Bad Boy Bubby Movie 300mb


Bad boy bubby movie 300mb

Bubby - Nicholas Hope Mom - Claire Benito Pop - Ralph Cotterill Angel - Carmel Johnson Writer/Director - Rolf de Heer Producers - Domenico Procacci, Giorgio Draskovic, Rolf de Heer Casting - Audine Leith Costume Design - Beverley Freeman Production Design - Mark Abbott Supervising Director of Photography - Ian Jones Film Editor - SureshAyyar Sound Design - James Currie Music - Graham Tardif BAD BOY BUBBY (1990) Director: Rolf de Heer. Cast: Nicholas Hope, Claire Benito, Ralph Cotterill, Syd Brisbane, Natalie Carr, Carmel Johnson, Nikki Price, Audine Leith, Lucia Mastrantone, Ullie Birve, Jip De Heer, James Ammitzboll, Grant Piro, Celine O'Leary, Dave Flannagan, PaulPhilpot, Todd Telford, Paul Simpson, Stephen Smooker, Peter Monaghan, Mark Brouggy, James Bonifazio, Emma West, Bruce Gilbert, Michael Habib, Alan Holy, Betty Sumner-Lovett, Nellie Egan, Michael Constantinou, Alec Talbot, Norman Kaye, Michelle O'Regan, Gordon Poole, Jamie Nicolai, Pandy Tsimboulis, Rachael Huddy, Maryla Galus, JanetKanda, Heather Slattery, Fille Dusselee, Stephanie Cooper, Bridget Walters, Graham Duckett, Andy McPhee, Tim Maloney, Geoff Revell, Lindsay Grose, Susan Ferguson, Josie Scattergood, Alan Huddleston, Laurel Aird, Paul Ammitzboll, Fran O'Donoghue, Vincenzo Andreacchio, Clemente de Salamanca, Olly Alick, Ryder Grindle, Kris Stewart, JoeRossiter. Rating: (R) Restricted viewing. There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write a review. Loading video, please wait. 1080p.Blu 720p.Blu Get all the best moments in pop culture & entertainment delivered to your inbox. Bad Boy Bubby (in Hollywood Movies) Bad Boy Bubby (1994) - Download Movie for mobile in best quality 3gp and mp4format. Also stream Bad Boy Bubby on your mobile, tablets and ipadsDownload Files (click on the format to get the list of files)3gp480p and 720pSubtitlesShow Ad Preferences Preferences saved PopupsPopunders Advt opens in a new tab. You will have to close it before proceeding. Advt opens in background (no closing required) and website opens innew tab. (2X faster experience) You can use your phone's back button to go to previous pageYou have to use the Blue Back Button at bottom to go to previous page Please note popunder currently works properly only in Chrome and Opera You can change or reset your preferences anytime Hide Top IMDb Reviews (Caution: May contain spoliers)Crazy,insane, black, funny, terrifying, weird, SUPERB. (by mogwai-1)This film changed my life. No, really. It was a Friday night, and the parents were away. I was on my own in front of the television, and Channel 4 UK Irish viewers will know of it was showing Bad Boy Bubby as part of some cult film season. Well, to cut a long story short, I was glued tothe screen for the duration of the film I drooled and stared at it during the commercial breaks and when it was over, I realised that the dinner was entirely burnt. Not a particularly relevant story, you may think, but note that the television was IN THE KITCHEN, mere feet from the oven. That's how good this film is. It features possibly the greatestcrazy monologue ever committed to celluloid the pub/microphone scene , two of the most disturbing murders in any movie I've seen and I've seen thousands , one of the most unsettling relationships I've seen, and an unbelievable central performance. This film is darker than dark, and stranger than Eraserhead. Just as Bubby is on his own throughoutthe film, so is the viewer. Alone, confused and disturbed beyond words.And I've never thought of the Salvation Army in the same way since.10/10 You can't just cling film whoever you want to. (by wiggle-2)The first twenty minutes will leave you tearing your hair out in stupefied horror and fascination. Stick through this period to be rewarded witha remarkable film, one which has more to say about the human condition than most others. The band member's monologue regarding humanity's history of cling-filming killing groups we don't like should be compulsory education for all.Brilliant! (by Jesposo)One of the most beautiful and yet thought provoking movies I've ever seen! Nick Hope iswonderful in this story about humanity and alienation - we can see a man uninfluenced by our norms and culture and realize how narrow-minded we actually are. The camera-work is perfect, the rest of the cast are so. real, yes, even if the subject matter is quite surreal it feels very true and, maybe more important, very HONEST. I have never seenanything like this movie and it sure is one of the best ones I've ever seen. I would love to get a chance to see any other of De Heer's movies. Bad criticism? Yeah, my terrible VHS-copy, someone PLEASE release this movie on DVD!!! a TRULY unique film (by jzathajenious)BBB is unique amongst unique films. i havent sseen a film that mixes such taboosubjects as rape, incest, and psychological abuse and uplifting mesaages such as love, compassion, and being an individual, and makes such a great film. this film will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions, you will feel uplifted, joyous, and two minutes later disgusted and dirty. while the ending is a bit corny and predictable, the film still leaves youfeeling satisfied overall. it is truly hard to convey into words this film, so go see it if you can find a copy, its worth the effort.Best Australian film by a mile (by Reverend-Maynard)I gave this movie the highest score I could 9. 