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Humongous book of cartooning pdf downloads windows 10 download- Don't reset the start location for search when a search finds zero results. - Add an advanced pref to swap find next/find previous behavior (since the default does not conform to macOS norms) - Buttons in modal alerts now all have keyboard shortcuts. Show Changelog Hide Changelog 3.5.0beta1 New Features - Add support for filtering: this hidesall lines not matching a search query to facilitate browsing logs. - Semantic history now recognizes visual studio code-style "filename[line, column]" references. Now it's just one. - Make the git status bar component more reliable. - Fix a bug where tmux integration didn't work on OpenBSD. - Don't redraw the whole window every time the mousemoves. - New advanced pref: Fraction of character’s width on its right side that can be used to select the character to its right. - Remember the next/previous pane navigation order of sessions when maximizing/unmaximizing. - Make Reset, whether user initiated or with RIS escape sequence, return to the primary buffer when in alternate screenmode. - Fix a bug where control page up/down would move the wrong scrollview when there are split panes. SHA-256 of the zip file is e664e095852ae4 iTerm2 3.4.0 (OS 10.14 ) This is the recommended build for most users. - Make the tab bar look prettier in Monterey. Toggling it willenable/disable the setting only for the current tab. Show Changelog Hide Changelog 3.4.0beta6 Improvements - You can press cmd-B to toggle broadcasting in the password manager. SHA-256 of the zip file is 657a69badcaf8a iTerm2 3.1.6beta5 (OS 10.10 ) This is the recommended betabuild for most users. - Python API scripts can now change the font. * Double-tap of a modifier key can open a hotkey window. - Fix rendering of double-struck bold. - Fix a bug where cmd-clicking on a file with a line number wouldn't work if it was set to open with the default app. Show Changelog Hide Changelog 3.1.beta.5 New features: - Adds anew touch bar item to show status (e.g., git branch). - Fix a memory leak of inline images when restoring windows after restarting the app. - Fix a bug where sessions would be stuck after exiting copy mode until they received new input. - Fix a bug where editing text fields in Trigger prefs would lose your input when switching to another field. Semantic history can now open file:line:column in VSCode. - Python API scripts are now run through the user's shell so they'll have the right PATH, in case they want to spawn subprocesses. SHA-256 of the zip file is 29c12610b3ddf9 iTerm2 3.3.3 (OS 10.12 ) This is the recommended build formost users. - Fixes crash on cmd-click to invoke smart selection action. Show Changelog Hide Changelog 3.1.6beta1 This release features support for a new GPU-based renderer. - You can now importa nd export snippets. Visuals - Underlines can now have a custom color. Show Changelog Hide Changelog 3.4.7beta2 - Fix a bug where the GPUrenderer would draw the wrong part of history when receiving input. - When a script archive is placed in the Scripts folder offer to install it. - Improve rendering of characters with multiple combining marks. - Fix line wrapping of multi-line badges. - Change "Open in current space" for hotkey windows to move the hotkey window to the current space ifit's already open on another space when the hotkey is pressed. It contains fixes for macOS Sierra, security improvements, bug fixes, and it fixes a crash. - Make smart selection work with double-width characters. * Fix a bug where a split pane could become less than 2 columns wide, and then crazy things happen. - Provide a modified termcap thatadvertises Setulc (underline color support) for xterm-256color. - "Select Current Command" works while the command is running - Fix a bug where the offer to turn off paste bracketing didn't actually turn off paste bracketing. - When HTML titles are enabled, remove the tags from various places like notifications. SHA-256 of the zip file 53fdb15fb1db5148 iTerm2 3.2.7 (OS 10.12 ) This is the recommended build for most users. Built on January 20, 2020. - You'll be offered to repair saved arrangements with bad initial working directories. Issue 4272 - Fix a bug where renaming a profile while the profile list view is sortedalphabetically would change the selected profile. SHA-256 of the zip file is ca3c91abd857e7 iTerm2 3.3.7beta2 (OS 10.12 ) This is the recommended beta build for most users. - Improve performance when there is a network mount. - Add support for scripts to subscribe to variable changesin all windows. Improvements - Add reordering and multiple selection to the Actions toolbelt tool. - Add "Convert Matches to Selections" menu item. Things Made Worse - The shorcut for "Zoom" (making a window fill the screen) changed to Cmd-Shift-0. - Fix