BRC Food Safety Management System Implementation WorkbookWe have written this workbook to assist in the implementation of yourBRC food safety management system. The workbook is divided into 8steps that are designed to assist you in implementing your food safetymanagement system effectively:ü Step One: Introduction to the BRC Global Standard for FoodSafetyü Step Two: Gap Analysisü Step Three: Senior Management Implementationü Step Four: Food Safety Plan/HACCP Implementationü Step Five: Food Safety Quality Management Systemü Step Six: BRC Implementation & Trainingü Step Seven: Internal Auditing Training & Checklistsü Step Eight: Final Steps to BRC Certificationwww.brcfoodsafety.com1
BRC Food Safety Management System Implementation WorkbookThe Workbook guides you through the process of implementing our BRCFood Safety Quality Management System, which is an ideal package forFood Manufacturers looking to meet British Retail Consortium Global forFood Safety 2018 (Issue 8).This comprehensive system contains:Comprehensive Procedures ManualFSMS Record TemplatesHACCP Manual containing the HACCP CalculatorLaboratory Quality ManualTraining Modules and Exams BRC Standard for Food Safety Training Module HACCP Training Internal Audit Training and Checklists BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Gap Analysis Checklists Verification and Validation Record Templates Free online support via e-mail As well as being updated this BRC Implementation Package includesadditional management tools to help you achieve BRC certification: Unannounced Audit GuidanceAllergen Management Module & Risk Assessment ToolSupplier Risk Assessment ToolProduct Development ModuleBRC Risk Assessment ToolComplaint Management Guidelines & AnalyserHygiene Inspection TrainingVerification Schedule Risk Assessment Tool and TemplateAs a preliminary to Step 1 we recommend that the you get a copy of thecurrent issue of the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety. It is free todownload at the BRCBookShop2www.brcfoodsafety.com
BRC Food Safety Management System Implementation WorkbookStep One: Introduction to the BRC Global Standard for Food SafetyThis PowerPoint training module presentation will introduce the BRCGlobal Standard for Food Safety to the management team and explainhow to start the process of implementing a BRC compliant Food SafetyManagement System.3www.brcfoodsafety.com
BRC Food Safety Management System Implementation WorkbookStep Two: Gap AnalysisAt this stage, an assessment should be made by the most senior technical member of the management team to decide ifthe Site Food Safety Management System in its current form meets the Requirements in Sections 1 to 9 of the BRCStandard. The nominated manager should read through the requirements in Section 1 to 9 of the BRC Global Standard forFood Safety and assess for compliance using the checklist below to record their findings.BRC Global Standard for Food Safety F804a: Issue 8 Auditor Checklist and Site Self-Assessment Tool can be used for thistask and can be downloaded here: -issue-8-checklist-english.docxFindings can be summarised below.BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 8 Gap AnalysisRelevant Documentation RequirementsCompliantCommentsSection 1 Senior Management CommitmentYesNo1.1 Senior management commitment andcontinual improvement1.2 Organisational structure, responsibilitiesand management authorityRelevant Documentation RequirementsCompliantCommentsSection 2 The Food Safety Plan – HACCPYesNo4www.brcfoodsafety.com
BRC Food Safety Management System Implementation WorkbookStep Three: Senior Management ImplementationA Senior Management Implementation checklist is provided thatestablishes your Food Safety Management System fundamentalsincluding Food Safety Policies and Objectives.The checklist guides Senior Management: in planning the establishment of the FSMS in providing adequate support to establish the FSMS in ensuring there is adequate infrastructure and workenvironment in allocating responsibility and authorityThis stage requires the Senior Management to meet and establish thefoundations for the Food Safety Management System: Formulating a checklist of Customer, Regulatory, Statutory andother relevant Food Safety requirements Decide which Food Safety requirements the company shouldaddress and develop relevant policies. Based on the Food Safety Policy Management Policies establishFood Safety Objectives Define the scope and boundaries of the FSMS Plan the establishment of the FSMS using the project planner Provide adequate support to establish the FSMS Ensure there is adequate infrastructure and work environment anddevelop a Corrective Action Plan to rectify Prerequisite shortfalls Allocate responsibility and authority Assess, plan and establish appropriate internal and externalcommunication (including the food chain) channelsAs a decision has already been made to implement a system compliantwith the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety, the Senior Managementmeeting should also consider the requirements of the Standard whichare summarised below and should be read direct from the Standard:13www.brcfoodsafety.com
