WELCOME TO YOURPRIVATE WATERSOURCEWhen was the last time you truly tasted water? When youtook a sip that left you thirsting for more?That’s what happens after your first encounter with GROHEBlue Home: a beautiful and intelligent system that transformssimple water into pure thirst-quenching pleasure, and yourkitchen into a meeting place for thirsty friends.
First the sheer elegance of the tap catchesthe eye. But when you take a look behind thescenes, you’ll discover the secret of GROHEBlue Home: the cooler – and the reason whydrinking water will never be the same again.
Still waters run deep. If you prefer yourwater cool and still, nothing could besimpler: just push the top button. TheLED lights up blue and your glass fillswith pure refreshment.
STILL, MEDIUM ORSPARKLING: THE CHOICEIS ALL YOURSHow sparkling do you like your water? It’s all a matter of taste. GROHE Blue Homehas a simple and intuitive mechanism that lets you carbonate your drinking waterat the touch of a button. Deliciously cool filtered water, just the way that you – andall your family – like it.
Sparkling – but not too much?More of a medium sparkling?Coming right up. Press both buttonsin sequence – the LED lights upturquoise – to produce a finelypearled stream of water.
Sparkling water, alive with bubbles.If that’s your idea of thirst-quenchingheaven, just press the lower button –the LED lights up green – for yourperfect glass of water.
PERFECTLY CHILLED –JUST AS YOU LIKE ITImagine the refreshing sensation of chilled water – cool and thirst-quenching.Ready and waiting for you at the touch of a button – at exactly the righttemperature. Think of the glass misting over with minute water dropletsand of that first delicious cold gulp.Chilled water on demand – how refreshing is that then?
THE SHAPE OFTOMORROW’SDRINKING WATERForm and function come together in GROHE Blue Home,combining all the advantages of a high-end kitchen tap anda sophisticated water cooler. Add to that intuitive and timelessdesign and you are looking at the water source of the future.
THE INTELLIGENT HEARTOF GROHE BLUE HOMEFirst we came up with some state-of the-art technology and thenwe hid it away. The GROHE Blue Home cooler is our undercovergenius that takes the water, filters it, chills it and makes it sparkle,ready to fill your glass to the brim.
This is where it all happens:here you can adjust thetemperature between 5 and 10 and insert thefilter and the CO2 bottle.
THE MAGICIS IN THE FILTERFor our GROHE Blue system we have worked with BWT, Europe’s leadingfiltered water professionals, to ensure that our system produces an unparalleled,refreshing drinking experience. Our standard high performance S-Size filtercomes with every GROHE Blue Home starter set. It uses a five-step filtrationprocess to remove even the smallest particles from tap water, while leavingbehind all the important minerals that benefit your health.BYPASS SETTINGA small amount of limescale in thewater is important for a pleasant tasteand mineral balance. The bypasssetting allows a small amount ofwater to be filtered without removinglimescale in the ion exchanger.INLET WATEROUTLET WATERFIVE-STEP FILTRATIONFILTRATION BYPASS WATERBYPASS WATER FLOWIn addition, two other filters available.If you live in a soft-water area, theactivated carbon filter is right for you.It improves the taste but leaves thecarbonate levels in the water untouched.For the best taste and health benefits,the magnesium filter is the idealchoice.It adds up to 35 mg magnesiumto each litre of water, helping you getenough of this essential mineral whiledelivering the best tasting tea andcoffee possible.For more information about ourdifferent filters, visit: www.grohe.comFINE FILTRATIONCaptures even the finestremaining particles.ACTIVATED CARBON FILTRATIONA second filtering process fora maximum taste experience. Bypasswater is filtered and purified whilekeeping essential minerals.HIGH-PERFORMANCEION EXCHANGERRemoves limescale andmetal substances.ACTIVATED CARBON PRE-FILTER( TASTE IMPROVEMENT)Removes chlorine and certain organiccompounds including insecticides andpesticides, for a cleaner, fresher taste.PRE-FILTRATIONFilters out coarse particlesof sand and dirt.grohe.com Page 29
THE GUARANTEE FORPURE TASTEIf you enjoy tea and coffee, you’ll love them even more with GROHE BlueHome. Whether in your coffee machine or for making tea, the still waterbrings out the best in your favourite hot drinks. Thanks to the ultimatepurity of the filtered water, the aromas can develop to the full – for anunforgettable café au lait, at the same time protecting your high-endkitchen appliances.
