Admission spring 2021BS/BBA Programs(Open & Distance Learning)- BS Islamic Studies- BS Pakistan Studies- BS Arabic- BS Accounting & Finance- BBA (4 years)
PROSPECTUSOFBS/BBA 4 Years Programmes BS (Accounting and Finance) BS BS Pakistan Studies BBA BS Islamic Studies BS ArabicForSEMESTER: SPRING, 2021Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad
(All Rights are Reserved with the Publisher)Semester: .Spring, 2021Year of Printing: .2021No. of Copies:.Composed: .Muhammad ZaheerPrice:.Rs. 500/-Printer: .AIOU Printing PressPublisher: .Allama Iqbal Open Universityii
CONTENTSPageVICE-CHANCELLOR MESSAGE .vADMISSION SCHEDULE . viALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY .1ONLINE ADMISSION PROCEDURE & PROGRAMME CODE .2FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES.3Department of Pakistan Studies .3BS Pakistan Studies .4Department of Commerce .7BS Accounting & Finance .8Department of Business Administration . 11Bachelor of Business Administration . 11iii
GENERAL INFORMATION . 16Procedure for Depositing Fee . 18Procedure for Depositing Fee Through Telecos . 18Regulations for Refund of Admission Fee . 22Important Telephone Numbers . 23ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY (Please See Urdu Version) . 01Faculty of Arabic & Islamic Studies (Please See Urdu Version) . 02BS Islamic Studies Programmes (Please See Urdu Version). 05BS Arabic Programme (Please See Urdu Version) . 21iv
Vice-Chancellor’s MessageDear Student,Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) is one of the mega universities of the world and itoccupies a unique position in the education sector of Pakistan. Because of its affordability andhigh quality distance and online academic programs. AIOU has now turned into the mostfavorite university of the country with high international of repute. The university made alandmark progress by ensuring access to quality education rural areas under-privilegedstudents for the people of all ages particularly the females can now select and join theprograms of their choice while sitting at their residence and along with continuing their jobs.After assessing the success of many degree programs in Pakistan, AIOU is now going tooffer a ranges programs for the students in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain,Oman, USA and many other countries currently. More than 1.3 million students are gettingbenefits from the high quality educational services of AIOU in all regions of the country through more than fiftyregional offices of the university. It offers-suggests many undergraduate and Post Graduate programs at rural andremote areas providing an unparalleled opportunity to all the poor and deprived sections of the society at an affordablecost. The university has recently digitalized all its student-support services for facilitating its students on priority basis.This digitization of the system, it is hoped, will enable AIOU students to get all kinds of educational using theirLearning Management system (LMS) portal support online.Committed for your bright futureProf. Dr. Zia-Ul-QayyumVice Chancellor, AIOUv
ADMISSION SCHEDULEAll applicants are advised to write their mobile numbers in admission forms. All intimations will besent through SMS and website www.aiou.edu.pk. For further information please contact thedepartment concerned.Open Merit Based Programmes:1. BS English2. BS Pakistan Studies4. Bs Accounting & Finance5. BS Islamic Studies6. BS ArabicIt is to inform that the students of all Postgraduate programs are required to uploadtheir assignments (in typed form) on AAGHI LMS PORTAL from Spring 2020 semesteronward. Hand written Assignments shall not be accepted in any case.vi
Minimum and Maximum Duration/Semesters for each ProgrammeSr. No.Degree LevelMinimum DurationMaximum Duration1Matric /FA2 years / 4 semesters5 years2Certificate (6 Months)6 Months / 1 Semester1 Year3All Postgraduate Diplomas (1 Year)1 Year / 2 Semesters3 Years4Associate Degree (2-years)2 years / 4 Semesters4 YearsBEd (1.5 Years)1.5 Years / 3 Semesters3 YearsBEd (2.5 Years)2.5 Years / 5 Semesters5 Years6BS/BBA/BEd (4-years)4 Years / 8 Semesters8 Years7MEd (1 Year)1 Year / 2 Semesters3 Years8All Master Degree Programs (2 Years)2 Years / 4 Semesters4 Years5Note: Maximum time duration includes semester freeze period.vii
IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES TO BE REMEMBEREDActivitySpring SemesterAutumn SemesterAdmissionsMarch – AprilSeptember – OctoberStudy PeriodJune – OctoberDecember – AprilExaminationsOctober – NovemberApril – MayJanuaryJulyResultNote: Contact concerned Regional office for exact schedule of activities. Continuing Students are sentinformation for all activities by LMS/SMS. Simultaneously information is placed on website(www.aiou.edu.pk), students can download if not received by post.viii
COMPLETE PROCEDURE TOENROLL IN AIOU PROGRAMME AND SUBMISSION OF FORM IN AIOU ISLAMABADAll fresh and continue students can submit their admission using any one option on the following way:Apply on hard form ((printed form)i.ii.Apply using online admission systemFollow these instructions to apply:APPLY ONLINE (FRESH STUDENTS):1. Visit website: https://online.aiou.edu.pk2. Press link “Admission form for Fresh students”. (BBA 4 Years)3. After filling the admission form, print out your “Admission Form” and “Challan Form”.4. Using printed challan form and submit your fee in any branch of FWBL, ABL, MCB or UBL. You need to useonly challan form for submission of fee and follow instructions below to deliver your admission and feesubmitted challan form to university (How to deliver your admission form to University).APPLY ONLINE (CONTINUE STUDENTS):1. Visit website: https://online.aiou.edu.pk2. Press link “Admission/Enrollment Form for Continue students”;3. Enter your “Roll Number” in Roll Number field.4. Select courses and print challan form.5. Using printed challan form submit your fee in any branch of FWBL, UBL, MCB or ABL. Keep save copy of yourchallan form after submission of fee. You need not to send challan to the University but University can ask forcopy of challan form any time if required.HOW TO DELIVER YOUR ADMISSION FORM TO UNIVERSITYAfter submission of fee you need to deliver your admission form to university using following way:1. Separate the address label attached with bottom of the first page of admission form.2. Attach original copy of fee submitted challan (university copy) with your admission form.3. Now pack this form in an envelope.4. Now paste address label (already separated from form) on envelope.5. Visit any nearest branch of Post Office and post it as registered parcel and get the receipt. (Keep save the receipt).Note: Keep in mind that you don’t have to pay any amount to Post Office to post your admission. University havepaid your postage charges to Post Office in advance.ix
ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITYMBA (IT), MBA (Banking and Finance), BS (CS), MSc/BSChemistry, MSc/BS Microbiology etc. are being providedinstruction, guidance and counselling through face-to-faceeducation. AIOU is also offering four years under-graduatedegrees.Allama Iqbal Open University, a mega university wasestablished in 1974 under an Act of Parliament. The maincampus of the university is situated in sector H-8, Islamabad.It was the second open university of the world and the firstof its kind in Asia and Africa. The aim of establishing AIOUwas to provide affordable and accessible education throughdistance learning at the door-steps to those people who couldnot continue their education journey through formal systemof education. The University (AIOU) operates on semestersystem and admits students in Autumn and Spring semesters.Under graduate admissions are offered in both the semesterswhere-as post graduates are offered once a year. Theenrolled students are given course books specially preparedby the university on self instructional principles. However atpost graduate level reprints of foreign books alongwith alliedmaterial and university prepared study guides help studentsto polish their skills.Apart from curricular and extra-curricular activities during theacademic year, the AIOU and its regional centres activelyparticipate in the co-curricular activities by arrangingeducational and literary seminars, workshops and conferences,attended not only by the students and faculties of theuniversity but also by the renowned dignitaries and scholars.For the science students and the research scholars, a sciencecomplex has been built where they use the latest equipment ofinternational standard for experiments and research. To meetthe present day challenges, internet facility is also available inthe student hostel and the Central Library where computershave been provided to enable students to access latestinformation available through open source databases.At present, the AIOU is offering programmes from Matric toPhD level in diverse disciplines comprised of four faculties.The university has established study centres across the countrywhere distance education students are provided necessaryguidance by their respective tutors. Moreover, the universityhas established full-time study centres wherein the students of1
