

2O U R B E E R P R I N T R EPORT 2 0 19CONTENTS381628IN TR ODU CTIONRES PONS I BLYREF RES HI NGSU STA INA B LYB R EW INGCOLLECT IVE LYCR A FT ED3 CHANGE IS B REW I NG10 W H AT’ S TR EN D I N G :18 C LI MAT E C H AN G E :30 B R I N G I NG O UT12 U NDER STA ND I N G21 T H E G LO B AL WAT E R32 T H E R I S E O F13 S ENDI NG TH E2334 O U R B E ER14 P U TT I NG T H E24 PAC KAG I N G : T H EBY MARK HUNTE R , CEO4 B REWING PASSIO NEVERYWHERE6 GROWING OURB USINESS WITH APOSITIVE B EER P R I NTR ES P O NS I BL ER EFR ES H M EN TW H AT’ S I NS I D ER I G H T M ESSAG EBR A KES O N D R U N KDR I V I NGS U P P O R T I N G A 1 . 5 CT R AN S I T I O NC H ALLE N G E C I R C U LAR E CO N O MYAFO R B E E RNEXT FRONTIER26 T H E F U T U R E O FAG R I C U LT U R ET H E B E ST IN O URP E O P LEWO ME N IN B EERP R I N T M O NT H :I N P I C T URES36 S H AR P ’ S B REW ERY:MAK I N G MUSIC TOP R OT E C T CO RNWA L L’ SB E AC H E S37 WH AT DO ES A NE T H I C AL SUPPLYC H AI N LO O K L IKE?38 FAST FORWA RDMI N O R I TYE N T E R P RISESI N C H I CAGOABOUT THISREPORTWELCOME TO THE MOLSONCOORS OUR BEER PRINTREPORT 2019. THIS REPORTINCLUDES UPDATES ON OURBEER PRINT 2025 GOALS,INCLUDING KEY STORIES ANDRELEVANT HIGHLIGHTS ONIMPORTANT AREAS.The reporting scope, including all dataand metrics, covers Molson Coors BrewingCompany’s (MCBC) direct operationsincluding: Molson Coors Canada (MCC),Molson Coors Europe (MCE), Molson CoorsInternational (MCI) and MillerCoors in the US.This report covers our activities in the fiscalyear from January 1 to December 31 in 2018,with additional information on activitiesafter that date where appropriate. We havecontinued our commitment to report againstinternational frameworks, such as the GlobalReporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, the TenPrinciples of the UN Global Compact (UNGC),and alignment with the United NationsSustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).Full details of our 2018 performance, alignedto these global frameworks, are available inour Environmental, Social and Governance(ESG) Report and our SDGs Impact Report.Our reporting, which includes our ESGReport, has been prepared in reference tothe GRI Standards. Assurance of the datacontained within this report has been carriedout by Corporate Citizenship in accordancewith ISAE 3000.For questions, contact us atcorporate.responsibility@molsoncoors.com

INTROD UC TIONRESPON SIBLY REFRESHIN GSUSTAIN ABLY BREWIN GCOLLECT IVELY CR A FTED3CHANGE IS BREWINGBY MARK HUNTER, CEOWe know today’s markets are changing, creating newchallenges for a more sustainable future. Some issues– like access to clean water and resources – continue tobe a big part of the global conversation. Others – likeclimate change and eliminating plastic waste – havereached a tipping point and demand meaningful action.As stakeholder expectations change and the urgencyfor corporate action intensifies, we are amplifying ourcommitment to sustainability, which we believe is a keydriver to how we can be First Choice for our Consumersand Customers.Our former Coors Brewing chairman, Bill Coors, once said, “Waste is aresource that is out of place.” Eliminating waste has always been a part ofhow we operate. Molson Coors helped kickstart the recyclable aluminumcan revolution decades ago, and this year we are stepping up our effortsto help solve this generation’s waste challenge by setting forth a set ofambitious goals to minimize the impact of our packaging. As part of our2025 goals, we aim to drive down our packaging emissions, use morerecycled content in our plastic packaging, improve recycling solutionsin our priority markets and ensure 100% of our packaging is reusable,recyclable, compostable or biodegradable. We look forward to introducingmore environmentally sustainable packaging across our portfolio of brandsand working in collaboration with others to advance a circular economy.Beyond our environmental stewardship, we’re also meeting ourresponsibilities to our consumers. We recognize their desire to be moremindful about their alcohol consumption and to drink responsibly. We’veresponded with great-tasting moderate options globally. From nonalcoholic beer to fermented tea, we’re growing our low- and no-alcoholportfolio to meet the needs of today’s markets, leveraging the trust of brandsconsumers know to help them explore different tastes and experiences.“ I’m proud to say thatyear after year, ourpeople continue to bea testament to the valueand success of OurBrew culture.”Of course, none of this happens without people. I’m proud to say thatyear after year, our people continue to be a testament to the value andsuccess of Our Brew culture. As a company, we’ve made great strides onour diversity and inclusion strategy, which is helping to identify the nextgeneration of diverse leaders within our organization and promotingwomen- and minority-owned businesses in our supply chain. I’m thrilledthat several of our diverse global leaders have been recognized for thetalent and energy they bring to our communities.With every passing year, the impact of Our Beer Print grows and ourambition to innovate, lead, protect and sustain becomes stronger. I amexcited to lean into our innovations to help solve these global issues andam looking forward to tracking our progress in line with the United NationsSustainable Development Goals (SDGs). I believe we have an opportunity– a responsibility – to rise up together to find solutions to society’sgreatest challenges. I’m proud to say we’re already doing it.Mark Hunter

