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View metadata, citation and similar papers at to you byCOREprovided by Digital Commons @ CSUMB (California State University, Monterey Bay)California State University, Monterey BayDigital Commons @ CSUMBCapstone Projects and Master's ThesesSpring 2015Developing Pre-Service Teacher Identity with Respect to CulturallyRelevant PedagogyTessa Nicole MauroCalifornia State University, Monterey BayFollow this and additional works at: thesRecommended CitationMauro, Tessa Nicole, "Developing Pre-Service Teacher Identity with Respect to Culturally RelevantPedagogy" (2015). Capstone Projects and Master's Theses. 500. thes/500This Master's Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ CSUMB. It has beenaccepted for inclusion in Capstone Projects and Master's Theses by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons @ CSUMB. Unless otherwise indicated, this project was conducted as practicum not subject to IRBreview but conducted in keeping with applicable regulatory guidance for training purposes. For more information,please contact

Running head: DEVELOPING TEACHER IDENTITYDeveloping Pre-Service Teacher Identity with Respect to Culturally Relevant PedagogyTessa Nicole MauroAction Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Master of Arts in EducationCalifornia State University Monterey BayMay 2015 2015 by Tessa Nicole Mauro. All Rights Reserved

DEVELOPING TEACHER IDENTITYDeveloping Pre-Service Teacher Identity with Respect to Culturally Relevant PedagogyBy: Tessa Nicole MauroAPPROVED BY THE GRADUATE ADVISORY COMMITTEEDr. Lou Denti, Thesis Advisor and Coordinator, Master of Arts in EducationDigitally signed by Dr. Kris RoneyDate: 2015.06.20 08:41:41 -08'00'Dr. Kris Roney, Ph.D. Associate Vice PresidentFor Academic Programs and Dean of Undergraduate & Graduate Studiesii

DEVELOPING TEACHER IDENTITYAbstractThis thesis will discuss how the development of teacher identity is a necessary component ofpre-service teachers schooling. Through social foundations of education, dialogue about systemicoppression and teachings on historical ramifications of the educational system, pre-serviceteachers can develop a deeper understanding of the students around them. Current teachereducation programs focus on a limited exposure to Culturally Relevant Pedagogical ideologies.Pre-service teachers can choose whether to address inherent biases or to remain unaware of theirinherent dysconscious biases. Developing teacher education programs that help foster criticalconsciousness through reflection, action, and dialogue are all important issues that should beaddressed in teacher education.iii

DEVELOPING TEACHER IDENTITYAcknowledgmentsGoing back to school to receive my Bachelor’s degree five years ago was not a decisionthat I would have made if it were not for the birth of my first son, Tyler. I was heading down apath of destruction. I was not planning on pursing any form of higher education. Now, I am onmy way of obtaining my Masters in Education, something that was not in hindsight five yearsago. My sons, my family, and my professors here at CSUMB have given more fulfillment ofaccomplishment than I could have ever imagined. I am now in a career and working towardsmaking change within our educational system.If it were not for my professors allowing me to bring my son with me to class, or mygrandparents or mother not watching my sons when I needed to go to class or finish a majorproject, or my now husband not working past his breaking point to make sure that we were ableto make rent, or my best friends not giving me encouragement and support, I would have notmake it through this program. Thank you for all that you have done and all that I know you willcontinue to do. This is not only for me, but for you all as well. Thank you.iv

DEVELOPING TEACHER IDENTITYTable of 33Setting.34Participants.35v

DEVELOPING TEACHER on.60References.61AppendixA.64AppendixB.66vi

DEVELOPING TEACHER IDENTITY1Chapter One: IntroductionIntroductionWithin schooling, we are taught particular ways of thinking. Teacher candidates areexpected to learn the process to teach students in primary and/or secondary schools based on astandardized curriculum. Within this traditional form of teacher education, pre-service teachers,whether they be interns or student-teachers, may choose to wrestle with deeper connotations ofwhat it means to be any student of color within our American educational system, or they canignore this all together. The problem lies within the curriculum and pedagogy itself, in particularwithin teacher education programs (Hooks, 1998; Sleeter, 2012). Hooks (1998), Ladson-Billings(1995), and Sleeter (2012) state that because the majority of teachers entering the teachingprofession are white females, teacher education programs need to offer a

Digital Commons @ CSUMB Capstone Projects and Master's Theses . education programs focus on a limited exposure to Culturally Relevant Pedagogical ideologies. . my way of obtaining my Masters in Education, something that was not in hindsight five years ago. My sons, my family, and my professors here at CSUMB have given more fulfillment of .