HITS HANDBOOK 2019 - 2020 - Hindustan Institute Of Technology And Science


2HITS HANDBOOK 2019 - 2020

LATE Dr. K. C. G. VERGHESEFounder Chairman(20 June 1940 – 14 February 2006)Dr. K.C.G. Verghese, the iconic educationist, achieved success in hisearnest effort to build this great institution, thereby fulfilling his soledream, passion and vision. Today the institution offers quality education,at an affordable price, to thousands of students from across the globe.The Institution caters to 7500 students and has more than 25000 alumniacross the world.Dr. K.C.G. Verghese in his autobiography, “Wheels and Wings” voiced,“After much contemplation, I made my choice: ETERNAL ENTHUSIASMand PERSEVERANCE. For these are qualities that made me what Iam. Added to these are two additional features of my work culture:LONG-RANGE VISION and LIVE NETWORKING.” Throughout his pathbreaking and progressive career, his unified focus has been “TO MAKEEVERY MAN A SUCCESS AND NO MAN A FAILURE.”

It is my proud privilege to welcome yet anotherbatch of young & brilliant students to HindustanInstitute of Technology and Science – oneof the constituent educational institutions inthe country. HITS is one of the most soughtafter destinations for its remarkable academicexcellence, achievements, pluralistic outlookand cosmopolitan environment for theinclusive growth of our students. It reflects acomprehended outlook on the institutionalgoal. We strive to cater for the advancement ofa holistic learning.Stepping into the institution ensures two transformative freedoms in a student’slife. One, it begins with an academic freedom by opting one’s own preferredarea of studies. The second freedom is helping our students to develop relevantskills such as critical thinking and effective communication which are the muchsought after attributes the students should acquire in the current job market.HITS is committed to offer an education that is unrivalled among the universities.In this community of active scholars, there is no greater objective than being atthe forefront of knowledge based on the commitment to our vision, mission andgoals. This institution has been excelling in an array of Curricular, Co-curricularand Extracurricular activities over the past years and scaling greater heights ina wide spectrum of emerging technologies to create a healthy and a futuristicgeneration to propel the sustainable economic growth and social progress ofour country.Choosing to study at HITS can probably be one of the best decisions of yourlife. Reputed for the excellent infrastructure, competitive faculty, unique projectbased learning system, 14 exclusive Research Centres of Excellence offeringfacilities for numerous research outputs, this institute has been the haven foraspiring students seeking quality education and challenging career paths. Overthe last few decades, the amount of efforts we have invested in establishing HITSas a great learning centre with the enhancement of quality based education willtruly become the Alma Mater you would want to embrace for the rest of yourlife.It is my pleasant privilege to welcome you to this Premier Educational Institution– a great place to start your journey to a bright and successful future.With best wishes,Dr. Mrs. ELIZABETH VERGHESEChancellor

It is my deemed honour to welcome you toour premier educational institution, HindustanInstitute of Science and Technology (HITS),a great place to ignite your potential with ourendless possibilities. HITS is highly committedto impart the finest learning system bypositioning itself equal among the world rankinguniversities in diverse fields of study. HITS isNAAC “A” Grade accredited, AICTE approved,NBA accredited for B. Tech. programmes inAeronautical, Automobile, Civil, ComputerScience and Mechanical Engineering; and is inthe 95th position in NIRF Ranking and in theband of 301-500 in QS BRICKS Ranking. HITS has obtained an overall Gold inQS I-GAUGE Indian University Rating 2019, and an overall 3 Star Rating with 5Stars score for Teaching, Employability, Innovation, Inclusiveness and Facility inthe QS Stars, Rated for Excellence.We have a pool of highly talented faculty with research degrees to engageyou with project based learning and inculcate innovative thinking. 40% of our450 faculty members have Ph.D. degrees. We offer research facility to theundergraduate students so that they work on projects from the third semesterand able to publish research papers in indexed journals. Even a few of our firstyear students in 2018-19 have developed several projects which have receivedaccolades and awards. The curriculum enables the students to select coursesin interdisciplinary areas as we follow a choice based credit system offeredby liberal arts, science, architecture, management and law departments, TheB.Tech. (Hons) and minor specialisations are few attractions for the B.Tech.students.All my young students, it is your hard work and dedication that can transformyou to a great graduate of HITS, to serve the community.Hearty wishes!DR. K. P. ISAACVice Chancellor