4O U R B E E R P R I N T R EPORT 2 0 19Brewing PassionEverywhereSTAY I N G A H E A D O F ASHIFTING L ANDS CAPEWE BELIEVE THE WORLD OF REFRESHMENT IS CHANGING:FROM EVOLVING DEMOGRAPHICS AND NEW LIFESTYLETRENDS THAT ARE SHAKING UP OUR INDUSTRY TOGROWING CONCERN AROUND CLIMATE CHANGE,PLASTIC POLLUTION AND INCREASING DEMANDS FORTRANSPARENCY. AT MOLSON COORS, WE’RE STRIVINGTO NOT ONLY EXCEED THESE EXPECTATIONS BUT TOANTICIPATE WHAT’S TO COME.We AreCONNECTEDWe have a presence in communities all overthe world. Our engagement goes far beyondour direct operations, starting with our growersand traveling across our value chain to oursuppliers, distributors and retailers. Key playersin the Molson Coors value chain work with uscollaboratively to bring us closer to reachingour sustainability goals.FARMERS ANDAGRICULTURAL SUPPLIERSBREWING AND BOTTLINGTRANSPORT AND DISTRIBUTIONW E S O U R CE O U R I NG R E D I E NTSFROM 1 , 0 0 0 IN D E P E N D E N TGROW ER S A N D S UP P L I E R SPRIMA R ILY IN T H E U S A NDEUR O P E.WE B R E W IN 2 4 LARGE B RE WE RIE SG LO B A LLY, 1 AN D 8 OTH E RB R E WE RIE S , IN C LUD IN G C RAF TB R E WE RIE S AN D C ID E RIE S .A P P R OXIMATE LY 1 8,000 E MPLOY E E SWO R K AC ROSS OUR OPE RATION .OUR PROD UC TS ARE D ISTRI BUTEDAN D TRAN S PORTE D D IRECTLY TOHUNDREDS OF THOUSANDSOF RE STAURAN TS , B ARS,S UPE RMARK E TS , CON VENI ENCESTORE S , LIQUOR STORES A ND OTHERRE TAILE RS .12 e include 24 large breweries within the scope of our 2025 water goal, and 28 of our major manufacturing and brewing facilities within the scope of our 2025 zero waste to landfill goal.W For a full list of all our Molson Coors brands, please visit our company website.

INTROD UC TIONRESPON SIBLY REFRESHIN GSUSTAIN ABLY BREWIN GCOLLECT IVELY CR A FTEDKEYRegional HQLarge BreweriesOther Brewing OperationsRETAILERS AND CONSUMERSW E SELL 1 0 0 BR A N D SIN MAR K ETS WO R LDW I D E .THIS CO N T R IBU T ES TO 1 1 B I L L I O N N ET SA L E SRE V E N U E W IT H 2 . 6 B I L L I O NPAID IN EXCIS E TA X .BRANDS TO SUITAny TasteWe want to be the first choice for any occasion. We offer a broad rangeof brands2 aimed to suit any taste so we have beer for every beer lover.5

