THE Home Of The 3rd Infantry Division Vol. 55, Issue 18 .


THEHome of the 3rd Infantry DivisionVol. 55, Issue 18 Serving the Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield communities May 7, 2020Spartan Soldiers trainunder cover of nightSchools to continue digital learning, Page 22ABCT competes during Fitness Day, Page 4Soldiers warned of alligators on post, Page 8Marne Air delivers medical supplies, Page 19

2The FrontlineMay 7, 2020Fort Stewart, Hunter schools to continuewith digital learning until end of school yearJade FulceDoDEA Public AffairsPEACHTREE CITY — TheDepartment of Defense EducationActivity Americas Region in directand close coordination with Marneleadership has made the decisionto continue with digital teachingand learning and keep schoolbuildings closed to students for theremainder of the 2019/2020 schoolyear.While our schools will remainphysically closed to students,teachers and administrators willcontinue to work diligently tomaintain digital learning programsin order to ensure continuity ofeducation for our amazing students. These programs continue toevolve and differ slightly for eachcommunity and school but thegoal is the same, to provideExcellence in Education for EveryStudent, Every Day, Everywhere.We know that this decision isdisappointing to our staff, studentsand families alike. The COVID-19pandemic continues to affect everycommunity across the Americasfootprint. While some states aremaking decisions to slowly openup aspects of their economies,given the relatively short amountof time remaining in the currentschool year, DoDEA and militaryleadership agree that this was theprudent decision for our schools.The health and safety of our students, staff and communities is ourhighest priority.This is obviously an extraordinarily challenging and concerningtime for all of us. Watching ourteachers, students and communi-Marne Voices Speak OutWhat are you planning to do forthe special women in your life forMother’s Day?ties come together to ensure continuity of education for our military-connected students underthese circumstances has beenincredibly inspiring.Please continue to work diligently and cohesively to ensure that webuild upon our successes to thispoint. Communication, movingforward, will be critical to themaintenance and evolution ofthese digital learning programs.Feel free to communicate all needsand concerns related to these programs to your teachers and principals. This type of feedback isimportant to the education process.Thank you again for your continued support.For information regardingDoDEA’s response to COVID 19, goto“I’m going to get her someflowers and send her a card.”Sgt. 1st Class Lashanda Lewis3IDSB“My mom lives with me rightnow so I’m going to cookdinner for her and bake her acake.”Sgt. Jessica Bryant3IDSBUSAG FORT STEWART-HUNTER ARMY AIRFIELD COMMANDERCOL. BRYAN L. LOGANHUNTER ARMY AIRFIELD COMMANDERLT. COL. DAVE ESCOBARTHE942 Dr. Ben Hall PlaceSuite 1087, Building 1Fort Stewart, Georgia 31314Garrison Public Affairs OfficerChris FletcherEditorial/Design StaffManaging EditorSpc. Noelle WieheProduction ManagerEliese BowlesHunter Public Affairs OfficerDaniel Malta3rd Infantry Division PAOLt. Col. Patrick J. Husted3rd ID PAO NCOICMaster Sgt. Shelia L. CooperDeputy PAOMaj. Pete Bogart1st ABCT PAO NCOICSgt. Daniel Guerrero2nd ABCT PAOMaj. William LaneySpc. Avunte Wilson3IDSBVoice your opinion!Photos by Staff Sgt. Joel Salgado“I’m just going to send hergifts because COVID-19won’t allow me to go toAtlanta to go visit her rightnow.”3RD INFANTRY DIVISION COMMANDERSENIOR COMMANDER STEWART-HUNTERMAJ. GEN. ANTONIO AGUTO“I want to buy my mother acard and flowers. I alsowant to pay for her carinsurance.”Staff Sgt. Alfred Savoy3IDSB“I plan to send cards to mymother, grandmother, mysister, my kid’s mother and toFaceTime them with my kids tobe able to spread love from afar.”Staff Sgt. Colossus Nixon3IDSBWrite a letter to the editorSend to: The FrontlineAttn: The Frontline, Editor942 Dr. Ben Hall Place, suite 1087Fort Stewart, Ga. 31314or email @mail.milor fax it to 767-6673visit t 2016Advertising: 368-0526The Frontline Office: 435-9614Hunter News Bureau: 315-56172nd ABCT PAO NCOICStaff Sgt. Brian Ragin2nd ABCT PAO reporterSpc. Jordyn Worshek3rd IDSB PAO NCOICStaff Sgt. Joel Salgado3rd IDSB PAO reporterSgt. Laurissa Hodges3rd CAB PAO1st Lt. Kelsey Cochran3rd CAB PAO ReporterPfc. Savannah Roy50th PAD PAO NCOICSgt. 1st Class Jeffrey SmithThis civilian enterprise newspaper isan authorized publication for membersof the U.S. Army. Contents of theFrontline are not necessarily theofficial views of, or are endorsed by,the U.S. Government, Department ofDefense, Department of the Army, orU.S. Forces Command. It is publishedweekly by the Public Affairs Office,Fort Stewart, Georgia. 31314-5000.All editorial content of the Frontlinenewspaper is prepared, edited,provided and approved by the PublicAffairs Office of Fort Stewart, Georgiaand the 3rd Infantry Division, and isprinted by Morris NewspaperCorporation of Hinesville, Inc., aprivate firm in no way connected withthe Department of the Army, underexclusive written contract with FortStewart, Georgia. The civilian printeris responsible for commercialadvertising. Subscription rates are 12/3 months, 20/six months and 36 for 12 months. Rates are ThirdClass mail inside the continental U.S.Cover: Soldiers with 6th Battalion, 8thCavalry Regiment, 2nd Armored BrigadeCombat Team, train at Glebokie, DrawskoPomorski Training Area, Poland, May 3, onteamwork skills during a reconnaissancepatrol. (Photo by Sgt. Raymundo Prado)