ADMINISTRATIONDr. Kuncheria P. IsaacDr. Aby K. ThomasVice ChancellorHOD, Electronics & CommunicationEngineering.Dr. Pon. RamalingamRegistrarDr. Ravikumar SolomonHOD, Mechanical Engineering.Dr. G. IlavazhaganDirector-International AffairsDr. M. JaikumarHOD, Automobile Engineering.Dr. K. Nanda KumarDr. A. AnithaDirector-ResearchHOD, Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology.Dr. N. VasudevanDean-AcademicsDr. Rajeswari MukeshHOD, Computing Sciences.Dr. Baby JosephDean, Research.Dr. Uppu RamachandriahHOD, Electrical and Electronics Engineering.Dr. T. P. SomasundaranDean - P.G. Studies & HOD, Civil Engineering.Dr. M. K. Badri NarayananHOD, School of Management.Dr. V. L. MonyDean, School of Law.Dr. A. Ramesh BabuHOD, Science & Humanities.Dr. Dilip A. ShahDr. S. IndujaDean, Aeronautical Engineering.HOD, Chemistry.Dr. G. SreekumarDr. A. SherineDean, School of Management & Liberal ArtsHOD, Languages.Brig. (Rtd) Dr. Ravi VarmanDean, Administration.Dr. A. UdhayakumarController of Examinations.Dr. S. VelmuruganHOD, Mathematics.Dr. V. ParthasarathyHOD, Physics.Mr. Salim MahmoodDeputy Director, Admissions & Administrations.Dr. Jini VargheseHOD, Fashion, Design & Arts.Mr. Milton Huggins GerardDeputy Director, Corporate Affairs & Training.Dr. M. SelavamuthukumaranHOD, Food TechnologyDr. AsokanHOD, Aeronautical Engineering.Dr. B. SelvamuthukrishnanDirector, Physical Education.Dr. Sheeba ChanderHOD, Architecture.Dr. M. VeerachamyChief Librarian.6HITS HANDBOOK 2019 - 2020

CONTENTSHITS Anthem08Student Profile09About HITS11Motto « Vision « Mission « Value Statement13Accreditation, Rankings, & Awards14Infrastructure Overview17Global Partners21Admission Policies and Procedures23Academic Regulations27Fee Structure39Services for Students40Services offered by HITS50Institution’s Charter52Students’ Charter53Campus Rules54Examination Rules59Extracurricular Activities62Associations66Clubs68Dr. K. C. G. Verghese Research & Resource Centre69Placements72Scholarships and Awards74Notice: Ragging - an Offence77Hostel Admission and Rules82Academic Schedule90Contacts92Timetable95Log in to www.hindustanuniv.ac.in for Academic Calendar 2019-20www.hindustanuniv.ac.in7

HITS ANTHEMPride of the land, haven of hope with her bannerflying aloft;Stands Hindustan greeting allShining at the zenith of glory.Peace and harmony dwellGoodwill and friendship prevail;Millions seek thy portalsMake thy name immortal.(Chorus)Honesty, CivilityPride of HindustanQuality, UnityMission of Hindustan.Excellence our ambition; Success our noble vision;Diligence and determinationHallmark of Hindustan.Loyal to our motto we standVirtue and knowledge in hand;Good Shepherd, Divine GuideLong live our Alma Mater.(Chorus)Honesty, CivilityPride of HindustanQuality, UnityMission of Hindustan.8HITS HANDBOOK 2019 - 2020

