Matthew R. Hyland, PT, PhD, MPA39 Overlook Drive Valhalla, NY 10595Phone: 914-837-8591 matthyland@apta.orgEDUCATIONSeton Hall UniversityPh.D. in Health Sciences (Leadership Tract)2007Pace UniversityMasters of Public Administration (Health Care Tract)1995Ithaca CollegeBachelors of Science in Physical Therapy1992CLINICAL EXPERIENCEMotion Physical Therapy Group2017 to presentSenior Therapist (2019-Present)Clinic Director for physical therapy group who acquired Rye Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation (2017-2019)Rye Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation1995 to 2017Co-owner and president of independent outpatient physical therapy practice with offices located throughoutWestchester County, NY. Lead staff of 21 with average of 18,000 patient visits annually.Medicus Global Consulting2000 to 2009Principal of consulting company that specialized in health care regulation, payment reform, program planning,personnel management and strategic assessment to health care organizations.Fore-Your-Fitness2002 to 2004President of company that offered golfers specially developed programs focusing on swing maintenance,body mechanics, stretching, and strengthening programs designed to help enhance their game.White Plains Hospital1992 to 1996Provided physical therapy services in an acute care community-based hospital to patients with orthopedic,neurological and cardiovascular pathologies. Served initially as Staff Therapist, subsequently promoted toSupervisor of Inpatient Therapy and ultimately Supervisor of the Physical Therapy Department; played anintegral role in establishing the orthopedic physical therapy unit and joint replacement clinical pathways.TEACHING EXPERIENCEMercy College1995 to presentAssociate Professor (2018-Present). Hired as Associate Professor beginning in the fall of 2018. Areas of teachingin DPT program include: Orthopedics, management and administration, safety, ethics, patient/clientmanagement 1 and 3. Also, in undergraduate Department of Natural Science, course coordinator for CulturalCompetency in Health care and Health Policy and Advocacy. Currently Faculty Senate Vice-President.Visiting Associate Professor (2016 to 2018). Serve as Visiting Associate Professor beginning in the fall of 2016.Areas of teaching include: Orthopedics, management and administration, safety, ethics, patient/clientmanagement. In addition, served on task force that is assessing the feasibility of a Health Care Concentrationin the MBA program.
Adjunct Professor and Course Coordinator (2011 to 2016). Serve as adjunct for entry level DPT program andcourse coordinator for PHTR620 Professional Management & Administration of Physical Therapy. Otherteaching responsibilities include, conflict resolution, communication skills, joint mobilizations, myofascial releaseand lab assistant for Adulthood and PT616 Physical Therapy Practice.Assistant Professor and Course Coordinator (1995 to 2011). Initially joined Mercy College faculty in 1995 as aProfessional Associate and then moved to Assistant Professor for entry level DPT program. Teachingresponsibilities included course coordinator for Overview of Physical Therapy (PHTR515), and ProfessionalManagement & Administration of Physical Therapy (PHTR620) as well as course coordinator for Practicum inPhysical Therapy (HS203) from 1996 to 2006 and Pathology (PHTR525) from 2008-2011. Additional teachingresponsibilities included: wound care, joint mobilizations, myofascial release, and serving as lab assistant forAdulthood and Physical Therapy Practice (PT605). Administrative responsibilities included student advisement,research mentoring, candidate interviews and clinical site visits.Stony Brook University2003 to 2010Adjunct Faculty and Course Coordinator. Course coordinator for Issues in Health Care Administration (HAY602) as part of a transitional DPT program.Touro College2001 to 2003Adjunct Faculty and Course Coordinator. Served as adjunct faculty for entry level Master’s program andcourse coordinator for HS325, Administration and Health Care Delivery.INVITED TEACHING EXPERIENCEMarymount UniversityGuest Lecturer- “Advocacy, a