how automatic profile switching handles a rule with a hostname of "*". SHA-256 of the zip fileis 5f1c396495b574 iTerm2 3.0.12 beta (OS 10.8 ) This is the recommended beta build for most users. - Pass -q to login if /.hushlogin exists. Everyone has to upgrade to the newest version of the Python runtime. - Add "Add Trigger" menu item, which lets you quickly create a highlighttrigger. - Fix a bug where tags weren't visible in toolbelt profiles on 10.13. Built on June 28, 2016. Tab Bar - Improve accessibility of the tab bar--tabs are now selectable with accessibility. SHA-256 of the zip file is 595ab4fcf68544 iTerm2 3.1.2 (OS 10.10 ) This is the recommended build formost users. - Fix a bug where toolbelt tables could be truncated on the bottom. Use the default presentation always. - Work around bugs in post-1.8 tmux protocol - Split long send-keys commands into sub-1024-byte chunks to avoid crashing tmux 1.8 - Fix problem where you can't open a tmux tab/window while not in a tmux window. - Hide tab closebutton on small tabs to prevent accidental closure. - Prevent rich text from being pasted into the Notes tool. - Fix a bug where three-finger drag was broken. - Add support for a custom CSI code: CSI 1337 n. - Disable Metal renderer when not connected to power. - Fix a bug where the dock got hidden on the wrong screen when entering full screen.This fixes a problem where pip3 would sometimes fail. - The GPU renderer now draws a frame at least every half second to prevent a brief hang after inactivity. - Visual improvements to the Appearance prefs tab. - Respect System "Prefs Dock Prefer tabs when opening documents". 3.4.7beta1 - Fix a regression where clicking on an inactive splitpane while iTerm2 is not the active app didn't focus it. - Fix a bug where OSC codes would sometimes not be parsed correctly and would change the title instead. - Don't crash when we're sent an inline file with no or invalid data. - Add commandLine variable in session scope that is the current job plus arguments. - Add title bars to split panes thatshow the title. Bug Fixes: - Fix zoom follows cursor accessibility mode support. Turn it off so that the window size stays fixed as the font grows or shrinks (thanks, keeyipchan!). - Visual improvements. New Features - You can now set a custom tab title on a profile - There is a new profile preference to configure whether mouse reporting of clicks anddrags are allowed. Bug Fixes - Show the tab's label, not the current session's name, in the tabview tooltip. - Don't underline null characters, and fix a bug where underlined characters weren't always drawn correctly in the presence of non-ASCII characters. - When new search results appear after the find on page query is entered allow them to benavigated to with find next/previous. - Your theme will be changed to "Automatic" and will follow the system's light/dark theme. - Fix a crash when a shell integration-reported hostname has a leading dot or two consecutive dots in its name. - When you double-click on a directory in the Recent Directories tool, escape special characters when writing itto the terminal. - Fix a bug where clicking the dock icon while the tip of the day was open wouldn't open a new window. - Tweak how command history is sorted. - Fix a bug where the cursor was advanced one position more than it should have been after showing an image. - Fix a bug where cmd-0 did not restore the original font size in tmuxintegration. - Add an advanced pref to allow tabs to wrap around. It contains a bunch of bug fixes, including fixes for a crasher. - Fix a crash in lines with just the right number of fullwidth marks. - When semantic history is configured to run a command and the command fails, you can now see the output. - Fix a bug where secure copy drop targetswere not visible when using the GPU renderer. Show Changelog Hide Changelog 3.3.12beta2 This is a bugfix release for 3.3.11. - Fix a bug where on Big Sur transparency doesn't work with background images. Version 3.4.11 was short-lived and its release notes are included below. - Improve messaging when downloading a file with scp. This willprobably break your code if you relied on it. - Fix a bug where window buttons were hidden when entering native full screen. It had been turned off by default in 3.1.1. Please see this URL for more information: New features: - Add a "Copy Password" item to the password manager's right-click menu Bug fixes: - Prevents High Sierra's native tabs fromaffecting iTerm2 windows. It no longer forgets it is a hotkey window. - Allow Python scripts to launch even it the user's shell doesn't exist. Built on September 22, 2019. - Disable automatic spelling correction, dash substitution, quote substitution, data detection, and link detection for advanced paste. Bug Fixes - Fix a bug where windows are notmovable after exiting native full