custom contentm ay 10, 2 021NameofMBA &Supplement HereMaster’s GuideMBA PROGRAM CHECKLISTHaving an MBA or other advanced degree has always provideda number of advantages, both for the degree-carrying professionalsas well as the organizations that hire them. As advancements intechnology continue to reshape the world, and unexpected challengesto the global economy have arisen, the demand for leaders capable ofleveraging these technologies and working on solutions to the challenges is atan all-time high.Executive MBA programs give students the tools they need to positionthemselves as invaluable leaders in the market. These programs providestudents with the opportunity to explore new professions, seek out newindustries and experience outside-the-box thinking that can befit anorganization and a career simultaneously. As a result, the need for up-to-dateMBA and other advanced degree programs is continuing to rise. This sectionspotlights and profiles some of the best programs in the region today.023 41 MBA Guide.indd 23Cal Poly PomonaCollege of Business Administrationp. 30California State University, NorthridgeDavid Nazarian College of Businessand Economicsp. 26Claremont Graduate UniversityDrucker School of Managementp. 34Loyola Marymount UniversityCollege of Business Administrationp. 32PepperdineGraziadio Business Schoolp. 28Saybrook University Sustainable Social Impactp. 40UC Riverside School of Business A. Gary Anderson Graduate Schoolof Managementp. 36UCLA Anderson Schoolof Managementp. 24University of La Verne College ofBusiness and Public Managementp. 38USC GouldSchool of Lawp. 41USC MarshallSchool of Businessp. 395/6/21 3:42 PM
24 LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL – CUSTOM CONTENTMAY 10, 2021MBA & MASTER’S GUIDEUCLA Anderson School of ManagementUCLA Anderson School of Management isa world-renowned learning and researchinstitution with a decidedly forward focus.The school takes full advantage of livingand working in Los Angeles, the creativecapital of the world. Never content with howthings are, AndersonMBASchool of Management looks to theSPOTLIGHTfuture to discover andchart what will be. In short, the school strivesto “Think in the Next.”UCLA Anderson’s mission is to prepareNAME OF INSTITUTIONUniversity of California, Los AngelesNAME OF BUSINESS SCHOOL OR PROGRAMUCLA Anderson School of ManagementBUSINESS SCHOOL DEANAntonio BernardoYEAR FOUNDED1919YEAR BUSINESS SCHOOL STARTED1935TOTAL MBA ENROLLMENT (ALL PLATFORMS OFFERED)2,200 students, excluding our ExecutiveEducation (non-degree) program, whicheducates an additional 1,800 professionalsannuallyMBA PLATFORMS OFFEREDFull-time MBAFully Employed MBA (FEMBA)Executive MBA (EMBA)UCLA-NUS Executive MBAMBA AREAS OF EMPHASIS OFFERED Accounting Brand Management Consulting Corporate Finance Corporate Governance Entertainment Entrepreneurship Executive Development Global Management Health Care Management Investment Management Management and Organizations Marketing Marketing Analytics Real Estate Sustainability Social Impact Technology Leadership023 41 MBA Guide.indd 24leaders for the 21st century, arming them witha worldview and a sense of purpose to make alasting difference in organizations and communities around the world.Students and alumni, faculty and staffshare a common ethos defined by three qualities:1) Sharing success: Performance and innovation are not about winning at the expenseof others;2) Thinking fearlessly: UCLA AndersonSchool of Management is unafraid to experiment with new ideas and approaches; andLENGTH OF PROGRAMSFull-time MBA: 22 monthsFEMBA: 33 months; 27 months if acceleratedEMBA: 22 monthsUCLA-NUS Executive MBA: 15 monthsPROGRAM CAMPUS OPTIONS Los Angeles Fully Employed and Executive MBAprograms offer hybrid in person/onlineoptions UCLA-NUS Executive MBA Programincludes modules that meet in Singapore,China and IndiaPROGRAM ACCREDITATIONSAACSB, WASCRANKINGSFull-time MBA: USNWR #18 (released 