DCPS ANNUAL VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS PLANTable of ContentsAlignment to Strategic Plan .2Executive Summary .2Background Information & Research .2Gap Analysis .3Strategic Plan Initiatives and Projects .7Organizational Chart .15Budget .15Appendix A – Art/Music AlignmentAcross Feeder Pattern .16Appendix B – STEAM Cultural PassportPrograms .20Appendix C – Professional DevelopmentOfferings For Arts Faculty .281
DCPS ANNUAL VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS PLANAlignment to Strategic Plan/District TargetsGoal 1: Develop Great Teachers and LeadersGoal 2: Engage Parents, Caregivers, & CommunityGoal 3: Ensure Effective, Equitable, & Efficient Use of ResourcesGoal 4: Develop the Whole ChildExecutive SummaryOur school system recognizes the value of educating the whole child and great strides have been made inproviding greater access to high quality arts programs for all students. New strategic partnerships and changesin district leadership for arts programs warrant an updating of the plan for visual and performing arts. All fourof the district’s strategic goals are addressed with the comprehensive plan outlined below. The arts departmentfor Duval County Public Schools seeks to ensure that every child has access to a high quality education in thearts.Background Information/ResearchResearch made available at the state and national level clearly demonstrates the value of student participationin the arts. “Reinvesting in Arts Education,” a report issued by the President’s Committee on Arts andHumanities in 2011 detailed the following:“Decades of research show strong and consistent links between high-quality arts education anda wide range of impressive educational outcomes. This is true even though, as in most areaswhere learning is complex, the research base does not yet establish causal proof. Artsintegration models, the practice of teaching across classroom subjects in tandem with the arts,have been yielding some particularly promising results in school reform and closing theachievement gap. Most recently, cutting-edge studies in neuroscience have been furtherdeveloping our understanding of how arts strategies support crucial brain development inlearning.”A Cohort Study of Arts Participation and Academic Performance produced by the Center for Fine ArtsEducation examined data regarding students who attended Florida public schools and the level of artsparticipation and academic achievement. The study found that students who participated in arts-relatedclasses were more likely to:2
DCPS ANNUAL VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS PLAN Stay in school (student drop-out rate is below 6% for music students who engaged in performing and/orvisual arts for four years in high school) Have higher graduation rates (94% versus 70% of students who had received no HS arts instruction) Perform higher in academic areas such as mathematics, reading and writing Achieve higher scores on standardized tests such as the SAT and the FCATMore recently, Duval County Public Schools proudly partnered with the Kennedy Center, Cathedral ArtsProject, and numerous stakeholders to develop a comprehensive asset map for K-8 arts education programsthroughout our district and support the formation of Any Given Child Jacksonville. Study results found thatwhile major improvements have been made in providing access to K-8 students, significant gaps still existedwithin our middle schools. These findings have led to a focus on expanding programs at the middle schoollevel and strengthening the quality of programs offered at the secondary level.Any Given Child Jacksonville offered pilot programs at four schools during the 2014-2015 school year. Theseschools included: Love Grove Elementary, Englewood Elementary, Southside Estates Elementary, andSouthside Middle School. Program support for art and music instruction included direct support of instruction(guest artists, team teaching, pull-outs, etc.) and professional development for teachers. 304 students, 34teachers, and 11 cultural partners directly participated and collaborated in the 2014-2015 pilot programs.GapAnalysisDataReviewStrengths:The Arts department has made significant strides over the past few years due to district-widesupport. The addition of full-time art and music teachers at every elementary school two yearsago has had an impact in student learning in arts areas and the ability of arts teachers to buildrelationships with stakeholders in their buildings and communities. Additionally, supplies andequipment provided for these elementary art and music programs are making a tremendousdifference in learning outcomes and student engagement for these courses.A greater focus on scheduling secondary students in appropriate arts courses based on theirabilities, needs, and preferences is resulting in a reduction in behavior issues, an increase instudent engagement, an increase in teacher satisfaction, and will likely result in higher studentachievement in these courses. In particular, secondary instrumental music programs arecontinuing to move forward with these improvements and the addition of resources for supplies,equipment, and uniforms.Launched in 2013, the STEAM Cultural Passport program provides students in Title I elementaryschools with three to four educational field trips per year. These field trip experiences areconnected to programs and offerings in Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, andMathematics. Organizations are selected through an application process, and events arescheduled according to available services to schools. The program is currently funded throughfederal dollars and provides cultural experiences to students, most of whom would not otherwisereceive these kinds of opportunities. Current partners include Art Life Productions, CummerMuseum of Art & Gardens, Florida Ballet, FSCJ Artist Series, Jacksonville Public Library,Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra, Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens, Jewish Community Alliance(JCA), MOCA Jacksonville, Museum of Science and History (MOSH), Ritz Theatre and Museum,3