2019-2020STUDENT PROFILEName .Roll No . Registration No. .Year . Semester . Branch .Campus Resident/Day Scholar .Blood Group. Aadhar Card No .Telephone/Mobile No .Email ID .Father’s Name .Mother’s Name .Parent’s Contact No .Parent’s Email ID .Parent’s Residential Address. Pin Code .Guardian’s Name.Guardian’s Mobile No .Guardian’s Email ID .www.hindustanuniv.ac.in9

PreambleThe passion for Automobiles was overwhelming. In 1965, Late. Dr. K.C.G.Verghese took teaching assignments in Automobile Engineering subjects andwas coaching students for British Automobile Examination as well. It was atthis phase he knew he was all set for his own venture; and in 1966 HindustanEngineering Training Centre (HETC) commenced operations as an institute.HETC later became Hindustan Institute of Engineering and Technology (HIET)and its reputation was high amongst foreign countries than India. Students fromSri Lanka, the African continent, the Gulf countries, Singapore and Malaysiagradually, yet steadily, opted for HIET. This irresistible quest for knowledgeslowly paved way for the commencement of other Institutions under HindustanGroup of Institutions (HGI).Sponsored by Hindustan Engg. Training Centre (Educational Society)Regd. in 1968 under Societies Act, XXI of 186010HITS HANDBOOK 2019 - 2020

ABOUT HITSThe cherished objective of building an Engineering institute was the needof the hour in the early 1980’s which led to the establishment of HindustanCollege of Engineering (HCE) in 1985. HCE was renamed as Hindustan Instituteof Technology and Science (HITS) and awarded the status of Deemed to beUniversity in 2008 in recognition of its excellence in education and contributionto the nation. HITS, a Christian minority institution, is recognized by UGC, NBA,NAAC, AICTE, MHRD & COA and is one of the most sought after engineeringinstitutions in Tamil Nadu, India.HITS is committed to inspire minds to innovate and inculcate value educationacross various disciplines. Renowned for its competent faculty, excellentinfrastructural facilities, curricular and extracurricular activities, HITS hasmaintained an enviable academic excellence since inception. The studentcommunity comprises of learners from all over India and Overseas such asAfghanistan, Bhutan, China, Egypt, France, Indonesia, Kenya, Korea, Liberia,Libya, Mauritius, Nigeria, Oman, Singapore, Japan, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia,South Africa, U.A.E, Thailand, Vietnam, USA, etc.In HITS, there is no greater objective than being at the forefront of knowledgetrue to our motto, “To Make Every Man a Success and No Man a Failure.”www.hindustanuniv.ac.in11

LocationHindustan Institute of Technology and Science is located at Padur about 22 kmsSouth of Chennai on the Rajiv Gandhi Salai (Old Mahabalipuram Road). Situatedamidst a lush green stretch of land, spread over 100 acres, extending from OldMahabalipuram Road upto the silver sheen of Muttukadu lake, it is a classicexample of a green campus. The ambience is conducive for a calm and intensiveacademic pursuit. HITS is well connected to the city by public transport buses.Besides, the institution operates its fleet of transport for the convenience ofstudents and faculty.12HITS HANDBOOK 2019 - 2020

MO T T O V I S I O N M I S S I O N VA L U ESTATEMENTMottoTo Make Every Man A Success And No Man A Failure.VisionTo be an International Institute of Excellence, providing a conducive environmentfor education with a strong emphasis on innovation, quality, research andstrategic partnership blended with values and commitment to society.Mission To create an ecosystem for learning and world class research. To nurture a sense of creativity and innovation. To instil highest ethical standards and values with a sense of professionalism. To take up activities for the development of Society. To develop national and international collaboration and strategic partnershipwith industry and institutes of excellence. To enable graduates to become future leaders and innovatorsValue StatementIntegrity, Innovation, Internationalization.www.hindustanuniv.ac.in13