Visit our GROHE Blue shop:https://shop.grohe.com
1 min. tochangeWatch the video and see how easyit is to replace the CO2 bottle.www.grohe.comTHE SIMPLEST WAY TOPERFECT BUBBLESNothing could be easier – or faster – than inserting the CO2 bottle. In less thana minute, you have a whole new supply of sparkling water – up to 60 l.And when the time comes to replace the CO2 bottle, the display on the tapstarts to blink, giving you ample warning.The GROHE Blue Online shop or the GROHE Ondus app makes orderingreplacement bottles and returning the empty ones simple and effortless.grohe.com Page 33
NEW: WITHPULL-OUT FUNCTIONOur new GROHE Blue Home taps now come with a pull-out mousseur head forultimate functionality and flexibility. Select from three contemporary tap shapeswith a pull-out head, each with a hygienic mouser and two separate waterways,delivering both filtered and unfiltered water effortlessly.Pull-outmousseurLead andnickel freehygienicmousseurwith 2 outlets
CONTROL VIAGROHE ONDUS APPControl your GROHE Blue Home tap via smartphone app for totalconvenience. The GROHE Ondus App will not only let you know whenthe filter or CO2 need replacing, but can reorder for you automatically.Use it to pour water and monitor your consumption via personalfitness apps.System requirementsiPhone with iOS 9.0 or higher / smart phone with Android 4.3 or higherMobile devices and GROHE Ondus App are not included in delivery and havebe ordered separately via an authorised Apple store/store/iTunes or GooglePlay store.The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned byBluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Grohe AG is under license.Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.Apple, the Apple logo, iPod, iPod Touch, iPhone and iTunes are trademarksof Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Apple is notresponsible for the function of this device or its compliance with safety andregulatory standards.
HOME DELIVERY MEANSFROM TAP TO TABLEWhat could be easier – and more convenient – than drawing yourdrinking water straight from the tap? Life just became a lot simpler.
Space: we’d all like to have more of it.And in the fridge it’s in especially shortsupply. Try squeezing enough waterbottles in to keep the family goingfor a weekend or when friends comeround, because nobody wants to drinklukewarm water on a summer’s day.Thank goodness GROHE Blue Homedelivers chilled water on demand.Just think for a moment about theeffort it takes to ensure a constantsupply of bottled water at home.Queuing up to buy it, lugging theheavy crates and bottles home (how’syour back, by the way?), carrying themup the stairs and storing them. Andbefore you know it, it’s time to takethe empties back, before starting theprocess all over again.Time: something else that is precious.So why would anyone want to spendthose precious minutes driving tosupermarkets, looking for parkingspaces and returning bottles. GROHEBlue Home means less frustration,more free time.And here’s another thought: when every member of the family prefers a different water, that’s three kinds you have to buy.Not with GROHE Blue Home. You can have sparkling, medium and still – with just one tap.
BRAND A-50 %BRAND BBRAND CGROHE BLUE HOMECost per year:Cost per year:Cost per year:Cost per year:1620,-1188,-1080,-540,-Sample calculationAnnual costs for afamily of four with anaverage consumptionof 1.5 litres perperson per day.
SAVE IN THE LONG RUNAND IN THE SHORTGROHE Blue Home is an investment in more ways than one. When you look atthe costs of providing quality drinking water for your family and friends 365 daysa year, you’ll see how quickly you start to save in comparison to bottled water.It’s a simple piece of arithmetic. You’ll soon be saving money with every glassyou drink. And that’s not counting the time and effort that you save as well.When you register your GROHE Blue Home purchase online, we’ll extend yourwarranty to 3 years, adding further security to your investment.
