Supercharging U.S. Growth & Value Creation - Telekom


Deutsche TelekomSupercharging U.S. growth & Value CreationLeading European TelcoThe superchargedun-CarrierUnique Combinationof scale and growthEuropeanConvergence Leader

DISCLAIMERThis presentation contains forward-looking statements that reflect the current views of Deutsche Telekom management with respect to future events. These forwardlooking statements include statements with regard to the expected development of revenue, earnings, profits from operations, depreciation and amortization, cash flowsand personnel-related measures. You should consider them with caution. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, most of which are difficult to predictand are generally beyond Deutsche Telekom’s control. Among the factors that might influence our ability to achieve our objectives are the progress of our workforcereduction initiative and other cost-saving measures, and the impact of other significant strategic, labor or business initiatives, including acquisitions, dispositions andbusiness combinations, and our network upgrade and expansion initiatives. In addition, stronger than expected competition, technological change, legal proceedings andregulatory developments, among other factors, may have a material adverse effect on our costs and revenue development. Further, the economic downturn in our markets,and changes in interest and currency exchange rates, may also have an impact on our business development and the availability of financing on favorable conditions.Changes to our expectations concerning future cash flows may lead to impairment write downs of assets carried at historical cost, which may materially affect our resultsat the group and operating segment levels. If these or other risks and uncertainties materialize, or if the assumptions underlying any of these statements prove incorrect,our actual performance may materially differ from the performance expressed or implied by forward-looking statements. We can offer no assurance that our estimates orexpectations will be achieved. Without prejudice to existing obligations under capital market law, we do not assume any obligation to update forward-looking statementsto take new information or future events into account or otherwise.In addition to figures prepared in accordance with IFRS, Deutsche Telekom also presents alternative performance measures, including, among others, EBITDA, EBITDAmargin, adjusted EBITDA, adjusted EBITDA margin, adjusted EBIT, adjusted net income, free cash flow, gross debt and net debt. These alternative performance measuresshould be considered in addition to, but not as a substitute for, the information prepared in accordance with IFRS. Alternative performance measures are not subject toIFRS or any other generally accepted accounting principles. Other companies may define these terms in different ways.2

Highly attractive transaction Unique value creationopportunity forDeutsche TelekomShareholders U.S. market highly attractive Supercharging theUn-Carrier @ 43 bn costsynergy NPV EBITDA and FCF growthenhancing for DT’sshareholders; EPS accretive 3years after closing Further strengthening ourTransatlantic Platform Unique combination of scale &growth DT ex U.S. investment andgrowth profile unaffectedAttractiveTransaction Terms Stock-for-stock transaction; nocash consideration Fixed exchange ratio of0.10256x DT controls and consolidatesNew T-Mobile US through proxyover Softbank shares No break-up feesBenefitting U.S. consumers,investments and jobcreation Supercharging the proconsumer Un-Carrier strategy Unique spectrum position toaccelerate 5G competition Unprecedented investments innationwide 5G Creating jobs from day 1Robust CapitalStructure DT Group to rapidly de-leverpost integration New T-Mobile US returns tostrict standalone funding 8 bn DT shareholder loans tobe repaid at closing cancellation of 2.5 bn RCF Remaining 6.6bn DT helddebt will be redeemed overtime DT remains committed toundisputed access to capitalmarketsGovernance Designedfor EfficientIntegration The Un-Carrier team in charge Proven merger execution /value creation track record Clearly defined governance3

further strengthening Dt’s LeaDinG transatLanticPLATFORMStrong presence in the U.S. and Europe Market Growth2017 vs 2016 With Significant Value Creation 2.0%1 1.8%2 Leading positions in the twostrongest economies in WesternHemisphere 90% of revenues in AAAT-Mobile US Sprint (PF) bn733223Revenue Well-balanced growth & yield profile13Adj. EBITDA127 mn mobile customerseconomiesDeutsche Telekom ex U.S. bn39 6.9Revenuemn492 mn mobile customers19 mn broadband lines7 mn TV customersAdj. EBITDA 2.2mn4 0.5 mn Local entrepreneurism & globalscale High relevance for local economies 0.5 mnNote: KPIs are based on 2017YE2017 vs 2016x1) Total mobile revenue2) Total integrated revenue3) Pro forma revenue and adjusted EBITDA as of CY2017; Calculated as the sum of T-Mobile US and Sprint revenue/adjusted EBITDA (as per respective company reporting)4) CY2017 total net adds (incl. wholesale); U.S. includes 5.7 mn and 1.2 mn net adds for T-Mobile US and Sprint, respectively; T-Mobile US net adds adjusted for wholesale customers restatement4

