·rransfer Admission Program


Articulation ·r ransfer Agreement BetweenSUNY Broome Community College (SUNY"".Broome)'I.&The University of BridgeportAdmission ProgramIntroductionWhereas SUNY Broome Community College (SU Y-Broon,e) offers a two-year Associate of AppliedScience (A.A.S.) Program in Dental Hygiene (D.H.) requiring dental hygiene an general educationcoursework;Whereas. University of Bridgeport (UB or Univ rsity of Bridgeport) offers a four-year Bachelor ofScience (1:3.S.) Degree in Dental Hygiene (B.S.D.H.) through the onlinc degree completion program at theUB Fones School of Dental Hygiene;:Whereas SUNY-Broomc and UB se\!k to integrate SUNY . Broomc·s A.A.S. in 0.11. Program with UB sB.S.DJ I. degree completion program by granting SUNY-Broome students admission to UB. provic.Jcdthat the Sl Y Broome students satisfy the conditions spcci ficd in this Agreement and in the UBadmis ions criteria.·1Now therefore. in consideration of the mutual cu\'cnants anu th Agreement set forth herein. SUr--:YBroome and UB hereby agree as follov.s:·Admissions and advising staff at UB and Sl;NY-Broomc will work closely toget cr and withparticipating students to ensure that appropriate coursework is completed and:acccpted upon trunsfcrto UB. Students participating in the A.A.S. in D.I l. Program will enjoy benefits that include:A. Early identification of interest in and preparation for advancement into the·University of Bridgeport B.S.D.H. degree completion probrram:R. Consistent. integrclted ucaucmic advisement antl 8Upport;C. Access to the University of Bridgeport's student activities and cap,pus facilities:D. Admission to the B.S.D.H. program at the University of BridgcpQrt, followingreceipt of a fee-waived UB admissions application and UB 's deter111i11ation that itsdental hygiene and general admission requirements have been satisfied. so tong as therequired SUNY-Broome A.A.S. in D.H. degree is satisfactorily cotjlpletetl inaccordance with the tenm of this Agreement: and·· ;·E. Smooth transition from SUNY-Broomc to the University of Bri geport.I I. Program· Guidelin.esA. Students may apply to the University of Bridgeport 8.S.D.H. d grcc completionprogram in their final year of the A.A.S. in D.11. Program. Applicants mustcomplete and submlt a University of Bridgeport application for: admission. To beadmitted to LJB, students must sati: :fy general admission rcquire cnts of UB, andobtain a grade of at least a "C'' or better in nil courses for which:they are seekingtransfer.SU NY-Broome-US-OH-Articulation-7/9/20181

