TUITION FEE STRUCTURE - University Of Madras


TUITION FEE STRUCTUREFee Structure for the courses under Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages(Regular courses)Anthropology / Sociology / Women’s Studies / Defence and Strategic Studies / Public Administration (TM &EM)/Public Policy / Development Administration / Political Science / Indian Philosophy / Buddhism /Vaishnavism / Divyaprabandham/ Jaina Studies / Comparative Religion and Philosophy with specialization inSaiva Siddhanta /Saiva Siddhanta – Philosophy and Practices / Historical Studies/M.Com. InternationalBusiness & Finance / Comparative Religion and Philosophy with specialization in Christian Studies / ChristianScriptures / Islamic Studies / Economics / Econometrics / Financial Economics / English / French / Hindi /Kannada / Malayalam / Tamil Literature and Culture / Tamil Studies / Telugu / Arabic / Urdu / Sanskrit /Lifelong Learning / Human Resource Management / Indian Music/Folk Music / Rhythmology / Journalism &Mass Communication / International Relations/M.L. International Law and Organisation/ M.L. ConstitutionalLaw and Legal ature of FeeTuition fee (Per Annum)Registration Fee(at Entry)Library fee(Per Annum)Sports Fee(Per Annum)Special Fee(Per Annum)Cultural & Youth Festival Fee(At entry)Development of Infrastructural FacilitiesFund (at entry)Soft SkillsSpecial Computer Laboratory Fee *( per annum)Caution Deposit at entry (refundable)Matriculation fee *Internet Fee (per annum)Processing FeeEligibility Fee **ID Smart CardSafety InsuranceTotalFor Indian StudentsI YearII Year15001500120015015025257575350350For Foreign NationalsI YearII 5000000#58,500* wherever applicable (** For all foreign students who have done their UG Degree course in Foreign Countries). # All foreign students admitted todifferent courses of study and research in different departments should take Medical Insurance and submit a copy to ICOM.Fee Structure for the courses under Sciences M.Sc, M.Lib.I.Sc, M.Tech (Regular Courses)Criminology and Criminal Justice Science/ Medical Biochemistry / Biomedical Genetics / Biochemistry /Biotechnology / Botany / Zoology / Analytical Chemistry / Inorganic Chemistry / Organic Chemistry / PhysicalChemistry / Chemistry (Polymer Chemistry)/ Mathematics / Statistics / Biophysics / Physics (NuclearPhysics)/Physics(Theoretical Physics) / Library & Information Science / HRD Psychology / CounsellingPsychology / Cyber Forensics and Information Security / Photonics & Biophotonics/Energy & Material Science /M.Sc. Nanoscience & 4.15.1617.18.19.Nature of FeeFor Indian StudentsI YearTuition fee (Per Annum)Registration Fee (At Entry)Library fee(Per Annum)Sports Fee(Per Annum)Special Fee(Per Annum)Placement Fee(At Entry) *Cultural & Youth Festival Fee (At entry)Development of Infrastructural Facilities Fund(at entry)Soft SkillsLaboratory Fee(Per Annum)Special Laboratory Chemicals Fee *(per Annum)Special Computer Laboratory Fee * (per annum)Caution Deposit at entry (refundable)Processing FeeEligibility Fee **Matriculation fee *Internet Fee (per annum)ID - Smart CardSafety InsuranceTotalII YearFor Foreign NationalsI yearII 146,7001000100001000010000000050000#118,950* wherever applicable (** For all foreign students who have done their UG Degree course in Foreign Countries), # All foreign students admitted todifferent courses of study and research in different departments should take Medical Insurance and submit a copy to ICOM.