THE BEST PACKAGINGFOR WATER: NOPACKAGING AT ALLWe are responsible for our small blue home, the earth.It demands of us that we care for its environmentand save its precious water resources.At GROHE Blue Home we have a goal: to helpsave the planet one glass at a time.
It might seem obvious, but in a worldthat is slowly sinking in a sea of plastic,the issue of the practically indestructibleplastic bottles is becoming more urgentthan ever.Not only that, it takes an astonishing7 litres of water just to produce a singlelitre of bottled water, not to mentionthe energy used and the CO2 tre1litre1litreTo produce 1 litre of bottled water anamount of 7 litres of water is needed.GROHE Blue needsonly one.So do we really need bottled water?At GROHE we believe we have foundthe solution in GROHE Blue Home.We commissioned the Universityof Göttingen to carry out in-depthresearch that made comparisons of CO2emissions. The result: a huge reductionof 61 % compared to bottled water.So you can have pure water enjoymentwithout compromising your greenideals.Bottled water: Up to 108,5 gramsof CO2 equivalent per litreGROHE Blue Home: 17,96 gramsof CO2 equivalent per litre
BRING MORE HEALTHINTO YOUR LIFEEveryone knows that the basis for good health is drinking enough water.It’s vital for your brain and good for your skin. So if it’s beauty and brainsthat you want, you need look no further than GROHE Blue Home.
35 %Magnesium and vitality go together.With the optional magnesium filter,you can have more of this importantmineral in your diet. 2 litres ofGROHE Blue Home contain as muchmagnesium as 4 apples – up to 35 mgper litre. Magnesium also enhancesthe flavour of the water, so it tastesgood as well as does you good.The recipe for taste and health: exclusivewater recipes from GROHE Blue Home.Based on all natural ingredients anddeveloped by GROHE and BWT, theWater Recipe Book is brim-full ofmouth-watering drinks. Tested andapproved by water-sommeliers.How much is enough? Expertsrecommend that we drink at least2 litres a day. Yet with GROHE Blue it’sso easy and pleasurable to fill a glassof refreshing water that many peoplefind themselves returning for more.
YOUR WATER SOURCE FORWHEN YOU’RE ON THE MOVE:GROHE TO GOYou don’t need to stay at home to enjoy GROHE Blue Home. Discover the stylish andpractical bottles for when you’re out and about. In unbreakable plastic or elegant brushedaluminium, these bottles ensure you’ll always be able to enjoy delicious tasting waterwherever you are. Whether on your way to work or a workout, these bottles are beautifulenough to never leave your side.
Visit our GROHE Blue shop:https://shop.grohe.com
We designed the iconic GROHE BlueHome with a view to creating anaesthetic centrepiece for your kitchen.To ensure that your tap harmoniseswith your kitchen, whatever yourchosen style, you can select from anumber of different forms. There arethree timeless and elegant options:the L, C and U-shaped spouts, availablein two stylish finishes – chrome andsupersteel.grohe.com Page 53
THE TAP THATCOMPLEMENTSALL OTHERSIf you already have a high-end tap in your kitchen anddon’t wish to replace it, then GROHE Blue Home Monois the perfect choice for you. It fits perfectly alongsideyour existing tap, a source of deliciously fresh andsparkling filtered water.
Separated inner water ways for unfiltered tap and filtered drinking water.THE ULTIMATE INDESIGN AND FUNCTIONGROHE Blue Home is the symbiosis of elegant, timeless design and innovativefeatures that make it a pleasure to use.Lovely as it is to look at, there’s much more to GROHE Blue Home than meetsthe eye.When the timecomes to replacethe filter, thedisplay on the tapwill alert you withan orange, blinkinglight.A white, blinkinglight alerts youwhen it’s time toreplace the CO2bottle.Push buttonwith illuminatedLED ring for still,medium andsparkling water.
