THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKOFFICE OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND WORLD LANGUAGESElisa Alvarez, Associate CommissionerResource Collection for World LanguagesThe following is a list of useful, online learning resources for world language teachers, students, and parentscompiled by the Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages at the New York State EducationDepartment. This site will be regularly updated as more resources become available. The New York StateEducation Department does not endorse individual vendors, products or services. Therefore, any referenceherein to any vendor, product, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise does notconstitute or imply the endorsement, recommendation or approval of the New York State EducationDepartment. These resources are being provided for informational purposes to assist educators in planning foronline learning during COVID-19 school closures. To add resources to this list, please email your suggestionsto obewl@nysed.gov.Language Learning AppsApp7,000 Languages - free onlinelanguage-learning courses inpartnership with Indigenous,minority, and refugeecommunities so they can keeptheir languages aliveProficiency Level(s)NoviceBabbel - a subscription-basedlanguage learning app for theweb that has both free and paidversions.Language(s) availableAdvancedBalinese, Behdini Kurdish, BenhtiKenaga, Cree, Dakota, Denaakk’e,Denesuline, Gwich’in, Hän,Holikachuk, Kaqchikel, Kituba,Koasati, Nahuatl, Oji-Cree,Ojibwe, Central & NW Ojibwe,South DakotahIntermediateAdvancedDutch, French, German,Indonesian, Italian, Norwegian,Polish, Portuguese, Russian,Spanish, Swedish, TurkishIntermediateDuolingo – an online platformthat includes a language-learningwebsite and a free mobile app.NoviceIntermediateAdvancedMany languagesFluentkey – an online platformoffering interactive videocomprehension gamesNoviceIntermediateAdvancedEnglish, Chinese, French, SpanishGus on the Go – an appappropriate for elementarystudents – app contains 10interactive lessons, vocabularyreviews and games.NovicePage 1 (Last updated 5/4/2020)30 languages including French,Greek, Hebrew, Spanish
THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKOFFICE OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND WORLD LANGUAGESElisa Alvarez, Associate CommissionerAppProficiency Level(s)Language(s) availableHello Talk – a free app to learn alanguage, explore new culturesand make friends around theworld by chatting with nativespeakers.IntermediateAdvanced150 languages supportedMango Languages – a languagelearning app offered free toschool during closuresIntermediateAdvanced70 languagesMemrise - a language platformthat uses spaced repetition offlashcards to increase the rate oflearning.IntermediateAdvancedVarious languagesMindSnacks, Inc. – an appdescribed as “games for yourbrain” available in a variety oflanguages to teach vocabular,context, grammar and more.IntermediateAdvancedChinese, French, German, Italian,Japanese, Portuguese, SpanishIntermediateAdvancedVarious languagesIntermediateAdvancedEnglish, French, German, Italian,SpanishRosetta Stone – No-cost 3-monthsubscription offer is available toparents and guardians of K-12students who either attend aschool that is closed in responseto COVID-19 or arehomeschooled.This is Language – paid appproducing authentic languagevideo with young, nativespeakers of the language basedon themes. Offering 2-week freetrialNoviceVOCES Digital ClassroomNoviceIntermediateAdvancedFrench, SpanishYabla – an online immersionworkbook, with exposure to realnative speakers; offering freeextended trials for all teachersand students, through the end ofthe school year.NoviceIntermediateAdvancedChinese, English, French,German, Italian, SpanishPage 2 (Last updated 5/4/2020)
THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKOFFICE OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND WORLD LANGUAGESElisa Alvarez, Associate CommissionerAuthentic Resources & Supplementary MaterialsResource/MaterialProficiency Level(s)CASLS: Games2TeachNoviceIntermediateAdvancedCOERLL LanguagesNoviceIntermediateAdvancedCoffeeBreak Languages – freepodcasts and paid online coursesin various languagesIntermediateAdvancedEuronews – European news siteavailable in multiple luency Matters – Free COVID-19ResourcesNoviceLanguages OnlineNoviceNews in Slow – news program ingraduated levels with both freeand subscription servicesNews in Slow FrenchNews in Slow GermanNews in Slow ItalianNews in Slow SpanishNews in Slow Spanish (Latino)PodClub – Podcasts availableseveral languagesNoviceLanguage(s) availableChinese, Czech, Dutch, English,Finnish, French, German, Italian,Japanese, Korean, Norwegian,Polish, Portuguese, Russian,Spanish, Swedish, TurkishArabic, Bangla, Chinese, Czech,English, French, German,Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese,K’iche’, Malayalam, Persian,Portuguese, Russian, Sanskrit,Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu,YorubaChinese, English, French,German, Italian, Spanish,SwedishArabic, English, French, German,Greek, Italian, Portuguese,Russian, Spanish, TurkishVarious languagesChinese, French, German,Indonesian, Italian, Japanese,Spanish, ESLIntermediateAdvancedFrench, German, Italian, SpanishIntermediateAdvancedFrench, German, Italian, SpanishUnite for LiteracyNoviceIntermediateAdvancedUniversity of Utah: L2TRECWikiNews – online news websitein 33 ancedPage 3 (Last updated 5/4/2020)Spanish and a few otherlanguages with English textChinese, French, SpanishFrench, German, Italian, Spanishand 29 more languages
THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKOFFICE OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND WORLD LANGUAGESElisa Alvarez, Associate CommissionerAuthentic Resources in Individual LanguagesResource/MaterialASLdeafined – paid web-basedlearning platform – offering freeone-month subscriptionProficiency Level(s)NoviceIntermediateAP Chinese Language PracticeBBC Real ChineseNoviceChinese Reading PracticeNovicePanda TreeNovice1jour1actu – free French news invideo, audio and written formatcatered to learnersNoviceBBC The French Experience videoseriesNoviceBrainPop FrenchNoviceCLE InternationalLanguage availableAdvancedAmerican Sign Language diateFrenchIntermediateAdvancedFrenchFrench Teacher Resources – freeresource website for teachers ofFrenchNoviceIntermediateAdvancedFrenchFrench Video Audio LessonsNoviceIntermediateAdvancedFrenchLe Point du FLE – activities toteach and learn ermediateFrenchMa France video seriesIntermediateFrenchRadio France Internationale (RFI)– podcasts in French on currentnews topicsIntermediateThe French ceIntermediateAdvancedFrenchFrenchAdvancedPage 4 (Last updated 5/4/2020)French
THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKOFFICE OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND WORLD LANGUAGESElisa Alvarez, Associate CommissionerResource/MaterialProficiency Level(s)TV5Monde – video, audio andprinted resources on currentnews items in French;instructional resources forteachersLanguage availableIntermediateAdvancedFrenchGerman Teacher Resources –free resource website forteachers of GermanNoviceIntermediateAdvancedGermanGoethe InstituteNoviceIntermediateAdvancedGermanGoethe InstituteNoviceIntermediateGermanNew in German for childrenNoviceIntermediateGermanIntermediateNews in GermanJapanese Reading Practice –reading resources (full accessavailable for three months)Naver Stories - short stories viceIntermediateKoreanYES - short stories in KoreanNoviceIntermediateKoreanLatin Story ResourcesNoviceIntermediate123TeachMeNovice20 Minutos – Spanish news siteABC Spain- Spanish language newsiteAlba Learning – free e-books inSpanishBBC Mi Vida Loca video shNoviceBBC MundoBBC Suenos World SpanishNoviceBiblioteca Virtual Infantil offers ebooks in ishIntermediateAdvancedSpanishPage 5 (Last updated 5/4/2020)Spanish
THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKOFFICE OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND WORLD LANGUAGESElisa Alvarez, Associate CommissionerResource/MaterialProficiency Level(s)IntermediateBioBioChile – Chilean news siteBrainPop SpanishNoviceCaracol Radio – Colombianassociation of radio stationsAdvancedIntermediateIntermediateLanguage availableSpanishSpanishAdvancedSpanishCASLS: LingroToGoNoviceIntermediateCervantes InstituteNoviceIntermediateAdvancedSpanishClarín – Argentinian news siteIntermediateAdvancedSpanishCNN en ntermediateSpanishCommonLit - a collection ofreading passages available inSpanish in all literary andnonfiction genres for grades 3–12.Cuentos Breves – compilation ofshort children’s storiesCuentos de Andersen – Spanishversion of Hans ChristianAnderson’s TalesCuentos de Grimm – Spanishversion of Grimm’s FairytalesCuentos infantiles – Stories forchildren in SpanishDiario de Yucatán – Mexicannewspaper siteEl Confidencial – Spanish newssiteEl Heraldo – Hondurannewspaper siteEl huevo de chocolate – Spanishlanguage website for childrenincluding puzzles, riddles, jokes,songs, stories, and more.El Huffington Post - Spanishlanguage new siteEl Mundo – Spanish languagenews ediateAdvancedSpanishPage 6 (Last updated 5/4/2020)
THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKOFFICE OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND WORLD LANGUAGESElisa Alvarez, Associate CommissionerResource/MaterialProficiency Level(s)El Norte de Castilla – Spanishnewspaper siteEl Nuevo Día – Puerto Ricannewspaper siteEl Nuevo Herald – Spanishlanguage version of the MiamiHeraldLanguage vancedSpanishIntermediateAdvancedSpanishEl País – newspaper in SpanishIntermediateAdvancedSpanishEl Periódico - Catalan newspapersite in SpanishIntermediateAdvancedSpanishEl Tiempo – Colombia news siteIntermediateAdvancedSpanishEuropa Press – Spanish news dSpanishKhan Academy En Español - KhanAcademy’s repository of videoresources in Spanish.KnowBuddy Resources – freeSpanish language picture e-bookaccess until May 31La Opinión – Spanish languagenewspaper site based in LosAngelesLa Prensa – Honduran newspapersiteNoviceNoviceLa Voz – Argentinian news siteLas Poetas – site on SpanishLanguage poetsLiteratura.us – Literature inSpanish siteNasa Ciencias en Español - solarsystem exploration (visuals,videos, graphics, simple text) inSpanish.National Geographic EspañaNewsela en Español - news inSpanish and includes differentreading levels; offered free forthe remainder of the school panishIntermediateAdvancedSpanishPage 7 (Last updated 5/4/2020)
THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKOFFICE OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND WORLD LANGUAGESElisa Alvarez, Associate CommissionerResource/MaterialProficiency Level(s)Noticias Univision - Spanishlanguage new sitePBS Kids: SpanishIntermediateNovicePoemas del alma – Spanishpoetry sitePractica Español – website forlearning Spanish through realnewsPrensa Libre – Guatemalannewspaper sitePrimera Hora – Puerto Ricannews sitePúblico – Spanish news siteRadio Ambulante – radiopodcasts from Latin AmericaREDBilingueMexUS.org hundreds of online, authenticSpanish language educationalmaterials for language teachersacross the United States,including digital textbooks,movies, videos, audio clips, andmore from the CALP and theEmbassy of MexicoAdvancedNoviceRincón Castellano – Spanishlanguage literature site organizedby centuryRTVE – Spanish language newsiteSemana – Columbian weeklynews magazine siteLanguage eAdvancedSpanishIntermediateAdvancedSpanishSeñor Jordan’s Spanish VideosNoviceIntermediateSeñor Wooly – free 2-weekaccess to premium onlineplatform with instructionalmaterials, videos, training, andlesson plans.NoviceIntermediateSpanishAdvancedPage 8 (Last updated 5/4/2020)Spanish
THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKOFFICE OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND WORLD LANGUAGESElisa Alvarez, Associate CommissionerResource/MaterialProficiency Level(s)Señora Chase – Interpretive quickquizzes for distance learning andother resourcesNoviceSpanish PlaygroundNoviceIntermediateAdvancedLanguage availableSpanishSpanishSpanish PodcastIntermediateAdvancedSpanishTelecinco – Spanish news siteIntermediateAdvancedSpanishThe Comprehensible Classroom –Lesson plansNoviceIntermediateSpanishThe Spanish ExperimentNoviceIntermediateSpanishTween Tribune Español is acollection of nonfiction articlesand current events in SpanishIntermediateAdvancedNoviceWilBooksYahoo Noticias – Spanishlanguage website for Teacher-to-Teacher ResourcesResourceProficiency Level(s)Language(s) availableLa Maestra Loca COVID-19 FreeResourcesNoviceIntermediateAdvancedFrench and SpanishLeslie Grahn’s GrahnforlangCOVID19 Online ble to all edFrenchPage 9 (Last updated 5/4/2020)
THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKOFFICE OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND WORLD LANGUAGESElisa Alvarez, Associate CommissionerThematic Units in World LanguagesThematic UnitsProficiency Level(s)CASLS MosaicNoviceCOERLL Heritage SpanishNoviceCOERLL Gateway to ChineseNoviceLanguage(s) availableFrench, Japanese, e in World Languages (Free)Online BooksProficiency Level(s)Project Gutenberg - largeassortment of free e-books indozens of foreign languages.IntermediateAdvancedLanguage(s) availableMany languagesOnline Textbooks in World LanguagesOnline TextbooksProficiency Level(s)Biblio ManuelsNoviceHands UpNoviceLa Littéraire dans le QuotidienPlateforme Lib-ManuelsNoviceTrayectosNoviceOpen Textbook LibraryIntermediateAdvancedLanguage(s) age 10 (Last updated 5/4/2020)French, Italian, Portuguese,Spanish
THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKOFFICE OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND WORLD LANGUAGESElisa Alvarez, Associate CommissionerOnline Lessons/Courses in World LanguagesOnline CourseBBC LanguagesProficiency Level(s)NoviceIntermediateLanguage(s) availableAdvanced30 languagesBusuuNoviceIntermediateAdvancedArabic, Chinese, English, French,German Italian, Japanese, Polish,Portuguese, Russian, Spanish,TurkishDeutsch im BlickNoviceIntermediateAdvancedGermanDigital Literacy Courses fromMicrosoftNoviceIntermediateAdvancedFrench, German, Portuguese,Spanish, VietnameseFrançais InteractifNoviceKU OLRC AccesoNoviceFrenchAdvancedSpanishMIT LanguagesAdvancedChinese, French, German,Japanese, Portuguese, SpanishYale Open Course: Cervantes’Don QuixoteAdvancedSpanishYale Open Course: ItalianLanguage and LiteratureAdvancedItalianAdvanced48 languagesOpen CultureNoviceCalico Spanish – 10 freeelementary Spanish lessonsNoviceIntermediateIntermediatePage 11 (Last updated 5/4/2020)Spanish
THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKOFFICE OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND WORLD LANGUAGESElisa Alvarez, Associate CommissionerQuiz Apps, Recording Tools & Other Tech AppsAppDescriptionChitterpixRecording tool with an avatarConjuguemosOnline app with free and paid versions allowing students to practice vocabulary and grammarin multiple languages through games and drill activities.EdPuzzleOnline app that uses interactive videos in a self-paced learning method to practice languageEducreationsTool to deliver instructionFlipgridRecording and sharing tool for presentational and interpersonal speaking platformFlippity.netGimkitCollection of online game templates (flashcards, quiz show, scavenger hunt, manipulatives,timelines, word search, crossword puzzle, word scramble, bingo, hangman, matching game,madlibs, and more).Online game show app for the classroom that requires knowledge, collaboration, and strategyto win.GoformativeWeb-app for classrooms that allows teachers to give live assignments to studentsJabbermouthRecording tool with an avatarKahootGame-based learning platformPadletPlatform to collaboratePowToonComic creatorQuizalizeGame-based learning platformQuizizzQuizletFree gamified quizzes for every subject to play in class and at home. Pick an existing quiz orcreate your own.Online game show app for the classroom that requires knowledge, collaboration, and strategyto win.SeeSawApp for students to show work and narrateTellagamiRecording tool with an avatarThinglinkInteractive imagesVokiRecording tool with an avatarWakeletOrganizerPage 12 (Last updated 5/4/2020)
THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKOFFICE OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND WORLD LANGUAGESElisa Alvarez, Associate CommissionerOnline Museum Tours available in World LanguagesMuseumDescriptionBode-Museum, Staatliche (Berlin, Collection of sculptures and forged metals dating back to the ByzantineGermany)eraCAFA Art Museum (China)Collection of 13,000 works covering a wide variety of genres and stylesfrom ancient to present, China to western countriesChâteau de Versailles (Versailles,France)UNESCO World Heritage Site - the Palace of Versailles constitutes one ofthe finest achievements of French art of the 17th centuryFaces of FridaCollection of art, letters, and reflections by Frida Kahlo from museumsaround the world.(Note: Some content may be inappropriate for younger students.)Gallarie Degli Uffzi (Florence,Italy)Collections of ancient sculptures and paintings from the Middle Ages tothe Modern period.Grotte Chauvet (Vallon-Pontd’Arc, France)UNESCO World Heritage Site - the Grotte Chauvet contains drawingsdating back more than 36,000 yearsMusée d’Orsay (Paris, France)French artwork between 1848 and 1914 with artwork from Monet,Cézanne, and Gauguin, among othersMusée du Louvre (Paris, France)The world’s largest art museum hosts over 460,000 objects and displays35,000 works of art from eight different curatorial departmentsMuseo de Antropología (MexicoCity, Mexico)Museum is dedicated to the archaeology and history of Mexico’s preHispanic heritage.Museo del Prado (Madrid, Spain)A museum of painters not of paintings, El Prado houses the largestholdings of Bosch, Titian, El Greco, Rubens, Velázquez and Goya, somenumbering more than 100 works.Museo Nacional de Arte (MexicoCity, MexicoHome to the most important collection of Mexican art in the worldMuseo Reina Sofia (Madrid,Spain)Home to Pablo Picasso's Guernica as well as an outstandingrepresentation of the international avant-gardes and neo-avant-gardesartists.The Pergamon (Berlin, Germany)Ancient artifacts including the Ishtar Gate of Babylon and the PergamonAltar.Page 13 (Last updated 5/4/2020)
THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKOFFICE OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND WORLD LANGUAGESElisa Alvarez, Associate CommissionerHow to Teach Online Courses for Teachers (Free)Online CourseDescriptionEffective Online Teaching –Faculty Quick TipsOnline instructors give their best advice about being an effective onlineeducator. Go to iTunes U’s Pace University page and select “FacultyContributions” to access these videos.Free Textbooks for OnlineCourses – Community CollegesOnlineAssists faculty who are developing online courses for community or juniorcolleges in finding and utilizing free online textbooks, learning modules,and creative commons resources for distance learning courseVideo- and PDF-based episodes examine specific successful onlineteaching strategies from many different disciplines, offering tips, guidanceLearning to Teach Online Video &and pointing out the potential pitfalls to both novice and experiencedPDF Lessonsonline teachers. More than 50 lessons can be accessed for free throughiTunes.Large, peer-reviewed collection of online curricula and other resources, asMERLOT (Multimedia Educationalwell as forums and publications aimed at online educators. Search theResource for Learning and OnlineMERLOT database for “distance learning” to find links to material to helpTeaching)you plan and design effective online classes.Promising Practices in OnlineTeachingModules showing how to design a course, along with explanations of bestpractices for distance education.Teacher Training VideosThis step-by-step video resource shows teachers how to use technologicaltools such as Blackboard, wikis, online surveys, podcasting and more.Videocast discusses online course planning and design, interaction, givingThinking About Putting Your Classstudents feedback, assessment, getting feedback from students, and newOnline?technologies.Virtual University Design andTechnology websiteText-based lessons in topics including pedagogy and best practices, onlinecourse content, enlivening techniques, course structure and design, andhybrid coursesVisual Design for Online CourseContentgives tips to help you successfully create the navigation, layout, colors anddesign of your course content.Sloan Consortium EffectivePracticesOnline educators share techniques, strategies, and practices in onlineeducation that have worked for them. Practices are peer-reviewed beforebeing put on the site.Page 14 (Last updated 5/4/2020)
THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKOFFICE OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND WORLD LANGUAGESElisa Alvarez, Associate CommissionerYouth-to-Youth AppsAppGlobal Nomads Group – awebsite that leveragestechnology to foster authentic,global, youth-driven dialoguethrough three programs:collaborating classrooms, studentto world – ocean health, andstudent to world – art in action.Proficiency Level(s)IntermediateAdvancedPage 15 (Last updated 5/4/2020)Language(s) availableMany languages
THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKOFFICE OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND WORLD LANGUAGESElisa Alvarez, Associate CommissionerNational Council of State Supervisors of Foreign Languages (NCSSFL) Resource ListResource NameDescriptionNADSFL COVID-19 GuidanceDocumentCurated list of resources compiled by the National Association of DistrictSupervisors of Foreign Languages (NADSFL), NCSSFL's sister organizationACT - Coronavirus updatesInformation about the April 2020 rescheduling of the ACT testCambridge InternationalInformation for Schools aboutthe COVID-19 OutbreakCollege Board - AP Updates forSchools Impacted byCoronovirusCollege Board - CoronovirusupdatesCollege Board Information - APCentralColorin’ Colorado - Coronavirus– Multi-lingual Resources forSchoolsInterim Guidance for SchoolAdministrators for K-12 fromthe CDCInternational BaccalaureateOrganization (IBO) COVID-19UpdatesInternationally acceptedterminologyRound up of MultilingualResources on COVID-19Cambridge updates on May/June 2020 international examinationsTo support schools that may temporarily close in the coming weeks due tocoronavirus (COVID-19) precautions, AP is implementing flexible AP testingoptions and additional instructional supportSupports for Students Affected by Natural Disasters and EmergenciesAn overview is available for teachers explaining how they can use the free,daily online practice in AP Classroom to check student understanding ofeach topic and skill in the AP course and ensure that students are wellprepared for exam day.Beginning in early April, free online video lessons developed by AP teacherswill be available for the AP topics and skills typically taught in the finalweeks of each AP course.Colorin' Colorado, a bilingual site for educators and families of EnglishLearners (ELs),is compiling resources about COVID-19, including multilingualfact sheets and infographics.Details from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) specifically for K-12schoolsIB updates on May 2020 exams, school closures, and a Frequently AskedQuestions spaceIf you are using Spanish-speaking school personnel or volunteers totranslate your own COVID-19 information to Spanish, they may want to usethe following website to ensure they are using internationally-acceptedterminology:Fact sheets, posters, multimedia resources, and links to live updates inmultiple languages about COVID-19, its symptoms, and how to prevent it;and about handwashing.Page 16 (Last updated 5/4/2020)
THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKOFFICE OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND WORLD LANGUAGESElisa Alvarez, Associate CommissionerResource NameDescriptionWashington State OSPIResources for Continuous Learning During School ClosuresNebraska Department ofEducation: WL ResourcesListing of links to online content available for freeKansas Department ofEducation GuidanceKansas Continuous Learning Task Force GuidanceLearning Policy InstituteLearning in the Time of COVID - compilation of resourcesNorth Carolina RemoteLearningRemote Learning resources and informationOhio’s World LanguagesResource CenterResources for creating distance lessonsPage 17 (Last updated 5/4/2020)
May 04, 2020 · Spanish, Swedish, Turkish : Duolingo – an online platform that includes a language-learning website and a free mobile app. Novice Intermediate Advanced : . Naver Stories - short stories in Korean . Novice Intermediate . Korean . YES - short stories in Korean . Novice Intermediate . Korean