re of FeeTuition fee (Per Annum)Registration Fee(at Entry)Library fee(Per Annum)Sports Fee(Per Annum)Special Fee(Per Annum)Cultural & Youth Festival Fee(At entry)Development of Infrastructural FacilitiesFund (at entry)Soft SkillsSpecial Computer Laboratory Fee *( per annum)Field work (Per Annum)Caution Deposit at entry (refundable)Matriculation fee *Internet Fee (per annum)Processing FeeEligibility Fee **ID Smart CardSafety InsuranceTotalM.A. Ancient History and ArchaeologyFor Indian StudentsFor Foreign NationalsI YearII YearI YearII 005000000#78,500* wherever applicable (** For all foreign students who have done their UG Degree course in Foreign Countries), # All foreign students admitted todifferent courses of study and research in different departments should take Medical Insurance and submit a copy to ICOM.SlNo1. STRUCTURE FOR OTHER COURSES (REGULAR COURSES)Nature of FeeM.C.A.M.Sc.M.B.A.M.Sc.(Two logyGeology,PhysiologyApplied(Three yearGeologycourse)IIIIIII YearIIIIIYearYearYear Year**YearYearYearTuition fee (PerAnnum)30003000 14000 14000 1500 15001100011000Registration Fee(at Entry)1200120012001200Library fee (p.a)1100110024024014001400120120Sports Fee (p.a)2525252525252525Special Fee (p.a)1100110030030014001400150150Placement Fee *(at Entry)11000150014000750Cultural & YouthFestival Fee (atentry)350350350350Development ofInfrastructuralFacilities Fund (atentry)350350350350LaboratoryFee(p.a)00 1000100000 1000 1000Special Laboratory* Chemicals Fee(per Annum)00 1000100000 1000 1000Special ComputerLaboratory Fee *(per annum)46004600 1000100046004600 1000 1000Field Work000000 2000 2000Caution Deposit atentry (refundable)18000700070007000Matriculation fee *500500500500Internet Fee (p.a)500500500500500500500500ID – Smart Card1000100010001000Safety Insurance1515151515151515Soft Skills10001000 1000100010001000 1000 258,3108,3057,265*wherever applicable.**III year fees for Three year courses # All foreign students admitted to different courses of study and research in differentdepartments should take Medical Insurance and submit a copy to ICOM.

ture of FeeM.Sc. YogaI YearII 00010000000300030007000500Tuition fee (Per Annum)Registration Fee (At Entry)Library fee(Per Annum)Sports Fee(Per Annum)Special Fee(Per Annum)Placement Fee(At Entry) *Cultural & Youth Festival Fee (At entry)Development of Infrastructural Facilities Fund (at entry)Soft SkillsLaboratory Fee(Per Annum)Special Laboratory Chemicals Fee *(per Annum)Special Computer Laboratory Fee * (per annum)Field WorkCaution Deposit at entry (refundable)Matriculation fee *Internet Fee (per annum)ID – Smart CardSafety InsuranceTotal5001001511925M.Tech. GeoinformaticsI II 270555000152594050001510810*wherever applicable. # All foreign students admitted to different courses of study and research in different departments should take MedicalInsurance and submit a copy to ICOM.Fee Structure for Executive M.B.A. course (Only for Executives) – Week End mode (Self supportive)Executive MBANature of FeeI YearTuition fee (Per Annum)Registration Fee(at Entry)Library fee(Per Annum)Sports Fee(Per Annum)Special Fee(Per Annum)Placement Fee * (at Entry)Cultural & Youth Festival Fee(at entry)Development of Infrastructural FacilitiesFund (at entry)Laboratory Fee (Per Annum)Field work (per Annum)Special Computer* Laboratory Fee (per annum)Caution Deposit at entry (refundable)Matriculation fee *Internet Fee (Per annum)ID – Smart CardSafety InsuranceSoft SkillsTotalII *wherever applicable. # All foreign students admitted to different courses of study and research in different departmentsInsurance and submit a copy to ICOM.should take MedicalFee Structure for Self-supportive CoursesNature of FeeM.Sc.Biotechnology / MedicalBiochemistry/ MaterialScience/ MedicalMicrobiology/ M.Sc.,Nanoscience andNanotechnology/M.Sc.BiochemistryI YearTuition fee (p.a)Registration Fee(At Entry)Library fee(Per Annum)Sports Fee(Per Annum)Special Fee (p.a)Placement Fee *(At Entry)IIYear **M.Sc.Actuarial Science / M.Sc.Counselling PsychologyI YearM.J. Online Media/M.Sc.HRD Psychology / M.A.M.Sc.MathematicsBharathanatyamII YearI YearII YearI YearII 5012012025150012025150750750750750