DCPS ANNUAL VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS PLANStarbase, St. Johns Back Beat Band, St. Johns Riverkeeper, Theatre Jacksonville,Theatreworks, Tree Hill Nature Center, and UNF Eco Adventures.An expansion of the Met HD Live program is allowing more students throughout our district toattend “live” viewings of opera performances from the Metropolitan Opera in New York in theupgraded auditorium at Douglas Anderson. Additionally, we are seeing a strong response fromelementary teachers and students for a showing of “The Magic Flute” in January.Our team has grown with the addition of a secondary visual art specialist and a dance/theatrespecialist. The addition of these positions will greatly increase our capacity to provide coachingand mentoring for approximately 450 arts teachers who provide instruction for students in ourschools. Our 6 specialists are highly qualified; hold leadership positions in local, state, andnational professional organizations; and possess over 150 years of combined experience ineducation.Our highly trained specialists are continuing to provide professional development for artsteachers throughout the year and attendance is increasing at many of our Professional LearningCommunities (PLCs) and workshops. The professional development needs of our teachers areidentified through surveys and ongoing observations in our schools. Any Given ChildJacksonville is now providing logistical support and funding for experts to lead high qualityworkshops for our teachers.Weaknesses:Despite the many improvements that have been made, our department also experiences anumber of challenges.Scheduling, particularly at our secondary schools, continues to be a challenge. Some studentsare still not scheduled in the appropriate course based on their abilities or able to participate incertain arts courses due to scheduling conflicts. Course progression recommendations are notalways able to be followed, due to competing requirements, particularly in the core academicareas. To improve scheduling for the 2015-2016 school year, the Director of Arts is working withschool principals and master schedulers, as well as the Assistant Superintendent of Schools toprovide scheduling guidelines and assistance.Recruitment and retention of highly qualified teachers remains a challenge as the Visual andPerforming Arts Department is not fielding a large number of applications for arts facultypositions. Many applicants who do apply lack the skills or experience necessary to be successful.Retaining high quality teachers once they are hired is also a challenge that we are working toaddress with building and district administrators. The Arts Department is working with HumanResources to vet potential candidates for arts positions and to provide guidance and assistancewith potential applicants for school administrators. The Arts Department is also strengtheningpartnerships with universities to attract highly qualified candidates and actively recruiting at stateand national conferences.Scheduling and teacher quality issues as well as other factors are still impacting the quality ofarts programs despite improvements that have been made in these areas. Some disparities inacademic rigor and quality of arts programs still exist among schools throughout the county. Toassist with secondary instrumental programs, the district has contracted Dr. Julian White to meet4
DCPS ANNUAL VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS PLANwith school principals and instrumental music teachers to provide suggestions for improvementalong with assistance and support. District specialists work with teachers and administrators toprovide arts support, additional resources as needed, and increased arts-related opportunitiesfor students.Dance and theatre/theatre offerings are limited primarily to our secondary schools and danceofferings are primarily found at our arts magnet schools. There has been a lack of a district-wideor regional showcase to highlight dance and theatre programs. The addition of a dance/theatrespecialist will provide support for teachers in these areas and the opportunity to build theseprograms in additional schools.String programs are still only offered at the secondary level in our magnet arts schools (LaVillaand DA). This presents a challenge and lack of access for students who might wish to begin orcontinue their musical studies at the middle school level, but are not able to attend LaVilla.Strategic planning meetings with stakeholders began this summer and ongoing communicationabout strategies will lead to a comprehensive plan for string programs.Equal representation from all of our schools is still not found in district-wide arts events and juriedperformances, such as the Northeast Florida Scholastic Art Awards, District Honor Band, ChoralFestivals, and High School Art Show. This will be an area of focus and monitoring for the 20152016 school year.Opportunities:There are a number of opportunities to bolster the efforts of the arts department.Many teachers, including both arts educators and core academic teachers, were trained in artsintegration through conferences held at UNF and programs provided by the Kennedy Center andlocal nonprofit arts organizations. Additionally, multiple departments such as math and sciencehave expressed a strong interest in connecting their subject areas to the arts. A number of ourelementary schools have adopted STEAM as a choice program to recruit more students. Byproviding ongoing training and allowing time for teachers to collaborate, arts integration could beimplemented at a deeper level, both at the elementary and secondary level. Full implementationof arts integration will require additional resources (time, support, supplies, etc.) to be trulyeffective and realize the numerous benefits that are possible for students through arts integration.As defined by the Kennedy Center, arts integration “is an approach to teaching in which studentsconstruct and demonstrate understanding through an art form. Students engage in a creativeprocess which connects an art form and another subject area and meets evolving objectives inboth.”Nonprofit partners, businesses, parents, and community members are responding positively toour expanded outreach efforts and improved customer service. These partners in arts educationcan play a critical role in expanding capacity for arts programs through the work of Any GivenChild Jacksonville, Cultural Fusion, and other collaborative efforts. An Arts Advisory Council is inthe process of being formed to provide parents with a greater voice and enlist parents asadvocates and supporters for district-wide arts initiatives.5