I,.IB. Exhibit A identifies the number of credits and courses that will bi.! transferrc l towardsthe UB's B.S.D.H. degree. A maximum of seventy-four (74) credits may be transferredto the B.S.D.H. degree completion program.C. Students participating in this Agreement will matriculate under the degree andrequirements of the University of Bridgeport Ciltalog that are in effeci when they areaccepted in the program at the University of Britlgeport.D. Upon enrollment into the University of Bridgeport. stutltmts will be eligible foraccess to the Uniwrsity of Bridgeport Iibrary and network center.E. Students will no longer be eligible for the benefits dC CTibed in this Agreement ifthey withdraw or are li!\mis.sed from the Uni"crsity of Bridgcpurt 8.S.D.H. Prognun.Ill. Institutional CommitmentsA. The re ponsibilities of SUNY-Brnomc arc to:1. Publicize the avc:1ilability of the Agreement;2. Make the University of Bridgeport application materials itvailable to students.jnterested in participating in this Agreement;3. Counsel amlior advise SCNY-Broomc A.A.S. in D.I I. students i terestcd inattending the B.S.D.H. degree completion prob,rnm at the Univcrs:it; of Bridgepon.4. [dentify prospective stud\':nls interested in enrolling in the B.S.O.H. degreecompletion program and share the information with the University of Bridgeport;5. Designate personnd to work with stnff at the University of Bridgeport toimplement an effective communication plan to interested student ; and6. Work with the University of Bridgeport staff/faculty to coor .linate:· infom\ationsessions for prospective students.·B. The Responsibilities of the Uni\'ersity of Bridgeport "re to:1. Designate the Transfer Admisskm Counselor to serve as the pl)int.of contact for2.3.4.5.students interested in. and admitted to. the respeclivc engineering program nt theUniversity of Bridgeport:·Process an application for A.A.S. in D.H. students interested in:the H.S.D.H.degree completion program;.Designate the faculty advisor and other personnel to be the points of contact forthe Agreement;Ensure that the Cni"ersity of Bridgeport faculty advisor and staff provide plannedadvisement sessions; andWork with SUNY-Broome personnel to coordinate information sessions forprospective students.IV. Implementation and Terms of AgreementA. This Agreement is for a teem of five years. commencing on August .· . 20 l 8 andending August . 2022. The Agreeme11t may be extended for ad tional five l5)year tcnns as mutually a1;.rrcl.} l upon in writing or as mutually amen e.d in writing bythe parties.:B. Either party shall have the right to tcrminatl this Agreement with or.without causeupon 90 dnys· writhm notice. A lditionally, either party muy terminate thisSUNY·Broome-UB-DH-Articu1ation-7/9/20182

.Agreement for material breach, prc:wid.edbQ.wever, that the tenninating party hasgiven the other party at least ten ( l0).4ays written notice and the oppprtunity tocure. In tile event ofterminatjon,: aJ1y stgdents:.then enrolled at UB through theProgram shall be entitled to continu.e to parii ulate in the Progn.un, s bject to thetenns ofthis Agreement·· ·· ··· · · · · · ····· ·C. The Agreement is subject to and shall-be int ted .in a ordance with .applicablelaw. In icular and without ilinitatio the parries· will comply wit]J all" federal,··state, and local laws regarding nondiserimina1:ion, the Family Educational Rightsand Privacy Act (FERPA). and Americans wjth Disabilities and ReMbilitation.Act(ADA). This Agreem t is also subj uo,:llie written policies SUNY Broome andUB, with which their re.spective stud nts '.trlust comply.,D. ·In a cordance with FERPA,: the parti# may :sba rUlin informatio.li relatedto NCC· students seeking odnt ding to enr lfai UB. ; sUNY-Brc:,oine sliall also comply,withFERPA requirements regarding stuiientnotificatiortj ·. - .· . . .E. This Agreementbe amendedin.:writing upon the mu tual writ :consent of the,parties. - . . ·- . ·. : :': - . :.: : .-.mayF.· The re tiqnmipbetwecm:the,pJ;trties'sh.a1ln. .(\Je:4 d 9rco tru :to create a. joint venture, ptU.'tn hip. ageney).:qf rnplQnr iJlplpy e t l tjo11 hip.o. No terest in-thi s-Agree.n.i tJh i ' i,gn 'ot, ferrec:t"to.ajly(hir partywithout the mutualwritten·tonsentQ.f''SJJNY Broo fandUB . . : :' : ·H; If in conflict,: tliis, A.greeme11t. sha : upe de pr vio agree ents betw ilie ·SUNY-Broome, art th UB Fone& '. lto I, ' '.lto;enta.l ff,}'giene. .-Francis Battisti, PhD. .F.xecutive Vice President and Chief Academic,OfffoerSUNY Broome Community College:· ··· · ·P.O. Boxl017Binghamton, NY 13902 H ;k·.·.· ········ ·······s Healey·. ·· : · . · : andVjce-Presidentfor.Acadert'lic,A .Bridgeport. . . . . . . .University. . . . . of126:Parlc .AvenueBrldgepon CT 06604SUNY-Broome-UB-OH-Articulation-7/9/20183

. .'.Exhibit (A)SUNY Broome Community Co:}lege.Dental Hygiene (A.A.S.) Pathway to University of Bridg:e.p9;rtDental Hygiene (B.S.D.H.)E·RSISUNY.BROOME:) Ila- 1MCMt,j :iJ. ll: U3J :·:.:.::·p·.·.·.·.:: . :G··E,: . ·:'. .SUNY-Broome-UB-DH-Articulation-7/9/20184.··,--.

