them when it comes to theirreligious practices. You canʼt beat people for drinking alcohol when theydonʼt even know the basics of how to pray. We have to first stop the greatsins, and then move gradually to the lesser and lesser ones. When you findsomeone committing a sin, we have to address the issue by making theright call, and by giving lenient advice first, then by harsh rebuke, and thenby force. We have to first make them heed monotheism and fight paganismand sorcery, and then move on to enforcing punishments of great sins.Enforcing Islamic punishments in war time is something that was done byour forbearers and it needs to be applied through good judgment andfollowing a verdict. Our opinion in the beginning was to postpone the issue.Only after monotheism took hold of peopleʼs hearts did we begin enforcingthese punishments. Sharia rule doesnʼt mean enforcing punishments, assome people believe, or have been made to believe. We have to correctthis misconception for the sake of the people.Try to avoid enforcing Islamic punishments as much as possible, unlessyou are forced to do so. Societies are rarely free of such things. We usedthis approach with the people and came away with good results. Even ifyou can just establish love and hate for Allahʼ sake, and the tenets ofmonotheism, it would be all right. Itʼs enough that the society is free of thegreat sins. As for the smaller sins and offenses, they have to be addressedgradually, with patience, leniency and wisdom.

These are some of the issues we have dealt with and we wanted to keepyou informed. You are our masters and we are your pupils. I pray to Allahthat he keeps you safe. We are always eager to hear from you.Written by your brother Abu Basir30 Jumada Al-Thani,1433(May 21st 2012)

SECOND LETTER FROM ABU BASIR TO EMIR OF AL-QAIDA IN THEISLAMIC MAGHREBIn the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful.All the praise and thanks is for Allah, the Lord of mankind, jinn andeverything that exists, and may the prayers and peace of Allah be upon themost honorable of all the Messengers, Mohamed.To our beloved Sheikh and able emir Abu Musab Abdul Wadud, may Allahkeep him safe. May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you.May Allah give you a blessed month of Ramadan, and accept our gooddeeds and yours. I pray to Allah that my letter will find you in the best ofhealth.Here is a synopsis of what we did in this recent period:Our experience was eventful. Itʼs a stage the group has inevitablyexperienced. It was a period of time given to us by Allah, in which weenforced Shariah for nearly one year, and we got to know people intimately,and they came to know us. People were able to see examples of fightersand emirs that they have never seen in their life before -- an emir who eatswith the poor, and sits with them on the same mat, an emir without doors,or servants, whom they can see in the street, mosque or market. And whoquickly answers their demands, redresses the oppressed and gives rightsback to their owners.People knew to what extent we abide by the rules of Sharia, and that thismethod of rule is fit for every era and place. They have also seen thatjustice would only be achieved in this way. The days we spent with themwere our very best.Our soldiers tried their hand at administration and war. We came away withmany new experiences. At every stage, we were able to do some thingswell, and we received uncountable blessings from Allah. One of the mostimportant results was the collapse of the false media empire, since people

came to realize the extent of their lies and fabrications. They have alsoseen the amount of intimidation and fear that the media spreads.But after that, the West and the East gathered against us, and fought uswith one hand. Our men withstood the battle like mountains in a mostvaliant and indescribable manner that words can hardly express.After four months of fighting we were forced to withdraw. The offensive wasvery tough and it could hardly be stopped before achieving all its targets.The whole world was against us, after the victories we had secured. Peoplebecame familiar with us, and our Islamic model was well received in theareas under our control. Therefore, the campaign was fierce and had weinsisted on resisting, the campaign would have been long and would haveexhausted us both in terms of casualties and money. Furthermore, we wereunder pressure because of the shelling of houses and the displacement ofcivilians. Thanks to Allah, we withdrew successfully and in time tocircumvent their goal of killing our leaders, and taking others as POWs.The control of these areas during one year cost us 500 martyrs, 700wounded, 10 cases of hand or leg amputation and nearly 20 million.Our position now is far better. The war was waged against us by all parties,but now they have turned against each other, which gave us a rareopportunity for guerrilla warfare and liquidations. We embarked on that assoon as we withdrew. We killed the leader of the campaign, and the restwill follow. We pray for Allah to help us.Thanks to Allah, most of the battle costs, if not all, were paid from throughthe spoils. Almost half the spoils came from hostages. Kidnappinghostages is an easy spoil, which I may describe as a profitable trade and aprecious treasure.The most effective weapon of the enemy was the ʻPopular Committees,composed of mercenaries who have been living off of looting androbberies, some Sufis, the Muslim Brotherhood, Sorouris, and Salafists.Those are the groups which were gathered by the enemy to become a defacto army of the area. The second most effective weapon was the media,which spread lies and fear. The media campaign they waged was no lessthan the military one, if not stronger.