ACCREDITATIONS, RANKINGS & AWARDSAccreditationsAccredited with an “A”Grade by the NationalAssessment & AccreditationCouncil (NAAC), Govt. ofIndia; approved by AICTEAccredited B.TechProgrammes offered byAeronautical Engineering,Automobile Engineering,Civil Engineering, Computer Science andEngineering, and Mechanical Engineering.Awarded an overall 3 StarRating with 5 Stars forTeaching, Employability,Innovation, Inclusiveness andRated an overallGOLD in the QSI-GAUGEIndian UniversityRating under categories such asAccreditation, Facilities, Teaching andLearning, Research, Entrepreneurship,Employability, Faculty, Quality, StudentDiversity and Social Responsibility.5S Certified by TUVRheinland forsuccessfullyimplementing 5S WorkPlace ManagementSystem.Facility by QS Stars, Rated for ExcellenceRankingsNIRF 2019 rated HITS in95th Position in India underEngineering Category.Also, 4th in Chennai, 11th inTamil Nadu, 18th in SouthIndia, and 30th in All India among PrivateEngineering Institutions.Rated in the 301-350 band in theWorld University Rankings 2019 byQS BRICS Ranking System.Ranked under Category – 2 byMHRD-UGC.Ranked No. 1 in India among BestTechnical Universities (Private),and No. 2 among Top 5 PrivateUniversities with Best Value forMoney by India Today.Ranked 41stamong All IndiaTop Engineering Institutes, and 26th amongTop Private Engineering Institutes in TIMESEngineering Institute Ranking Survey 2017.School of Managementsecured 32nd position atSouth Zone in WeekB- School Ranking 2018.School of Managementsecured 87th positionat National Level inBusiness Today B-School Ranking 2018.Secured 31st position in India,20th in South India, 13th inTamil Nadu, and 2nd in Chennaiin the INDIA RANKINGS 2016,conducted by Ministry of HRD,Government of India.Ranked 13th in All India,6th in South India, 4thin Tamil Nadu and 3rdin Chennai in Top 25 Deemed Universitiesin India in Higher Education Review.Ranked No. 3 in TamilNadu in Top EngineeringColleges by CompetitionSuccess Review (CSR-GHRDC) SurveyRated HITS as AAAA inTamil Nadu and 4th under Engineeringcolleges by Career 360 Magazine in 2019.14HITS HANDBOOK 2019 - 2020

AwardsManagement Dr. Mrs. Elizabeth Verghese, Chancellor, HITS bestowed with the “LifetimeAchievement Award for Public Service” by the Indo Australian Organizationin January 2017. Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese, Pro Chancellor, was conferred with “Edupreneurof the Year” Award 2019 by Centre for Education Growth and Research(CEGR). Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese, has been honoured “IET Ratna Award”, thehighest award from IET, for his commendable contributions in the field ofEngineering Education in 2017. Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese received “MGR Ratna Award” at Bharath Ratna,MGR 102nd Birth Anniversary Celebrations, organized by the SrilankanGovernment in 2018. Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese received the ‘Fellow of Aeronautical Society ofIndia (AeSi) Award’ at the 67th AGM of AeSi in 2016. Mr. Ashok Verghese, Director, HITS was bestowed with “EducationalEntrepreneur of the Year award at the 12th ASSOCHAM National EducationSummit 2019. Mr. Ashok Verghese has been honoured with Microsoft’s Adoption of SocialMedia in Academia (ASMA) Award at its 2nd Annual Convention and Awardsin 2018. Mr. Ashok Verghese received Raindropss “Edupreneur Awards 2015”from Dr. K. Rosaiah, Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu as the OutstandingEducationalist of Tamil Nadu. Dr. K. P. Isaac, Vice Chancellor received the Sangama Grama MadhavaAward from Govt. & Aided Polytechnic College Teaching Staff Association(GPTSA), Kerala.Institution Bestowed with “Innovation by Deemed-to-be-University” Award at theElets 13th World Education Summit, 2018. Acknowledged with “Institute of the Year for Higher Education-South”award at the 12th ASSOCHAM National Education Summit 2019. Recipient of “IEN Higher Education Award” under University of the Yearwww.hindustanuniv.ac.in15