screen. - Improve decimal/hex conversion in context menu. - Use SRGB for OSC 6 ; 1 ; bg ; red ; brightness ; Pc ST. Built on September 9, 2020. - Add a new proprietary escape sequence to set unicode version. Bug Fixes - Remove gray bar that appeared in native full screen with one tab and no tab bar. The color pickeruses P3 and control sequences that accept a color space now accept p3. - Fix a few crashes. New features: - Add an advanced preference to disable the status bar icon. - Add support for CSI 12 h and CSI 12 l to set local echo on or off. - tmux integration now remembers which windows had the toolbelt open. - Replace control characters in titles withcaret letter instead of ?. New Features: - Add an advanced setting to disable wraparound in directional split pane navigation. - Add a menu item to the Toolbelt menu to save the current toolbelt's width as the default. - Fix a bug when exiting tmux integration mode with a buried gateway session in a hotkey window. - Improve disable animations forpassword manager (it didn't always work). - iTerm reports itself as a VT200 supporting Sixel in response to DA1. - Replace the system font picker with an easier to use custom one. - Add a new proprietary escape sequence to customize touch bar function key labels. Show Changelog Hide Changelog iTerm2 version 3.3.6 This build fixes a serioussecurity issue. Show Changelog Hide Changelog iTerm2 version 3.3.5beta3 New Features - New advanced pref to disable bottom line of tabbar for low-budget Minimal theme on 10.12 and 10.13. Seems like something outside my control is stepping on memory. 3.3.10 Security Improvements - Improves the method for gaining authorization to runPython scripts launched from outside iTerm2. - Make upload/download menu items look good in dark mode. - Don't show a line between the titlebar and tabbar in Big Sur. - Fix a bug where SCP would fail you have had a private key to authenticate with but not the corresponding public key. Built on July 28, 2018. - Fix various memory leaks. - Whenopening the password manager from a trigger, reveal the session before showing the sheet. - Improve appearance of function call status bar component. Show Changelog Hide Changelog iTerm2 version 3.2.3beta2 Bug fixes: ---------- - Fix bug that broke subpixel antialiasing on macOS 10.13. - Fix vertical alignment of images in git status barcomponents on 10.15 vs previous beta. Built on March 5, 2018. - Restore tmux window locations better when burying the attaching window. More info here: - Add "coprocesses." A coprocess is a process, such as a script, that receives input from a terminal and whose output is fed into the terminal session as though the user were typing it. - Fix a bugwhere the list of color presets was not visible when binding a keystroke to change the color preset. Show Changelog Hide Changelog 3.4.2beta1 - Fix a bug where smart selection actions in the context menu were disabled. - Fix a crash on launch if /.config/iterm2 is not able to be created and is not already a directory. - Tweak insets of stoplightbuttons. - Performance improvements for non-GPU renderer when there are lots of different colors at once. - Respect the local time format in timestamps. - Fix a bug where sessions always terminate immediately. Show Changelog Hide Changelog 3.3.11beta1 This is a bugfix release for 3.3.10, which was short-lived. - The default scheme for URLswhen you cmd-click is now https rather than http. Issue 4309. - Prevent repeated Print control sequences from locking up a session. - Focus follows mouse now steals keypresses when another app is active and the mouse is over an iTerm2 window. - Make double-clicking in command history or recent directories tool change focus to the session. SHA256 of the zip file is 2d37830e0e89a0 iTerm2 3.1.beta.3 (OS 10.10 ) This is the third beta of 3.1. Compared to 3.0.x, it contains many new features. - Improve rendering on glyphs with multiple combining marks. Tmux integration bug fixes: - Fix bug where new tmux windows would open in atab - Support an optional flag at the end of %begin and %end to fix post-tmux 1.8 bug - Fix bug where dragging a split pane to the left in tmux doesn't resize anything - Make cmd-t and cmd-w open a tmux window/tab if the current session is tmux - Work around bug in tmux 1.8 where unlink-window will print %exit without %end - Turn off tmuxverbose logging - Fix bug where dragging a tmux split vertically computes the wrong splitter index and wrong distance moved, probably beacuse convertPointFromBase: does crazy things on retina - Fix bug where tmux window jumps to its previous coordinate when layout changes. - Add support for C1 control codes when the encoding is ASCII orLatin-1. - When known, the current git branch is used as a search feature in Open Quickly. Show Changelog Hide Changelog Other Changes: - The setting "Open tmux windows as