2021) Bloomberg BusinessWeek #12 (released2019. No ranking issued in 2020) Financial Times #15 (among U.S. schools);#25 (global) (released in 2020, UCLA didnot take part in 2021 ranking) Economist #5 (among U.S. schools); #6(global) (released 2019, The Economist didnot release a 2020 ranking, UCLA did nottake part in 2021 ranking) Forbes #16 (released in 2019)3) Driving change: The school is dissatisfied unless it can measure its efforts againsttangible impact.Current students come from every continent except Antartica. The 40,000 alumniglobally include leaders at the forefront oforganizational innovation in every industry, from investment management to socialimpact, from consulting to technology startups. They include the CEOs of YouTube,BlackRock, AT&T and United Therapeutics.The faculty examine and address many oftoday’s most pressing issues, including theTOTAL COST OF MBA2021/2022 student fees are listed below. Full-time MBA: 65,124 (subject toapprovals) FEBMA: 41,782 (subject to approvals) EMBA: 85,677 (subject to approvals) UCLA-NUS Executive MBA: 125,000REQUIRED TESTING Full-time MBA: GMAT or GRE; TOEFL/IELTS for international students FEMBA: GMAT or GRE; TOEFL/IELTSfor international students EMBA: EA (Executive Assessment),GMAT or GRE is optional; TOEFL/IELTSfor international students UCLA-NUS Executive MBA: TOEFL/IELTS for international studentsUPCOMING INFORMATION SESSIONSPlease check the following websites forupcoming sessions:Full-time ions/eventsFEMBA:U.S. News & World Report: #5 (released yedmba/admissions/admissions-eventsEMBA: USNWR #10 (released in 2021) The Economist #17 (among U.S. schools);#32 (global) (released in 2020) Financial Times #4 (among U.S. schools);#35 (global) (released in 2020)UCLA-NUS Executive MBA: The Economist #10 (global)(released in 2020) Financial Times #14 (global)(released in 2020) sions/events CLA-NUS Executive ATION DEADLINESPlease check the following websites for2021/2022 deadlines:economic impact of COVID-19, affordablehousing, technological transformation, global finance, healthcare, sustainability andinequality. Each year, UCLA Anderson’s fulltime MBA, Fully Employed MBA, ExecutiveMBA, UCLA-NUS Global Executive MBAprogram, Master of Financial Engineering,Master of Business Analytics and doctoralprograms educate 2,200 students, while theExecutive Education program trains an additional 1,800 professionals.This next generation of leaders will helpshape the future of business.Full-time tps:// S Executive MBA: CONTACT INFORMATIONUCLA Anderson School of Management110 Westwood PlazaLos Angeles, CA 90095Full-time MBA:(310) ) 0) 825-2032emba.admissions@anderson.ucla.eduUCLA-NUS Executive MBA:(310) 825-2032ucla-nus@anderson.ucla.edu5/6/21 3:43 PM
CUSTOM CONTENT – LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL 25MAY 10, 2021At UCLA Anderson, we encourage tomorrow’s leadersto look beyond the horizon and create a better future.ANDERSON.UCLA.EDU005-54 labj20210510 fullpages.indd 255/4/21 6:34 PM
26 LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL – CUSTOM CONTENTMAY 10, 2021MBA & MASTER’S GUIDECalifornia State University, Northridge David Nazarian College of Business and EconomicsThe part-time evening MBA program atCSUN’s David Nazarian College of Businessand Economics offers working professionals the opportunity to invest in their futureand secure their careers. The Nazarian MBAprogram is not simply education offered “to”students, but an educational experience “with”students. Professionalsare admitted to theMBAprogram because theirSPOTLIGHTwork experience offersinsight into what faculty members teach. The program’s mission is toproduce innovative leaders who: Apply knowledge and create strategies tomanage dynamic environments. Contribute sustainable value to their organization, industry, and community. Integrate theory and experiential learningto benefit career networks and trajectories.FLEXIBLE RELEVANCEClasses are held Monday