SlJNY:Broon1·community·co11ege·nent l.Bygie.nel\. A.s-t,:egrei·-----------·.To University of Bridgeport Dental Hygiene B.Sl Degree- University·orBrid2eoort. Fones hoolSUNY Broome Community ColleeeCourse·r,tfeCHCourse· · Tttte -·.·CHPreRequisitesBIO 131Human Biology I4810113 :. ··BIO 132Humanl3.tr,lqgyJIl\.1ath '.cour -Is needed for :es4:·BIO 114:MATH-103·:-4· 1otrotcf UegeAfgebra ai'tdStatistit.s: :. .-. -. -. . . . .43 ,,:·.-.CHEM·113-·Ce llege Writing J.ENG110EN.G 101' ··.3(11)'-.3. :-·-/,(14)SemesterlOEN 103-DEN.101Oral Anatomy and PhysiologyDental ffyglene I .·oeN1osInfection COn.trol in Dentistry·OEN-106Oinicar Dental RadiographyClT 208/209 . Pathogenic MicrobiologyDHYG123DHYG129Oral :At:tatbniv & EsnbryOl()g\l4124-DHYG124:.- BIO 106Radiology: Miciobiofo.av3.34-(15)(14)SernesterllDEN102.·'· ·Dental.Pharmacology:Dental Hygiene.If:OEN 107'OEN209 .:oentarNutntion ·.Den206,DHYG 127 :251Intro to·-Periodontology:Phan:nacoJpgy. .·.34232.· ·:.- -CO,mrnunicatingA oufldeasand Values33. :·. -·:-- ·:. . ·. .:44·T.(13)',-··-DEN 204- Palh Man gemeotfn QentlstryDental Hygiene hi·. . .:oEN201DEN YG 241 :. .2(14.S)DHYG 250.··p ettodOrit(ltOri.OentatMaterfals(1S)semester IV DEN213W ·.Comrri nity Dental HealthDEN 214.DEN 202DEN 109.PSY 110,Cu ntToptcs.bi DH. Dental Hygiene IVEthics:& JurisprudenceGeneral Psychology. ,soc 11q or :· .tntro to Sociqfogy.:soc 111 or Social Problems :soc 230. .2DHYG 232. - · Denta1J ui1Hc H'3lth·4.DHVG 228-· dtnteal P ice tives. (175).·.-: .:::.-· ·-.-·'·:·:,'·-. .'(15lTcital:·Total.(74) · :(70)Gfobat Serviceteaming Course 4·E(ectivetowards IJSDH A'!- .Total Credits 70-74(74)· Tota1Credits74The maximum I of credits that can be tra.nsferte.d from a tw.o-yearlnstltution Is 74.Minimum grade fortransferrable coursework C - . , .