6O U R B E E R P R I N T R EPORT 2 0 19GrowingOur BusinessWith a Positive Beer PrintWHENEVER WE BREW, SELL ORDRINK A BEER, WE LEAVE A BEERPRINT BEHIND. IT LEAVES ANIMPRINT ON OUR BUSINESS,ON OUR COMMUNITIES ANDON OUR ENVIRONMENT – SOWE’RE MAKING SURE IT’S APOSITIVE ONE.In 2017, we set ambitious 2025 sustainabilitytargets based on a sustainability materialityassessment. These targets, which are alignedwith the UN SDGs, are designed to driveus toward best practice throughout ouroperations. They will encourage us to rise tothe challenges that we see in the world, torespond to the consumer trends we see in themarketplace, to meet the expectations of ourstakeholders and to build long-term value forthe business.We’re excited to share how our sustainabilityefforts have developed in the second yearof our journey to 2025 and look forward tocontinuing to ensure that every beer printwe leave behind is a positive one. We, like allcompanies, have a responsibility to step upand drive efforts to become more sustainable.S U P P O R T I N G T H E S U STA I N A B L EDEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs)In 2015, the United Nations introduced 17 global goals for sustainable development, givingmember states, industries and organizations around the world an important opportunity to alignthemselves to targets that will contribute to making the world a better place for people and theenvironment. By providing a robust environmental, social and economic framework, the SDGs arehelping to usher in a new era of a sustainable society.At Molson Coors, we identified the following UN SDG targets as being most relevantto our operations:GOAL 2:Zero Hunger: End hunger,achieve food security andimproved nutrition and promotesustainable agricultureGOAL 3:Good Health and Well-Being:Ensure healthy lives and promotewell-being for all at all agesGOAL 5:Gender Equality: Achievegender equality and empower allwomen and girlsGOAL 6:Clean Water and Sanitation:Ensure availability and sustainablemanagement of water andsanitation for allGOAL 7:Affordable and Clean Energy:Ensure access to affordable,reliable, sustainable and modernenergy for allGOAL 8:Decent Work and EconomicGrowth: Promote sustained,inclusive and sustainableeconomic growth, full andproductive employment anddecent work for allGOAL 12:Responsible Consumption andProduction: Ensure sustainableconsumption and productionpatternsGOAL 13:Climate Action: Take urgentaction to combat climate changeand its impactsGOAL 17:Partnership for the Goals:Strengthen the means ofimplementation and revitalize theglobal partnership for sustainabledevelopmentFind out more about how we are contributing to the SDGs in our SDGs Impact Report.

INTROD UC TIONRESPON SIBLY REFRESHIN GSUSTAIN ABLY BREWIN GCOLLECT IVELY CR A FTEDOUR BEER PRINT 2025WHAT WE BELIEVE IN2025 GOALS 3PROGRESS SINCE 2016FIND OUT MOREResponsiblyRefreshing   Prevention of alcohol-related harm in all our countrieswhere we have brewing or selling operations4, 510 out of 14 countriesPage 15   Partner with other global alcohol producers to achieve10% reduction globally in harmful alcohol useIn progressPage 14   Responsible marketing and advertising of all our products60% compliance in DigitalGuiding Principles auditPage 13   Deliver nutritional information, alcohol serving facts andingredients for all our products in countries where we havebrewing or selling operations4250 products provideinformationPage 12   Low- and no-alcohol choices in all our countries wherewe have brewing or selling operations4, 613 out of 13 countriesPage 11   Improve water-use efficiency by 22% in our largebreweries7 to achieve a 2.8 hl/hl water-to-beer ratio3.52 hl/hl achievedPage 21   Protect local water resources in partnership with othersPrograms in 3 out of 11 at-riskbrewery watershedsPage 22   Reduce carbon emissions across our operationsby 50% and throughout our value chain by 20%16% absolute emissionsreduction in operations;11.8% in value chainPage 18   Achieve and sustain zero waste to landfill at allour brewing and major manufacturing facilities817 out of 28 facilities   Improve water-use efficiency in our agricultural supplychain and malting operations by 10%26% increase in water usage   100% of barley and hops sourced from sustainablesuppliers in key growing regions99% of barley farmers and 24%of hops farmers   Recognition on the Great Place to Work (GPTW) Index68% positive responses to2018 GPTW surveyPage 31   Greater health and safety in the workplace with40% reduction in Lost Time Accident (LTA) rate17% reductionPage 31   100 million investment aiming to improve livelihoods,foster empowerment and build resilient communities 32.7 millionPage 34   Ethical and sustainable supply chain practicesIn progressPage 37   Promote supplier diversity across the businessSpent 1.5 billion withdiverse suppliersPage 38SustainablyBrewingCollectivelyCraftedPage 23Page 27Page 26See our ESG Report for more information on our 2018 performance.Set against a 2016 baseline.Where we have large breweries or significant selling operations.5India is the only MCI market included in the goal; it did not activate a program in 2018.MCI currently developing strategy and is not included in the goal.There are 24 large breweries within the scope of our 2025 water goal.8Those with 75 or more employees.36477