Cultural & Youth FestivalFee (At entry)Development ofInfrastructural FacilitiesFund (at entry)Laboratory Fee(Per Annum)Special Laboratory /Chemicals Fee * (p.a)Special ComputerLaboratory Fee * (p.a)Caution Deposit at entry(refundable)Matriculation fee*Internet Fee (p.a)ID – Smart CardSafety InsuranceSoft 515100010003392532810*wherever applicable. .**III year fees for Three year courses # All foreign students admitted to different courses of study and research in differentdepartments should take Medical Insurance and submit a copy to 18.Nature of FeeM.Sc., InformationTechnologyTuition fee (Per Annum)Registration Fee (At Entry)Library fee(Per Annum)Sports Fee(Per Annum)Special Fee(Per Annum)Placement Fee(At Entry) *Cultural & Youth Festival Fee (Atentry)Development of InfrastructuralFacilities Fund (at entry)Soft SkillsLaboratory Fee(Per Annum)Special Laboratory Chemicals Fee*(per Annum)Special Computer Laboratory Fee* (per annum)Field WorkCaution Deposit at entry(refundable)Matriculation fee *Internet Fee (per annum)ID – Smart CardSafety InsuranceTotalM.Sc., Geology,M.Sc. AppliedGeologyI year1400012014002514007535II Year140000140025140000I year15000120120251507535II 49,92550001548,810*wherever applicable. # All foreign students admitted to different courses of study and research in different departmentsInsurance and submit a copy to ICOM.Nature of FeeTuition fee (Per Annum)Registration Fee(at Entry)Library fee(Per Annum)Sports Fee(Per Annum)Special Fee(Per Annum)Placement Fee * (at Entry)Cultural & Youth FestivalFee(at entry)Development ofInfrastructural FacilitiesFund (at entry)Laboratory Fee (Per Annum)Field work (per Annum)Special Computer*Laboratory Fee (per annum)MBA /M.Com. (BusinessData Science)M.A. Rhythmologyshould take MedicalM.A. Yoga: Theory& Practice /M.L. InternationalLaw andOrganisation/M.L.Constitutional Lawand Legal Order.##M.Sc.Neuroscience /Cyber Forensicsand InformationSecurityM.Ed.I YearII YearI YearII YearI YearII YearI YearII YearI YearII 000100050050010001000

Caution Deposit at entry(refundable)Matriculation fee *Internet Fee (Per annum)ID – Smart CardSafety InsuranceSoft 019765*wherever applicable. # All foreign students admitted to different courses of study and research in different departments should take MedicalInsurance and submit a copy to ICOMM.A. English / M.A. Human ResourceManagement (Self-Supportive)Nature of FeeTuition fee (Per Annum)Registration Fee (At Entry)Library fee (Per Annum)Sports Fee (Per Annum)Special Fee (Per Annum)Placement Fee (At Entry)*Industrial VisitCultural & Youth Festival Fee (At entry)Development of Infrastructural Facilities Fund(at entry)Laboratory Fee (Per Annum)Special Laboratory / Chemicals Fee (PerAnnum)Special Computer Laboratory Fee (Per Annum)Caution Deposit at entry (refundable)Matriculation fee*Processing feeEligibility feeInternet Fee (Per Annum)ID – Smart CardSafety InsuranceSoft SkillsTotalfor Foreign NationalsI 00II Year20000.000.00150.0050.00150.000.002000.000.00I 0.00350.00II 0.00238500*wherever applicable. # All foreign students admitted to different courses of study and research in different departments shouldtake Medical Insurance and submit a copy to ICOM.Nature of FeeTuition fee (Per Annum)Registration Fee (At Entry)Library fee (Per Annum)Sports Fee (Per Annum)Special Fee (Per Annum)Placement Fee (At Entry) *Industrial VisitCultural & Youth Festival Fee (At entry)Development of Infrastructural FacilitiesFund (at entry)Laboratory Fee (Per Annum)Special Laboratory / Chemicals Fee(Per Annum)Special Computer Laboratory Fee (PerAnnum)Caution Deposit at entry (refundable)Matriculation fee *Processing feeEligibility feeInternet Fee (Per Annum)ID – Smart CardSafety InsuranceSoft SkillsTotalM.A. Defence and StrategicStudies (Self-Supportive)I Year20000.00120.00150.0050.00150.000.000.0035.00II 00.0015.001000.0021865.00*wherever applicable. # All foreign students admitted to different courses of study and research in different departments shouldtake Medical Insurance and submit a copy to ICOM.