1·'UNIVERSITY OF BRIDGEPORTFones School of Dental HygieneFIELD SITE AFFILIATION AGREEMENTTHIS AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into on this first day of August, 2018, by tteStreet,Bridgeport, CT, 06604 and the SUNY BROOME COMMUNITY COLLEGE ("Field Site"), located at P.O.Box 1017, Binghamton, NY 13902.RECITALSWHEREAS, the University of Bridgeport seeks to partner with field sites for educational fieldexperiences for the students enrolled in the Master of Science in Dental Hygiene program at the Universityof Bridgeport (the "Students");WHEREAS, field experiences shall include the Field Site's student education program conducted atthe Field Site ("Field Experience Program");WHEREAS, the Field Site is willing to make available its educational and professional resources tosuch Students; andWHEREAS, the school and the Field Site mutually desire to contribute to the education andprofessional growth of the University of Bridgeport Student.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants hereinafter set forth itis understood and agreed upon by the parties hereto, as follows:I.TERM AND TERMINATIONThis Agreement shall commence as of August , 2018 and shall continue for a period of one ( l)year (the "Initial Tenn"). Upon expiration of the Initial Term of this Agreement, this Agreement and theTenn shall renew for successive one (1)-year periods (each a "Renewal Tenn"). Notwithstanding theforegoing, the sum of all Renewal Tenns shall be limited to nine (9) years and either party may tenninatethis Agreement for any reason or no reason, upon thirty (30) calendar days' prior written notice to the otherparty. In the event of termination before any participating Student(s) has completed the then-current term,such Student(s) shall be pennitted to complete the then-current tenn subject to the applicable terms of thisAgreement, which shall survive until the date of such completion.II.UNTVERSITY OF BRIDGEPORT RESPONSIBILITIESA.University of Bridgeport shall be responsible for the assignment of Students to the FieldSite. University of Bridgeport agrees to refer to the Field Site only those Students who have completed therequired prerequisite course of study as detennined by University of Bridgeport.B.University of Bridgeport shall provide a Field Education Coordinator (the "Field EducationCoordinator") who will act as a liaison between the school and the Field Site. The Field EducationCoordinator will be responsible for maintaining communication with the Field Site including, but notlimited to:

.,'.(I)Confirming any contact info1mation for Student to the Field Site ProgramCoordinator, as defined below, prior to the Student assignment; and(2)Supplying the Field Site, in writing, with infonnation regarding the Student'scurrent level of academic preparation as may be required by the Field Site.C.University of Bridgeport shall provide an approved Instructor (the "Instructor") who willserve as the academic course instructor and field experience instructor for the educational experience. TheInstructor will have responsibilities including, but not limited to:(1)Communicating with the Preceptor relating to the Student's educational experience(2)Evaluating student academic and field work relating to the educational experienceat the field site;at the field site.D.University of Bridgeport shall in writing provide the Field Site with infonnation regardingthe particular requirements relating to Field Experience Programs including required hours and supervisionrequirements.E.University of Bridgeport maintains, and for the entire Initial Tenn and all Renewal Tennsshall continue to maintain, professional liability insurance with a single limit of no less than One MillionDollars ( 1,000,000) per occurrence and Three Million Dollars ( 3,000,000) annual aggregate and generalliability insurance with a single limit of no less than One Million Dollars ( 1,000,000) per occun-ence.III.FIELD SITE RESPONSIBILITIESA.When available, the Field Site shall assign a staff member to serve as the coordinator forthe Field Experience Program at the Field Site (the "Field Site Program Coordinator"). The Field SiteProgram Coordinator shall be responsible for:(I)Planning and coordinating the education arrangements between the Field Site, theStudent and University of Bridgeport;(2)Serving as a liaison between the Field Site and University of Bridgeport; and(3)Developing and administering an orientation program for Student which willfamiliarize the Student with the Field Site and all applicable policies and procedures.B.The Field Site shall assign a qualified staff member having the appropriate and requiredcredentials to serve as the preceptor (the "Preceptor") for each Student. The Field Site shall provideplanned and regularly scheduled opportunities for educational supervision and consultation by thePreceptor. The Program requires supervision specifically by the Preceptor and may not be delegated.Preceptors are responsible for providing role modeling, direct patient supervision, professionalinteractions, and sharing expertise and experience. Preceptors are expected to voice concerns whenstudent behaviors are in question or patient safety is of issue. Preceptors shall provide instruction andfield services in accordance with the Field Experience dental hygiene program. The Preceptor shall workwith the Instructor to review and evaluate the Students in the Field Experience Program whichencompasses projects, lectures, clinical participation, and student/faculty interactions.Page 2 of 6