through Thursdayfrom 7:00-10:00 p.m., and occasional Saturdays.Students typically take two courses per semesterand typically complete MBA coursework inabout 2 years. Students without an undergraduate degree in business or a GCBA must complete 15 units of foundation-level classes. Completion times range from two years to five years,as students reduce or accelerate their academicload commensurate with career and familydemands. Elective offerings focus on providingrelevant topics that help differentiate a studentin their workplace and add career value.GCBAIn the Graduate Certificate of BusinessAdministration program, students who do nothave an undergraduate in business, master essential business skills in a one-year, part-time evening, and Saturday cohort program. The GMATis not required for admission to the GCBA program. Some GCBA students choose to enter theNazarian MBA program, while others meet theirbusiness-skills and knowledge goals with thecertificate program alone. The GCBA may beparticularly attractive for individuals who havebeen away from academia for awhile and want toacquire foundation skills in business.CSUNThe Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education College Ranking 2021 reports CSUNas the university with the second-most diverselearning environment in the nation. Locatedon a beautiful 365-acre campus, CSUN isthe fourth-largest university in California. It’s340,000 alumni include prominent businessleaders, such as the famed businessman andentrepreneur for whom the business college wasnamed after, David Nazarian. CSUN is wherestudents rise and take their knowledge to newheights.Learn more at OF INSTITUTIONCalifornia State University, NorthridgeNAME OF BUSINESS SCHOOL OR PROGRAMDavid Nazarian College of Businessand EconomicsBUSINESS SCHOOL DEANChandra SubramaniamYEAR INSTITUTION WAS FOUNDED1958YEAR BUSINESS SCHOOL OR PROGRAM WAS STARTED1958TOTAL MBA ENROLLMENT (ALL PLATFORMS OFFERED)182MBA PLATFORMS OFFEREDOn-Campus(currently virtual due to COVID-19)MBA AREAS OF EMPHASIS OFFEREDContemporary curriculum with relevantand topical electivesLENGTH OF PROGRAMS24-30 months (2 to 2.5 years)PROGRAM CAMPUS OPTIONSPart-time EveningPROGRAM ACCREDITATIONSAACSB, WASC023 41 MBA Guide.indd 26RANKINGS 2021 – Best Business SchoolBest On-Campus MBA–Princeton Review 2020 – Best Colleges for BusinessMajors – Money MagazineTOTAL COST OF MBA In-state tuition: 25,000- 36,000 Out of state: 42,000- 60,000REQUIRED TESTINGGMAT/GRE (waiver applicationsavailable)UPCOMING INFORMATION SESSIONS July 8, 2021 August 5, 2021APPLICATION DEADLINES Spring 2022: 10/1/21 Fall 2022: 5/1/22PROGRAM CONTACT 677-24675/6/21 3:43 PM
MAY 10, 2021CUSTOM CONTENT – LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL 27Faculty expertise and student experience coalesceto produce innovative leaders who:CSUN’s David Nazarian College of Business andEconomics offers a part-time evening MBA programdesigned for working professionals to manageinnovation in the digital world. Apply knowledge and create strategies to managedynamic environments Contribute sustainable value to their organization,industry, and community Integrate theory and experiential learning tobenefit career networks and trajectories(818) 677-2467CSUN.EDU/MBA005-54 labj20210510 fullpages.indd 274/30/21 7:56 AM
28 LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL – CUSTOM CONTENTMAY 10, 2021MBA & MASTER’S GUIDEPepperdine UniversityGraziadio Business SchoolPepperdine Graziadio’s mission is to developstudents into Best for the World Leadersthrough experiential-based learning thatis not only ethical in focus, but also global inorientation.By making a positive impact on students,they will be equipped to go out into the worldand do the same – turning small ripples intosignificant waves. The Pepperdine GraziadioBusiness School proudly offers a diverse rangeof full-time, part-time, executive, and C-levelgraduate degree programs. From its