Leadership Journey”2020-2021Nova Southeast UniversityGuest Lecturer- “A Leadership Journey of Service”2020Duke UniversityGuest Lecturer- “Regulatory Advocacy”2020New York Medical College2006 to presentGuest Lecturer- 2 lectures annually “Business Planning for the Physical Therapist” and “Financial Planning.”Nazareth College2004 to 2014Guest Lecturer- 2 lectures annually “The Role of the PT as a Consultant,” and “Current and Emerging Issues inPhysical Therapy.”PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONSDolot J, Hyland M, Shi Q, Kim H, Viola D, Hoekstra C. Factors Impacting Physical Therapy Utilization for Patientswith Nonspecific Low Back Pain: retrospective Analysis of a Clinical Data Set. Phys Ther. 2020;100(9); 1502-1515.Campo M, Hyland M, Sueki D, Pappas E. Wrist and Hand Pain in Orthopaedic Physical Therapists: A mixedmethods study. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice. 2019; 43(10); 26-36.7
Dolot J, Viola D, Shi Q, Hyland M. Impact of out-of-pocket expenditure on Physical Therapy Utilization for Nonspecific Low Back Pain: Secondary Analysis of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Data. Phys Ther. 2016;96(2); 212-221.Kelly MA, Finley M, Lichtman SW, Hyland MR, Edeer AO. A Comparative Analysis of High-Velocity Versus LowVelocity Exercise on Outcomes After Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Geriatr Phys Ther2015; Sept 30.Hyland M, Pinto-Zipp G, Olson V, Lichtman S. A comparative analysis of computer assisted instruction andtraditional lecture instruction for administration & management topics in physical therapy education. Journalof College Teaching and Learning, 7(7): 1-14, 2010.Hyland M, Webber-Gaffney A, Cohen L, Lichtman S. Randomized controlled trial of calcaneal taping, shamtaping and plantar fascial stretching for the short-term management of plantar heel pain. JOSPT, 36(6):364371, 2006.Flinn N, Hyland M.Massage in Sports: Its use and Clinical Evidence.Hyland M. The effects of critical pathways in acute care settings.(Unpublished)Thein, L. Women and Children in Sports:through Sports Physical Therapy Section.Am J Med Sports, 2(1):40-47, 2000.Graduate thesis Pace University, 1995.APTA 1992: A Compendium of articles: contributor.AvailablePEER REVIEWED PRESENTATIONSCampo M, Hyland M, Hanson R. Physical Therapist Experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic: APhenomenological Analysis. Poster presentation at 5th Annual Rehabilitation Research at NewYorkPresbyterian Hospital, Weill Cornell Medicine, Columbia University College of Physician and Surgeons, andaffiliated institutions. January 2021.Dolot J, Hyland M, Shi Q, Kim H, Viola D, Hoekstra C. Impact of Administrative Burden on Outpatient PhysicalTherapy for Patients with non-Specific Low Back Pain. Platform presentation; Section Health Policy andAdministration; ATPA Combined Sections Meeting; Washington, DC; January 2019.Kelly M, Finley M, Lichtman S, Hyland M. A Comparative Analysis of High Velocity and Standard Low VelocityExercise Training on Rehabilitation Outcomes Following Total Knee Arthroplasty. Platform presentation;Orthopaedics section; APTA Combined Sections Meeting; Chicago, Ill; February 11, 2012.Hyland M, Pinto-Zipp G, Olson V, Lichtman S. A comparative analysis of computer assisted instruction andtraditional lecture instruction for administration & management topics in physical therapy education. PosterPresentation; APTA Combined Sections Meeting; Las Vegas, Nv; February 2009. “Also presented at APTA ofNJ; Continuing Education and Fall Membership Meeting; West Windsor, NJ; October 2009.Hyland M, Webber-Gaffney A, Cohen L, Lichtman S. The effects of a calcaneal and Achilles tendon tapingtechnique for the acute treatment of plantar fasciitis. Platform presentation; Orthopedic Section; APTACombined Sections Meeting; New Orleans, La; February 2005.Pinto-ZippG, Olson V, Hyland M, Karma N, Oakley D, Remshifski P. Using the HOAC model and technology topromote critical thinking and evidence based practices in the health sciences. Poster Presentation; AnnualConference and Exposition of APTA; Washington DC; June 2003.7
