Book Of Magic, With Instructions For Invoking Spirits, Etc .


Book of magic, with instructions forinvoking spirits, etc. (ca. 1577-1583)Folger SHAKESPEARE LIBRARY manuscript V.b.26Transcription by Joseph H. Peterson and Dan Harms, copyright 2015.This is a verbatim transcript of the manuscript, with original spelling, punctuation, andcapitalization. It has been prepared as a compliment to images of the original manuscript availableat the Folger website (, as well as the printed edition by Llewellyn Worldwide, titledThe Book of Oberon (2015), available at Amazon and other booksellers. The printed editionincludes: Translation of all the LatinIllustrationsModernized spelling and punctuation for readabilityExtensive footnotes, bibliography, index, and commentary explaining the manyobscurities in the textEditorial principles used for this transcription: Errors in the original that should be ignored are indicated in , such as erroneousduplication of words.[] Original page numbers are shown in []. Missing text, where it can be reasonably deduced isincluded in [].[*] Corrected forms are thus indicated after the original form.[ ] Text supplied from parallel texts, or can be reasonably deduced to complete the sense ofthe passage.[sun], [moon], [aries], etc. for the common astrological symbol for the Sun, Moon, Aries ( , , ), etc.Abbreviations have been expanded. The most common are on (or om); ꝑ per; ꝓ pro,ꝙ que, ꝉ vel.Catchwords (words written in the lower margin of a page that repeats the first word on thefollowing page) are rarely used in the manuscript; these are not included in the transcription. (Thefirst few examples occur on pages 36, 41, 67, and 70.)Chi-Rho: The manuscript generally uses this common practice of abbreviating the name IesusChristus with Greek letters ΙΗS ΧΡ (Ιηs Χρ); these have been expanded.Corrections: Original corrections are generally noted.Decorated initials (Litterae florissae) are not indicated in the transcription. These wereapparently added later (19th ce).Drawings: All drawings are omitted from this transcription.Line fillers are not included.Marginalia: Generally indicated.Running titles are not included in transcription.

2A Book of Magic[Image 1 and 2 are the manuscript cover and spine; images 3-5 are blank][Notes]1[image 6]P 30 date 1577P 87 Agrippa II. c. XXIIP 91 Ramael, spirit of Venus (cf. P.L. II, 372)P 90 Asasiel, spirit of Jupiter (cf. P.L. I. 534, Azazel)P 83 UrielP 93 The list of heathen deities illustrates Milton’s habilitacion? of thewith ? in Paradise Lost (I. 362-375)P 165fallen angelsdate 1583MS enclosed in this book removed, and is Y. d. 70[images 7-8 are blank][image 9]E.H.W. Meyerstein2July 8, 1929.[image 10 is blank][15]OrationemFrom the Throne of thy maiesty, O most mightie Jehova, looke downe here belowe upon us, thyunworthie servaunte, & sonne of thy handmaied. Extend thy favour & pitty towards me as thoudiddest one David, Peeter, Marie Magdelen, & divers other sinners & offenders. Thincke not ohLord one the frailty of my youth & sins past, but in my contrition. Take mercie upon me; cleanse me& I shalbe cleane; wash me o Lord God & I shalbe whiter then snowe; purge me O Lord & I shalbepurged from all uniust & sinfull acts, for thou O Lord art pittifull of all pitties & mercifull of allmercies, God of all Gods & kinge of all kinges, & lord of all lords, the ruller & power of all powers,dominations, & all creatures in heaven, in earth, in hell, & in the seas, without beginninge withoutendinge, α et ω -- the first & the last. Whome thou savest are saved; what thou saiest is done, fornone can alter it. Even the same God art thou that madest all things & preservest all thinges. Thou12Written later, in pencil.Edward Harry William Meyerstein (1889-1952), whose poem “fairy lore” was written at the endof the manuscript.