Nature of FeeMaster of Social Work(Self-Supportive)I YearII 0038980.0037865.00Tuition fee (Per Annum)Registration Fee (At Entry)Library fee (Per Annum)Sports Fee (Per Annum)Special Fee (Per Annum)Placement Fee (At Entry) *Industrial VisitCultural & Youth Festival Fee (At Entry)Development of Infrastructural Facilities Fund (at Entry)Special Laboratory/Chemical Fee (Per Annum)Special Computer Laboratory Fee (Per Annum)Caution Deposit at entry (refundable)Matriculation fee *Processing feeEligibility feeInternet Fee (Per Annum)ID –Smart CardSafety InsuranceSoft SkillsTotalField Work:Per Semester Rs: 15,000/Nature of FeeMaster of social work(Self-Supportive)I YearII Year30000.0030000.0030000.00 30000.00Field WorkTotal* wherever applicable (** For all foreign students who have done their UG Degree course in Foreign Countries). # All foreign students admitted todifferent courses of study and research in different departments should take Medical Insurance and submit a copy to ICOMFee Structure for Regular P.G. Diploma / Diploma / Certificate coursesTuition fee (Per semester)Registration Fee (at Entry)Library fee (Per semester)Special Fee (Per semester)Cultural & Youth FestivalFee (at entry)Development ofInfrastructural FacilitiesFund (at entry)Laboratory Fee/ ComputerLaboratory Fee* (Persemester)Field Work and Project*Caution Deposit at entry *(refundable)Processing FeeEligibility Fee **Matriculation fee*Internet Fee (Per annum)Languages,Humanities,Social Sciences,Fine Arts andothers (notinvolvingLaboratorybased courses)##Foreign NationalsScience andLab-orientedProgra-mmes iencesLabOrientedManagementStudies(Not applicable for Certificatecourses)ID Smart CardTotal* wherever applicable (** For all foreign students who have done their UG Degree course in Foreign Countries).# PG. Diploma in Yoga: Theory, Practice and Theraphy)

P.G. Diploma in ArchaeologyNature of FeeI YEARTuition fee (Per Annum)II YEAR50005000Registration fee (at Entry)1200Library fee (Per Annum)150150Special fee (Per Annum)7575Cultural & Youth festival fee (at Entry)350Development of infrastructure facilities fund (at Entry)35050005000Archaeological Exploration, Report and Study TourCaution deposit at entry (refundable)7000Processing fee00Eligibility fee **00505050010050001176510775Matriculation fee *Internet fee (per annum) (not applicable for certificate prog)ID smart cardTotal* wherever applicable (** For all foreign students who have done their UG Degree course in Foreign Countries).Fee Structure for Self-Supportive P.G. Diploma/Diploma coursesNature of FeeTuition fee (Per Annum)Registration Fee(at Entry)Library fee(Per Annum)Sports Fee(Per Annum)Special Fee(Per Annum)Placement Fee * (at Entry)Industrial VisitCultural & Youth FestivalFee(at entry)Development ofInfrastructural FacilitiesFund (at entry)Laboratory Fee (Per Annum)Field work (per Annum)Special Computer*Laboratory Fee (per annum)Caution Deposit at entry(refundable)Matriculation fee *Internet Fee (Per annum)ID – Smart CardSafety InsuranceSoft SkillsTotalP.G. DiplomaCounsellingPsychotherapyDiploma in InternalAuditI YearII *wherever applicable.Name of feeTuition fee (Per semester/perannum)Registration Fee (at Entry)Library fee (Per semester/Per annum)Special Fee (Per semester/Per annum)Cultural & Youth Festival Fee (at entry)Development of Infrastructural FacilitiesFund (at entry)Caution Deposit at entry * (refundable)Processing FeeEligibility Fee **Matriculation fee*Internet Fee (Per annum)Diploma inFrench/German/Italian/SpanishCertificate inFrench/German/Italian/SpanishCertificate in 00502001001164010072401008940(Not applicable for Certificate courses)ID Smart CardTotal*wherever applicable (** For all foreign students who have done their UG Degree course in Foreign Countries)

