
STATE OF CALIFORNIASTATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL B3ARDIn the Matter of Application 25741)ALTON E. AND MARGARET L. WILDERApplicant;DECISION: 15951)SOURCE:Unnamed SpringsTributary tol&math RiverCOUNTY:Hunboldt1APPLICATION 26045LEROY W. AND ELEANOR D. WILDERApplicantAND APPLICATION 26046mW. AND GENIE WILDER,’)),','Applicant )BENJAMIN H. WILDER, ET AL:,'1Protestants)DECISION APPROVING APPLICATION 25741 IN PARTAPPROVING APPLICATIONS 26045 AND 26046BYTHE BOARD:Alton E. and Margaret L. Wilder having filed Application 25741, LeRoy W.and Eleanor D. Wilder having filed Application 26045, and Warren W. and GenieWilder having filed Application 26046, all for permits to appropriate(unappropriatedwater; protests having been received; a hearing having been heldin Eureka on October 24, 1980 before the State Water Resources Control Board:applicants and protestants having appeared and presented evidence; the evidencereceived at the hearing having been duly considered: the Boar&finds as follows:1

ItSubstance of the Applications1. Application 25741 is for a permit to appropriate 404 gallons perday (gpd) from April 1 to November 1 for irrigation,and 428 gpd from January 1to December 31 for domestic purposes. Two points of diversion are requested,being within the SW% of SW% of Section 1, TlON, R5E, HB&M and the NE& of NE% ofSection 11, TlON, RSE, HB&M.2. Aplication 26045 is for a permit to appropriate 404 gpd fromApril 1 to November 1 for irrigation ard 255 gpd from January 1 to December 31for domestic purposes. The point of diversion is within the SW% of SW% ofSection 1, TlON, R5E, HB&M.3. Application 26046 is for a permit to appropriate 404 gpd fromApril 1 to November 1 for irrigation and 428 gpd from January 1 to December 31Ifor domestic purposes. The point of diversion is within the SW% of SW& ofSection 1, TlON, RSE, HE&M.Applicants' Projects4. Applications 25741, 26045 and 26046 all request rights to divertwater from Rough and Ready Spring (Spring) through an existing l-1/2 inchgravity pipeline. Under Application 25741, an additionalpoint of diversion isrequested from a spring known as Skeleton Gulch. The point of diversion onSkeleton Gulch was abandoned during the hearing. The places of use describedin the applicationsare all within thesarvorum Bar Placer Mine, a patentedmining claim. Plate I shows the mining claims and surroundingarea.2

iI.WILDERNo. 2WILDERNo. 3ROUGH8 -A A -2604525741-A -26046(I)-(2)(3)2EXTENSIONOFGERTRUDE\ ,\

*:ProtestsI'5. Protests were filed against the applicationsby Everett G. Wilder,Benjamin H. Wilder and Bertha Wilder-Hewitt. The protestants contend that: (1)Rough and Ready Spring rises and sinks within the boundary of the Rough andReady Mining Claim (MiningClaim) which they possess and that the State Board&x3no jurisdictionover the spring's water; (2) they possess all surfacerights on the Mining Claim and the applicantshave no right of accesstoI the spring: and (3) other scurces of water are available to the applicants.‘.Further, the protestants indicate they have plans for using the spring formining and irrigation.BackgroundThe Applicants6.In 1953 and earlier years Albert Wilder owned the patentedSarvorum Bar Placer Mine (SarvorumPatent). Until 1953 the Sarvorum Patent wassupplied water via the Boise Creek Ditch consisting of son-el-1/2 miles ofditches and flumes. When flooding occurred during the winter of 1952-53, theditch was rendered inoperative.7. The spring is situated within the Mining Claim which adjoins theSarvorum Patent. The Mining Claim was also within the possession of AlbertWilder and his 'wifeLillian in 1953. Inearly 1953, after the Boise CreekDitch became inoperative,a pipeline was installed to bring water from thespring to the dwellings of Albert and FrederickWilder (a son) on the SarvorumPatent. The pipeline was installedby Albert's sons,,Llewellyn and FrederickWilder. Figure 1 shows 'Wilderfamily relationships.4