BRC Food Safety Management System Implementation WorkbookSection 1 Senior Management CommitmentFundamental requirement - Senior management demonstrate they are fullycommitted to the implementation of the requirements of the Global Standardfor Food Safety and to processes which facilitate continual improvement offood safety and quality management.Relevant Documentation RequirementsSection 1 Senior Management Commitment1.1Senior Management Commitment and ContinualImprovement1.1.1Documented Food Safety Policy1.1.2Food Safety & Quality Culture1.1.3Documented Food Safety Objectives1.1.4Senior Management Review1.1.5Meeting Program1.1.6Confidential Reporting System1.1.7Human and Financial Resources1.1.8Informed of All Relevant Legislative, Scientific1.1.9Current, Original Copy of The Standard1.2Organisational Structure, Responsibilities andManagement Authority1.2.1Organisation Chart1.2.2Employees are Aware of ResponsibilitiesA meeting should now be co-ordinated involving all the SeniorManagement Team.14www.brcfoodsafety.com
BRC Food Safety Management System Implementation WorkbookSenior Management FSMS Implementation MeetingDateTimeVenueAgenda1. Formulating a checklist of Customer, Regulatory, Statutory andother relevant Food Safety requirements2. Decide which Food Safety requirements the company shouldaddress and develop relevant policies.3. Based on the Food Safety Policy Management Policies establishFood Safety Objectives4. Define the scope and boundaries of the FSMS5. Plan the establishment of the FSMS using the project planner6. Provide adequate support to establish the FSMS7. Ensure there is adequate infrastructure and work environment8. Allocate responsibility and authority9. Assess, plan and establish appropriate internal and externalcommunication (including the food chain) channelsAttendees:Senior Management TeamJob TitleNameRole in TeamManaging DirectorChairmanSite DirectorDeputy ChairOperations ManagerOperations ReportingTechnical ManagerFood Safety and Quality ReportingManagement RepresentativePlanning ManagerPlanning and Capacity ReportingDistribution ManagerDistribution ReportingMaintenance ManagerServices and Engineering ProvisionFinance ManagerFinancial ReportingHuman Resources ManagerResource reporting15www.brcfoodsafety.com
BRC Food Safety Management System Implementation WorkbookSenior Management FSMS Implementation ChecklistThe Senior Management FSMS Implementation Meeting should followthe guidelines of the Senior Management Implementation Checklist:Senior management formulate a checklist of Customer, Regulatory, Statutoryand other relevant Food Safety ord DetailsXYZ Customer Requires thisBRC Global Standard for Food Safety2015Action(i)Food RegulationsSenior Management decides which Food Safety requirements the companyshould address and develop relevant policies.RequirementPolicy DetailsAction(ii)16www.brcfoodsafety.com
BRC Food Safety Management System Implementation WorkbookSenior Management Establish the Project PlanSenior Management can adapt/use the template supplied with thesystem to establish a Project Plan.25www.brcfoodsafety.com
BRC Food Safety Management System Implementation WorkbookSenior Management establish and provide Infrastructure and WorkEnvironment RequirementsSenior Management provides the Infrastructure and Work Environmentrequired to establish the Food Safety Management System. Havingassessed the resources required to implement, maintain, and improvethe Food Safety Management System, these resources should beprovided including:-Requirements identified in Step 2Skilled PersonnelSuitable materialsSuitable equipmentAppropriate Hardware and SoftwareInfrastructureInformationFinancesAudit resourceTraining resourceSenior management ensure there is adequate infrastructure, workenvironment & compliance with prerequisite requirementsInfrastructure/Workenvironment/Step 2 com
BRC Food Safety Management System Implementation WorkbookStep 2: Confirmed Corrective Actions from Gap AnalysisDateBRC StandardSectionDetails of NonConformanceIdentifiedby:Corrective ActionRequiredTargetDateResponsibility completionCompletedDate28www.brcfoodsafety.com