Name of the feeCertificate inChristianCommunicationand MediaEducation (SelfSupportive)Tuition fee(Per semester / per annum)Registration Fee (at Entry)Library fee(Per semester/per annum)Special Fee(Per semester / per annum)Cultural & Youth Festival Fee(at entry)Development ofInfrastructural FacilitiesFund (at entry)Laboratory Fee/ ComputerLaboratory Fee*(Persemester / per annum)Field Work and Project*Caution Deposit at entry *(refundable)Processing FeeEligibility Fee **Matriculation fee*Certificate inChristianScriptures,SpiritualPractices andEthics 0007000700005000500010062401005240Internet Fee (Per annum)(Not applicable for Certificatecourses)ID Smart CardTotal* wherever applicable (** For all foreign students who have done their UG Degree course in Foreign Countries).Fee Structure for Self-Supportive P.G. Diploma/Diploma/Certificate coursesLanguages,Humanities, SocialSciences,Fine Artsand others(notinvolvingLaboratorybasedcourses)Tuition fee(Per semester / per annum)Registration Fee (at Entry)Library fee(Per semester/per annum)Special Fee(Per semester / per annum)Cultural & Youth Festival Fee(at entry)Development ofInfrastructural FacilitiesFund (at entry)Laboratory Fee/ ComputerLaboratory Fee*(Persemester / per annum)Field Work and Project*Caution Deposit at entry *(refundable)Processing FeeEligibility Fee **Matriculation fee*Internet Fee (Per annum)TeachingMethodology– Abhinaya &NattuvangamTeachingMethodologyIn Music ##Foreign NationalsScienceand 5000125005002002002002002002002002003000(Not applicable for Certificatecourses)ID Smart 4344079200109200109200# Diploma in Juvenile Justice and Juvenile Psychology / Short-term Certificate Course in Juvenile Justice and Juvenile Psychology / Diploma in“Learning Disabilities” / Diploma Autism Spectrum Disorder / Certificate Course in Classical Analysis and Basic AnalyticalInstrumentation Techniques/ P.G. Diploma in Geospatial Data Analytics

*wherever applicable (** For all foreign students who have done their UG Degree course in Foreign Countries)Note: Fees shall be collected per annum in respect of the courses having more than one semester.Course Fee for PG Diploma Course in in Developmental Disabilities – Rs. 20,000/- andCourse Fee for Certificate Course in Counseling Psychology – Rs. 5000/PG Diploma in Clinical Embryology course fee – Rs. 4,00,000/EXAMINATION FEEExamination FeesTheoryPracticalM.A./M.L./M.Sc. / 200/M.B.A./E.M.B.A.Rs.350/--P.G. ateRs. 75/Rs.200/Cost of Application (to be paid along with examination fee)Fee for Statement of Marks each (to be paid along with examination fee)Penal Fees for theory and Practical for Master’s Degree coursesConsolidated Statement of marksRank CertificateProvisional Certificate (to be paid along with Final Semester Examination Fee)Convocation fee (to be paid along with Final Semester Examination Fee)Any Duplicate Mark StatementName/Date of Birth CorrectionProject & Viva VoceRs. 