8O U R B E E R P R I N T R EPORT 2 0 19R E S P O N S I B LYREFRESHINGenOgEnjoyinelpmiSs’efiLofserusaelP

INTROD UC TIONRESPON SIBLY REFRESHIN GSUSTAIN ABLY BREWIN GCOLLECT IVELY CR A FTEDIN THIS SECTION10WHAT’STRENDING:RE S PON SI BL ERE F RE S HM ENT12UN D E RSTA NDI NGWHAT’S I NSI DE13M A K I N G G R E ATMEMORIESOur products help our consumers make great memories andenjoy the most out of every moment. We want to be part ofthose moments – whether it’s supporting your team or relaxingwith family and friends. We believe that we’re successful whenour products are enjoyed in the right way.We want to provide consumers with the information andopportunities to make smart choices around their consumption.Thanks to our growing selection of low- and no-alcoholbeverages, we’ve been giving consumers more refreshing,accessible choices while making it easier to find out what’s inevery bottle, can and glass.More importantly, we’ve helped create the environment thatmakes it simpler to get home safely. Over the years, we’veinvested in and supported effective campaigns to preventunderage drinking and drunk driving, and we collaborate withour industry globally to reduce harmful consumption.As we work toward Our Beer Print 2025 targets, we aimto provide better and easier ways for our consumers to enjoyour products responsibly.S E N D IN G THERIGH T M ESSAGE14PUTTIN G THEB RAK E S OND RUN K DRI VI NG9

10O U R B E E R P R I N T R EPORT 2 0 19W H AT ’ STRENDING:RESPONSIBLEREFRESHMENTKandy AnandCHIEF GROWTH OFFICER“ It’s our responsibilityto help reduce harmfuldrinking and supportmoderation.”KANDY ANANDT H E R E ’ S N E VE R B E E N A MOREE XC I T I NG TIME TO B E PARTO F T H E B E E R IN D USTRY. WEB E L I E V E CON S UME RS ARED E M A ND IN G MORE GRE ATTAST I NG RE F RE S H ME N TS TO K E E PU P WI T H TH E IR PRE F E RE N C E SFO R M OD E RATE ALCOH OLCO N S U MPTION . MOLS ONCO O R S IS LE AN IN G IN TO OURB R OA D IN N OVATION PORTFOLIOTO A D D MORE LOW- AN D N OA LCO H OL PROD UC TS THAT OF F E RCO N S U ME RS MORE C H OIC EA N D M ORE OPPORTUN ITIE S FORR E F R E S H ME N T, RE S PON S IB LY.As part of our strategy, we’re stepping furtherinto the low- and no-alcohol category,which we believe is ripe for innovation asmore drinkers globally look to moderatetheir consumption. We also believe it’s ourresponsibility to help reduce harmful drinkingand support moderation.That’s why, by 2025, we aim to provide qualitylow- and no-alcohol choices in 100% of thecountries where we have large brewing orsignificant selling operations.9 By providingmore beverage options that are 3.5%ABV or lower, our brands can play a role inencouraging moderation.