GRANTSMercy College Faculty Development GrantCo-primary investigator with Dr. Marc Campo and Dr. Ruth Hansen on project titled:“Experiences of Physical Therapists during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study.”Grant amount 4,9102020Mercy College Faculty Senate GrantPrimary applicant for Faculty Senate Grant to support a “National Advocacy Dinner.” Grant amount 2,0002020Mercy College Faculty Development Grant2019Investigator with Dr. Marc Campo on project titled: The 3 Minute HandSaver: Development and Testing of anInjury Prevention Program for Physical Therapists: Grant amount 2,458APTA Health Policy Administration Section, HPA-The Catalyst, Section Research Grant2017Investigator with Dr. Janet Dolot. Physical Therapy Utilization for non-Specific Low Back Pain: a Multi-LevelAnalysis of Predictors and a Description of Pain and Functional Outcomes.Grant amount: 15,000Mercy College Faculty Development Grant2017Investigator with Dr. Marc Campo on qualitative study on wrist and hand pain in orthopedic physical therapists.Grant amount: 4,500NIH/EARDA Grant2000 to 2001Primary Investigator. Conducted randomized controlled trial of calcaneal taping, sham taping and plantarfascial stretching for the short-term management of plantar heel pain.Grant amount: 3,725.PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS AT CONTINUING EDUCATION EVENTSNYU Residency Intensive and Continuing Education (With Bob Rowe)“Clinical Evidence & Practice for Management of Patients with Cervical/Thoracic Pain& Dysfunction: A Daily Practical Approach2018-2020APTA Connecticut Annual Conference“Advocating for our Profession”2018National Student Conclave“Millennial and Gen X Leaders Share Their Stories”2018NYPTA: Leadership Development Workshop“Engagement in the Profession: Contributing to the Vision of Physical Therapy”2015 to presentNational Student Conclave“Y We Need U: Transforming the Future”2015APTANJ Fall Conference2013NYPTA Hudson Valley District Annual Meeting2006“Building an exciting and productive workplace in the 21st Century”“Vision 2020: A Panel Discussion”7
NYPTA Hudson Valley District2004TLTR “Best Practices Showcase;” Seton Hall University2003Hot Topics in Youth Sports Continuing Education Seminar2002Medicus Global Consulting; Continuing Education Presentation2002Hot Topics in Youth Sports Continuing Education Seminar2001NYPTA Hudson Valley District2000“Issues in Private Practice: Competition and Marketing”“Using the HOAC Model and Technology to Promote Critical Thinking and EvidenceBased Practices in the Health Sciences”“Rehabilitation of Throwing Injuries”“Medicare and HIPAA Compliance”“Common lower extremity adolescent injuries”“The Effects of Myofascial Release on the Spine”INVITED KEY NOTE ADDRESSES & PRESENTATIONSMercy College: White Coat Ceremony“Change the Profession, and be Great” (Keynote)2021APTA Delaware Annual Meeting“Mission, Vision, and Advocacy” (Keynote)2020APTA Rhode Island Annual Meeting“Vision through Mission” (Keynote)2019NYPTA Advocacy Workshop: Turning Passion into Progress!“Turning Passion into Progress” (Keynote)2019The Old Guard: White Plains, NY“The Importance of Exercise as we Age” (Presenter)2019Mercy College: White Coat Ceremony“I Want to be a Physical Therapist So be Great” (Keynote)2018National Advocacy Dinner- D’Youville College“What is Advocacy” (Keynote)2018NYPTA Student Conclave- D’Youville College“An Evolutionary Journey to Transformation” (Keynote)2016Long Island University Brooklyn: DPT Keynote Address“Our Transformative Journey as Movement Experts” (Keynote)2015Saint Francis University: DPT Students “last lecture”“Transforming Society, an Evolutionary Journey” (Keynote)20157