BRC Food Safety Management System Implementation WorkbookSenior Management allocate Responsibility and Authority RequirementsSenior Management establishes responsibility and authority levels. Thescope of the defined responsibility and authority will include all staff, bothfull time and temporary. Staff responsibilities will include contributing toachieving site objectives and continuous improvement. The level ofresponsibility and authority of sub-contractors is defined in the procedurefor the control of sub-contractors.Responsibilities and authorities of all personnel should becommunicated to them via induction and role training.An organisational chart should be drawn to demonstrate the companystructure with deputies for each management position. The identity ofdeputies should be communicated to all employees.All Managers will need to have agreed and signed job descriptions fortheir individual roles which include responsibility and authority.General Job descriptions including levels of responsibility and authorityshould be made available for all roles on site. All personnel should berequired to sign the relevant general job description which is held withtheir individual training records. Responsibility for reporting anyproblems with the food safety quality management system should bedetailed in individual job descriptions. The job descriptions includedetails of staff responsibility and authority to initiate and recordcorrective actions.Specific responsibilities for key processes are to be documented withinoperational procedures. Individual objectives are cascaded in staffappraisals.The Management Representative for Quality and Food Safety is theTechnical Manager, who retains responsibility and authority for:- Ensuring that Quality and Food Safety Management systemsare established, implemented, maintained and updated.- Reporting directly to senior management regarding systemperformance and suitability- Presenting FSQMS information for senior management reviewso that actions for improvement can be determined.- Ensuring that the Food Safety team are fully qualified andtrained to meet the company requirements.29www.brcfoodsafety.com
BRC Food Safety Management System Implementation WorkbookKey Personnel and Nominated DeputiesJob TitleJob HolderNominated DeputyEmergency Response CoordinatorFood Safety/HACCP Team LeaderManagement RepresentativeSite DirectorOperations ManagerProduction ManagerWarehouse ManagerMaintenance ManagerFactory Safety ManagerHuman Resource ManagerQuality ManagerProduction SupervisorPacking ManagerTechnical ManagerPlanning ManagerGoods Receipt ManagerDesign and Development ManagerPlanning ManagerCustomer Service ManagerLaboratory ManagerDistribution ManagerProject Manager31www.brcfoodsafety.com
BRC Food Safety Management System Implementation WorkbookSenior Management Establish Food Safety Management SystemSteering GroupFood Safety Management System Steering GroupFSMS Team MemberNamePositionQualificationFSMS Team LeaderFSMS Assistant LeaderFSMS Team Members32www.brcfoodsafety.com
BRC Food Safety Management System Implementation Workbookis included in updating the food safety quality management systemwhere appropriate:- Results of Inspections by Regulatory Authorities and anychanges in regulatory requirements- New information regarding Food Safety Hazards and ControlMeasures- Food Safety Issues and Health Hazards associated with theproduct- Anything else considered likely to have an impact on foodsafetyBy communicating effectively with all employees all employees will beable to contribute to the effectiveness of the Food Safety QualityManagement System.Senior management assess plan and establish appropriate internal andexternal communication (including the food chain) channelsCommunication om
BRC Food Safety Management System Implementation WorkbookStep Four: Food Safety Plan/HACCP ImplementationHACCP TrainingHACCP training is supplied to train your food safety team in thepreliminary steps to a Hazard analysis, the principles of HACCP andInstructions in implementing your HACCP system.42www.brcfoodsafety.com
BRC Food Safety Management System Implementation WorkbookHACCP SystemThe HACCP System is implemented by following the FSMS procedures:FSMS Section 2QM 2 HACCP SystemQM 2.1 HACCP Team and ScopeQM 2.2 HACCP PrerequisitesQM 2.3 HACCP Product Description and Relevant InformationQM 2.4 HACCP Intended UseQM 2.5 HACCP Flow DiagramsQM 2.6 HACCP F
BRC Food Safety Management System Implementation Workbook www.brcfoodsafety.com 4 Step Two: Gap Analysis At this stage, an assessment should be made by the most senior technical member of the management team to decide if the Site Food Safety Management System in its current form meets the Requirements in Sections 1 to 9 of the BRC Standard. The nominated manager should read through