The TransactionValue CreationGovernanceFINANCINGDT – Transatlantic LeadershipOUTLOOKKey Transaction termsTransaction HighlightsGovernance andLeadershipVotingAgreement Stock-for-stock transaction at fixed exchange ratio 0.10256x1,no cash consideration DT consolidation and control through Softbank proxy No break-up fees Chairman: Tim Hoettges CEO: John Legere; President & COO: Mike Sievert 9 out of 14 Board members nominated by DT (incl. 2Independents)New T-Mobile US Ownership Structure% Equity tbank DT to have perpetual voting proxy over Softbank’s New T-MobileUS shares2 Upon closing of the transaction DT to control 69% of all votingrightsstockhoLDer’sAgreement DT generally to keep rights under currentT-Mobile US stockholder’s agreement Softbank with certain veto and information rights DT’s and Softbank’s New T-Mobile US shares subject to 4-yearlock-up, subject to certain exceptionsRegulatoryApprovals / Timing Expected closing in the first half of 2019, subject to regulatoryapprovals and certain customary closing conditions T-Mobile US to provide Sprint roaming agreement for 4 years;agreement will survive in event of termination of transactionNew T-Mobile USShareholderOwnershipT-Mobile US67%Sprint33%1) Equivalent to 9.75 Sprint shares for each T-Mobile US share2) Proxy will be subject to certain termination events based upon transfers of shares by DT or DT’s ownership; DT’s and Softbank’s New T-Mobile US shares subject to 4-year lock-up, subject to certain exceptions5

THE TRANSACTIONValue CreationGovernanceFINANCINGDT – Transatlantic LeadershipOUTLOOKU.S. TElco MARKEt: Growth & Value Creation PotentialTHE LARGEST GLOBALTELCO MARKET 509 bnMarket Size 1 757 bnMarket Cap 2326 mnPopulation 31)2)3)4)5)LARGEST GLOBAL TELCO“Profit PooL”ATTRACTIVEGROWTH 162 bn4%Adj. EBITDA 42017Nominal GDPCAGR 2017-22E 3 46 bn1%Free Cash Flow 52017Average PopulationGrowth 2017-22E 3ATTRACTIVEREGULATORYFRAMEWORKINNOVATIONDe factoIndefiniteSpectrumOwnershipAttractiveTax RegimeCombined revenue CY2017 for T-Mobile US, Sprint, AT&T, Verizon, Charter, Comcast, Dish and Altice USACombined market capitalisation of T-Mobile US, Sprint, AT&T, Verizon, Charter, Comcast, Dish and Altice USA; Market capitalisation as of 20-Apr-2018Source: IMF World Economic Outlook (Apr-2018)Combined adjusted EBITDA CY2017 for T-Mobile US, Sprint, AT&T, Verizon, Charter, Comcast, Dish and Altice USACombined free cash flow CY2017 for T-Mobile US, Sprint, AT&T, Verizon, Charter, Comcast, Dish and Altice USA; Free cash flow defined as cash flow from operations less capital expenditures6

THE TRANSACTIONValue CreationGovernanceFINANCINGDT – Transatlantic LeadershipOUTLOOKCREATING ROBUST COMPETITION IN THE 5G ERA1Unprecedented nationwide5g network Unprecedented capacity, speed andlatency to drive revolutionary consumerexperience unlocking significanteconomic value Accelerate U.S. position in 5G as theonly company able to quickly deploy abroad and deep nationwide 5G network Use early leadership in 5G to capturewave of innovation and disruption,benefiting customers and the U.S.economy2SUPERCHARGE UN-CARRIERSTRATEGY AT PIVOTAL TIME Network capabilities and capacity willlead to better service and lower prices Continuation of proven pro-consumerstrategy that is fundamentally builtaround more value and higherconsumer satisfaction Proactively create new competition anddisruption in adjacent markets Bring real mobile broadbandcompetition to rural Americans for thefirst time and new competition forbusinesses of all sizes3JOB CREATOR FROM DAY ONEUNLOCKING ECONOMIC VALUE Creating new jobs day one withinvestment to expand customer service,retail footprint and 5G build-out Driving rapid investment nationwide in5G, ensuring American leadership in5G eco-system Forcing converged industry leadersto invest more and faster Accelerating the growth of millions1 ofU.S. jobs and substantial economicvalue1) Based on CTIA estimates from “The Global Race to 5G” April 20187