FACULTY OF SOCIALSCIENCES AND HUMANITIEScommunication, BS English. Tens of thousands of studentscomprising all demographic groups and, from all over thecountry enroll, each year, in these bachelor’s level programmes.First established in 1981 with five departments, the Facultyof Social Sciences and Humanities has, over the years,flourished to become, by far, the largest Faculty of theUniversity. It, today, consists of 14 departments offeringmasters programmes in major areas of Social Sciences andHumanities like, Business Administration, Economics, MassCommunication, Sociology, Urdu, Library & InformationSciences, History, Pakistan Studies and Teaching of Englishas a foreign Language (TEFL). Additionally, efforts areafoot to plan and launch post-graduate programmes inPakistani Languages and Law. The Commonwealthcollaborated master’s programmes in the areas of Businessand Public Administration, which are specially tailored forthe modern day busy executives, were launched in Spring2002 semester.The Faculty has expanded vitally and its programmes havegained a high popularity as is clear from rapidly rising trendof enrolment during the past decade. During the period underreport, the Faculty accorded high priority towards qualityimprovements and to modify its programmes in accordancewith the current challenges of 21st century.The Faculty proposed to launch Post-Graduate programmes inthe disciplines of Political Science and International Relations,Psychology, Public Administration and Social Work.DEPARTMENT OF PAKISTAN STUDIESIntroductionThe Department of Pakistan Studies was separated from itsparent department, the Department of Social Sciences andHumanities, and established as an independent department inthe Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. Since itsinception, the department has developed and offered severalcourses of Pakistan Studies ranging from Matriculation(Secondary School Certificate) to M Phil levels. M. ScPakistan Studies was offered first time in 1985. Since then, ithas produced a large number of graduates who are serving theIn tune with the government’s policy of promoting andstrengthening a culture of higher education and research inthe country, the AIOU’s Faculty of Social Sciences andHumanities has shown a lot of dynamism over the past fewyears. It has launched MPhil/PhD programmes in Iqbaliat,Urdu and Mass Communication and History and Englishwhile preparations are being made to launch MPhil BusinessAdministration.The Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities also offersseveral bachelors’ level programmes in such professional areaslike Bachelors in Library & Information Sciences (BLIS), BSBusiness Administration, BS-Commerce and Mass2
nation in various capacities and bringing honour and pride tothe Department of Pakistan Studies and to the AIOU.DurationThe minimum period for completion of the programme isfour years while maximum period will be as per universityrule(s) as prescribed by HEC.BS Pakistan Studies 4 Years ProgrammeProgramme Code: 0439Medium of InstructionThe medium of instructions and examinations will beEnglish except the courses of languages and literature.IntroductionFor the pragmatic understanding of the socio-political andeconomic institutions of any country, it is inevitable to studythe Geography, History, Politics, Economics and Culture ofthat particular country in an integrated manner. The purposeof offering BS (4 years) Pakistan Studies is to promoteinvestigative approach, in Social Sciences paradigms, tostudy Pakistani Society and Culture, Political and EconomicInstitutions, History and Geography in an integrated andinterdisciplinary ways.ObjectivesThe main objective of BS (4 years) Pakistan Studiesprogramme is to produce social scientists who can embarkon the task of carrying out scientific research in the fields ofPakistan’s history, politics, economics, society and culture.We hope, this approach will be helpful to understand thecomplexities and problems associated with the sociopolitical and economic development of the country.Scope of StudiesBS (4 years) Pakistan Studies programme would fulfill theirinnermost satisfaction and their thirst for knowledge as wellas the requirements of students for jobs. After completingBS in