INTROD UC TIONRESPON SIBLY REFRESHIN GSUSTAIN ABLY BREWIN GCOLLECT IVELY CR A FTED11MINDFULDRINKINGand ModerationAccording to Nielsen data,10 one-third of beerdrinkers have reduced their consumption andone-quarter are looking for alcohol choices thatare compatible with wellness. With an eye onwellness and moderate consumption trends,our innovation team is looking to supportconsumers’ desire for more moderate choicesthrough expanding offerings of establishedbrands and introducing different products tonew markets. We’re especially excited aboutexpanding our portfolio beyond beer to addmore low- and no-alcohol products that supportincreasingly health-conscious consumers.GOALOffer exceptional qualitylow- and no-alcohol choicesin 100% of the countrieswhere we have brewing andselling operations.9, 11PROGRESSLow- or no-alcohol choicesoffered in 13 countries,including the US, Canadaand the UK, where wesell 90% of our global volume.TAPPING THE UNTAPPEDWe’re proud to support global health andwellness trends with a range of new low-calorieand all-natural options. For example, Cape Line,our new range of cocktails that uses six simple,natural ingredients and has just 120 calories,and Movo, a 100-calorie canned wine spritzer,are made with all-natural ingredients and noadded sugar. Both these options aim to helpconsumers looking to cut down their sugarand alcohol intake.84%of global drinkers areworking on moderatingtheir alcohol consumption12Beyond alcohol, we’ve also entered a newmarket with our purchase of a fermented teabrand Clearly Kombucha and are expandingdistribution in the western US region.Our pipeline offers isotonic beverages inCroatia through Hydra and the developmentof a sparkling hopped water in the UK. We areexcited about taking steps toward this newarea for Molson Coors and our ambition tooffer new types of refreshment for everyone.MCI currently developing strategy and is not included in the goal.The Harris Poll in partnership with Nielsen (January 7–9, 2019); US adults 21 .11 Where we have large breweries or significant selling operations.12h /910RE-ENERGIZINGTHE ESTABLISHMENTWe will also be leveraging our globalbrands that our consumers know and loveto expand into the low- and no-alcoholcategory. By innovating around our corebrands that consumers already trust, we canhelp moderate drinkers find quality low- andno-alcohol alternatives.For example, in 2018, we launched CoorsEdge, a refreshing non-alcoholic beer, inCanada with great success. After positivefeedback on the product in Canada, we’reready to bring Coors Edge to the US startingat the end of 2019. Following in the footstepsof Coors Edge, we will also be launchingStaropramen 0.0% in the Czech Republic. Byleveraging established brand trademarks likeCoors and Staropramen, we can invite old andnew consumers to try great-tasting optionsthat support moderate consumption.Our focus going forward is to keep growingour low- and no-alcohol and responsiblechoice brands. As we look at 2019 andbeyond, we’re excited by the potential ourinnovation pipeline holds to take MolsonCoors in new directions. By thinking outsidethe bottle, we’re mapping the journey to afuture where our portfolio includes innovative,new brewed beverages while retaining beerat its core. The result is a more diversifiedbrewed beverage company that offers morechoices that help support alcohol moderationand reduce harmful drinking.

12O U R B E E R P R I N T R EPORT 2 0 19UnderstandingWhat’s InsideAS THE TREND FOR WELLNESSAND MAKING HEALTHY LIFESTYLECHOICES GROWS, CONSUMERSARE DEMANDING MOREINFORMATION ABOUT WHATGOES INTO THEIR FAVORITEREFRESHMENT. WE’VE SET AGOAL TO MAKE NUTRITIONAL,INGREDIENTS AND ALCOHOLSERVING FACTS AVAILABLE FORALL OUR PRODUCTS EITHERON PACKAGING OR ON OURWEBSITES BY 2025.We are working toward delivering nutritionalinformation, alcohol serving facts andingredients to consumers for 100% of ourproducts. Currently, just over 250 productsare meeting our labeling criteria, providingdetails on the products or also on relevantbrand websites.INSPIRINGGOALDeliver nutritionalinformation, alcohol servingfacts and ingredients for all ourproducts in countries wherewe have brewing or sellingoperations.13PROGRESS250 products with nutritionalinformation, alcohol serving factsor ingredients on the package oron our websites.the IndustryStandardAs part of our work to lead our industry, wehave been a driving force behind industry-widevoluntary guidelines on disclosing nutritionalinformation to consumers. Our efforts goback as far as 2013, when MillerCoorshelped inspire the Beer Institute’s VoluntaryDisclosure Initiative to encourage brands topost nutritional values, alcohol content andfreshness dates on labels of bottles and cans,and ingredients on labels or websites by 2020.Now, 100% of MillerCoors brands discloseingredients on MillerCoors.com.13 Where we have large breweries or significantselling operations.