Saint Francis University: DPT Graduation Keynote Address“A Transformative Vision in a Time of Reform” (Keynote)2015Creating Rehab Solutions for an Aging Population- 7th Annual Nazareth College Conf.“Therapy, an Evolutionary Journey in a Time of Change” (Keynote)2014NYU Langone Medical Center Musculoskeletal Rehab Network Annual Conference“Advocating for your patients, your practice and your profession” (Keynote)2013New York Medical College Student Physician Awareness Day“Physical Therapy in the 21st Century” (Speaker and panelist)2013Nazareth College Student Leadership Seminar“Your responsibility to serve and advocate” (Keynote)2013Clarkson University DPT White Coat Ceremony“Pledging to you, your patients and your profession” (Keynote)2012NYU Langone Medical Center Musculoskeletal Rehab Network Annual Conference“Your Role as a Physical Therapist” (Keynote)2012NYU Langone Medical Center Musculoskeletal Rehab Network Annual Conference“You and your Association - Seeing what a united tomorrow can look like” (Keynote)2011New York Medical College Professional Research Day“Refocusing Vision 2020” (Presenter)2011NYPTA Regional Student Conclave at NYIT“Physical Therapy in a Time of Reform” (Keynote)2010Touro College Student/Faculty Address“Physical Therapy: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” (Keynote)2010Ithaca College Pinning Ceremony“Seeing Your Future from South Hill” (Keynote)2010Stony Brook School of Health Technology and Management Post Professional Convocation“When it’s your time to serve” (Keynote)2010Bone and Joint Associates“The Role of the Ancillary Provider in Orthopedic Rehab” (Presenter)2006Blythdale Children’s Hospital“Taping Techniques for all populations” (Presenter)2005Hudson Valley Arthritis Foundation“Kids Get Arthritis Too – Exercise: The Right Fit” (Presenter)2002Rye Summer Lecture Series“Shoulder Injuries: Mechanism, Surgery and Rehab” (Presenter)1997Rye Lions Club“Save Your Back” (Invited speaker)19967
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPSAmerican Physical Therapy Association1991 to presentCurrent Sections/Academies: Orthopedic, Private Practice, HPA (The Catalyst), Sports, Neurology,Clinical Electrophysiology and Wound ManagementNew York Physical Therapy Association1991 to presentAMERICAN PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIESBoard of Directors, Vice President2018 to presentBoard of Directors, Director2014 to 2018Key Board Activities Director5th Member of the Executive Committee (2017-2018)Member, Strategic Plan Board Work GroupLiaison, Early Career TeamLiaison, Student AssemblyChair, Recruitment and Retention of Early Career Professional Task Force (ReTEAM)Chair, Transform the Profession Board Work GroupMember, Liaison Board WorkgroupMember, Criteria for House Motions from Board of Directors WorkgroupMember, Business Development WorkgroupMember, Public Policy and Advocacy Committee (2015-2017)Liaison, Ethics and Judicial Reference CommitteeRepresented Board of Directors at Movement SummitRepresented Board of Directors Future of Physical Therapy Payment Strategies MeetingMember, Mission Statement Board Work GroupMember, Appointments Board Work GroupKey Board Activities as Vice PresidentChair Deep Dives on Bylaws 2.0 Board Work Group (2020-2021)Liaison, Federation State Boards of Physical TherapyChair, Public Policy and Advocacy CommitteeCo-Chair, CEO annual reviewChair, Editor-in-Chief review for 2020NEW YORK PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOCIATION CHAPTER ACTIVITIESPresident Recipient APTA “Outstanding Component Award” for 2013 Member Northeast Caucus Ex- Officio Member, NYPTA Finance Committee2010 to 2014Chapter Delegate to APTA House of Delegates2009 to 2014Chair, Mandatory Continuing Education Task Force2009 to 2010Member, Committee to Approve Minutes of NYPTA Delegate Assembly20097
Chair, Hudson Valley District2008 to 2010Member, NYPTA Ethics Committee2008 to 2010Hudson Valley District Delegate to NYPTA Delegate Assembly2006 to 2010PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTHudson Valley District: Blood Flow Restriction-Real Toll or Fake NewsDr. Brian Goonan (Virtual)2021Mercy College Spring Faculty Seminar Day:“Advancing Racial Equity Through Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT)Dr. Tia Brown McNair (Virtual)2021Combined Sections Meeting of APTA (Virtual)20215th Annual Rehabilitation Research at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Cornell Medicine,Columbia University College of Physician and Surgeons, and affiliated institutions2021Mercy College Fall Faculty Seminar Day: “Homework