Spout, turnable by 150 Hygienic mousseur with twooutlets and optional pull-outForward rotating leverwith knurled structurefor better gripCartridge withGROHE SilkMove technologyfor normal tap water
The GROHE Blue Home cooler is slim and adaptable, making it simple to find the ideal space for it in your kitchen.It can be fitted directly below the sink or within a radius of 2.5 meters, e.g. in a 30 cm wide towel cabinet.EVERY SPACE CANBE A HOME FORGROHE BLUE HOME.
INSTALLING THE COOLER:THE LAST STEP TOPERFECT REFRESHMENTPlace tap and mount with fixation setbelow the cabinet.Place ventilation template and drillventilation hole accordingly.Screw filter into filter head and placecooler below the cabinet into thedrilled holes.Connect hoses to the tap and cooler.Afterwards open the angle valvesbefore connecting power supply.Screw in CO2 bottle and close frontwith cover. Rest the cooler for about20 minutes to cool down the water.Adjust the software to the correctfilter capacity setting.grohe.com Page 59
THE GROHE BLUE HOMEPRODUCT PORTFOLIO ANDRANGE OF ACCESSORIES31 539 000 / 31 539 DC0GROHE Blue HomeL-spout Starter kit with pull-outColour options:000 I StarLight Chrome GROHESilkMoveGROHEStarLightDC0 I SuperSteelEnhancedWaterSwivelStopComfortHeight
31 541 000 / 31 541 DC0GROHE Blue HomeC-spout Starter kit with pull-out31 543 000 / 31 543 DC0GROHE Blue HomeU-spout Starter kit with pull-outgrohe.com Page 63
31 454 001 / 31 454 DC1GROHE Blue HomeL-spout Starter kit31 539 000 / 31 539 DC0GROHE Blue HomeL-spout with pull-out31 455 001 / 31 455 DC1GROHE Blue HomeC-spout Starter kit31 541 000 / 31 541 DC0GROHE Blue HomeC-spout with pull-out31 456 001 / 31 456 DC1GROHE Blue HomeU-spout Starter kit31 543 000 / 31 543 DC0GROHE Blue HomeU-spout with pull-out31 498 001 / 31 498 DC1GROHE Blue HomeMono Starter kitEACH GROHE BLUE HOME CONTAINS:CARBONATORGROHE BLUE HOMEColour options:000/001 I StarLight Chrome GROHESilkMoveGROHEStarLightEnhancedWaterDC0/DC1 I SuperSteelSwivelStopComfortHeightCO2 BOTTLE 425 gS-SIZE FILTER
40 404 001GROHE Blue HomeS-Size FilterCapacity 600 l at 15 KH40 547 001GROHE Blue HomeActivated Carbon filterFor regions with water hardness 9 KH Capacity 3000 l40 691 001GROHE Blue Magnesium filter with magnesium andpremium tastecapacity 400 l at 15 KH40 434 001GROHE Blue Homecleaning cartridge40 694 000adapter for GROHE BlueBWT filter head only to be usedin combination with 40 434 00140 422 000GROHE Blue CO2 bottle425 g 4 pieces40 437 000GROHE Blue Glass 6 pieces40 405 000GROHE Blue Glass carafe40 848 000 / 40 848 SD0GROHE Blue drinking bottleplasticGROHE Blue drinking bottlestainless steelAvailable as:40 687 000GROHE Blue CO2 Refill bottle425 g 4 piecesVisit our GROHE Blue shop:https://shop.grohe.comgrohe.com Page 65
How much space do I need to installGROHE Blue Home?The cooler is 20 cm wide and 50 cm deep. Thismeans that the whole system can fit comfortablyinside a standard 60 cm or even in a 30 cmkitchen cabinet.When do I need to change the filter?The filter has to be changed at least every12 months, or when it has run out, whicheveris sooner. An LED display in the tap’s lefthandle makes it easy to tell when filter capacityis running low. A flashing light indicates lessthan 10 % capacity and a rapidly flashingorange light indicates 1 % capacity, meaningthe filter cartridge must be changed. If thedevice is integrated to the GROHE Ondus appit will remind you to change the filter bysending a push notification.How can I dispose of the filter?The filter can be easily disposed of as normalplastics.What is the capacity of the CO2 bottle?The 425 g bottle produces 60 litres of fullsparkling water.What happens if I do not use GROHE BlueHome for an extended period of time?GROHE recommends not leaving the