INTROD UC TIONRESPON SIBLY REFRESHIN GSUSTAIN ABLY BREWIN GCOLLECT IVELY CR A FTED13Sending theRight MessageBEING RESPONSIBLE MEANSCOMMUNICATING ABOUT OURPRODUCTS IN THE RIGHT WAY,TO THE RIGHT AUDIENCE. WESTRIVE TO IMPLEMENT ROBUSTSAFEGUARDS, STRENGTHENINGOUR PROGRAMS, PROCESSESAND PARTNERSHIPS TO MARKETRESPONSIBLY ACROSS ALLOUR MEDIA CHANNELS ANDADVERTISING.We adhere to guidelines established bygovernments, our industry and our ownstringent marketing compliance standards.Here are a few of the ways we ensure wemeet those standards:– M arketing Compliance Committee:We self-regulate our marketing andadvertising to ensure they primarily targetlegal drinking age audiences. Our regionalMarketing Compliance Committeescollaborate with our legal team and theteams across the commercial enterpriseto restrict alcohol marketing so that it onlyreaches legal drinking age consumers.– L egal drinking age compliance acrossall media placements: We work withour business unit legal teams to ensure allour communications are placed on mediachannels where at least 70% (71.6% in theUS) of the audience comprises legal drinkingage consumers.GOALMake certain 100% of ouradvertising and marketingprograms are in compliance withcompany, industry and applicablegovernmental standards.PROGRESS60% compliance in 2018Digital Guiding Principles auditto ensure marketing codes ofpractice in digital spaces.– G lobal Commercial ResponsibilityPolicy: Our commercial employees andagency partners receive training on ourGlobal Commercial Responsibility Policy,which details our commitment to develop,package, market and sell our products in aresponsible manner. We aim to always directour sales and marketing activities – includingon social media – to consumers of legaldrinking age.We back up our commitment to marketresponsibly by inviting consumers to tell uswhen they believe we have not fulfilled ourduty to self-regulate our advertising materials.In the US, a third-party complaint resolutionprocess is operated by the Beer Institute andis available to everyone. We received zerocomplaints in 2018. We also fully participatein periodic industry-wide investigations runby the Federal Trade Commission.MARKETINGRESPONSIBLYIN THEDIGITAL AGESocial media is a fundamental part ofthe way brands reach their consumers –but with the constant advent of newapplications and platforms and withnew Gen-Z consumers joining thedigital space daily, compliance requiresmore vigilance than ever.As a member of the International Alliancefor Responsible Drinking (IARD), wehave committed to the Digital GuidingPrinciples (DGPs). The DGPs use fivesafeguards – including age affirmation,transparency statement and responsibledrinking messages – to ensure that anydigital-based communication portals,such as websites and social accounts,comply with responsibility frameworksand are only accessible to legal drinkingage audiences.Through our work with IARD to improvecompliance on social channels,we’ve engaged with global digitalplatforms, such as Facebook, Twitter,Instagram and YouTube, to improvetheir age-gating features and otheraudience protection.

14O U R B E E R P R I N T R EPORT 2 0 19Putting the Brakes onDrunk DrivingDRUNK DRIVING IS A GLOBAL CHALLENGE.WHILE IT REQUIRES A MULTIFACETEDA PPROACH, WE BELIEVE IT IS ALSO 100%PREVENTABLE. WE WORK TO CONTINUOUSLYSUPPORT ACCESSIBLE, EFFECTIVE INITIATIVESTO KEEP CONSUMERS SAFE, INCLUDINGTARGETED COLLABORATIONS, CONSUMEREDUCATION, AND ENABLING ALTERNATIVETRANSPORTATION OPTIONS.C O L L A B O R AT I N Gfor ImpactBy partnering with others, we aim to amplify our impact andreduce the harmful consumption of alcohol. We work withtrade associations, industry groups and local partners, includinggovernments, civil society groups and public bodies such as thepolice, to tackle issues related to drunk driving and preventing theharmful use of alcohol around the world.Molson Coors is a charter member of the International Alliancefor Responsible Drinking (IARD), which represents the 11 largestglobal brewers, distillers and vintners. IARD cooperates withgovernments globally to work toward a 10% reduction in harmfuluse of alcohol by 2025.In 2017, our CEO, Mark Hunter, assumed the role of Vice Chair of IARD,demonstrating Molson Coors’ global leadership in reducing harmfuldrinking. And in 2019, he will assume the position of IARD Chair.In 2018, IARD continued to engage in dialogue and data-sharingwith the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN on keyglobal health issues. Through these engagements, we aim to driveprogress on reducing alcohol-related harm as part of the globaltargets established by the UN SDGs.GOALPartner with other globalalcohol producers in IARD to helpachieve 10% reduction globallyin harmful alcohol use.PROGRESSThe partners of this allianceare currently developing globalcommitments toward a 10%reduction in harmful use ofalcohol by 2025.