Pakistan Studies the learners will find the jobs inpublic as well as in various private sectors. Pakistan Studiesis a compulsory subject at college level and after completingBS the candidate may serve as lecturer in colleges as well asSubject Specialist & Senior Subject Specialist in schools inall over the country. Moreover, the candidates have vastopportunities in the field of Research, Tourism and NGOs.The curriculum of BS Pakistan Studies also would be fruitfulfor those who wish to join Central Superior Services ofPakistan. (CSS)Scheme of StudiesBS (4 years) Pakistan Studies programme comprises of 129Credit Hours (CH) of course work. The admission in BS (4years) would be advertised twice in a year (Autumn andSpring Semesters).EligibilityThe candidates having Intermediate Certificate (at least in2nd division) will be eligible to apply for the admission in BS(4 years) Pakistan Studies.3
Semester wise break-up of the courses:Course Load per Semester:15-21 Credit HoursNumber of Courses per Semester:5-7 CoursesS.No1234CategoriesCompulsory Requirement(No Choice)General Courses (chosen fromother departments) (G.C)Discipline Specific FoundationCourses (chosen from otherdepartments) (F.C)Major Courses (M.C)TotalNo. 1295649352Pakistan (M.C)Public Relations (G.C)Geography of Pakistan -I (M.C)33SEMESTER 218 Credit hours19408English-II2 9401/5437 Islamiat / Ethics (For non Muslims)(Compulsory)34485Introduction to Statistics(Compulsory)49353Geography of Pakistan II (M.C)59354Foreign Policy of Pakistan I (M.C)69403Pakistani Adab-I (G.C)SEMESTER 3SEMESTER WISE BREAKUPSEMESTER 1S.CourseNo.Code1940729374354039404935118 Credit hoursCreditCourse TitleHoursEnglish – I3Pakistan Studies33Basics of Information &Communication Technology(Compulsory)Ideological Foundations 333318 Credit hoursCourse TitleEnglish-IIIMinorities and Human Rightsin Pakistan (M.C)Introduction to Sociology:Culture and Society (F.C)Understanding of Mathematics& Statistics (Compulsory)Foreign Policy of Pakistan -II(M.C)Pakistani Society and Culture-I (M.C)CreditHours333333
SEMESTER 41234594169375941193629358SEMESTER 715 Credit hoursEnglish-IVResearch for Development (F.C)Population Studies (F.C)Public Administration (M.C)Genesis of Pakistan Movement (M.C)15 Credit hours1 9366 Regional Cultures of Pakistan (M.C)3333332 9364 Pakistani Languages and Literature- II(M.C)3 9367 Economic Development in Pakistan- I(M.C)4 9368 Urbanization in Pakistan (M.C)5 9440 Sociology of Development: Meaning andExplanation (F.C)SEMESTER 815 Credit hoursSEMESTER 515 Credit hours1 9438Methods of Social Research- I:3Research Process (F.C)2 ----Developing Research Reports (F.C)33 9264National And International Current3Affairs-I (F.C)4 9360Political and Constitutional3Development in Pakistan- I (M.C)5 9361Pakistani Society and Culture- II3(M.C)1 9370 Economic Development in Pakistan-II(M.C)2 9371 Political Parties and Pressure Groups inPakistan (M.C)3 9372 Social Change in Pakistan (M.C)4 9373 Constitutional Development: The Politics ofAmendments (M.C)5 9357 Archeology of Pakistan (M.C)Fee Tariff:SEMESTER 615 Credit hours1 9363 Pakistan and Neighbors (M.C)32 9359 Pakistani Languages and Literature –I33 9365 Political and Constitutional Development3in Pakistan- II (M.C)4 9439 Methods of Social Research- II: Tools of3Data Collection (F.C)5 ------ Natural Resource of Pakistan and their3Management (F.C)ItemRegistration Fee (once, if not alreadyregistered with AIOU)Admission FeeTechnology Fee (per semester)Tuition fee per 3 Credit HoursCourse Rs.2100 6 12600Total Rs.5Fee500100050012,60014,600/-333333333
1. Assessment1.1 Courses:Under continuous assessment (assignments), the students have tosubmit two assignments for each 3 C. H. course to the concernedtutor in the stipulated time mentioned in the assignment schedule.Passing marks for the assignments are 50 per cent.At the end of each semester, final examination will beconducted by the University for each Course. Students need 50per cent marks to pass the final examination; however, it isnecessary for the students to obtain an aggregate of 50 per cent(assignments final examination) in each course. The ratio ofmarks of assignments and final examination is 30:70respectively. The summary of assessment system is given sMarksAssignment-I1005030Assignment-II10050Final Examination1005070Aggregate Marks100Aggregate Passing Marks504. Change of RulesAny amendment made by the University in BS (4 years)rules will be applicable to the BS (4 years) Pakistan