nationallyrecognized MBA andspecialized master’s proMBAgrams to their executiveSPOTLIGHTdoctorate and a bachelor’s degree completiondegree, the school provides options tailored toany career stage, schedule, academic interest,and professional aspiration. Each of PepperdineGraziadio’s programs offer an unparalleled experience through experiential learning with anemphasis on real-world application, small classsizes that allow for personalized mentorship fromindustry renowned faculty, and access to a growing global alumni network of over 43,000.In addition to top-ranked business degrees,students have a wide-range of networking andlearning opportunities available. Graziadio’sevents cover a comprehensive range of industryrelevant topics, bringing in leading executivesand entrepreneurs to share their insights. TheDean’s Executive Leadership event series is justone of the prominent events that features seniorexecutive and thought-leader speakers fromtop organizations who share real world successstories that reflect the ethical business modelstaught at the school. Alumni events includecareer development, networking, and lifelonglearning opportunities.NAME OF INSTITUTIONPepperdine UniversityNAME OF BUSINESS SCHOOL OR PROGRAMPepperdine Graziadio Business SchoolBUSINESS SCHOOL DEANDean Deryck van RensburgYEAR INSTITUTION WAS FOUNDED1937YEAR BUSINESS SCHOOL OR PROGRAM WAS STARTED1969TOTAL MBA ENROLLMENT (ALL PLATFORMS OFFERED)Full-time programs MBA: 131Part-time and executive programs MBA:1023*As of Fall 2020MBA PLATFORMS OFFEREDPart-Time MBA (evening and weekend),Full-Time MBA, Executive MBA (fortenured professionals), Presidents and KeyExecutives MBA (for C-suite, senior, andexecutive levels), Joint Bachelor’s and MBAPathway (MBAJ), Joint MBA Options (JD/MBA, MBA/MPP)MBA AREAS OF EMPHASIS OFFERED Business Analytics Digital Innovation and InformationSystems Dispute Resolution Entertainment,Media, and Sports Management023 41 MBA Guide.indd 28Unique to Graziadio is the Center forWomen in Leadership (CWL) which providesmentoring, networking, and skills developmentprograms dedicated to empowering studentsto reach their full potential and contribute tothe overall conversation around women inleadership. Additionally, for those interested incorporate citizenship and sustainability, the Pepperdine Graziadio certificate in Socially, Environmentally, and Ethically Responsible (SEER)business strategy allows students to complementtheir MBA with courses and activities that willempower them to be more mindful leaders andentrepreneurs.Founded in 1969, the Graziadio BusinessSchool at Pepperdine University is dedicated Entrepreneurship Finance Leadership and Managing OrganizationalChange MarketingLENGTH OF PROGRAMSDuration depends on the specific program astudent selects. Some programs take as little12 months to complete, while others are moreflexible, allowing students up to seven yearsto finish their degree.PROGRAM CAMPUS OPTIONSMalibu, West Los Angeles, Irvine, Calabasas,Encino, and OnlinePROGRAM ACCREDITATIONSAssociation to Advance Collegiate Schools ofBusiness (AACSB) and Western Associationof Schools and Colleges (WSCUC)RANKINGSFull-Time MBA: U.S. News & World Report:No. 68 Best Full-Time MBA Nationwide Forbes: No. 61 Best Business School Princeton Review: #9 Most CompetitiveStudents in USPart-Time MBA: U.S. News & World Report:#73 Best Part-Time MBA Nationwide#12 Faith Based School in the nation#3 Faith Based School in Californiato shaping leaders who will contribute to thebetterment of business practice. This intentionis embodied in the school’s mission, its founder’s and benefactor’s points of view, and a dailycommitment to hallmarks of entrepreneurship,integrity, and academic excellence.The Pepperdine Graziadio Business Schoolwas endowed by, and takes its name from,George L. Graziadio Jr., in 1996. Graziadio’score values are anchored in integrity, couragewith compassion, a pioneering spirit, andaction