WILDER RJXATIONSHIPSFrederick P. Wilder (Bertha Somes)IIAlbert R. Wilder (Lillian Ferris)IBenjamin WilderEverett Wilder (Alice Reese)ProtestantProtestantIBertha Wilder HewittProtestantI1Frederick P. Wilder(Eleanor Sanderson)A-26045Stanley WilderLeRoy W. WilderFIGURE1

C8. At the time the pipeline was being installed,Albert and Fredericksigned the following agreement:"This is to certify that I, Albert R. Wilder owns,Ino interest in the 90 joints, or 1800 ft., of one‘Iinch galvanized water pipe that Fred P. Wilder isnow installingacross my land, and he has theprivelage of removing same with all fixtures andconnections at any time he may wish to do so, butI Albert R. Wilder has the right to use the waterfor irrigating and household purposes as long asthe pipe remains on the land." (Staff Exh. #l)9. By three quitclaim deeds dated September 24, 1953, AlbertWilderdivided the Sarvorum Patent into three parcels and conveyed them to three of‘,his sons, Llewellyn, Frederick, and Warren. Each deed conveys a one-third“0interest in the'Boise Creek Ditch and water right, No mention is made ofrights to the use of water from the spring on the Mining Claim, (D.B. 265, pp.554, 557 and 560)*.10.Warren Wilder and his wife, Genie, filed Application 26046.Llewellyn Wilder and his wife conveyed his parcel of the Sarvorum Patent to theMolliers. This conveyance included the one-third right to the Boise CreekDitch and water right; it also included "a one-half interest in the Tank andPipe from the water system being used from Rough and Ready Mine"(D.B. 825,p. 525). On July 27, 1970, the Molliers conveyed a portion of this parcel toAlton and Margaret Wilder.The conveyance only included ".an undivided l/4-*D. B. stands for Deed Bank!’06

interest in and to the water and water rights located in the Rough and ReadyPlacer Mine." (Applicant'sExh. 9). Alton and Margaret Wilder filed'Application25741 in this matter. Finally, on May 8, 3.978,the Mollier'sconveyed 'I.l/4 of the l/2 interest from the water system being used fromRough and Ready Mine".to Warren W. and Genie C. Wilder (Applicant'sExh. 8).11. Upon the death of Frederick Wilder, a life estate in the SarvorumPatent was distributedon December 29, 1978 to LeRoy W. Wilder (among others)who,with his mother, Eleanor, filed Application 26045 (Applicant'sExh. 5).12. Llewellyn testified that it was assumed that he and Frederick(Albert'ssons) acquired a one-half interest each in the spring when they wereconveyed their interests in the Sarvorum Patent (RT pp. 24, 25 and 35). Warrenappears to agree with this testimony (RT p. 63). To sumnarize then, as betweenthe applicants,the heirs of Frederick (LeRoy and Eleanor) claim a one-halfinterest in the spring, Alton and Margaret claim a one-guarter interest andWarren and Genie claim a one-quarterinterest.The Protestants13. On July 16, 1957, about four years after installationof thepipeline to the spring, Albert Wilder and Lillian, his wife, conveyed theMining Claim to Stanley Wilder (a son). No mention is made of water rights.(D.B. 453, p. 81). Stanley conveyed the Mining Claim on December 3, 1963 toEverett and Benjamin Wilder, protestants to these applications. The deed *reserved three'acresof land to Stanley ".along with all necessarywater fordomastic purposes" (D.B. 764, p. 192). Bertha Wilder-Hewitt,protestant, isEverett's daughter.7