Studiesprogramme (as per rules).Programme Coordinator:Dr. Khalid RTMENT OF COMMERCEThe Department of Commerce is one of the pioneeracademic Departments of AIOU. The Department wasestablished in 1975 and started offering, Industrial &Commercial Training Courses. Since 1987 CommerceDepartment started working with a full-fledged capacity tocater the needs of the wide range of people interested inCommerce field. Since its inception thousands of businessgraduates have got business education. They are serving thenation in different capacities as part of the country’s trainedand productive work force. The Department of Commercesince its inception has been offering skill oriented andprofessional courses to cater the need of industry forprofessionally trained and productive workforce. As per thevision of University, the Department has always strived todevelop courses and programmes in consultation withaccreditation bodies and stakeholders. The Department takespride to offer BS Accounting and Finance.2. WorkshopsThere would be workshop for 3 days each 3 credit hourcourse. Workshop is a compulsory component. It is requiredfor pass the course. It does not carry any marks.3. Study MaterialThe University will provide study material to the students atthe start of each semester in the form of soft copy as perAIOU policy.6
Sr #1234561234561234561SCHEME OF STUDIESBS (ACCOUNTING & FINANCE)2Programme Code: 0436345Semester IIslamiat/Ethics (For NonMuslims Students)Compulsory English-IFundamentals of BusinessPrinciples of AccountingMicro EconomicsApplied Mathematic forBusiness and Social SciencesSemester IIPakistan StudiesCompulsory English-IIBasics of ICTCost AccountingMacro EconomicsStatistics for ManagementSemester IIIPrinciples of ManagementBusiness CommunicationFundamentals of Moneyand BankingFinancial AccountingBusiness TaxationCommercial GeographySemester IVAuditingCr. 5953541712345612345612347Introduction to BusinessFinanceAdvanced AccountingBusiness LawIslamic BankingSemester VAdvanced FinancialAccountingBank OperationsManagementE-CommerceBasics of Technical EnglishIntroduction to SociologyPakistani Adab-ISemester VIManagerial AccountingBusiness ResearchNon-Banking FinancialInstitutionsMarketing ManagementIntroduction to EnvironmentIqbal Persian PoetrySemester VIIFinancial ManagementCorporate LawTaxation ManagementMoney and Capital 5318526
ii.Learning Management Systems (LMS) shall besourced for hosting academic material delivery ofinstructions.Evaluation SchemeAssessment criteria as per rules & regulations of ourUniversity will be applied as under:5Public Sector Accounting38555Semester VIII1Financial Reporting-I385672Corporate Finance385243Advanced Auditing385334Financial Reporting II3856838566Research Project Or1. Project Management85162. Entrepreneurship85035Or1. Project Management85162. Internship8569Total Credit Hours138Note: Two Courses in lieu of Research project will be asfollows:I.Project ManagementII.EntrepreneurshipOne course along with internship will be ProjectManagementDuration:Four (04) year consisting of eight semesters.AssessmentWeightage in theComponentaggregate resultAssignment No. 1 & 230%Final Examination70%i.For successful completion of each course, the studentwill be required to qualify in each component.ii. To appear in final examination, the student has to passin both assignments, and 70% attendance in theworkshop classes.iii. The conditions to qualify each component are givenbelow:a. A minimum of 50% pass marks in assignments(aggregate).b. A minimum of 50% pass marks in the final writtenexamination.iv. 70% attendance in workshop classes, failing which thestudent will reappear in Workshop.Award of Degree:i.Successful completion of all required courses.ii.Internship Report (if chosen):a)A student will be required to complete internshipof three (03) months and submit internshipreport to the department for evaluation.Admission Criteria:i. Candidates having intermediate or equivalent qualificationwith at least 45% marks are eligible to apply for admission.ii. ADC degree holders will be eligible for admission infifth semester of BS & A&FMethods of Instruction:i.The program will be offered according to ODLEducation Policy, i.e. Asynchronous/ synchronous/Blended Mode of Learning.8