INTROD UC TIONRESPON SIBLY REFRESHIN GSUSTAIN ABLY BREWIN GE D U C AT I N GCASE STUDYBUILDING AWARENESSIN CROATIAOur Croatian team aimed to bring ourresponsibility messages to the digitalspace in a way that would resonate withmillennial legal age drinkers. Developedin collaboration with the digital brandJoomBoos, the Think campaign called onseveral popular social media influencersto create videos about why their fansshouldn’t drink and drive. The videoswere widely promoted through all ofJoomBoos’s social networks and garneredover 156,000 views.Think is Croatia’s first social media campaignaimed at drunk driving prevention, reachinglegal drinking age millennials on thenetworks they engage with and spreadingthe message that they can have more funwithout drinking and driving home at theend of the night.156,000 viewsgarnered by the Think campaignon JoomBoos15ENABLINGConsumersWe implement programs that promoteresponsible consumption and reduce alcoholharm. By the end of 2018, over 50% of thecountries where we have large brewing andsignificant selling operations had implementedprograms to prevent underage access to alcoholand drunk driving. We continued our partnershipwith Uber in the US, providing safe rides toour consumers who commit to getting homeresponsibly. We also have signature programs withlong-standing partners in our European markets toaddress drunk driving in locally relevant ways.COLLECT IVELY CR A FTEDSafe RidesCASE STUDYPRACTICING WHAT WE PREACHDuring a four-day road safety campaignin Serbia, the Serbian Ministry of InternalAffairs found that more than 17% of motoristin Serbia tested over the legal limits, witharound 8% of those drivers younger than21 years old.14It’s easier to be responsible when we planahead. We provide practical assistance inthe moment such as offering free publictransportation options and partneringwith ride-sharing services to support ourconsumers every step of the way.CASE STUDYHELPING CONSUMERS TAKETHE CALLOur Serbian team partnered with the TrafficPolice Directorate and NAVAK Center, thenational driving academy, to provide newdrivers of legal drinking age with toolsto stay safe behind the wheel. As part ofthe training, we provided a series of safedriving courses, preventative tips and othermaterials to encourage legal age drivers todrink responsibly and never get behind thewheel after drinking.In Paraguay, our Miller brand launched aninnovative, award-winning drunk drivingcampaign called Take the Call. By surprisingparticipants with an invite to “take the call”and assess their intoxication levels via abreathalyzer, those who were found to havebeen consuming alcohol were offered afree ride home.Set up during specific events, thecampaign involved using out-of-servicepublic telephone booths fitted withmotion sensors and breathalyzers thatactivated the phones when people walkedpast. When a user picked up the ringingphone and was found to be over thelimit, they would be offered a free ridehome. Campaigns like this are helping toraise awareness about the importance ofresponsible consumption and ensuring ourconsumers get home safely.We have received positive feedback onthe partnership and will look to expand thisprogram in the future.GOALImplement programs thatprevent alcohol-related harmin every country where wehave brewing or sellingoperations.15, 16Over0b0er0,81 ides with U therPROGRESSWe have 14 countries wherewe have brewing andselling operations.15, 16We implemented impactfulprograms in 10 countries.inided 8prov201US in ajem-alkohola-vise-od-17-odsto-vozaca/52343015 Where we have large breweries or significantselling operations.16 India is the only MCI market included in the goal;it did not activate a program in 2018.14

16O U R B E E R P R I N T R EPORT 2 0 19S U STA I N A B LYBREWINGssalGotniarmGFroC R E AT I N G C H A N G ET H R O U G H C O L L A B O R AT I O NClimate change is one of the biggest challenges facing society.As a company that relies on resources such as crops, energy andwater, we’re especially aware of the risks and

raising the bar on beer. 2 our beer print report 2019 about this report welcome to the molson coors our beer print report 2019. this report includes updates on our beer print 2025 goals, including key stories and relevant highlights on important areas. the reporting scope, including all data