Discussion14. Protestantscontendthat the StateBoardhas no jurisdiction'overthespringbecause.it does not contributeto otherstreamsby surfaceor.’subsurfacemeans. The B'oardhas jurisdictionover waterflowingin a knownandto the extentit has notdefinitechannel,whethersurfaceor subterranean,-beenappropriatedor is not beingusedupon riparian lands (Water., previouslyCodeSections 1200 and 1201); That the water in a channeldoes not join otherwater ‘does not oust the Board'sjurisdiction(WaterCode Sectionl201). Thetest is whether the watercourse.is.of.sufficient length to make wateraccessible to more than one landowner. Further, only springs where the waterrises and sinks within a privately-owned.parcelis deemed to belong solely tothe owner of the parcel (State v. Hansen (1961) 11 Cal. Rptr. 335, 189 Cal.ASP. 2d 604). Although there can be no private ownership of springs on publiclands and the right to the use of such.watermust be acquired by appropriation(Simonsv. Inyo -Cerro Gordo Mining --& Power Co. (1920) 192 Pac. 144, 48 Cal.App. 524), the possessor of a mining claim has been determined'tobe possessed.:.of"a sufficient interest .inthe land to be entitled to use waterflowingthrough the claim as a riparian.* ,While.nocase in point has been identified,apt analogy requires the conclusion that a mining claimant has the,sole rightto the use of spring water that.rises and,sinkson his mining claim.*A mining claimant acquires riparian rights,subjectto prior appropriativerights to the use of water (Irwin v. Phillips (1855) 5 Cal. 140; Act of.1866,c. 262, 9, 14 U.S. Stats.251, 43 USCA 661).8

15. Whether the water from the spring meets the requirementforjurisdictionis a close question. The channel is not pronounced. Where itleaves the'MiningClaim and enters the Sarvorum Patent it has been altered bythe Doise Creek Ditch and probably by the floods of 1952-53 and 1964 (FT 49).During winter months excess water from the spring is interceptedby the ditchjustabove a washed out portion and then flows to the Klamath River. (RT 80 and81). During drier months the flow diminishes.Testimony indicates that thespring supplies about l/2 miners inch or about 8,000 gallons per day during!periods of low flow (RT 106 ard 112), a flow that would reach the Boise CreekDitch but for extremely porous soils. Testimny also indicates that the springcontributesto the Klamath River either as surface or subterraneanflow (KT 74and 125). We conclude, therefore, that the Board has jurisdictionover thewater of the spring.16. The flaw from the spring is not used, currently, for any purpose0-Iby the holders of the Mining Claim. The low flow from the spring is enough tosatisfy the three applicationsand the water is unappropriated. The totalamount of wate.rsought by the applicationsfor water from the spring is lessthan 2,400 gpd. The holders of the Mining Claim, however, have a paramountclaim to use the water as riparians.17. The protestantshave indicated they may use water from the springon certain portions of the Rough and Ready Mining Claim and on other miningclaims. Use of the spring water on other claims is not a riparian use nor isthe use of water from one watershed in another watershed on the Mining Claim anexercise of riparian rights (Ranch0 Santa Margarita v. Vail (1938) 11 Cal. 2d501, 81 P. 2d 533).18. The protestants claim they possess all surface rights on theMining Claim and that the applicants have no right of access to the spring.9

The applicants contend 'theyhave the right of access to the 'spring. TheBoard's regulationsprovide:"The Board will not undertake to determinetitle to land or.the right to occupy,oruse land or other property. A disputeconcerning applicant's title or right tooccupy or use land or other propertynecessary for consummationof the proposedappropriation is not cause for denial ofan application and a protest based solelyupon such disputed title or right willordinarily be rejected.asnot presentingan issue within the board's jurisdiction;provided that the board may teqorarilydefer action on an application pendingjudicial determinationof applicant'stitle or right to occupy or use propertywhen in the board's judgment such actionis justified." (23 Cal. Admin. Code745).,.:This Board has no jurisdiction to decide issues pertaining to pcesession of:land. We note, however, that the pipeline was installed at the time SarvorumPatent and Mining.Claimwere possessed by Albert Wilder and that use has beenI/0,continuous since the Mining Claim was conveyed in 1957. Finally, it isinterestingthat one of the protestants (BenjaminWilder) was hired in 1964 totransport materials to repair the pipeline (RT 40-42). Inasmuch as the Boardhas held a hearing and received evidence concerning these applications,weshould not defer action on the applicationspending judicial determinationofthe applicants' right of access to the Spring.19. The protestants contend,thatother water is available to satisfythe needs of the applicants.It appears that during periods of low flow,Iwater is available from the Klamath River underflow, from groundwater and fromBoise Creek. 'Theapplicants do not need a permit from this Board to take watervia a well from percolating groundwater.10a