DCPS ANNUAL VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS PLANA district-wide arts showcase is a new initiative that will provide another way to increaseawareness of arts programs throughout our district and highlight the work of students andteachers throughout our district.Threats:Many parents, community members, and stakeholders still do not understand the value of artseducation and its impact on student learning. There is a perception among some that it is a “frill”or “fluff” that is not as demanding or useful as our other academic course offerings.Communicating the achievements of our students and teachers and the academic rigor of ourprograms is necessary to continue changing the perception of arts education. This effort can bea challenge due to the size of our school system and the variety of courses (over 200) that ourteachers lead instruction in on a weekly basis. The Arts Department is currently using a numberof traditional and social media opportunities to share the successes of our students and teachers,as well as opportunities for increased involvement.State and federal education mandates are sometimes at odds with the parameters needed forhigh quality arts education. A focus on STEM rather than STEAM marginalizes the need for artseducation in schools across our state and nation. The inclusion of arts in the STEAM CulturalPassport field trip experiences for students has gone a long way in exposing students and theirteachers to the value of arts education. The Arts Department is also increasing professionaldevelopment in this area, to provide additional support for a comprehensive arts education.Scheduling mandates, such as intensive remediation courses, may limit a student’s ability toparticipate in arts area courses. District staff will continue to work with schools to provideassistance with scheduling.6
DCPS ANNUAL VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS PLANSTRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES & PROJECTS‘‘After a review of the District’s assets and challenges regarding fine and performing arts, an actionplan was developed to address issues and leverage existing resources identified through the SWOTanalysis. The following strategies have been developed to increase the level of fine and performingarts in our schools.Arts Advisory CouncilInitiative:Develop and implement an Arts Advisory Council to increase parental involvement in arts programsthroughout the district.Program Description:An Arts Advisory Council would act in a manner similar to the Magnet Advisory Council and theSchool Health Advisory Council, with a focus on arts education. The Council would consist ofparents/caregivers, post-secondary partners, community arts advocates, and professional artists,and would provide guidance and input on arts education programming.Implementation:The Visual and Performing Arts Department will create a draft of expectations for the advisorycouncil. Staff will then reach out to district PTSA, DAC and school-based arts booster presidents todevelop interest in the council. Awareness of the opportunity will be marketed through social media,media releases, and through Parent Academy workshops. A kick-off meeting will be scheduled forJanuary, 2016, and Advisory Council members will be selected by March. Expectations,committees, and bylaws will be established, along with a policy regarding the advisory council, forboard consideration.7
DCPS ANNUAL VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS PLANImprove Art/Music SchedulingInitiative:Advocate for quality visual and performing arts education opportunities for all students in DCPSthrough input to Master Scheduling Guidelines for elementary and secondary schools.Program Description:Scheduling students in the appropriate courses and ensuring that students have access to artscourses will make a critical difference in student participation rates and student achievement in artscourses.Implementation:The Visual and Performing Arts Department will communicate with building and district leveladministrators and create presentations on best practices for scheduling arts courses. Additionalscheduling recommendations and strategies will also be created by the department. District artspecialists will review school master schedules and class loads as a resource to principals.Live at the Met HDInitiative:Plan and implement Live at the MetProgram Description:Live at the Met is a program that provides our students with the opportunity to attend MetropolitanOpera performances that are “live streamed” to the auditorium at Douglas Anderson. The expansionof this program is made possible through the generous support of Mr. Laurie DuBow and inpartnership with Opera Jacksonville and The Community Foundation.Implementation:The Visual and Performing Arts Department will help facilitate communication with arts teachers andstudents to ensure that participation goals are met for the expanded program. Surveys will bedeveloped by the department to monitor student and teacher feedback and ensure the effectivenessof program implementation.8
DCPS ANNUAL VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS PLANAll-County Visual and Performing Art EventInitiative:Plan and implement an All-County Visual and Performing Art event, including ensembles,performance opportunities, and visual arts exhibits.Program Description:An All-County Visual and Performing Arts event will provide the opportunity to showcase studentachievements for those students who attend schools throughout district. Several district-wide eventshave been offered in different arts areas, but this new event will highlight both instrumental and vocalmusic, theatre, dance, and visual arts programs.Implementation:The Visual and Performing Arts Department will select a date and location for the event and plan forsuccessful implementation by meeting with arts faculty and staff throughout the year. A system forselecting groups that will perform or exhibit will be created and then students and faculty throughoutthe county will be invited to perform. The community will be invited to this annual showcase, with thefirst showcase tentatively scheduled for May 2016.Any Given ChildInitiative:Implement Any Given ChildProgram Description:Any Given Child Jacksonville is the result of a strong partnership between Duval County PublicSchools, The Kennedy Center, Cathedral Arts Project, and numerous nonprofits and businessorganizations. These community partners have dedicated their time and expertise to buildingcomprehensive, sustainable arts education agendas so all K-8 children have equitable access tolearning in the arts.Implementation:The Director of Arts will meet with and communicate as needed with the Executive Director of AnyGiven Child Jacksonville. The Visual and Performing Arts Department will provide ongoingmonitoring of programs provided by Any Given Child Jacksonville and communicate with appropriatestakeholders about arts offerings. Professional development needs and survey results will be sharedwith Any Given Child Jacksonville.9
DCPS ANNUAL VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS PLAN 3 Stay in school (student drop-out rate is below 6% for music students who engaged in performing and/or visual arts for four years in high school) Have higher graduation rates (94% versus