taken “today not tomorrow.” This ethoscontinues to be reflected in the program offerings to this day.With an entrepreneurial spirit, andanchored in integrity and innovation, theschool advances applied learning in smallclasses that deepen connections and stimulatecritical thinking. Pepperdine Graziadio’s faculty inspires students to think boldly and drivemeaningful change, and to realize their greatestpotential as values-centered, Best for the WorldLeaders – professionals who apply educational,spiritual, and ethical approaches to positivelyimpact the lives of their colleagues, customersand communities.Programs are offered in-person at campusesin Malibu, West Los Angeles, Irvine, Encino,Calabasas, and online.Learn more about becoming a Best for the WorldLeader by visiting Private School in California#15 Part Time MBA West Coast RankingExecutive MBA:CEO Magazine: No. 33 Best MBA in theWorld, Tier One Executive MBA amongNorth American ProgramsOnline MBA: U.S. News & World Report: No. 26 BestOnline MBA Program and No.17 BestOnline MBA Programs for Veterans Fortune: No.13 Online MBA inthe NationTOTAL COST OF MBACost varies by program and scholarships andfinancial aid are available.REQUIRED TESTINGRequired testing varies by program. Pleasecontact a recruitment advisor to learn more.UPCOMING INFORMATION SESSIONSFull-Time Programs Information Session Friday, 6/4/2021PTMBA/BS in Management VirtualClassroom Experience - Saturday, 06/12/2021Executive Programs Fireside Chat Wednesday, 06/16/2021EMBA & PKE Alumni Panel Event Wednesday, 06/16/2021APPLICATION DEADLINESPart-Time MBA Fall ‘21 Final Deadline: July12, 2021Full-Time MBA Fall ‘22 Final Deadline: April26, 2021Executive MBA and PKE MBA Fall ‘21 FinalDeadline: July 5, 2021PROGRAM CONTACT INFORMATIONPart-Time MBA Contact Info: KarenJackson, Executive Director of Recruitment(310) 568-5731karen.jackson@pepperdine.eduFull-Time MBA Contact Info:Kandace Phyall, Full-Time Programs, Director(310) 568-5637kandace.phyall@pepperdine.eduExecutive MBA and Presidents and KeyExecutives (PKE) Contact Info:Pearl QuintanaAssociate Director Presidents & KeyExecutives and Executive MBA(323) 901-3109pearl.quintana@pepperdine.edu5/6/21 3:44 PM
MAY 10, 2021CUSTOM CONTENT – LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL 29AN MBATHAT FITSYOUPepperdine Graziadio offers full-time,part-time, and executive MBA degreeoptions to meet your unique personaland professional needs. You’ll receivean unparalleled experience throughexperiential learning, small classes,and hands-on mentorship fromindustry-leading ON-CAMPUS online hybridBEST FOR THE WORLD LEADERS005-54 labj20210510 fullpages.indd 29Malibu Calabasas West LA Encino Irvine5/4/21 6:34 PM
30 LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL – CUSTOM CONTENTMAY 10, 2021MBA & MASTER’S GUIDECal Poly Pomona College of BusinessCalifornia Polytechnic University, Pomona,(CPP) with its 1400 acre of campus, andbeautiful rolling hills and gardens is amongone of the best public universities in SouthernCalifornia. As a polytechnic university knownfor its learn-by-doing philosophy, CPP preparesthe students to meet the relevant workforcedemands and become the future leaders in various industries. The university is in close proximity to Los Angeles and fortune 500 industriessuch as Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon,Amazon, and Sysco etc.Cal Poly Pomonastudents receive outMBAstanding educationSPOTLIGHTwith an affordable tuition. Cal Poly Pomonais a WSCUC accredited university, and itsgraduate business degree programs are AACSBaccredited which puts the College of Business inthe top five percent of the world’s 13,000 business schools.Business Analytics is one of the fastest g
May 10, 2021 · UCLA-NUS Executive MBA: PROGRAM CONTACT INFORMATION UCLA Anderson School of Management 110 Westwood Plaza Los Angeles, CA 90095 Full-time MBA: (310) 825-6944 FEMBA: (310) 825-2632 EMBA: (310) 825-2032 UCLA-NUS