/'0The applicantsmay also use water from the Klamath River or the Klamath RiverUnderflow if their parcels of the Sarvorum Patent adjoin the river or overliethe underflow. Records do indicate there is unappropriatedwater year-round inthe Klamath River. The right to use water from Boise Creek has lapsed fornonuse (Watercode Section 1241), and the applicantswould have to file anapplicationfor unappropriatedwater with this Board. The easement requiredfor the ditch has probably been abandoned as well. The availabilityof otherwater is not of itself sufficient reason to deny the applications.EnvironnientalConsiderations20.This Board's decision authorizes a project which constitutesonlya minor modificationto land, water and vegetation, and such projects arethereby exempt from the provisions of the California EnvironmentalQuality Act(Public Resources Code, Section 21000 et seq.) in acordance with Section 15304,Chapter 3, Title 14, CaliforniaAdministrativeCode.:Conclusions21. Having considered the entire record in this matter we concludethat: (1) the Board has jurisdictionover the water issuing from the Rough andReady Spring, (2) there is unappropriatedwater available for appropriation,(3) the proposed use is beneficial and that permits should be issued pursuantto.the following order:11

IT IS HEREBYORDEREDthatSkeletonGulchbe.deniedas a.pointofdiversion,and thatApplication25741be dySpringonly. The permitshallcontainall applicableterms (6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)* in additionto the be limitedto the quantitywhichcan bebeneficiallyused and shallnot exceed:(a)428 gallonsper day by directdiversionfrom January1 to.December31 of each year for domesticuse and;(b)404 gallonsper day by dire&diversionfromApril 1 toNovember1 of each year for irrigation.2.This permitshallnot be construedas conferringupon the permitteesrightof accessto the point of diversion.-IT IS EURTHERORDEREDthat.AFplication26045be approvedsubjecttoall applicablestandardpermitterms (6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)* in additionto thefollowingconditions:”1.The waterappropriatedshallbe limited'tothe quantitywhich-canbe.,beneficiallyused and shall not exceed:(a) 255 gallonsper day by directdiversionfrom January1 toDecember 31 of each year for domesticuse and;(b)404 gallonsper day by direetldiversionfromApril 1 toNovember 1 of each year for irrigation.2.This permitshallnot be construedas conferringu;?onthe permitteesrightof accessto the point of diversion./’*The'Boardkeepsa list of standardpermitterms. Ccpiesof theseareobtainableupon request.170

,.IT IS FURTHERORDEREDthat Application26046be approvedsubjecttoall applicablestandardpermit terms (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) in additionto the followingconditions:1.The water appropriatedshall be limitedto the quantitywhich can bebeneficiallyused and shall not exceed:(a) 428 gallonsper day by directdiversionfrom January1 toDecember31 of each year for domesticuse and;(b) 404 gallonsper day by directdiversionfrom April 1 toNovember1 of each year for irrigation.2.This permit shall not be construedas conferringupon the permitteesright of accessto the point of diversionor to any part of theexistingconveyancesystem.Dated:Pecember 15, 1983en D. Noteware,Vice-ChairmanF. K. Aljibrky,Membeh/------- -- ---,-

ii -.5-,(;. *

being within the SW% of SW% of Section 1, TlON, R5E, HB&M and the NE& of NE% of Section 11, TlON, RSE, HB&M. 2. Aplication 26045 is for a permit to appropriate 404 gpd from April 1 to November 1 for irrigation ard 255 gpd from January 1 to December 31 for domestic purposes. The point