iii.Guidelines regarding internship report will beprovided by the department.b)On successful completion and submission ofinternship report, viva voce examination will beheld in the department.Successful completion of research project (if chosen),viva voce examination will be held in the department.2)Prof. Dr. Syed Muhammad Amir ShahChairmanPh: 051-9250153, 051-9057154E-mail: dramirshah@aiou.edu.pk3)Mr. Tanvir AhmedAssistant ProfessorPh: 051-9257441E-mail: tanvir.ahmed@aiou.edu.pkFee Structure:ItemFeeRs.500/-4)Registration Fee:( at the time of 1st admission in University)Admission Fee:Rs.1000/(at the time of 1st admission in Programme)Per 3 credit hour course fee: Rs.2100/Rs.2100 6 Rs.12600/Rs.12600/Technology Fee (per semester)Rs.500/stTotal Fee for 1 Semester: Rs.14,600/-Mr. Moazzam Ali TararAssistant ProfessorPh: 051-9057879E-mail: moazzam.ali@aiou.edu.pk5)Mr. Muhammad Munir AhmadLecturerPh: 051-9057162E-mail: munir.ahmad@aiou.edu.pkNote:i. In order to attend online classes, a student is requiredto have a facility of computer with internet connection.ii. The workshop will be conducted at the Main Campusor Regional Campuses depending upon the reasonablesize of group of students.iii.Faculty Members of Commerce Department6)7)Ms. Asia BatoolLecturerPh: 051-9057879E-mail: asia.batool@aiou.edu.pkStaff:Ph: 051-9057221E-mail: commerce@aiou.edu.pk1)Prof. Dr. Shahid Iqbal KamranDeanFaculty of Social Sciences & HumanitiesPh: 051- 9250076, 051-90577729
DEPARTMENTOF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONi.The Department of Business Administration was establishedin 1986 with the objective to impart managerial educationand skills in the discipline of Business Administration. Sinceits inception, the Department has made tremendous progresstowards achieving its ultimate goal of becoming a center ofexcellence in the discipline of Business Management. TheDepartment has assembled outstanding teaching faculty anddeveloped extensive teaching material for the improvementof education in Pakistan.ii.iii.To prepare graduates for public and private sectororganizations and to equip them to cater the needs ofcomplex and changing business environment.To encourage continuous learning and habitualreceptiveness, explore the new ways of identifying anddealing with opportunities and problems, to face futurebusiness challenges.To provide the business students bottom to topmanagement orientation skills, enhance their businessskills, enable them to integrate theory business intopractice in their daily lives.BACHELOR OF BUSINESSADMINISTRATION (BBA 4 Years)The department is offering MBA 3-½ year, MBA 2-½ year,PGD HRM, MS Management Sciences and PhD BusinessAdministration. The department introduced BBA 4 Yearsprogramme in Autumn 2017. It is hoped that theseprogrammes would contribute significantly to the nationalgoal of development of professions equipped with modernbusiness techniques. These programmes are designed toprovide an opportunity to upgrade the skills and enhanceprofessional qualifications of the future managers. Further,we are of the opinion that the graduates from this universitywould have recognition in the human resource market andenjoy a respectable status in public and private sectororganizations, operating in Pakistan and abroad. TheDepartment has well qualified faculty members includingPhDs, MPhil/MS both from national and foreign universities.Introduction:The Higher Education Commission initiated four yearsdegree programme in Business Administration to access besttalent at initial stages and provide students the opportunity tohave expertise in the discipline of choice.The purpose of BBA 4 year programme is to enablegraduates to better respond to the organizational demandsand to help them acquire the skills needed for managing selfand others in an organization. The courses of BBA 4 yearprogramme are aimed at developing an understanding of theways in which individuals and groups behave in relation toan organization. It also focuses on the way organizationsshape individual action. The specialized courses of BBA 4year Programme to enable the students to develop anunderstanding of particular kind of organizations and toThe department is offering various programmes in order toachieve the following objectives:10
learn different skills appropriate for managerial andadministrative tasks associated with these organizations.It is designed to enable students to develop knowledge andskills a
Learning Management system (LMS) portal support online. Committed for your bright future Prof. Dr. Zia-Ul-Qayyum Vice Chancellor, AIOU . vi ADMISSION SCHEDULE . Open Merit Based Programmes: 1. BS English 2. BS Pakistan Studies 4. Bs Accounting & Finance 5. BS Islamic Studies 6. BS Arabic