200/Rs. 300/Rs. 400/Rs. 700/Rs. 250/Rs. 175/Rs. 200/Rs. 35/Rs. 50/Rs. 100/Rs.1500/Rs. 100/Rs. 100/Rs. 150/Rs. 500/-(each upto 5 years)Rs. 1000/-DETAILED FEE STRUCTURE FOR FOREIGN STUDENTSM.Ed/MSc. Applied Geography, Geology, Applied Geology(Regular of FeeM.Sc. AppliedGeography, Geology,Applied GeologyI YearRS.80000120012002501500750350350II YearRs.80000012002501500000M.EdI YearRS.40000120015002507500350350II YearRS.400000150025075003500Tuition fee (Per Annum)Registration Fee (At Entry)Library fee(Per Annum)Sports Fee(Per Annum)Special Fee(Per Annum)Placement Fee(At Entry) *Cultural & Youth Festival Fee (At entry)Development of InfrastructuralFacilities Fund (at entry)Laboratory Fee(Per Annum)10000100001000010000Special Laboratory Chemicals Fee *(per100001000000Annum)Special Computer Laboratory Fee * (per10000100001000010000annum)Field work20000200002000020000Caution Deposit at entry (refundable)7000070000Matriculation fee *50005000Internet Fee (per annum)5000500050005000Processing Fee5000050000Eligibility Fee **125000125000ID – Smart Card10001000Safety Insurance####Soft applicable (** For all foreign students who have done their UG Degree course in Foreign Countries) - # All foreign students*whereveradmitted to different courses of study and research in different departments should take Medical Insurance and submit a copy to ICOMDETAILED FEE STRUCTURE FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS – MBA/MCA (Regular courses)Sl.No1.2.Nature of FeeTuition fee (Per Annum)Registration Fee (At Entry)MBAI YearRS.1000001200MCAII YearRs.1000000I yearRs.1000001200II YearRs.1000000III YearRs.1000000

3.Library fee(Per Annum)14000140001100011000110004. Fee(Per Annum)250250250250250Special Fee(Per Annum)1400014000110001100011000Placement Fee(At Entry) *1400001100000Cultural & Youth Festival Fee (At entry)350035000Development of Infrastructural Facilities350035000Fund (at entry)9.Laboratory Fee(Per Annum)0000010. Special Laboratory Chemicals Fee *(p.a)0000011. Special Computer Laboratory Fee * (p.a)460004600046000460004600012. Field work0000013. Caution Deposit at entry (refundable)70000180000014. Processing Fee5000050000015. Eligibility Fee **125000125000016. Matriculation fee *50005000017. Internet Fee (per annum)5000500050005000500018. ID – Smart Card10001000019. Safety Insurance#####20. Soft Skills10001000100010001000Total221250 180250 223250 174250174250*wherever applicable (** For all foreign students who have done their UG Degree course in Foreign Countries) - # All foreign studentsadmitted to different courses of study and research in different departments should take Medical Insurance and submit a copy to ICOMDETAILED FEE STRUCTURE FOR FOREIGN STUDENTSM.Sc Anatomy, Physiology, Medical Microbiology(Three year course)[Regular courses]Sl.No1.2.3.M.Sc. Anatomy, Physiology,Medical Microbiology (Three yearcourse)I YearII yearIII re of FeeTuition fee (Per Annum)Registration Fee (At Entry)Library fee(Per Annum) Fee(Per Annum)250250250Special Fee(Per Annum)150015001500Placement Fee(At Entry) *300000Cultural & Youth Festival Fee (At entry)35000Development of Infrastructural Facilities Fund (at35000entry)9.Laboratory Fee(Per Annum)10000100001000010.Special Laboratory Chemicals Fee *(per Annum)10000100001000011.Special Computer Laboratory Fee * (per annum)10000100001000012.Field work20000200002000012.Caution Deposit at entry (refundable)70000013.Matriculation fee *5000014.Internet Fee (per annum)500050005000Processing Fee500000Eligibility Fee **125000015.ID – Smart Card1000016.Safety Insurance###17.Soft