THE TRANSACTIONValue CreationGovernanceFINANCINGDT – Transatlantic LeadershipOUTLOOKNew T-Mobile US has the Breadth & Depth to Create theFirst Nationwide 5G NetworkAvailable spectrum for 5GNew T-Mobile US is the only CompanyCapable of Delivering Nationwide 5G inCritical Early Stage of Innovation Unmatched combination of spectrumassets to create a broad AND deepnetworkmmWMid-bandLow-band Enhanced financial position aboveNew T-Mobile USwhat either company could do alone toinvest in the rollout of 5GmmW Proven leadership and plan to rapidlyrollout advancements – T-Mobile USdeployed nationwide LTE twice as fastas Verizon and three times as fast asAT&TMid-bandLow-bandDense UrbanMetroNationwide8

THE TRANSACTIONValue CreationGovernanceFINANCINGDT – Transatlantic LeadershipOUTLOOKsuperior Value Creation Through Cost SynergiesRun-Rate Synergies( bn, pre-tax)Cost to Achieve( bn)NPV of Synergies( bn)1IntegrationYears(Net of Costs to Achieve)NetworkSite Decommissioning, Cost to Decommission, Network Integration Costs &Capex SavingsSales, Service & MarketingStore Consolidation, Increased Lease & Labor Expense, Store Refresh Cost,Advertising, Customer Care, Equipment Revenue & LogisticsBack OfficeIT & Billing & Fixed G&ATotal 3 4 10 2 263 1 1 113-4 1 4 63-4 6 15 43 1) NPV of synergies net of costs to achieve, calculated assuming a discount rate of 8.0% on unlevered free cash flow2) Net of avoided capital expenditures3) Includes synergies of NPV 0.1 bn and cost to achieve of 0.6 bn in 2018E, assuming 01-Jan-2019 close9

THE TRANSACTIONValue CreationGovernanceFINANCINGDT – Transatlantic LeadershipOUTLOOKProven Track Record: Synergy Realization at MetroPCSKey highlights and proof points More: delivered 3 bn more ( 40%) synergies than originallyannounced Faster: run-rate synergies 1 year earlier than planRun-Rate SavingsNPV of SynergiesValue Creation 1.2-1.5 bn 6-7 bn 67%At announcementAt announcementvs. Efficient: integration costs 1 bn lower than plan Consistent: T-Mobile US met or exceeded annual guidancefor 5 straight years Dynamic: outpaced industry growth by 3x in 2012-2017S&P 5001 1.5 bn 9-10 bn18 monthsafter closing18 monthsafter closing 282%TMUS share priceincr. since MetroPCSannouncement1Proven successful Blueprint for consolidating networks and migrating customers1) T-Mobile US share price and S&P 500 performance between 01-May-2013 and 20-Apr-201810

THE TRANSACTIONValue creationGovernanceFINANCINGDT – Transatlantic LeadershipOUTLOOKthe un-carrier team in chargeNew T-Mobile US BoardChairmanTim Hoettges9 members nominated by DT(2 Independents)4 members nominatedby Softbank (2 Independents)New T-Mobile US ManagementCEOJohn LegerePresident & COOMike SievertManagement positionssourced between T-Mobile USand Sprint talent pools11

THE TRANSACTIONValue creationGovernanceFINANCINGDT – Transatlantic LeadershipOUTLOOKRobust new T-Mobile US capital structureRAPID De-LeveringThrough OrganicGrowth & SynergiesBalanced debtstructureCommitment toachieve InvestmentGrade rating2.9x1 42 bn2Mid-Hi BB 14.6 bn32019EIG Secured DebtInitial ratingT-Mobile US StandaloneParental fundingphased outCOMMITED DEALFINANCING 38 bnFully CommittedFinancing in Place41)2)3)4)1.8x1 75-77 bnIG 6.6 bn3-4 yearsTotal DebtLong-termNew T-Mobile USLeverage at New T-Mobile US defined as net debt (excl. tower obligations) divided by adjusted EBITDA before stock-based compensationExcluding tower obligations, secured debt at close of 36 bn; could grow to up 42 bn post close by refinancing callable/ due unsecured debt before tower obligationsExcluding a 2.5 bn RCF which will be canceled at closing 4 bn Secured Revolver, 7 bn Secured Term Loan B, 19 bn 2-year Secured Bridge, 8 bn Unsecured High Yield Bridge12

THE TRANSACTIONValue creationGovernanceFINANCINGDT – Transatlantic LeadershipOUTLOOKImpact on Deutsche Telekom leverageonLY a short DeParture froM our “coMfort Zone”Deutsche Telekom Group Net Debt/Adj. EBITDA (x)Phasing out parental fundingDeutsche Telekom Parental Funding to T-Mobile US ( 62.5x2.0x6.6 2.5x2.3xNot to be renewed@ maturitiesBBB /StableFitch20172018E2019E2020E2021ET-Mobile US StandaloneNew T-Mobile UST-MOBIle US STRICTLY STANDALONE FUNDING GOING FORWARD13