tabs in existing window" no longer applies to new tmux integration windows you create after attaching. Improvements: - Network filesystems can not hang the UI anymore. - Python scripts can now repeatedly try connecting to the app if it is not running. - Make "redraw the screen after the clear buffer menu item is selected" more reliable. - Adjust position of the Tip of the Day slightly. - Fix a bug where closing a tmux integration window with many tabs would send garbage to the command line of the attachingsession. - Offer to detach after closing the last tmux tab. - When selecting a tag from the "tags" view, use the tag: operator to restrict the search term to tags. Actions are similar to key binding actions, but can be invoked from the toolbelt, status bar, or Edit menu. SHA-256 of the zip file 3342f4109e8111b8 iTerm2 3.3.0beta14 (OS 10.12 ) This is the recommended beta build for most users. Major bug fixes: - Fix a memory leak. - Fix a bug where tmux integration would disconnect immediately. Continue to acccept cmd-enter as well. - Performance is greatly improved by parsingthe incoming bytes off the main thread. Bug fixes in beta 6: - Fix a bug where you couldn't reliably start a tmux integration session immediately after one ends. - Allow windows without a title bar to be miniaturized. Bug fixes: - Fix a bug where keyboard shortcuts stopped working for some users in the profiles panel. - Improve the appearance of tabtitles on non-retina displays in Mojave when subpixel antialiasing is enabled. - Hostnames now accept * as a wiledcard for Automatic Profile Switching. Quickly search them by recent commands, directories, current host name, profile name, and more with the Open Quickly feature. - Fix a crash on 10.13. - Don't crash if /.config/iterm2, /.iterm2, and /.iterm2-1 cannot be created/used as writable directories. Built on December 27, 2020. - Tweak the status icon (shown in the menu bar when you've excluded iTerm2 from the dock) to have a more modern design. - Improve performance of splitting panes with Python API. - Fix a buffer overrun. - Fix shift-return in profiles window to open a windowinstead of a tab. - Fix bug where red/yellow/green window buttons were hidden when a compact window goes full screen. - Fix a bug when overwriting the second half of a double-width character. - Fix a bug where two custom status bar components or title providers could not run concurrently if their callbacks had the same signature. 3.2.2beta1 wasvery short-lived. - Fix color of tab bar text on Big Sur. - imgcat has a bunch of new options. - Offer to turn off mouse reporting when the current host changes. - Improve color of titlebar separator. - Search results, marks, and annotations are now indicated in the scroll bar. - Fix a bug where /bin/login wasn't run if you had a custom starting directoryfor a profile. - Turn off paste bracketing and other undesirable terminal state when relaunching a session. - Add a new proprietary escape sequence to show fireworks at the cursor. Updates to Semantic History: - Treat IP addresses and hostnames with at least two components as URLs for semantic history. - Add crlf after sixel image. - AddlogFilename variable to session scope. Bug fixes: - Fix a bug where hotkey windows could appear under the menu bar on secondary display. - Fix a bug where copying a session's setting to a profile showed the wrong name in the confirmation alert. Bug Fixes - Fix discrepancy between GPU and legacy renderer for marks. - Preserve the selected weightwhen changing typeface, when possible. Bug Fixes - Fix a bug where some input was dropped in tmux integration. - Sometimes, "show next/previous tab" would appear as a grayed out menu item under Window. - Remove content shadow to fix ghosting issue with transparent windows. - Fix how 0-valued parameters to DECSTBM were handled. - Fix abug where windows didn't have shadows when the visual effect view advanced setting was on. are running" to profiles-sessions. - Fix a bug where restored windows would lose their connection to the title provider. - Fix a bug where percentages in imgcat didn't work. - Add a setting to Edit Session to prevent Automatic Profile Switching from affectingthat setting. SHA-256 of the zip file is e2cb6aae0758e5 iTerm2 3.3.0beta13 (OS 10.12 ) This is the recommended beta build for most users. - Fix a bug where arrangements created with tabs that were created using "new tab using same profile" would not restore with the same settings. - Fixoverly long underlines in GPU renderer. - Fix a crash when selecting VS Code Insiders in semantic history as the default editor. - Fix a bug where "the bell is ringing" notification can't be permanently hidden. Show Changelog Hide Changelog iTerm2 version 3.3.3 New Features - Holding Option while dragging a tab now drags the window. iTerm2version 3.3.0beta14 Improvements - Allow