Ancient Rome: Rise Of An Empire


Ancient Rome:Rise of an EmpireJulius CaesarAssassination of Julius Caesar

Who was Julius Caesar? From patrician family Served in many military &government positionsWhat was the 1st Triumvirate? (60 BCE) Julius Caesar joined with Pompeythe Great (military leader) &Crassus (wealthy politician) 3 people having powerJulius Caesar Timeline Link: caesar timeline/33/

What happens to the 1st Triumvirate? Crassus dies in battle. Pompey was a consul and jealous ofCaesar who was a governor in Gaul.Pompey has the Senate order himback to Rome without his army. Caesar brings his army back to Romeand defies Pompey and the Senate. What happens to Julius Caesar next?He defeats Pompey’s troops ineastern Rome. The Senate name him dictator in46 BCE and dictator for life in 44 Pompey flees and later dies in Egypt.BCE.

What were Caesar’s reforms?1. Distributed free grain2. Set up colonies where poorpeople could own land3. Granted citizenship to manypeople in the provinces4. Expanded the number of peoplein the Senate5. Created public works jobs forthe poor like constructingbuildings6. Increased pay for soldiers7. Set up the Julian Calendar (ourcalendar modern-day)

Differing Views of Caesar as a RulerThe badtyrant whowanted to beking.The goodwise ruler whobroughtpeace toRome.What do you think? oPf27gAup9U&t 665sThe Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or.Which Was It?: Crash CourseWorld History #10

The Assassination of CaesarWhy was Julius Caesar assassinated? Ancient Roman Law- anyone who plotted tobe king may be killed without a trial The Senators also feared Caesar’s powerand popularity, and that he woulddiminish their role in government.The Ides of March: On March 15 44 BCE, Caesar wasassassinated by the Senate. Rome was plunged into civil war.

After Caesar Dies The Second TriumvirateWho made up the2nd Triumvirate? They werethree ofCaesar’ssupporters.Octavian(Julius Caesar’sgrandnephew)Marc Antony(Julius Caesar’sgeneral)Marcus Lepidus(powerful politician)

What did the 2nd Triumvirate do? In 43 B.C., they took controlof Rome and ruled for tenyears. They executed the Senatorsresponsible for Caesar’sdeath.

Trouble with the Triumvirate End result?What happened to the 2ndTriumvirate? Octavian plotted totake all the power forhimself. Octavian forced Lepidus toretire from politics. Marc Antony committed suicidewith his lover Cleopatra afterOctavian defeated him in battle.

What does Emperor Augustus Caesar do? Octavian renamed himselfAugustus and became the1st Roman Empire. (27 BCE)Accomplishments:-ruled for 41 years-set up a civil service system-welfare system of bread atcircuses-imports grain to feed people-rebuilds Rome-replaces brickwith marble-built new roads

Works Cited in-found.html Wars 7/ (triumvate)

The Assassination of Caesar Why was Julius Caesar assassinated? Ancient Roman Law- anyone who plotted to be king may be killed without a trial The Senators also feared Caesar’s power and popularity, and that he would diminish their role in government. The Ides of March: On March 15 44 BCE, Caesar was assassinated by the Senate.