A Clean Energy Revolution - Happeningthemovie


AOR I G I NAL P ROD U CTI ONA Cle a n En erg y Revol u t i onP R E S E N TS AD IR ECTED B YORI GI N A L PRODUC T I ONJ A ME S REDFO RD EXEC U T IVE PRO D U C ERS TO D D C L AY TO N C H AF F E E , J AM E S L ANG E R , NE DA N O BA R I F O U N DATI O N , J E F F A N D L AU R I E U B B E NP R ODUCED BY JAMES RED FORD AN D J I L L T I D M AN ASSOCIATE PRODUCER J O NAT H AN W H I T E P O S T P R O D U C E R CA S S A N D R A J A B O L AD IREC TO R O F PH OTO G RAPH Y JO H N B E H R E NS EDITORS J E F F B OY E T T E , T I NA I M AH AR A , B I L L W E B E R MU S IC B Y S E A N H AY E SF OR H BO : C O O RD INAT ING PRO D U C ER J E S S E W E I NR AU B SENIOR PRODUCER NANC Y AB R AH AM E X E C U T IV E P R O D U C E R S H E I L A N E V I N SPress Contac t Lyn n Waym e r lway me r @redfordce nte r.org 678 6 4 1-7109Pre ss In q u iries : J onat han W hi t e j whi t e@ r edf or dc ent er. or g 4 1 5 - 8 8 7 - 8 2 0 0

LOGLINEFilmmaker James Redford embarks on a colorful personal journey into the dawnof the clean energy era as it creates jobs, turns profits, and makes communitiesstronger and healthier across the US.SYN0PSISFilmmaker Jam es Redford em ba r ks on a color fu l p e r sona l j ou r ney into t h e d aw n of t h e c l ea n e n e rg y e r aas it creates job s, tu r ns profit s , a nd ma ke s commu nit ie s st ronge r a nd h ea l t h i e r a c ro ss t h e US . Un l i ke l yen trep rene u r s in com m u niti e s from G eorge town, TX to Bu ffa lo, NY revea l pi o n ee r i n g c l ea n e n e rg y so l ut i o n swhile Jam e s’ d iscover y of how c lea n e ne rgy wor ks , a nd w h a t it mea ns a t a pe r so n a l l eve l , b eco m e s t h eaudien ces’ discover y too. Rea c h ing we ll beyond a grea t stor y of tec h nol o g y a n d i n n ova t i o n , “ H a ppe n i n g ”exp lo res issu e s of hu m an resil ie nce , soc ia l j u st ice , e mbr a c ing t h e fu t u re , a n d f i n d i n g h o pe fo r o ur s ur vi va l .

MARK RUFFALOOscar-nominated actor, filmmaker, social activist and solar advocate.MATTHEW NORDANJamie’s advisor and mentor on all things energy related. Matthew is managing partner at MNLPartners, who develop energy and environmental projects in global markets, with a focus onChina. Also serves on the boards of five audacious tech start-upcompanies. and co-founder andchairman of the investment committee at PRIME Coalition, a pioneering 501c3 nonprofit that’sbringing philanthropic capital to energy innovation.DAVE RAMMDave Ramm is the Chairman and CEO at BrightSource Energy, Inc owners and operators ofthe impressive Ivanpah Solar Thermal System. He is formerly the Managing Partner of DymarDevelopment, LLC, a Houston based energy development and consulting firm. Prior to formingDymar, he was CEO and director at Turner Bros., a heavy lift and heavy haul company servingthe wind and refinery industries.RAY MAYBUS (EX-SECRETARY OF NAVY)Last Secretary of Navy (2009-2017). Spearheaded the Navy’s move towards renewable energysources.

MAYOR DALE ROSSMayor of Georgetown, Texas, a conservative Central Texas town with a population of 54,000.Thanks to the leadership of Mayor Ross, Georgetown abandoned fossil fuel powered utilities infavor of wind and solar energy. Georgetown is the State’s first city-owned utility to make thatleap—and their reasoning? It just makes financial sense.EMILY KIRSCHEmily Kirsch is Co-Founder and CEO of Powerhouse, the world’s first and only solar incubatorand accelerator with over 40 solar startups and cleantech organizations. Prior to foundingPowerhouse, Emily worked with former advisor to President Obama, Van Jones, at the EllaBaker Center where she launched and led the Green Jobs Corps – Oakland’s first solar trainingprogram.GIA SCHNEIDERGia Schneider is a co-founder and the CEO of Natel Energy. Gia holds a Bachelor of Science inChemical Engineering from MIT and has 13 years of experience in the energy and renewableindustries. In 2005, Gia started the carbon emissions trading desk at Credit Suisse, growing it toa profitable business in its first year. Prior to Credit Suisse, she worked in the Strategy Group atConstellation, a leading power generation company.LISA JACKSONLisa Jackson is the Vice President Environment, Policy, and Social Initiatives at Apple, Inc. Shewas also the Administrator of the EPA from 2009 to 2013. She reports directly to CEO Tim Cookand oversees Apple’s environmental issues.