Highlight triggers with "Instant" enabled to fire more than once per line. SHA-256 of the zip file is c7516e3353c31d iTerm2 3.2.0 (OS 10.12 ) This is the recommended build for most users. - Fix various crashes. Show Changelog Hide Changelog3.4.5 New Features: - Add preference to allow/disallow apps changing the function of the option keys with a control sequence. Security Improvements - The security model for the Python API has changed. - Update to the latest version of Sparkle, version 1.14. - Rename the Back in Time action to Start Instant Replay - Remove local help; just link to thewebsite instead. - Draw the label "Tab Color" in the tab context menu in white when using the dark theme. - Fixes a bug where the full screen tab bar could be inset on the left. - Fix a bug where the "you must restart" alert shown when you toggle discrete GPU was not dismissable. Marquee Features: ----------------- - Add touch bar support. SHA-256 ofthe zip file is 92994faf087a6f iTerm2 3.2.2 (OS 10.12 ) This build fixes serious bugs in 3.2.1 and is recommended for all users. Show Changelog Hide Changelog - Fix a crash when toggling the "hotkey window hides when focus is lost" box. - Semantic history (cmd-clicking on a filename)used to search the filesystem on the main thread which could cause hangs (such as on slow network filesystems). - Fix a bug where selecting case-insensitive regex in search would incorrectly put a checkmark next to "erase search history." - Fix a bug where the working directory wasn't detected if insecure control sequences were disabled. Bug fixes Fix a bug where secure keyboard entry was not enabled immediately after the app launches. - Fix rendering of ASCII text with the GPU renderer for fonts whose descenders go unusually low, like Iosevka Light. SHA-256 of the zip file is ebb478eb51ad28 iTerm2 3.4.0beta5 (OS 10.14 ) This isthe recommended beta build for most users. - Fix the frame of the hotkey window when there's another terminal window in lion fullscreen on a different desktop. - Fix a bug where an alert box could cause a hotkey window to hide. - Use secure copy to download files selected with cmd-click on a filename on a remote host and OSC 8 URLs with a file:scheme and a host part. - Fix prefs search UI in macOS 10.12 and 10.13. - Fix occasional disconnect when typing in tmux integration. New features: - Support the "frontmost" applescript property. Compared to the previous 3.1 beta, it contains a number of bug fixes and a handful of new features. - Ensure the session title background and the title barhave the same color when navigating among split panes. - Fix a bug where the broken pipe red lines would disappear sometimes. You can use the following to verify the zip file on -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 38e9946342fb2a -----BEGIN PGP FtKrAUCYXhk4AAKCRB0Et0TaFtK rMRNAQC/tyK3PoHRtSnQvg uzoTfwQ7VY7BTsDhD20NPv 6lWQEAsuYmgMyC0HVf b4oAFh3AUsKz4YylkXjSjQc7fG3DMTA v2UJ -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- iTerm2 3.4.11 (OS 10.14 ) This is the recommended build for most users. - Close the man page window(opened when tapping the man page button on the touch bar) when man quits. - Fix bugs where the cursor was in the wrong place after restoring a session. Show Changelog Hide Changelog iTerm2 version 3.2.6beta1 Bug fixes: - Fix a bug where the password manager would reveal a password when you switch to another app and back whileediting the password. - Fix a bug where double-clicking on the title bar of a split pane that's not active would maximize the wrong pane. It's off by default and still in development, but you can try it out if you like. SHA-256 of the zip file is 215056ed91f42f iTerm2 3.1.6beta2 (OS 10.10 ) This isthe recommended beta build for most users. - Fix a bug where smart cursor color didn't use the right neighbors as input. - Improve legibility of tab labels in the Minimal theme. - Fixes a bug where the window shrinks when splitting a tab in a 1-tab window. - Update window and tab titles immediately after getting an OSC 0, 1, or 2 control sequence.You can right click in Finder to launch iTerm2 in that location. - Fixes a bug where the app would hang when a networked file system was in use. - Add an advanced preference to configure the downloads directory. - Fix bug where iTerm2 hangs on a broken pipe sometimes. * Various visual improvements. Issue 4308. - Allow switching to a pane, tab,or window by modifier number even on keyboards like AZERTY which require a modifier to press a number (but you don’t need to press that modifier, just the one configured in Prefs Keys). - Aesthetic improvements to the tabbar on big sur to look more like system tabs. - Add hidden boolean preference "ExperimentalOptimizationsEnabled", whichspeeds up screen drawing. ------------------------------------------------- Release notes for 3.3.0: New