Skills100010001000Total170150140150140150*wherever applicable (** For all foreign students who have done their UG Degree course in Foreign Countries) - # All foreign studentsadmitted to different courses of study and research in different departments should take Medical Insurance and submit a copy to ICOMDETAILED FEE STRUCTURE FOR FOREIGN STUDENS SELF SUPPORTIVE COURSESNature of FeeM.Sc.BiotechnologyI YearTuition fee (Per Annum)Registration Fee(At Entry)Library fee(Per Annum)Sports Fee(Per Annum)Special Fee(Per Annum)Placement Fee *(At hematics,Actuarial ScienceI YearII YearM.Sc.HRD PsychologyI YearII 0

Cultural & Youth Festival Fee (At entry)Development of Infrastructural FacilitiesFund (at entry)Laboratory Fee(Per Annum)Special Laboratory / Chemicals Fee *(per Annum)Special Computer Laboratory Fee *(perannum)Caution Deposit at entry (refundable)Matriculation fee*Internet Fee (per annum)Processing FeeEligibility Fee **ID – Smart CardSafety InsuranceSoft 0000#1000243900*wherever applicable (** For all foreign students who have done their UG Degree course in Foreign Countries) - # All foreign studentsadmitted to different courses of study and research in different departments should take Medical Insurance and submit a copy to ICOMNature of FeeM.J. Online MediaM.Sc.NeuroscienceI YearII Year500000500000MABharathanatiyamI YearII Year150000150000I YearII YearTuition fee (Per Annum)150000150000Registration Fee(At Entry)120001200012000Library fee(Per Annum)120012002400240012001200Sports Fee(Per Annum)250250250250250250Special Fee(Per Annum)1500150030003000750750Placement Fee *(At Entry)75001500000Cultural & Youth FestivalFee (At entry)350035003500Development ofInfrastructural FacilitiesFund (at entry)350035003500Laboratory Fee(Per Annum)75000750000000Special Laboratory /Chemicals Fee * (p.a.)10000100000000Special ComputerLaboratory Fee *(p.a)1000010000100001000000Caution Deposit at entry(refundable)700007000070000Processing Fee500005000050000Eligibility Fee **125000125000125000Matriculation fee*500050005000Internet Fee (p.a)500050005000500050005000ID – Smart Card100010001000Safety Insurance######Soft 150521650 185200158200*wherever applicable (** For all foreign students who have done their UG Degree course in Foreign Countries) - # All foreign studentsadmitted to different courses of study and research in different departments should take Medical Insurance and submit a copy to ICOMFEE STRUCTURE FOR M.Sc. COMPUTER SCIENCE DEGREE COURSE (SELF SUPPORTIVE)S.No.1.Details of Fee2.3.4.5.Tuition Fee(50% for SC/ST candidatesTamilnadu state only)Registration Fee (at entry)Library FeeSports FeeSpecial Fee6.Placement Fee (at entry)ofAmountfor UNOMI YearstudentsRs.15,000/per annumAmount forUNOMII YearstudentsRs.15,000/per annumAmount forUNOM I YearForeignstudentsRs.1,50,000/per annumAmount forUNOM Ii YearForeignstudentsRs.1,50,000/per .1200/Rs.250/Rs.1,500/-Rs.75/------Rs.750/------ & Youth Festival Fee(at entry)University Infrastructure Facility FeeSpecial Computer Lab FeeCaution Deposit (at entry)Matriculate Fee (at entry)Internet FeeID-Smart Card (at entry)InsuranceSoft SkillsRecognition .700

Fee Structure for Executive M.B.A. course (Only for Executives) - Week End mode (Self supportive) Nature of Fee Executive MBA I Year II Year Tuition fee (Per Annum) 56000 56000 Registration Fee(at Entry) 120 0 Library fee(Per Annum) 1400 1400 Sports Fee(Per Annum) 25 25 Special Fee(Per Annum) 1400 1400 .