(South) for Exceptional Performance in Past Academic Year categoryduring the 7th Higher Education Summit at New Delhi in 2019. Conferred with “Outstanding Higher Educational Institution for SkillDevelopment” award during Global India Education Forum at EAIE 2018,Geneva, Switzerland. Bestowed with “Innovation by Deemed-to-be-University” Award at theElets 13th World Education Summit, 2018. Allocation of documentation work of 31 heritage buildings to the Schoolof Architecture, HITS by The Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority(CMD). Approved by MHRD-AICTE to establish Institute Innovation Council (IIC). Awarded the prestigious National Education Excellence Awards 2018under “Best Institute Providing Global Exposure” and “Best B-School forPromoting Industry- Academia Interface” categories during 11th ASSOCHAMHigher Education Summit 2018. Recipient of “Best Institutional Award” by Institution of Engineers (India),Tamil Nadu. Secured “Best Cyber Security Education Institution” Award of the Year 2017by Data Security Council of India (DSCI) NASSCOM Excellence Awards. “Best Accredited Student Branch Award” from Computer Society of India,2017. The School of Architecture, HITS won the Conventional Trophy in ZONASA2017 (Zone 6) in 2017. Recipient of “Best Education Brand Award” to HITS by Economic Times Acknowledged Hindustan Toastmasters Club with “Silver Eagle”and“Phoenix” Award in Ovation 2019. Awarded “Shield” for mobilizing over 500 Blood Donors during 2016-17 bythe Madras Voluntary Blood Bureau. Recipient of Shristi’s “Good Green Governance Award” in 2018 for the fourthconsecutive year. Bagged the “Great Patron of Sports and Games Award” for the Vision,Infrastructure, appropriate process and personnel to promote Sports andGames among youth in India by FICCI CASCADE.16HITS HANDBOOK 2019 - 2020

INFRASTRUCTURE OVERVIEWHITS stands as a portal of learning and is set in an enthralling Arcadian frameof 100 acres plush green garden with its stately building draping more than 10lakh square feet.Academic BlocksMain BuildingBuilding Sciences Block Administration School of Architecture School of Science and Humanities Department of Civil Engineering Placement Office Publications OfficePG BlockPG Extension BlockSchool of Computing Sciences Department of Computer Science &Engineering Department of InformationTechnologySchool of Electrical Sciences Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Department of Electrical & Electronics EngineeringSchool of LawDr. K. C. G. Verghese Research & Resource Centre Central Library School of Management Department of Computer Application Research Facilities Office of International Affairswww.hindustanuniv.ac.in17

Jubilee BlockAviation BlockSchool of Mechanical SciencesSchool of Aeronautical Sciences Department of MechanicalEngineering Department of AeronauticalEngineeringDepartment of Automobile Aerospace DivisionEngineering Avionics DivisionDepartment of Chemical Simulator Centre School of Liberal Arts & AppliedEngineering & Bio Technology Department of Fashion, Design,& ArtsEdison CentreSciences Office of the Student Chaplain Alumni Office Campus Clinic Bank & ATM Super MarketAuditoriumsMGR AuditoriumAndromeda Lecture TheatreGood Shepherd HallMGR AuditoriumWith a seating capacity of 1000, the auditorium is the cultural hub and venuefor various functions.18HITS HANDBOOK 2019 - 2020