Features - A Python scripting API has been added to enable extensive configuration and customization. Fix it. Terminal emulation changes: - Add a new proprietary escape sequence to copy embedded base64 data to pasteboard. SHA-256 of the zip file 335f9a8b3621fb4e iTerm2 3.3.0beta15 (OS 10.12 ) This is the recommended beta build for most users. - Do not report a two-finger click as a left mouse button click. - Add a warning not to use Pragmata Pro non-antialiased. - Fix a memory leak when displaying non-ASCII characters. - MigrateToolbelt Notes from 2.x versions of iTerm2. SHA-256 of the zip file is 1dfa2b98072cc2 iTerm2 3.2.0beta3 (OS 10.10 ) This is the recommended beta build for most users. - The hostname status bar component now has the ability to abbreviate the local host name to a configurable string.Other improvements - Rename advanced pref "Should the directional focus hotkeys wrap" to "Should split pane navigation by direction wrap around?" - Consider { and } as shell characters to escape SHA-256 of the zip file is 1a2f9684eded39 iTerm2 3.2.0beta7 (OS 10.12 ) This is therecommended beta build for most users. - Add 'New Window (Default Profile)' to dock menu. - Fix a crash that happens when doing a find and part of the history scrolls off at just the wrong time. - Fix a bug where a floating hotkey window appears beneath other apps' fullscreen windows after toggling full screen. - Detect when triggers create aperformance problem and offer to disable them in interactive apps. A sticky rule begins with ! and will stay in effect after its rules no longer match (provided no other APS rule matches). - Fix a bug in rendering inline images that are a fixed number of cells tall. New features in beta 7: - Copy images when using "Copy with Styles" - More options forwhen to use thin text strokes. - Fix a bug where URLs with ports were sometimes not recognized. You are urged to upgrade. SHA-256 of the zip file is 9113b3a47ee234 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- 0x0u3KLv8x71FAD7BoQr TQ0C00C UJ/Bts/0r2GB/204M1P9 AUBa 48QP4 44eO -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- iTerm2 3.4.4beta1 (OS 10.14 ) This is the recommended beta build for most users. - Fix spurious tab activity icon/spinner. - Add a new advanced setting to control how many bytes ofcontext are used in semantic history. SHA-256 of the zip file is 465f3f7a965aa2 iTerm2 3.2.5beta1 (OS 10.12 ) This is the recommended beta build for most users. - Minimum Contrast no longer applies to box- and block-drawing characters. Built on October 2, 2018. - Fix crashes, includingwhen using fixed-size spacer in status bar. Show Changelog Hide Changelog Bug fixes: - If you change the preferred screen of a profile with a hotkey window, it will now take effect immediately (used to have to close and re-create the window) - The app-wide hotkey now switches back to the prevous app when iTerm2 has a native fullscreenwindow. - Add the ability to restore an arrangement as one or more tabs. Changes from the beta-only 3.0.6: Bug fixes: - Fix a crash on 10.9 and earlier when tabs don't have close buttons and a tab has a long title. - Fix animation of hotkey windows when there are multiple screens. - Use the background color of inactive sessions to determine the splitpane divider color. - Option-click in scrollback history should not try to move the cursor. - Allow OSC 4 to set color of first 16 palette entries. iTerm2 beta (OS 10.6 , Intel-only) This is the recommended beta build for most users. Bug fixes - Fix a bug where the title bar color was wrong. - macOS Monterey support. - Fix a bug wheredeleting dynamic profiles while iTerm2 is not running fails to remove them from the list of profiles. Bug fixes - Fix a bug where automatic log files had the wrong tab number in the filename. You can now configure them separately and select what information is shown per profile. - Hide subpixel antialiasing UI on big sur because Apple took it awayfrom us :( Bug Fixes - Full screen windows in the Minimal or Compact theme did not used to get restored properly and now they do. The syntax is: OSC 8 ; params ; url ST params is zero or more colon-delimited key value strings. - Draw arcs and diagonal lines in favor of the glyphs in the typeface so everything lines up nice and pretty. - Fix a bugwhere session title provider functions wouldn't always have their results displayed. Show Changelog Hide Changelog iTerm2 version 3.2.1beta5 This is the second release can

Humongous book of cartooning pdf downloads windows 10 download - Don't reset the start location for search when a search finds zero results. - Add an advanced pref to swap find next/find previous behavior (since the default does not conform to macOS norms) - Buttons in modal alerts now all have keyboard shortcuts. Show Changelog Hide Changelog 3.5.0beta1 New Features - Add support for .