THE TRANSACTIONValue creationGovernanceFinancingDT – Transatlantic LeadershipOUTLOOKWe Lead on both sides of the atlanticLeading European TelcoEuropean Convergence LeaderThe supercharged un-Carrier Superior value creation Unique spectrum position First broad and deep 5G network Challenge market leaders Un-Carrier team with proven track record#1 in 6 EU countries incl. GermanyConvergence leaderSuperior network experienceGrowing EBITDAStrong cash generationCommitment to investment & growth inEuropeunique Transatlantic PLATFORMFor Growth & Value Creation Global B2B & IoT Innovation & 5G leadership Portfolio diversification Global connectivity14

THE TRANSACTIONValue creationGovernanceFinancingDT – Transatlantic LeadershipOUTLOOKSuperior Growth Profile of our transatlanticPLatforM REVENUEADJUSTED EBITDA2014-17 CAGR (%)2014-17 CAGR (%)FREE CASH FLOW2014-17 CAGR (%)10%8%6%1%Peers0%Peers1%PeersNote: Peers represent median of Vodafone (Sep-2014 to Sep-2017, excluding Netherlands and India), Telefonica, Orange, BT Group (Mar-2015 to Dec-2017, pro forma for EE acquisition), KPN and TIM15

THE TRANSACTIONValue creationGovernanceFinancingDT – Transatlantic LeadershipOUTLOOK GeneratinG superior returns for our shareholdersDeutsche Telekom Total Shareholder Return Performance vs. Peers since MetroPCS Transaction (May 1, 2013)Indexed to 100260Deutsche TelekomEuro STOXX Telecommunications Net Return Index 7140 28 n-17Nov-17Apr-18Note: Market data as of 20-Apr-201816

THE TRANSACTIONValue creationGovernanceFinancingDT – Transatlantic LeadershipOUTLOOKnow we further strenGthen our unique PortfoLio Reported Revenue 2017 1 bnU.S. Co-Parentwith SoftbankInnovation& 5GLeadership131103102Sprint 2DeutscheTelekom275246 34175DeutscheTelekomPro balB2BBest PracticeExchangeIoTSource: Company information1) USD-denominated figures converted in EUR assuming EUR/USD FX rate of 1.22745 as of 20-Apr-20182) Based on Sprint CY2017 reported revenue, converted in EUR3) LTM as of Sep-2017 and excluding Netherlands operations in H2 FY2016/1717

THE TRANSACTIONValue creationGovernanceFinancingDT – Transatlantic LeadershipOUTLOOK via value creation from supercharging theun-carrier Superchargingthe Un-CarrierEuropean Convergence LeaderReturning to GrowthUn-Carrier 1.0 – erExperienceSynergIes5Gleadership18

THE TRANSACTIONValue creationGovernanceFinancingDT – Transatlantic LeadershipOUTLOOK boostinG Deutsche teLekoM’s financial profileAccelerated T-Mobile USFree cash flow growthSupercharging the Un-CarrierboostinG Deutsche teLekoM’sfinancial profileT-Mobile US Free Cash Flow 1 bn16-18EPS accretivefrom year 3for Deutsche Telekom10-11SynergIes5GleadershipDeutsche Telekomex-U.S.investment andgrowth unaffected1-22019E3-4 yearsLonger term1) Defined as Cash Flow From Operations less Capital Expenditures19

Transaction Timeline Until ClosingSigning of BCA1 /AnnouncementApril 2018Regulatory Clearance /ClosingCapital Markets DayMay 2018 – July 2018 Antitrust and regulatory filings with DoJ and FCC Start of negotiations with U.S. security authorities, interalia CFIUS2Up to Q1 2019 1st half 2019Conduct of antitrust and regulatory approval processes with DoJ and FCCContinued procedures for national security clearanceSenate and House hearings with CEOConduct of “State Review” processes in those states that take up the case1) BCA: Business Combination Agreement2) CFIUS: Committee on Foreign Investments in the US20

Conclusion 1Unique Value Creation Opportunity forDeutsche Telekom ShareholdersLeading European Telco2Attractive Transaction Terms3Benefitting U.S. Consumers, Investments and JobCreation 4 5 Governance Designed for Efficient IntegrationRobust Capital Structureunique Combinationof scale and growthThe Superchargedun-carrierEuropeanConvergence Leader21


U.S. TElco MARKEt: Growth & Value Creation Potential 6 1) Combined revenue CY2017 for T-Mobile US, Sprint, AT&T, Verizon, Charter, Comcast, Dish and Altice USA 2) Combined market capitalisation of T-Mobile US, Sprint, AT&T, Verizon, Charter, Comcast, Dish and Altice USA; Market capitalisation as of 20-Apr-2018