May 7, 2020The Frontline3Above: Chaplain (Capt.) Richard Rivers, WarriorTraining Battalion, checks military spouse,Jessie Weaver’s temperature on her visit todonate blood during the American Red Crossblood drive May 4 at the Main Post Chapel onFort Stewart.Below: Cindy Bauer, American Red Cross coordinator, left, and Spc. Keaundra Johnson, FortStewart chaplain assistant, right, assists JessieWeaver, spouse, as she registers to donateblood during the blood drive.Photos by Pat YoungAshley Barclay, American Red Cross, collects a blood donation from Sgt. 1st Class Nicholas Weaver,188th Infantry Brigade, May 4 at the Main Post Chapel on Fort Stewart. Their intent was to gatherbetween 25 and 30 pints of blood. Their upcoming events include May 27 to honor fallen heroes andJuly 1 on post.Soldiers, spouses donate to save lives during blood drivePat YoungWinn ACH Public AffairsSgt. 1st Class Nicholas Weaver,188th Infantry Brigade Combat Team,and his wife, Jessie, started theirmorning May 4 by helping save lives,as they participated in the AmericanRed Cross Blood Drive at Fort Stewart’sMain Post Chapel.Red Cross event coordinator CindyBauer said the need for blood continued, though the coronavirus has greatly impacted the process.She said the Red Cross has had tomake adjustments for social distancing, increased screening and sanitation. She said it would most likelybecome the new normal, but said thatwas okay, because every donationcounted.So arriving at the chapel, theWeavers were greeted outside by aSoldier who checked their status asthe first of twenty-five scheduledappointments for the day.They were then escorted to the firstscreening station where their temperatures were checked by Capt.Richard Rivers, the Soldier RecoveryUnit Chaplain.Nicholas, a frequent donor, who isa medic by trade, said he understandsthe precautions, but also believes inthe cause. He said his wife was relatively new it; but noted after shedonated the first time she learned howeasy it was – and has become a regular,too.Katherine Morgan, whose husbandis 1st Lt. Evan Morgan with the 83rdChemical, Biological, Radiological,and Nuclear Battalion, was also onhand to donate for a like reason.“I’m a high school nurse, so I continue to donate - it helps saves lives,”Morgan said. “And the people hereare very professional.”After the donors finished a secondscreening and donated blood, theywere provided refreshments by a couple of two-week newlyweds who volunteered to help out at the FortStewart blood drive – Pvt. JustinQuinones from the Puerto RicoNational Guard and his wife Sofia, whowas a chaplain’s assistant at theChapel.“It is good to help people,” Justinsaid. His wife agreed but put an addedvalue to it.“It is also good to see people comingout during this crisis, coming together and helping each other,” Sofia said.Bauer said the American Red Crossplanned on having two more eventson Fort Stewart in the near future –one in honor of fallen heroes on May27 and another on July 1.To learn about the process or tomake an appointment, visit

4The FrontlineMay 7, 2020Spartans participate in National Fitness Day May 2Photos by Spc. Jose EscamillaCapt. Connor Roche from Troop B, 6-8 CAV came in first in the half marathon with a time of 1:23:25. Soldiers with the 2nd Armored Brigade CombatTeam, deployed to Drawsko Pormoskie Training Area, kicked off National Fitness Day by competing in a half marathon led by BattleKings, 1-9th FA,on May 2 at Camp Ziemsko.Soldiers with the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, deployedto Drawsko Pormoskie Training Area, kicked off National FitnessDay by competing in a half marathon led by BattleKings, 1stBattalion, 9th Field Artillery, on May 2 at Camp Ziemsko.Staff Sgt. Gregory Adelman, 6th Squadron, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 2ABCT, came insecond in the half marathon and was awarded a coin by Spartan 7 and BattleKings,1-9 FA for representing the Noncommissioned officers and participating in the halfmarathon.