Folger V.b.263art the same God which ffor their pride, disobedience, & presumption threwest downe the statelieaungells from their seate of glorie to their state of foule devills. Thou for the sinne of man diddestdrowne the whole world -- right onlie excepted. Thou confoundedst the language of all nations; thoubindest in the sea & hast set hir hir bonds which shee shall not passe, & hast ordeined to thineaungells that which they shall not goe beyond, nor breake their limits & bonde with out thy lysence.Thou gavest wisdome, gifts, & grace to men -- to learned & unlearned -- to thy 12 Apostelsknowled[ge] of tongues & power to caste out devills; to Sallomon wisedome; to Sainct Steevenfaith; to thy prophets, martirs, virgins, & confessors constancie; to Moyses & Aaron boldnes &Eloquence in speach. Thou art the onlie well & fountaine of all wisdome, grace, & goodnes. Thouthat hast promised “seeke & yee shall find; knocke & it shalbe opened; aske & ye shall receave.”Bowe downe thy eare O Lord unto me thy unworthy servant, for thy deare son’s sake, Christe Jesus.Saye unto me O Lord, “loe I give thee power over all cleane & uncleane spirits,” for I knowe OLord that thou hast power to doe it. Let not them nor anie of them be ablle to delude, contemne, orin anie wise disobay me, but as all spirits were through thy grace obedient to thy Apostles, to comeforth & obey their commaundements, soe graunte O sweete Jesu lambe of God that takest awaie thesins of the world, unto me thy unworthy yet true servaunt, the like grace, vertue, faith, wisedome,power, strengh, courage, & boldnes, that all such spirits which I shall either call or commaunde tocome, or to avoide out, or remove from anie place, may be by thy grace, vertue, & power, soeconstrained & forced to come, & to come forth, & avoide, to fulfill, & accomplish my will &commaundements to their uttermost power & dilligence, even as speedely as the walls of Jhericofell downe, after they were compassed of thy people 7 times, without stroke or force of man, onliein obedience of thy will they fell downe. So let thesse N & all such N fall downe, & avoide, & comefrom all places & coastes, & obay me, & be as obedient unto me. As the wind & the sea becamecalme, O Lord mightie Jehova, soe let them come calme & quietly, & as the foule sprites came out& possessed the swine at thy biddinge, soe mighty & greate Adonay I doe beseech thee, let all Nwhich I call to come, or to avoid from anie place, maye through thy grace, will, & power beobedient to come unto me, & let them be as obedient unto me as the haile, raigne, lightninge,thunder, grashoppers, frogs, thicke darcknes, botches, blaines, & sores, were by thy will readie tocome & accomplish thy commaundements at the liftinge up of Moyses’ handes, to come into theland of Egipt; soe my God Eloy, Eloy, Eloy, let all such spirits which I shall call or commande tocome, or avoid from anie place, be prest [*present] & readie with all dilligence to obay my will &commaundements, to their uttermost powers, & to be as obedient unto me as the Red Sea thatdevided it selff by thy will & power, & [be] as obedient to obay my will & commaundements as thebeares & fier were by thy will, ready to obay the commaundement of Helias; & let them be asobedient unto me to goe come & stand still & avoid from all places, as the [sun] & [moon] thatstood still at the commaundement of Josua: & Moyses. & further O Lord mightie Jehova, graunt methe asistaunce of thy holy mighty & blessed aungells, Michael, Gabriel, Anael, Raphaell, Cassiell,Sachiell, & Samaell, or some one of them, to be present with me in thi[s?] my worcke & busines,which I undertake to doe in thy name & power, yeaven as thy holy & blessed aungell Raphaell wasguid[e] to younge Tobias, in his journey, against the monstrous ffish & devouringe spirit Asmodeus,& as the same Asmodeus was constrained, bound, & avoided by thy will, & the power of thy mightyaungell, soe my God Eloy, Eloy, Eloy, let all such N as I shall call or take one me to avoid fromanie place in thy name, & power, through thy good will, & might unto me given, may be forced tocome & obay me, & to fulfill my will & commaundements in all thing[s] ffaithfully & truely, to theuttermost of their powers, & if they or anie of them, delud, despise, refuse, & contemne my will &commaundements, or disobay me, or refuse & neglect to fulfill & accomplishe them in anie parte,then let thy holy & blessed aungells be present & readie to be with me in my worcke & busines, &to take, binde, carrie, & throwe them into the lake which burneth with fier & brimstone, which isthe second death, there to be greevouslie punnished ffor their disobedience unto me, & for the littleregard they have to obay me, beinge calledd & commaunded to come to me by the vertue & power