C.The Field Site shall provide field learning experiences for the Student that are planned,organized and administered by qualified staff in accordance with mutually agreed upon educationalobjectives and guidelines.D.Field Site shall provide Student with an orientation familiarizing student with allapplicable State and Federal laws and regulations that pertain to practice at the Field Site, including thosepertaining to Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Inforn1ation (the "Privacy Rule")issued under the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA"), whichgovern the use and/or disclosure of individually identifiable health information.E.Field Site shall assure that the Student practices within the guidelines of any applicableprofessional ethics codes. Field Site shall provide resources to Student for exploring and resolving anyethical conflicts that may arise during field training.F.The Preceptor shall complete, with the Instructor and Student, all written evaluations ofthe Student's perforn1ance according to the time line established by University of Bridgeport. Evaluationswill be submitted to the Field Education Coordinator.G.The Field Site Program Coordinator or assigned Preceptor shall promptly notify the FieldEducation Coordinator of any problem or difficulty arising with a Student and a discussion shall be heldeither by telephone or in person to detennine the appropriate course of action. The Field Site will, however,have final responsibility and authority to dismiss any Student from the Field Experience Program.H.If available, the Field Site agrees to provide emergency health care services for the Studentfor illnesses or injury on the same basis as that which is provided to Field Site employees. With theexception of emergency care, the Students are responsible for providing for their own medical care needs.I.The Field Site shall ensure adequate workspace for the student and shall pem1it the useof instructional resources such as the library, procedure manuals, and client records as required by theField Experience Program.J.The Field Site maintains professional liability insurance (or comparable coverage under aprogram of self-insurance) with a single limit of no less than One Million Dollars ( 1,000,000) peroccurrence and Three Million Dollars ( 3 ,000,000) annual aggregate and general liability insurance with asingle limit of no less than One Million Dollars ( 1,000,000) per occurrence. The Field Site shall provideUniversity of Bridgeport with proof of coverage.IV.STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIESA.The Student shall provide their own transp01tation to and from the Field Site as well as anymeals or lodging required during the field experience.The Student shall agree to abide by the rules, regulations, policies and procedures of theB.Field Site as provided to Student by the Field Site during their orientation at the Field Site and shall abideby the requirements of the applicable nurse practice act.C.The Student shall agree to comply with the Standards for Privacy of IndividuallyIdentifiable Health Information (the "Privacy Rule") issued under the federal Health Insurance Portabilityand Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA"), which govern the use and/or disclosure of individuallyidentifiable health infonnation.Page 3 of 6

.D.The Student shall arrange for and provide to Field Site any required infom1ationincluding, but not limited to, criminal background checks, health infonnation, verification of certificationand/or licensure, insurance infonnation and infonnation relating to participation in federally fundedmsurance programs.E.The Student, as a licensed dental hygienist, shall be instructed that they are required topurchase and maintain a policy of professional liability insurance with a single limit of no less than OneMillion Dollars ( 1,000,000) per occurrence and Three Million Dollars ( 3,000,000) annual aggregate.Student shall provide the Field Site with proof of coverage upon request.V.MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITIESFERPA. For purposes of this Agreement, pursuant to the Family Educational Rights andA.Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), the parties acknowledge and agree that the Field Site has an educationalinterest in the educational records of the Student participating in the Program and to the extent that access toStudent's records are required by the Field Site in order to carry out the Field Experience Program.8.HIP AA. The parties agree that:(I)The Field Site is a covered entity for purposes of the Health Insurance Portabilityand Accountability Act of 1996 (HIP AA) and any regulations and official guidance promulgated thereunder(collectively, "HIPAA"), as amended by the Health Infonnation Technology for Economic and ClinicalH

dental hygiene and general admission requirements have been . satisfied. so . tong . as . the . . d grcc . completion program in their final year of the . A.A.S. in D.11. Program. Applicants must complete and submlt a U