filter systemout of service for extended periods of time. If theGROHE Blue filter system is not used for a fewdays, the filter system must be rinsed with atleast four liters of water. If you leave the systemunused for more than four weeks then the systemhas to be cleaned with the GROHE Blue Bio-Cleancleaning liquid 40 434 001 and the filter must bereplaced.When do I need to change the CO2 bottle?As soon as the water does not sparkle anymore.To give a heads-up indication the LED display inthe tap’s left handle flashes white shortly beforethe CO2 bottle needs to be replaced. The systemwill also send a push notification via the GROHEOndus app.Where can I buy filter and CO2 bottles?Visit our online GROHE Blue shop for allreplacement filters, CO2 bottles and accessoriesor use the GROHE Ondus app to order refills withyour smartphone.How do I change the filter?The filter can be easily changed simply byunscrewing it and screwing in the new filterin its place. You don’t even need to turn thewater supply off.How do I change the CO2 bottle?The CO2 bottle can also be changed simply byunscrewing it and screwing in the new bottlein its place. Simple!Why should I drink GROHE Blue water?I keep hearing that tap water is top quality, sowhy should I purchase GROHE Blue Home?GROHE Blue purifies the already good qualitytap water, and of course gives you the option ofchilled, carbonated water too. Substances whichare important for the body such as calcium andmagnesium are retained, while the limescalecontent is reduced and elements which affecttaste such as heavy metals (iron, copper),chlorine and organic substances (pesticides)are filtered out. Water supply companies justguarantee drinking water quality to the pointwhere it enters your home. Impurities caused bythe house piping are eliminated by the GROHEBlue filter.What do I need to consider when installingGROHE Blue Home?Don’t forget that the cooler requires sufficientair ventilation and requires a warm air exhaustoutlet at the bottom of the cabinet. The cut-outtemplate is included in every product set.grohe.com Page 67
GROHE: A WHOLEWORLD OFINTELLIGENT DESIGNFOR THE KITCHENDiscover the many beautiful and functional taps in our wide selection.They range from sleek, minimalistic forms that are timeless in their appeal,to striking styles that make a bold design statement.And they come with many ingenious features and functions for ease andpleasure of use. For example with our pull-out mousseurs and sprays whichare both convenient and time-saving. Or easy-touch taps that can be operatedwith just a fingertip.Whatever your needs, GROHE offers you all the choice, comfort and flexibilitythat you could wish for.Find more on grohe.com
REGISTER ONCE,BENEFIT TWICE!Register your GROHE Blue Home System now! And receivean extended warranty from 2 to 3 years.Product-registration: http://product-registration.grohe.com
ORDERING FROM HOMEOR ON THE GO: DONEVisit our GROHE Blue Online shop to see our exclusive range of carafesand glasses, drinking bottles for on-the-go, as well as replacement filtersand CO2 bottles.Visit our GROHE Blue shop:https://shop.grohe.comgrohe.com Page 71
Follow usQUALITYTECHNOLOGYDESIGNSUSTAINABILITY“No.1 most trusted brandin the sanitary industry” –“Top 50 companiesto change the world” –Over 350 design awardswon since 2003CSR Award winner of theGerman Government, 2017Wirtschaftswoche, 2017Fortune Magazine, 2017Grohe AGFeldmühleplatz 15D - 40545 DüsseldorfGermany 08/2018 – Copyright by GROHE
How sparkling do you like your water? It’s all a matter of taste. GROHE Blue Home has a simple and intuitive mechanism that lets you carbonate your drinking water at the touch of a button. Deliciously cool filtered water, just the way that you – and all your family – lik