Andromeda Lecture TheatreThis ultra-modern air-conditioned theatre with 450 members seating capacityhas won Asia Design Excellence Awards for best “Architecture and InteriorDesign.”Good Shepherd HallWith central air-conditioned set up, the hall is equipped with latest LCD andhigh quality projectors and acts as a venue for most of the top organizedprogrammes and meetings.KS Moorthy HallApt for organizing events, and acts as the learning set up for tech-aidedclasses. Alike other auditoriums and halls, this is air-conditioned too.ArenasParabolaParabolaSituated adjacent to the BuildingSciences Block, Parabola is a domicalcanopy and is used as a hub for variousformal and informal gatherings.Open Air TheatreLocated behind the Main Building,the Open Air Theatre is the venue forcultural events.Open Air TheatreFreedom i-ZoneAn artificially sketched arena meantfor both literary and musical events.HangoutA recreational facility to rejuvenatebody and mind through indoor games.www.hindustanuniv.ac.in19

Jupiter HostelGirlsKasturba Hostel, Bethany Hall, SusanHostel.Note: AC & Non-AC Rooms areavailable for boys and girls separatelyon sharing basis with option forHostel AccommodationFive hostels including a state-of-theart International Hostel, offer boardingand lodging facilities for students.These hostels cater to their needs withmultiple amenities like gym, visitorslounge, sporting café, infirmary withpharmacy, round the clock security.BoysGalaxy Hostel, Jupiter Hostel, OrientHostel (off campus).attached and common ental and Indian cuisines islocated centrally in the Institution. The‘Garage Café’ is another food courtwith a rugged garage appearancecatering to the needs of the foodlovers. Both continental and Indiancuisines are served. Besides, fast foodand other eateries are also available.Grass Root Football Field:A 15-acre well-maintained playground cater to the sports facilities and recreationalrequirements of the students and the staff. Many reputed tournaments areconducted in these courts.Grass Root Football Field:HITS, in association with Chennaiyin Football Club has set up a GrassRoot Football Field in par with international standards within the campus.International coaches will train the soccer players of HITS, providing them abetter opportunity to perform at the national and international tournaments.20HITS HANDBOOK 2019 - 2020

GLOBAL riousacademia,organizations, industry, and governments at national and internationallevel to be at the forefront of scientific and technological developments.Knowledge is disseminated here through training, exchange programmes,technical collaboration and consultancy. The institute has more thanhundred Memoranda of Understanding established. Some of them are:AcademiaAsiaNorth Asia South Asia NationalResearchTomskPolytechnic University, Russia.Novosibirsk State oscow University of Financeand Law, Russia. South East Asia North East Asia Gongqing College of NanchangUniversity, ChinaHengyang Normal University,China.Hunan University of HumanitiesScience and Technology, China.Sias International University,China.Gunma University, Japan.Saitama University, Japan.Busan University of ForeignStudies, Korea.Dongguk University, Korea.Hansei University, Korea.Jeonju University, Korea.Kookmin university, Korea.Korea Aerospace University,Korea.Korea University of Media Arts,Korea.Sejong University, Korea.Woosuk University, Korea.Chang Jung Christian University,Taiwan.Shih Chien University, Taiwan. Daffodil International a.UniversitasAtmaJayaYogyakarta, Indonesia.ManagementandScienceUniversity, Malaysia.Multi Media University, Malaysia.Open University of a.UniversitiTenagaNasional,Malaysia.Lyceum of Philippines University,Philippines.Mapua Institute of uteofSingapore,Singapore.Naresuan University, Thailand.Prince of Songkla University,Thailand.Middle Eastern Ben-Gurion University, Israel.Munzur University, .ac.in21