4A Book of Magicof thy holy names, by me pronouned, in callinge & bindinge of them, which if they refuse to obayunto the vertu of them, then let thy holy aungells carrie them into the bottomless pit of ffier &brimstone after the malediction pronounced upon them by me; when as they disobay me, let them bepunished in the lake of fier & brimstone, which is the second death: there to be greevously punished& tormented, without anie easse at all, but let their paines be encreased & augmented accordinge tothe number of the sands of the sea, untill they will fulfill & accomplish my will &commaundements in all thinges, speedely, justly, & truly, to their uttermost powers, in whatsoever Ishall commaunde them, & let them not Oh Lord God mighty Jehova, I doe beseech, come ffrom outof that place of torment, untill that I call them from thence, & that they will & doe obay my will &commaundements with all meeknes & humblnes, ffullffilling my will & commaundements to theiruttermost powers, & then Lord heare my praier, & graunte my request to releasse them, & give mefaith, might, & power to keep them allwaies in awe, & let them feare & tremble before mewhensoever I sha[ll] call them. Oh send thy Holy Spirit of power & might into my harte, & fill mewith of power, grace, & comfort, [16] which thou didst send to the apostles after thy assension upto heaven. Fill me with the power & veritie of the Holy Ghoste, that I may flowe & abounde withpower & might, that the devills & spirits may be made obediunte unto me. Soe shall I reioyse inthee & be glad for evermore. Graunte this, O mighty & omnipotent Jehova ffor thy deare & onlybeloved son’s sake, Christ Jesus, which liveth & raigneth with thee for ever, one God, world withoutend, to whome with God the Father, God the Sonne, & God the Holy Ghost be rendred all praise,might, maiesty, & dominion, both nowe & for ever, world without end. Amen, Amen, Amen.Oratio ante vocaris [*vocares]O Lord Jesus Christ, kinge of glory God of all Celestiall vertues, holy ffather & mervailousdesposer of all things which ffrom God the ffather camest humaine into the world, that thou woldestloose the world ffrom sine, & shew unto man true Judgment which without beginninge & & without ending art one God, & trew to remaine A et ω the ffirst & the last the beginninge & theendinge, which of the blessed virgine Marie, hast willed to be borne, in whose sight all thingesvissible & invissible are open & manifest in whose presence is all thinges pure & cleane, & fromwhome noe seecret is hid unto whome everie hart is open & to whome everie soule doth confesse itselff & everie tong doth praise & speake of thy lovingekindnes to whome all thinges doubtfullunknowen & hide, is manifest, & open of whose unspeakable sweetnes the heavens & the earth &Infernall doth obaye, I doe beseech thee o Adonay to graunte me my petitionn I Reqire thee oSaday to be present with me o A et ω be my coadiutor & helper thou which hast the keies of hell &of death which bindest & noe man loosseth which openeth & noe man shutteth & shutteth & noeman openeth give me leave & power to binde & to loosse, to call & compell all such spirits whichthou in thy Just Judgments hast throwen out of heaven for their pride & presumption, oh give memight power force & strenght to bind them & compell them, to come to me & to cause them toavoide from all places & that they maye with all dilligence readines & willingnes obaye me, to theiruttermost power oh mighty & mercifull Emanuell my saviour I besech thee meeklie to heare mehelp me, & mercifully, to preserve me, & keepe me In protectinge of me, In this my worcke &busines, which I undertake to doe in thy name, I doe require thee o mild & mercifull saviour, for thetender love that thou barest unto mankinde, when thou offeredst thy bodie to be cruciffied &sufferedst thy blood to be shed for the washinge awaie of mine iniquities, heare me, & help me, &send thy holy Aungells to be present & readie to succour me, & to binde all those disobedient spiritswhich shall seeme to resist or disobay me, & to make them humble & meeke unto me, & to causethem to fulfill my will & commaundements In all things faithfully & truelie In as ample manner as Idoe or shall require, if they or anie of them refuse this to doe, then let thine holie mighty & blessedAungells take & bind them soe surely as thou my saviour & redeemer of the world in thy humanitiewast bound to the crosse & as truly as thou wast wrapped in lynnen clothes & layed in a new

Folger V.b.265sepulchre, where never was none layed before thee, soe truly o thou mighty lyon of the tribe ofJuda, let thine Aungells bind all those disobedient N. which shall despise or contemne the words ofmy mouth, & denie to obay me & as trulie as Michaell, the Archangell, threw downe sathan out ofheaven & overcame him & bound him up for a 1000 yeres soe truelie let me bind all such N. whichI doe or shall call, or commaund to come beffore me & that they never have power to resist or stayin anie place untill they have accomplished & fullfilled my will & commaundements & as truly asthou wast bound in linen clothes & layed in a new sepulchre where none was never layed befforthee, soe truelie let thine Aungells Michaell, Gabriell, Anaell, Raphaell, Samuell, Sachiell,Cassiell, or some of thy holy & blessed Aungells take all such disobedient N. & torment them wi

Book of magic, with instructions for invoking spirits, etc. (ca. 1577-1583) Folger SHAKESPEARE LIBRARY manuscript V.b.26 Transcription by Joseph H. Peterson and Dan