They also used spies and tried to infiltrate the ranks of the mujahideen. Bydoing this, they have been able to target most of our leaders via drones.Therefore, our cadres and leaders need to be very careful when it comes tonew recruits.My dear Sheikh, our most important weapon is the media. You are kindlyrequested to put in place the right people, who can express themselveswell and convey our message. They must know the different stages ofjihad, so as to be able to illuminate each stage for others. It shouldnʼt bethat every fighter and commander is allowed to talk to the media. You haveto keep the message under control, reflecting your real situation, and notwhat you aspire for it to be. We restricted the statements and appearancesof our brothers and emirs, allowing only those we deemed fit, and theywere allowed to speak only in their area of specialty.As soon as we took control of the areas, we were advised by the GeneralCommand here not to declare the establishment of an Islamic principality,or state for a number of reasons: We wouldnʼt be able to treat people onthe basis of a state since we would not be able to provide for all theirneeds, mainly because our state is vulnerable. Second: Fear of failure, inthe event that the world conspires against us. If this were to happen,people may start to despair and believe that jihad is fruitless. For thesereasons and others, we deemed that their advice was wise and decided notto declare a state. Moreover, our bothers in Somalia have not declared astate despite the fact that they control most of the areas of the country.Our dear emir, we have been exhausted in the course of many battles andfronts. Despite their undeniable benefit, they are exhaustive in terms ofmoney, men and weapons. We have seized weapons we thought would beenough for years, but as soon as we withdrew, we found ourselves havingto buy arms. Therefore, we advise you not to be dragged into a prolongedwar. Hold on to your previous bases in the mountains, forests and desertsand prepare other refuges for the worst-case scenario. This is what wecame to realize after our withdrawal.In the end, I apologize for taking on the role of a mentor, which I wouldnever been able to do, but for these useful experiences I wanted to conveyto you. There may be a person who presumes to teach those who know

more than him. Anyway, itʼs the jihad of our Umma, which we have tonurture, so that Allah may help us to regain the Caliphate.I sent you a message in Jumada (the month of May) and was surprised thatyou did not receive it. I hereby have the honor to write you once more. Ienclose with the present letter, the previous one along with the letters ofour brothers in Khorasan (Afghanistan / Pakistan). Kindly convey mygreetings to all of our brothers and particularly the heroes of Timbuktu andof the Azawad.Your brother Abu Basir,Arabian Peninsula, 18 Ramadan 1433(6th August 2012)

NOTEThe English language version of the document:“Gains and benefits of Ansar Al-Sharia control ofparts of the Wiyalahs of Abyan and Shabwa" wastranslated by the media wing of Al-Qaida in theArabian Peninsula (AQAP). The translation isprovided only as a convenience to our readers. TheAP takes no responsibility for the content or qualityof the translation.


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everything that exists, and may the prayers and peace of Allah be upon the most honorable of all the Messengers, Mohamed. To our beloved Sheikh and able emir Abu Musab Abdul Wadud, may Allah keep him safe. May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you. I pray to Allah that my letter will find you in the best of spirits, moving from