Turkey. Africa Kigali Institute of Science,Technology and Management,Rwanda.Universite Internationale DeRabat, Morocco.AmericaNorth America University of Newfoundland,Canada.Alamo Colleges, USA.Arizona State University, USA.Bradley University, USA.California Baptist University,USA.Dallas Baptist University, USA.Illinois Institute of Technology,USA.San Diego State University, USAStevens Institute of Technology,USA.Texas Tech University, USA.University of Alabama, USA.University of Colorado, USA.University of New Haven, USA.University of North Florida, USA.UniversityofWisconsinMadison, USAWayne State University, USA.Western Michigan ersidade Federal De Juiz DeFora,Brazil.UniversidadMaule, Chile.Europe 22 South America. CatólicaEcole National DeCivile, France.SUP Biotech, France. InstitutPolytechniquedesSciences Avancées, France.Lippe - University of AppliedScience, Germany.University of Technology Berlin,Germany.Trier University of AppliedSciences, Germany.BudapestMetropolitanUniversity, Hungary.University of Politecnico DiMilano, Italy.Riga Technical University, Latvia.UniversityofInformationTechnology and Management,Poland.Vistula University, PolandUniversity of Aveiro, Portugal.Danubius University, Romania.KTHRoyalInstituteofTechnology, Sweden.City of Glasgow College, UK.City University London, UK.Cranfield University, UK.Glyndwr University, UK.Oxford Brookes University, UK.Staffordshire University, UK.University of East London, UK.University of Warwick, UK.University of Leeds, UK.University of Northampton, UK.Australia Deakin University.La Trobe University.University of Western Sydney.delFor enquiry,ContactI’aviationOffice of International AffairsE-mail: oia@hindustanuniv.ac.inHITS HANDBOOK 2019 - 2020

ADMISSION POLICIES AND PROCEDURESUNDERGRADUATEHITS takes into consideration students who have passed their Higher SecondaryExamination with commendable marks for admission. It strictly follows theeligibility criteria of the State Government norms.Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science EngineeringEntrance Examination (HITSEEE)An online Entrance Examination (HITSEEE) is conducted every year at variouscities across India. Students seeking admission for undergraduate programmeshave to register online to appear for the Entrance Examination on dates specifiedin the media advertisements. The time duration of the entrance examination is2 hours. Students are required to answer 120 questions covering Mathematics,Physics and Chemistry. Based on the entrance examination score and marksin the qualifying examination, a rank list is prepared for admission into U.G(Engineering & Technology) Programmes.How to ApplyStudents, having the qualifying marks, can apply to any one of the undergraduateprogrammes offered by Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science. Theapplications should be submitted at the Admission Office before the deadlinementioned in the advertisement. This does not apply for those who apply fornon-professional programmes and research related programmes.Special Admission ProgrammesHITS recognizes the need for providing educational opportunities for people ofwidely varying ages and backgrounds. Therefore, special admission programmesare available for potentially successful students from disadvantaged, culturallydeprived, or economically impoverished segments of the society. For furtherdetails, the Head Office can be contacted. Admission to HITS thus, is purelynon-discriminatory.Re-admissionStudents who were initially enrolled at Hindustan Institute of Technologyand Science but did not attend the particular semester/term can re-register,www.hindustanuniv.ac.in23

provided they left with good conduct and have not enrolled in any otherinstitution after leaving HITS. Such students may be readmitted by submitting aReadmission Form. Students who have been dismissed either from HITS or anyother institution will not be readmitted under any circumstances.Admission of International StudentsPrior to admission, an International student must obtain an Application Formand Brochure from HITS Office and submit the filled application form with, Copy of Educational Records documenting all previous secondary andpost-secondary schooling/college. A Financial Statement that has been signed and returned from a sponsorshowing that adequate funds will be available to cover the student’seducational and living expenses for the duration of the anticipatedenrolment. Proof of proficiency in English language. Certificate showing no criminal record. Copy of the Passport with minimum one year validity. Medical Certificate from a registered physician. Certificate o

Science and Mechanical Engineering; and is in the 95th position in NIRF Ranking and in the band of 301-500 in QS BRICKS Ranking. HITS has obtained an overall Gold in QS I-GAUGE Indian University Rating 2019, and an overall 3 Star Rating with 5 Stars score for Teaching, Employability, Innovation, Inclusiveness and Facility in