Mastering The Alphabet 2 - WordPress


Mastering the Alphabet2Enabling Reading For Slow Learners

Mastering the Alphabet 2Enabling ReadingFOR SLOW LEARNERSBY Nwufor Theresia N. (CAPIEMP)Revised Edition 02/20/2020

This publication is aimed at helping those pupils whoafter passing through level one (primary 1&2) reach levelstwo and three (Primary 3 – 6) without knowing how to reada simple text. They can give correct answers to oralquestions but cannot read the questions themselves. Thismakes them fail their exams not because they are dull.Some teachers also hurriedly teach the alphabet withouttaking into consideration some basic principles. This classof pupils are merely slow to understand and needs gradualguidance to the art of reading. This book gives an answerto the difficulties faced by these pupils at all levels.Parents and teachers are advised to use this book for abetter result in the performance of the Slow Learners.BY Nwufor Theresia N. (CAPIEMP)Revised Edition 02/20/2020

AaLetter A soundsa as inarmantappleman

a as inarm, ants, apple, manThe armed soldier ants eat the man’sapple.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/20205

BbLetter B soundsb as inbagboybedbook

b as inbag, boy, bed, bookThe boy has a bag, a bed and a book.

CcLetter C soundsc as incarcatcancupEnabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/20208

c as incar, cat, can, cupThe cat on the car near the canhas a cup.

D d Letter D soundsd as inEnabling Reading for Slow Learners.dogdendigdad2/20/202010

d as indog, den, dig, dadDad and Dike the dog dig to build alion’s den.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202011

Ee8Letter E soundse as ineggendeightepics

e as inegg, end, eight, epicEight epics end the story of theancient egg.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202013

FfLetter F soundsf as infatfishfedfonEnabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202014

f as infat, fish, fed, fonThe fon brought five fat fish fromFrance and fed his family.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202015

GgLetter G soundsg as ingategoatgingunEnabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202016

g as ingate, goat, gin, gunGet goat, gin and gun from good gatestore.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202017

H h Letter H soundsh as inhathenhillhut

h as inhat, hen, hill, hutThe hut on the hill had a hen in a hat.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202019

IiLetter I soundsi as inillitchinninkEnabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202020

i as inill, is, inn, inkThe illness that made him ill in theinn is cured with ink.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202021

JjLetter J soundsj as injarjetjotjugEnabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202022

j as injar, jet, jot, jugTake the jotter between the jar andthe jug and jot in the jet.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202023

N n Letter N soundn as innapnetnotenut

n as innap, net, note, nutA note from the nut in the net woke herfrom nap.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202025

O o Letter O soundso as inoxoatonionorangeEnabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202026

o as inox, onion, oat, orangeThe ox eat onion, oat and orange.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202027

PpLetter P soundsp as inpanpenpinpot

p as inpan, pen, pin, potThe pin and the pen fell into the inkpot in the pan.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202029

QqLetter Q soundsq as inquakequenchquitquoteEnabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202030“”

q as inquake, quench, quit, quote“Queenta quit to quench the fire causedby the quake.” He quoted.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202031

RrLetter R soundr as inratredrodrude

r as inrat, red, rod, rudeThe rude rat eat the red berrieson the rod.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202033

TtLetter T soundst as inEnabling Reading for Slow Learners.taxtenttintontune2/20/202034

t as intax, tent, tin, tonThe tax payer’s tent has tons of tins.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202035

SsLetter S soundss as inEnabling Reading for Slow Learners.satsetsonsun2/20/202036

s as insat, set, son, sunMy son said the sun set in the east ashe sat with the sinner.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202037

UuLetter U soundu as inurnfufujujuVudu

u as inurn, fufu, juju, VuduFuh prepared an urn of fufu was givento the Vudu juju.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202039

VvLetter V soundv as invanventvimvoteEnabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202040

v as invan, vent, vim, voteClean the van with the vim and park nearthe vent before going to vote.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202041

WwLetter W soundw as inwavewetwinwoundEnabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202042

w as inwave, wet, win, woundThe wind caused the wave that wet thewound.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202043

XxLetter X soundx as in6axeoxSixtax

x as inaxe, ox, six, taxTax the six axe and the oxen.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202045

Y y Letter Y soundy as inyardyetyoyoyouthsEnabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202046

y as inyard, yet, yoyo, youthThe yoyo on the yard is not for theyouth yet.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202047

Z z Letter Z soundz as inzinczedzipzigzagEnabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202048

z as inzinc, zed, zip, zigzagThe zigzag fish called zigzagoon is inthe zip bag on the zinc.Enabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202049

Books in this series:1. Mastering theAlphabet 1 The 26English Sounds2. Mastering theAlphabet 2 Sounds inWords3. Mastering theAlphabet 3 DoubleSoundsEnabling Reading for Slow Learners.2/20/202050

This publication is aimed at helping those pupils whoafter passing through level one (primary 1&2) reach levelstwo and three (Primary 3 – 6) without knowing how to reada simple text. They can give correct answers to oralquestions but cannot read the questions themselves. Thismakes them fail their exams not because they are dull.Some teachers also hurriedly teach the alphabet withouttaking into consideration some basic principles. This classof pupils are merely slow to understand and needs gradualguidance to the art of reading. This book gives an answerto the difficulties faced by these pupils at all levels.Parents and teachers are advised to use this book for abetter result in the performance of the Slow Learners.BY Nwufor Theresia N. (CAPIEMP)Revised Edition 02/20/2020

Mastering the Alphabet 1 The 26 English Sounds 2. Mastering the Alphabet 2 Sounds in Words 3. Mastering the Alphabet 3 Double Sounds. This publication is aimed at helping those pupils who after