- Ieaber


-ieaberA Newspaper Devoted'o the Community InterestFull Local Coverage)L. XLIV—NO. 43Entered u Second CUM Matterlit the Post Office. Woodbrldss, N. J.Complete News, PicturesPresented Fairly, (ilearlyAnd Impartially Each WeekPublished Rtrry T e«t in Oriwn Htrwt, Woodbrtdg*. N. J.WOODBRIDGE. N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1952PRICE EIGHT CENTS ( -'Raiseind Goal Knights of Columbus Dedicates Shrine for PeaceJointParleyTonight[icl-PoitttPlea Mades PassedTo B. of E. To Seek Way to Cope9.r Received to DateHelping Needy ini 1 Required 2,058j IVaehers. Janitors and(Icrks Attend SCHHIOIIHal (Jet No DecisionJDBRTDGE — Some childOt Imve toys for Christmas111 lose his faith in SantaA parade of! r :i.c,h e r a , janitors, secretaries, '( iks, principals and cafeteriahelp winl thrmmh the Buard ofKdiiratkm cuueus room, MondayiMi'ht. iiiul eai'h stopped longmlly, right here in WoodTownslilp, will not haveClotliiiiK and a real Christnnci- such as you will haverlstmas day. That Is, alljy liuppen if you, and you,sond in your contributionIndependent-Leader Christind fur the Needy townshipis.ye ii r we spent 1,169.81 foraskcts and 308 for fruitI for 44 hospital ward paor a total of 1,777.81. Wesed additional clothing Inot, contributed at a cost ofand nave cash donations ofir exceptionally needy cases,a i:nind total of 2,058.29.ti\ we have collected 1,o we still have a long waywe are going to take carecase loud, 59 families. Theare to be delivered De20, a week from Saturday,you please send your con-ermitfh to present pleas for raisesHowever, (he Board mnde no deiiini.s and wave the groups veryliife encouragement.Thi1 teachers indicated theyV-I-IT fnr from satisfied with theiiniiflicinl decision to Increase theWith Finance CrisisHigh Praise Heaped on Firemen Town, B. of E.For Efficiency, Care at Hutt Fire Face ProblemWOODBRIDQE—Fire, caused by a short circuit in thecellar, caused considerable damage in the home of Mr.and Mrs. Irving Hutt, 522 Linden Avenue, yesterday.The fire, which had evidently been smouldering for WOODBRIDGE—Somr decisionsome time, was discovered by Ray Housman when he was on the method of finannn: thedelivering milk next door. The alarm was turned In at 10:20 new Township schools will prob-Over Big Debtably be the outgrowth of u rjnmaximum salary from 5,000 to AM., and the "all-out" signal ference between the Town ComS:\30G plus an additional 200 for was not sounded' until 12:15 PMmittee and the Board of EducaThe Hutts were at work at the;i master's degree, plus anothertion tonight. The conference wastime Mil fire broke uot and mem 1100 for a doctorate.called to discuss jointly the finanA committee of the terfchers bers of Woodbridge Fire Companycial crisis facing the communitynlon had requested a maximum No. 1, under the direction of Chiefbecause ot school and sewer needsof 6,000 and 6,200 J6r t bJames Ward, were forced to breakto cost upwards of 8,000,000.holding a master's degree and ta window to enter. The cellar,400 for a doctor's degree.WOODBRIDOE-Wlinam Olrdkitchen and staircase leading toThe bids for underwritim; theThere will be a regular meeting the upstairs bedroom* were areas ner, 30 West Avenue, Port Read- whole school program of 3,500,ing, will appear before Magistrate 000 are due to be received by theof the Bonrd of Education, Mon- most severely burned.Andrew Desmond next Tuesday to Board of Education December 17. day, but there is little likelihoodEightcanariesthatMr.HuttThe shrine to Our I*uly of Kntima, for World Peace was dedicated Sunday hy the Knkhts of Columbusa decision will be reached by that was raising were burned or suffo- answer to a complaint of drunkenThere has been some feeling—1 on the clubhouse grounds, Main Street. Left to right are Grand Knight John Fofrich, Kcv. Haymondtime. The Board will undoubtedly cated by the dense smoke. Mrs. driving.andsome of Its members concur—Griffin, assistant pastor of St. .lames' Church; Rt. Rev. Msffr. Charles (}. McCorristin, pastor of St.wait until affer December 17, whenOirdner was arrested Monday the Board "was a bit hasty in de- ,Hutt said the entire Inside of thef a m e s ' Church, who blessed the statue, and William Haue. Jr.bids for the 3,500,000 bond issuehouse had just been redecorated. by Patrolmen Howard Tune and elding to sell the entire 3,500,000'for new school buildings are dueWendall Doll after he was In"The painters Just left yester- volved In an accident with a car bond Issue at one time, when thetc be received.largest portion of this sum will notday," she said.driven by Joseph Gall, 5 Moore be used for at least two years untilAlthough all the employe groups1yr Urges GivingBothMr,andMrs.HuttcomAvenue.have asked for "consideration," athe construction of the new highnumber of the board members mended members of the fire comAccording to the officers Qlrdner school Is underway.With Needypany.have expressed the opinion thatwas driving on Carteret Road nearHowever, on the other side ofThe firemen were very con- the intersection of Trinity Lane,"the clerks and janitors are nowbODRIUDGE — The Indesiderate," she said. "There was when he crashed Into Gall's car the picture, bankers have expressedreceivingsalariescomparabletont - Leader ChristmasWOODBRIDGE—Chanukah, or The Feast of Lights, WOODBRIDGE — Woodbridge industry."very little breakage considering which was being driven in the op- the opinion that the cost of borwas commended for It* will tfc observed by the Jewish people of the Township forthe extent of the fire and water posite direction.'ownship residents will bfi askedthe needy by Rev,) donate their blood as not used except where absoOirdner was brought to police 'Open Mind9 PromisedJannurn Devanny, pastorlutely necessary. I think the fire- headquarters and was ionofthefeast,serviceswillbeheldrst Presbyterian Churchmen did a wonderful job and I under the Influence of liquor and By B. of E. at Confabhe Township.1 bridge, Sunday, during tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock at Adath Israel Synagogue.feel the people of Woodbrldge unfit to operate a motor vehicle,Headquarters for this visit willnon.On Sunday at 2 P.M., the annual Chanukah party for 36 the 6ld Post Office buildlm?should know It,"by Dr. Malcolm Dunham.WOODBRIDGE — Andrewminister suggested the the children of the Hebrew and'—from 1 to 7 P.M. As usual, RedStephen Wescott, 38, School Aaroe, president of the Board ofi members give a little leas Sunday Schools will be held1 in!!ross volunteers will staff the acStreet, Port Reading, riding with Education, said yesterday thatSir friends and send the Uhe Woodtoridse Jewish Commu- Note toWomanWfw Lost ,ivity.Oirdner, was slightly Injured and members ot the Board will atWOODBRIDGE—Sgt.Fred, saved to the Chriitnms nity Center. A playlet, "PicturesScheduling personnel were hardwas taken to the Perth Amboy tend the conference with llirPurseinPostoffice:a that less fortunate peo- Out of the Past" will be presentedt work this week getting appoint- Linn, Ridgedale Avenue, a memberGeneral Hospital in the Wood- Town Committee toni«lit "withulii be able to enjoy the by the youngsters.of the Woodbridge Township Pobridge Emergency Squad ambu- an open mind.''WOODBRIDGE—This is di- ments for donors. It was noted lice Department who has been onnas holiday.that few, if any, organizations"Latkes and; Dreidels," tradilance. He was released after treat"Three and one-half millionrected to the woman who lost have signed up en masse, indicat- sick, leave for some time, was serment.dollars," said the Board (if l.ilutlonal Chanukah foods, will beher pocketbook in the postof- ing that while local residents are iously Injured when he fell downin as soon a* possible so served by the Sisterhood.caUon president, "is u . - largeWOODBRIDGFi—Twelve Townfor the most part, willing to give the steps in his home after suffer- ship resident reported to dutyfice a few dayj ato.know Just how much wesum of money indeed. We haveChanukah, which begun on thebloodonanindividualbasis,aping a dizzy spell.' He was taken to with the armed forces this mornspend and how many ofninr handled such a sum IM-When you Inquired at 1.heedy folks we will l» able 26th day of Kislev according to stamp window whether or not peals to groups as such have not the Perth Amboy General-Hos- Ing, according to a list released by(art and we want to do thethe Hebrew calendar and; lastsproduced results.rifht thini.pital in the Woodbrtflje Emer- Draft Board No. 32, Perth Amboy,anyone found your purse, thePublicity Director Alvin F. Rym- gency Squad Ambulance* ublic Works Employes of eight days, is celebrated in comas follows:"If the Town Committe canha stated that tomorrow's visitildge Township—none of memoration of the victories of clerk told you that no one hadshow us that we can save theHarvey W. Romond, 154 Bums'Sgt. Linn, according to hospitalOneHighPriestMattattilasantfwill include blood donations fromiturned it in.fjnake large salaries—madetaxpayers money through shortauthorities, is in a fair condition Lane, Woodbridge; John Ferik, 757WOODBRIDGE—The spirit ofseveral eighteen-year-olds, indilion and brought in 46,55. hU five sons, the Haamoneans orterm financing, we will cu ,\\»nz.King George's Road, Fords; kChristmashasinvadedtheMecontributors this week Maccabees, over the Greeks. They other clerk had found the pock- cating an increased awareness by —and x-rays are being .taken to thony S. Mucilli, 35 