May 7, 2020The Frontline5ACS, MWR, Coastal Happening BriefsLike ACS on FacebookArmy Education CentersPharmacy hours changeSearch for “Army Community Service, Fort StewartHunter Army Airfield.” Help the Hunter Army Airfieldcommunity get more “likes” by visiting their Facebookpage. ACS publishes great information for our Soldiersand Army Families as well.Army Education Centers are operating virtually,providing support to Soldiers interested in continuingtheir educational goals. Soldiers can request assistancefrom professional Guidance Counselors through thehelp desk ticket functionality in GoArmyEd or contact the local Education Center directlythrough the installation GoArmyEd webpage.The U.S. Army MEDDAC Fort Stewart-Hunter ArmyAirfield pharmacy, due to the ongoing public healthemergency, must reduce services in order to protectboth the public and the Winn ACH Staff. As such wewill reduce our hours and days of service. Our newhours at Winn ACH is 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday throughFriday.The Marne Report podcast is onlineUGA offers free, self-paced coursesCheck out the Marne Report podcast online at This week’s podcast features theFort Stewart head surgeon.The University of Georgia is offering as part of thepartnership between the University of Georgia Centerfor Continuing Education and Education To Go, 10free self-paced tutorial courses that highlight a mix ofhard and soft skills essential to success in today’s jobmarket. Visit, for the list of available classes.Free classes offered at Stewart ACSUpon request from the chain-of-command: Sponsorship training Risk management for senior NCOs (E7-E9) FAP commander/senior leader brief (Monday) Financial planning for PCS, 10 to 11:30 a.m.ACS Stewart, (Mandatory for E-4 and below)Spouse employment briefs offeredThe Fort Stewart Civilian Personnel AdvisoryCenter holds information sessions on the Departmentof Defense Military Spouse Preference eligibility.Major topics of interest include: Changes toDepartment of Defense Priority Placement Program“S” for military spouses, Executive, Order 1347;resume resources, and USAjobs tips. The next briefis June 10 from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Briefings will beat ACS, 191 Lindquist Road, Bldg. 87, Fort Stewart.Call 767-1585 or 767-8358 for information.Coastal Happening: Veteran golf offeredThe Lowcountry Foundation for Wounded MilitaryHeroes invites combat injured Soldiers to be our guestfor our 10th Annual Golf Classic. It has been rescheduled for July 13 at Hampton Hall and Belfair Golf Clubsin Bluffton, South Carolina. Breakfast, lunch and dinner, golf and gifts are provided at no cost to all combatinjured Soldiers, active or retired, who served in Iraq,Afghanistan and post 9/11 wars.If interested, contact retired Maj. Sal Zingales your vote homeThe stray animal facility at the Fort StewartVeterinary treatment Facility has several dogs andcats available for adoption. The adoption fee is 57and includes vaccinations and a microchip. Call theveterinary clinic or come by during normal businesshours to pick out a furever friend. For more information call 435-7387.All uniformed absentee voters and their eligiblevoting Family members that have not completed anSF76 (Federal Post Card Application) for the 2020 election cycle need to go to FVAP.GOV or see their unitvoting assistance officer to complete. State primarieshave started. FPCA form is required to ensure youreceive your Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot in timefor your voting states primaries as well as federal election. Go to for information or call 767-6044.Alleviate academic stressMarne tax centers closedAdopt-a-petThe U.S. Department of Defense MilitaryCommunity and Family Police has been temporarilyexpanded eligibility for the for U.S. MilitaryFamilies program. The program provides on-demandacademic support 24/7 online on more than 100 subjects for grades kindergarten through college students.Online tutoring and homework help is now available at no cost to any adult orchild in a DoD civilian or Active Duty, National Guard,Reserve or Wounded Warrior military Family.Volunteer opportunitiesVolunteer opportunities now available to assist bothFort Stewart and Hunter Army Ai

07.05.2020 · Photos by Staff Sgt. Joel Salgado “I’m just going to send her . gifts because COVID-19 won’t allow me to go to Atlanta to go visit her right now.” Sgt. 1st Class Lashanda Lewis 3IDSB “I want to buy my mother a card and flowers. I also. want to pay for her car insurance.” Staff Sgt. Alfred Savoy 3IDSB “I plan to send cards to my mother, grandmother, my. sister, my kid’s mother .