ANGELINA GALETIVAAngelina was appointed in 2011 by Governor Jerry Brown to the California IndependentSystems Operator Board (CAISO). Additionally, she serves as a Chairperson of the World Councilfor Renewable Energy (WCRE) and as Chair of the Renewable Energy Working Group at theBusiness for Environment (B4E) summits. SMs. Prior to July 2003, Angelina was the ExecutiveDirector-Strategic Planning, for the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power(LADWP), overseeing the utilitiy’s renewable energy program.STEPHEN BERBERICHSteve Berberich is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the California IndependentSystem Operator (ISO). The ISO is one of the world’s largest transmission organizations,managing the electric grid and wholesale power markets for 30 million Californians. 2017 marksMr. Berberich’s twelfth year with the ISO and his sixth year as CEO. During his tenure, he hasnavigated the ISO through a series of major changes underway in the energy industry. He is afrequent speaker nationally and internationally about the 21st Century Grid.DEBBIE DOOLEYPresident of the Green Tea Coalition or the “Green Tea Party”. The Green Tea Coalition exists toto find common ground among members from across the political spectrum to create, educate,and advocate for common-sense energy, economic, and development policies that protect ourfamilies, diversify our energy portfolio, and create a smart and vibrant 21st century economywhere every company and technology competes on a level playing field and in an open-market.JESSICA SCOTTJessica leads Vote Solar’s campaigns in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada. Shecurrently serves on the Distributed Generation and Storage Technical Advisory Committee forthe Nevada Governor’s New Energy Industry Task Force. She has worked for both the Denver’sMayor Office and Department of Environmental Health where she helped create a localgovernment working group focused on intervening in energy dockets at the Colorado PublicUtilities Commission.

ASSEMBLYMAN CHRIS BROOKS (NEVADA ASSEMBLY, D)Introduced AB405 (Net Metering/Rooftop Solar) and AB206 (Utility Portfolio Standards) AB206 to the Nevada State Assembly, calling for a phased-in approach to portfolio standards thatwould increase the renewable % goal by 4% every two years, starting in 2018-2019 when thegoal would be set at 26%.SENATOR PATRICIA SPEARMAN (NEVADA SENATOR, D)Introduced Senate Bill 392 in Nevada Senate, Development of Community Solar. Also knownas “solar gardens,” community solar projects generate electricity for a nearby “subscribers”such as households, small businesses, schools and nonprofits. Pat’s legacy of service began in1977 when she joined the United States Army after graduating from Norfolk State University inVirginia. For nearly three decades, Pat served in a variety of posts within the Army, includingassignments in Europe, Korea, Panama, and at the Pentagon where she worked as a staffASSEMBLYMAN PAUL ANDERSON (NEVADA ASSEMBLY, R)Member of the Nevada assembly since 2013. Part of the bi-partisan team that supported andpassed AB405, and brought rooftop solar back to life in Nevada.

“I know it’s going to change because when I talk to young people, they are not evenquestioning that it’s happening, they just understand it.I feel like it’s just happening.”- Lis a Ja ckson Vice President Environment, Policy, and Social Initiatives, A ppl e I n c .DIRECTOR’S STATEMENTToday, most Americans understand and acceptadvent of radio, TV, and the Internet. The revolutionHappening chronicles my quest to answerthe reality of climate change. But as disturbingalso reveals another intriguing fact: politically speaking,these questions. Although I have traversed theevidence and imagery continues to mount, manythe clean energy revolution is increasingly color-blind.country meeting the inspiring people leadingof us feel increasingly uncertain about what we,As we see in Happening, when something is cheaperthe revolution, the most significant journeyas individuals, can do. For many of us, solutions toand better, political divides often begin to collapse.involved my own heart and mind. At the start ofclimate change seem out of reach, out of scale andAlthough this information is encouraging, informationHappening, I was feeling pretty cynical aboutfatally entwined in partisan politics.alone is not enough. I spent a considerable effortthe value of civic engagement and the politicalworking with The Redford Center to determine theprocess. Three years later, I have witnessed first-Nonetheless, the clean energy revolution is quietlymost impactful and engaging way to tell the story. Keyhand the enduring value of political engagement,but spectacularly underway. The clean energyto the strategy was casting myself in my true colors:active citizenry and reason over ideology. In spiteindustry now employs more people than the fossila semi-knowledgeable luddite who prefers plainof the turbulent political waters we are currentlyfuel industry. Electricity generated from wind andEnglish. As such, I journey through Happening withenduring, I feel more hopeful today than eversolar is increasingly more affordable than electricitythree questions in mind: Can we meet our energyabout our ability to combat climate change, andgenerated from fossil fuels, and the growth curveneeds with renewable energy? How would we doI am excited to share this with audiences so thatfor the generation and storage of renewable energythat? And, most importantly, will we do that?they may feel this way as well.now resembles the exponential curves seen with the- James Redford