Howard,for all we will have to do is remorial Municipal Building.drove the Greeks from Palestinethis younger group of their"'reject all bids (or the bond issueStreet; Hopelawn; David M.determinetheextentoftheInOutside the building, the blue next Wednesday night. Howand rededicated the Temple to etbook and neglected to tell the sponsibility toward equally-youth ?5.00Bourne,107AuthAvenue,Iselln;juries.the service of God.man at the stamp window. So, ful fighting men,"i Club of Iselin.Daniel K. Lattanzio, 437 School spruce on the Rahway Avenue side ever, we must be shown. Our" T h e police sergeant haveyourpocketWhenthepriestsreenteredtheStreet, .Woodbridge; Francis- M, has been gaily decorated with col- attorney and auditor will lt;i\c 15,00injured some time ago When he Andrejcak, 60 West Pond Road, ored lights and topped with a to sit In with us and then givesomanyhealthybusinessmenandties Fi-ibush, Anonymous, Temple and wanted to light the book if you call at the Postlarge, lighted star. The columns us their advice."was severely beaten while tryingperpetual light—there is a per- office and describe It and con- housewives, who can well allord to break up a fight at, the fttiicken Hopelawn.of the building have also beenHarold, N. Lehrer, 412 School draped with lights and near thepetual ligjJij; in all synagogues tents to Acting Postmaster Wil- the time and small effort, cannot Club in Avenel. Since then it ha's 14.00see their duty to save the lives ofStreet, Woodbridge; Joseph P.even today— tihey found but onean's Club of Colonia.these fighting men and boys, while been a series of hospital trips for Communale, 73 Berkely Boulevard, entrance there is a lighted sign rowing money will increase andliam R. Fitzpatrick.small cruse of holy oil sealed with which reads "Merry .Christmas and posbponlng borrowing until later 10.00Sgt.Linninaneffortto'correctboth the younger generation andIselin; Lawrence J. Weston, 13may cost the Board—or rather theel friend, Colonia Club, the seal of the High Priest, thatthose parents who have lost sons head pains suffered as a result of Madison Avenue, Avenel; Alfred a Happy New Year."i F orcincr, an anonymous contained oil sufficient for onlyInside the building, painters taxpayers—more money.to battlefields are so willing to the blows he had received. He has H. Franke, 776 Rahway Avenue,Interviews with bankers revealutor, Avenel Junior Wo- one day. By a miracle, the oil"blacked out" several times and Woodbrldge; Andrew j . Farkas, have just completed painting thegive."Club, Mrs. E. K. Cone, Com- burned for eight days permittingResults of the visits during the his dizzy spell Sunday, when he 86 Jefferson Avenue, Fords; Wil- corridors and the girls in the var- the fact that at present the Boardan Peter Schmidt, Mo- the rebuilding of 'the temple. Thepast year will be published when was planning to go to churchy Is liam E. Burkhart, 59 Augusta Ave- ious offices are beginning to take may be able to sell the bond issuethe Christmas decorations out of for three to three and one-halfDlub of Woodbrldge.Jewish ipeople celebrate the mirfinal figures on tomorrow's visit believed to have been another of nue, Iselin.hidingin preparation of decorat- per cent and will then be able to', 5.00' his"blackouts."acle by lighting Chanukah candlesare compiled.reinvest unused portions in treasingtheoffices.Bnd Mrs. Isadora Rabino- —colored, slim candles—inaNEW BRUNSWICK—Emanue:The Township employes, will ury bills at two per cent. It prefrinid. Edith H. Unde, special menoraheach night for jUvado, 103 New Street, Woodhold their annual Christmas party, viously had been represented" the Kiddy Shop, Lawrence F. eight nights.bridge, has filed suit for 50,000 inDecember 18, at the Colonia Coun- bonds could be sold to bear inter, Mrs. B. W. Hoagland,est at from two and one-luiif toSuperior Court because of injurietry Club. From, Mayor Hugh B.three per cent.allegedlysuffered'whileapedesAnonymous from Newreal trouble may come IftrianlastOctober4onRoute35. 1 , John J. Vomftcka, Dun- Liddle Estate 13,8U;Democratic Club Plans theTheBoardrejects all bids nextMr.Salvado claims the injurieAVENEL—Avenelwillhavear. and Mrs. Irving Hutt.Accounting Is Approved were caused by an automobil WOODBRIDGE —Acting Post- nends you use "Air Parcel Post community celebration of Christ- Two Christmas Parties Wednesday arid then ma

Publicity Director Alvi n F. Rym-ha stated tha t tomorrow's visi will include blood donations fromi several eighteen-year-olds, indi-cating an increased awareness by this younger group of their"'re-sponsibility toward equally-youth-ful fighting men," It is shameful," he said, "that so many healthy businessmen and housewives, who can well allord