for Life”Matthew Dicks (Dobbs Ferry, NY)2020FSBPT Leadership Issues Forum (Virtual)2020Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA (Denver, CO)202013th Annual Graham Sessions (Nashville, TN)2020Mercy College Fall Faculty Seminar Day: “Question Formulation Techniques”Andrew Minigan from the Right Question Institute (Dobbs Ferry, NY)2019FSBPT Annual Meeting & Delegate Assembly (Oklahoma City, OK)2019Educational Leadership Conference (Bellevue, WA)2019APTA State Policy & Payment Forum (Crystal City, MD)2019Addressing Executive Functions Across the Lifespan (Dobbs Ferry, NY)FSBPT Leadership Issues Forum (Alexandria, VA)20192019NEXT Meeting of the APTA (Chicago, IL)2019NYPTA Delegate Assembly (as invited guest) (Albany, NY)2019Mercy College Spring Faculty Seminar Day: “Service Learning”Dr. Jonathan White (Dobbs Ferry, NY)201912th Annual Graham Sessions (Austin, TX)2019Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA (Washington, DC)2019Connecticut Annual Conference (Waterbury, CT)20187
FSBPT Annual Meeting & Delegate Assembly (Reston, VA)2018APTA State Policy & Payment Forum (Kansas City, MO)2018Using Every Day Technology to Enhance Outcomes (Dobbs Ferry, NY)2018NEXT Meeting of the APTA (Orlando, FL)2018Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA (New Orleans, LA)201811th Annual Graham Sessions (San Diego, CA)2018ACAPT: Transformational Leadership, Meg Moore (Webinar)2017Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety: Team STEPPS(Dobbs Ferry, NY)2017NEXT Meeting of the APTA (Boston, MA)2017NYPTA Delegate Assembly (as invited guest) (Albany, NY)2017Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA (San Antonio, TX)201710th Annual Graham Sessions (St. Pete Beach, FL)2017American Physical Therapy Association Movement Summit (Alexandria, VA)2016NYPTA Hudson Valley District: an Evidence-Led Approach to the Evaluation& Treatment of the Triathlete.Dr. James Koo (Dobbs Ferry, NY)2016NEXT Meeting of the APTA (Nashville, TN)2016NYPTA Delegate Assembly (as invited guest) (Saratoga, NY)2016Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA (Anaheim, CA)2016NEXT Meeting of the APTA (National Harbor, MD)2015Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA (Indianapolis, IN)20158th Annual Graham Session (Savannah, GA)2015NEXT Meeting of the APTA (Charlotte, NC)2014Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA (Las Vegas, NV)2014NYPTA Chapter Conference (Albany, NY)2013APTA State Policy & Payment Forum (Omaha, NE)2013APTA Annual Conference (Salt Lake City, UT)20137
Treatment of Massive Rotator Cuff Tears (White Plains, NY)2013Federal Advocacy Forum (Alexandria, VA)2013Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA (San Diego, CA)2013APTA Collaborative Leadership Development Program2012 to 2013APTA State Policy & Payment Forum (Alexandria, VA)2012NYPTA Chapter Conference (Rochester, NY)2012APTA Annual Conference (Tampa, FL)2012Federal Advocacy Forum (Washington, DC)2012Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA (Chicago, IL)2012NYPTA Chapter Conference (Rye, NY)2011APTA State Policy & Payment Forum (Austin, TX)2011APTA Annual Conference (National Harbor, MD)2011Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA (New Orleans, LA)2011NYPTA/ APTA of NJ Joint Chapter Conference (Atlantic City, NJ)2010NYPTA Workers Compensation Webinar2010APTA State Government Affairs Forum (Portland, OR)2010APTA Annual Conference (Boston, MA)2010ABC's of Lobby Day Webinar2010APTA: Leadership Symposium (Alexandria, VA)2010Conducting Meetings According to Robert’s Rules of Order (APTA Audio-conference)2010NYPTA Hudson Valley District: Femeroacetabular Impingement.Dr. Peter Moley (White Plains, NY)2010NYPTA Hudson Valley District: Selected Thoracic, Lumbar and SI Joint Trust ManipulationTechniques and Their Use in Contemporary Orthopedic Ph
in DPT program include: Orthopedics, management and administration, safety, ethics, patient/client management 1 and 3. Also, in undergraduate Department of Natural Science, course coordinator for Cultural Competency in Health care and Health Policy and Advocacy. Currently Faculty Senate Vic