James Redford wr i te s , p rodu ce s a nd direc t s for Film a nd Te levi s i o n . P r i o r to co m pl e t i n g“ HAPPENING: A Cl ea n Ene rgy Revolu t ion” for H BO, J a mie s’ ot h e r H B O f i l m s i n c l ud e “ TOXI CHOT SEAT ” , “ THE BI G P I CTU R E: Re t h inking D y s lex ia ” , “ M ANN V. F O RD” a n d “ T H E KI N DN E SSOF STRANGERS” . Wh ile comp le t ing “ H AP PENI NG ” , J a me s h a s b ee n t r ave l i n g t h e wo r l d a san Am er i can F i lm S h owca se a mba ss a dor w it h h is t wo awa rd-w i n n i n g d o c um e n t a r y f i l m s .R ESILIENCE: the Biology of St re ss a nd t h e Sc ie nce of H op e ” a s we l l a s “ PA P E R T I G E RS . ”Jam es i s the Co-fou nde r a nd Ch a ir of Th e Redford Ce nte r, a n o n - prof i t m ed i a e n t i t y t h a te ng ag e s peopl e th ou gh ins p ir ing stor ie s t h a t ga lva nize e nv iro n m e n t a l a c t i o n . A m o n g m a ny ofit ’s fu nc ti ons, the ce nte r ’s doc u me nt a r y film p roj ec t s inc lu de WAT E RS H E D, F I G H T I N G G O L I AT Hand THE ART O F AC TI VI SM . J a me s live s in M a r in Cou nt y Ca lifo r n i a . H i s i n te re st s i n c l ud e pl ay i n glead g u itar for O li ve a nd t h e D ir t y M a r t inis a s we ll a s yoga , s k i i n g s ur f i n g a n d cyc l i n g .

Jill Tidman, ProducerJill serves as the Executive Director of the The Redford Center, a non-profit media entity that engagespeople through inspiring stories that galvanize environmental action. As executive director of the RedfordCenter, Jill Tidman oversees everything from daily operations to shaping the center’s vision to producingdocumentary films and action campaigns. “Often the most important content is the least viewed, soshifting that and creating a different dynamic for the industry is what we’re helping push forward,” shesays. Jill draws on her skill set as a producer, writer, filmmaker and activist, as well as her passion forsustainability issues, to create a new way forward with impactful storytelling.Prior to completing HAPPENING: A Clean Energy Revolution, Jill produced award-winning, high impactdocumentaries with The Redford Center including: WATERSHED, FIGHTING GOLIATH, and THE ART OFACTIVISM. Jill lives in San Francisco with her husband Wil and her two children.

FESTIVALS AND AWARDSBest Environm e nt a l Film - New Yor k W I LD Film Fe st iva l 2018Nom inee - EMA Awa rdsOffic i al Sel ec tion - M ill Va lley Film Fe st iva lOffic i al Sel ec tion - D OC NYC Film Fe st iva lOffic i al Sel ec tion - St . Lou is Film Fe st iva lOffic i al Sel ec tion - Na pa Va lley Film Fe st iva lOffic i al Sel ec tion - Woodstoc k Film Fe st iva lOffic i al Sel ec tion - Ame r ica n D oc u me nt a r y Film Fe st iva lOffic i al Sel ec tion - Ame r ica n Film S h owca seOffic i al Sel ec tion - Boze ma n Film Fe st iva lOffic i al Sel ec tion - Env ironme nt a l Film Fe st iva l in t h e Na t i o n ’ s C a pi t a lOffic i al Sel ec tion - EARTH x FilmOffic i al Sel ec tion - S u n Va lley Film Fe st iva lOffic i al Sel ec tion - One Ea r t h Film Fe st iva lOffic i al Sel ec tion - Arc h itec t u re & D e s ign Film Fe st iva l, New Zea l a n dOffic i al Sel ec tion - Ta h oe Film Fe st iva l

CREDITSCou n tr y: U SARu n n in g Time : 7 1 M inu te sD ire c te d by Jam e s RedfordExe cu tive Produ ce rs: Todd Clay ton Ch a ffee , J a me s La nger, N ed a N o ba r i Fo un d a t i o n , J e f f a n dLau r i e Ubbe nProdu ce d by Ja me s Redford a nd J ill Tidma nExe cu tive Produ ce r for H B O Sh e ila Nev insProdu ce r for HBO Na ncy Abr a h a mCoordin a tin g Prod u ce r for H B O J e sse We inr a u bAs socia te Produ ce r J ona t h a n Wh itePost Produ ce r C a ss a ndr a J a bolaM u sic by Sean H aye sD ire c tor of P hotogra phy J oh n Be h re nsEditor s Je ff Boye t te , Tina I ma h a r a , Bill We be rSou n d D e sign an d Re -re cord i n g M i xe r Bob Edwa rdsLin e Produ ce r

Business for Environment (B4E) summits. SMs. Prior to July 2003, Angelina was the Executive Director-Strategic Planning, for the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), overseeing the utilitiy’s renewable energy program. ANGELINA GALETIVA Jessica leads Vote Solar’s campaigns in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada. She currently serves on the Distributed Generation .