Ferris State University’s Jim Crow Museum and Center for Latino Studies presentHispanic Heritage Month Programming:Thank you for joining us on the Jim Crow Museum online tour. We have provided additionalresource links that pair with the Hispanic Heritage Month Virtual Tour topics. We hope this wasan educational and fruitful experience for you.Sincerely,Cyndi and eduJim Crow Social Media s://www.ferris.edu/jimcrow/Education Programming education/index.htmJCM visual, literary, and digital resources:The Jim Crow Museum Virtual Tour: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m 8miUGt2wCtBThe Jim Crow Museum Website: https://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/news/jimcrow/The Jim Crow Museum /timeline/homepage.htmThe Jim Crow Museum Digital Collection: rting the JCM:https://linktr.ee/jimcrowmuseumWe are in the planning and fundraising phase to expand our educational programming andphysical space as well as museum technology and staffing to advance our mission of socialjustice. We appreciate your support ‐ please follow us on social media and share our messagewith friends and family. If you are able to make a donation to support our work, you can do so atthis link: https://app.mobilecause.com/form/Qw N0g?vid 97zai
Pairs with “Who was Jim Crow” and “Minstrelsy” sections of the JCM:Portraying Latinos and Brown Face (on and off screen)West Side 990496Al Pacino in meone-who-wasnt-white/Marlon Brando in Viva Zapata!
Portraying Latinos and Brown Face (on and off ts-0lmp9wk9sColorism within Latinx he-latino-community/
Pairs with “Jim Crow Laws” and “segregation” sections of the JCM:Juan Crow fatwts.umbc.edu/segregation-signs/Juan Crow virginia.edu/public view/gh93gz508Bilingual ballot from CA election in uage-minorities/
Southwest Voter Registration Education project-records-open-for-research/Mexican American deportation during the Great eration Wetback (1953 - k-eisenhower-1954-deportation
Protesting Anti-Immigration LawsProtesting CA Proposition 187, ting AZ’s S.B. 1070 ontinued-concerns-about-s-b-1070/Pairs with “Violence” section of the JCM:Seizing LandThe Homestead Act, c. war/homestead-act
Texas eals-the-dark-history-of-the-texasrangersThe mented-immigrants-borderICE Detention -dying-cbp-detention
LynchingFrancisco Arias and José Chamales lynched in CA, ry-of-anti-mexican-violence-and-lynching/Zoot Suit Riots, 8/05/FightingPeace.pdfLatinos in the Prison Systemhttps://lulac.org/advocacy/issues/criminal justice ino-criminal-justice-data/
Labor Conditions and Workers StrikesUnited Mine Workers’ Strike, strikers-1914El Monte Strike, et-fruit-el-montes-berry-strike-of-1933The Bracero Program, ero-program-1942-1964/
Huerta organizes marchers in CA, 65-1970-delano-grape-strike-boycott/Ester Hernández, Sun Mad, 1982, ndez-5984
Pairs with “Toys and Games” sections of the /story.php?storyId laying Cowboys and m/lessons/the-myth-of-cowboys-and-indians
EducationMendez v. Westminster, e 1963 Coral Way Bilingual tions at Roosevelt High School in blog/1968Walkouts/
Pairs with “Caricatures” sections of the JCM:Chiquita mascots-2019-3Frito exts/banditos.htmlHot mexican-so-divisive#stream/0Maid in html
Pairs with “African American Achievers” sections of the JCM:Lucy Gonzales Parsons (c. 1853 – March 7, gonzales-parsons/Octaviano Ambrosio Larrazolo (1859 – 401304Luisa Moreno (1906 – d-us-groundbreaking-labor-activism-180969750/Rita Moreno (1931 – -as-performer
Ellen Ochoa (1958 – -work-on-the-shuttleLatinos in the US s-in-the-us-cabinet-a-report-card/Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice (1954 – pxSelena Quintanilla (1971 – s/selena/
Pairs with “Contemporary Stereotypes” section of the JCM:“Chola n-crimeTekashi Mexican” Comedies starring White Actors
Latinx Communities and virus-why-some-racial-groups-are-morevulnerable
Additional ls/?cond[0] themes oom
Jim Crow MuseumEducational Programming2020Jim Crow MuseumFerris State University1010 Campus DriveBig Rapids, MI 49307(231) 591-5873jimcrowmuseum@ferris.eduThis resource guide was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services MH-0019-0019-19. The views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this Unit Plan do notnecessarily represent those of the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Jim Crow Museum Educational Programming 2020 Jim Crow Museum Ferris State University 1010 Campus Drive Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231) 591-5873 jimcrowmuseum@ferris.edu This resou