10 being reserved for the truly best A Clockwork Orange. This is the sort of you usually have to rely on European studios to makebecause it is so different and so gooood.I also feel a special repore with the movie as it was filmed in my hometown. Whenever I drive around Port Adelaide I smile as I drive past the pubs etc. where Bubby ran amok.The church Cathedral that was used in the film is the same one I used to attend when I was a kid and my parents made me go to churchin 1993-4 when the movie was being filmed. "It is the duty of all men to think god out of existence". I will write a proper review for this movie soon but all I really need now is sleep. Predictable ENDING? REALLY? (by mreed1)Those that think this has a predicable ending . are you kidding? Really? It was a happy ending.YES, but if you watch themovie and understand it at all, did you really expect Bubby to have a HAPPY ENDING? I didn't! Typical Hollywood would have ended with Bubby either in Prison for life or executed - which from what IMDb says was one of the endings planned for the film. THANK YOU THANK YOU for offering us a different ending for Bubby! I was ready to behorrified at the thought of Bubby in prison; as misunderstood as he was - to die for his crimes would have been the true crime. I realize that what Bubby did was wrong, and I'm not saying that murder is justified BUT come on! This movie depicts the worst case of child abuse I've ever seen or heard of; BY FAR! I believe it is because of the ending that Ilove this movie so very much. I ADORE BBB, and I will recommend it to anyone that would understand and appreciate a film like this! BBB is not for everyone, NOPE NOPE NOPE! This is not pop-culture; this is not mainstream; but if you like movies that challenge what you know about the human condition and you aren't squeamish, then give Bubby atry.Not including the first 20 minutes of the film; Bubby is the funniest movie I have ever seen don't judge me too harshly for that statement . we all realize we are watching a MOVIE, RIGHT ! Original, powerful, hilarious study of an outsider (by fertilecelluloid)The first thirty minutes of "Bad Boy Bubby" are great horror. Bubby Nicholas Hope , astrange, retarded man-child, has been imprisoned by his mom Claire Benito for thirty years. He hasn't left the house, can't leave the house, because mom's been busy having sex with him and perverting his sponge-like mind. Early on, the film alienates viewers by throwing in a scene involving the killing of a cat. We then follow Bubby as he venturesinto the outside world and has a series of amazing, hilarious adventures in which his outsider status is often misinterpreted. He fronts a rock band, gets intimate with a real disabled woman Heater Slattery , and discovers life beyond the walls of his prison. The film is extremely original and daring, and Hope's performance as Bubby is totallybelievable. It was shot over a long period by a number of cinematographers, although only Ian Jones gets IMDb credit. It has a unique, anarchic tone, and it is amazing watching how "normal" people interact with the unpretentious, unhinged protagonist. Ultimately, Rolf de Heer succeeds in creating a dark, surreal, powerful study of an outsider in afilm that someone ought to double bill with Hal Ashby's "Being There". It's a triumph. Some Of The Funniest Scenes I've Ever Seen. (by daveisit)Many people have found this movie overly confronting and ultimately very disturbing. If you give it a chance it gets you thinking and had me laughing uncontrollably. Some of Bubby's interactions with theoutside world were hilarious. It's far from a comedy though, and will bring you through many emotions before the movies over.Definitely worth watching. 7.5 out of 10 Surprisingly good, but not for the week minded mainstream. (by bwilkus)I found Bad Boy Bubby after searching high and low to discover the source of a sample used by one of myfavorite bands Deutsch Nepal . While the movie is sometimes disturbing and unsettling, it is quite a feat of bravery in filmmaking. It's no wonder the film remains underground, but it does deserve to be released officially on DVD. Nicholas Hope gives an outstanding performance, as does Claire Benito and Ralph Cotterill. I don't want to spoil the plot ofthe movie, but be ready for some saddening depravity, mixed with childish curiosity and some innocent but twisted murdering. Bad Boy Bubby is a must see for any fan of alternative/underground films.

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Bad Boy Bubby (in Hollywood Movies) Bad Boy Bubby (1994) - Download Movie for mobile in best quality 3gp and mp4 format. Also stream Bad Boy Bubby on your mobile, tablets and ipadsDownload Files (click on the format to get the list of files)3gp480p and 720pSubtitlesShow Ad Preferences Preferences saved PopupsPopunders Advt opens in a new tab.