Edge Of The Empire - Beginner Game


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STOP! OPEn THE ADUEnTURE BOOK FIRSTThe rules presented 111 this book arc intended for players \vl10 have already played through t11e included AdventureBook Tl1e adventure featured 1n tl1at book 1s designed to walk you t11rough all of the basic Star !Vars E DGE OF THEE MPIRE B EGINNER C AME rules in an easy play-as-you-learn format So grab some friends. crack open the AdventureBook. and get startedlGETTING STARTEDGAME RULESNow that you have played through the tutorial adventure from theAdventure Book, there is no need to stop there The galaxy 1s yoursto explore and this book 1s filled with all the rules you will need tocarry on with your adventures. All of the rules introduced and taught1n the Adventure Book can also be found here for ease of play andmany of the concepts have been expanded with further detailMany of the rules presented here will be familiar now that youhave played through the tutorial adventure. although this sectionprovides greater depth.WHAT'S IN THE BOOK? Chapter I: Playing the Came (Page 2) Rules for buildingand interpreting dice pools. performing checks, using DestinyPoints. and investing experience points to enhance the StarWars EDGE OF THE EMPIRE B EGINNER CAME characters Chapter II: Combat (Page 12). Rules for handling combat.movement. and the health of a character. Chapter Ill: Skills (Page 21). Descriptions and commonuses of each of the various skills that a character might learnover the course of his adventures in the Star Wars galaxy. Chapter IV: Talents (Page 26). Special abilities and tech-niques available to the characters in the StarWars:EDGE OFTHE EMPIRE BEGINNER CAME. Chapter V: Gear and Equipment (Page 30). Common per-sonal weapons. armor. and gear critical for surviving on thefringe of the galaxy Chapter VI : Starships and Vehicles (Page 37). SpecialWHAT PLAYERS NEED TO PLAYContinuing with your Star Wars: E DGE OF THE EMPIRE B EGINNERCAME requires very few materials. Besides at least one copy of thisrulebook, players will need pencils or pens as well as the characterfolios and custom dice they used in the Adventure Book.The players and GM may also find 1t helpful to obtain the StarWars dice rolling application. More information can be found onthe Fantasy Flight Games website at www FantasyFl1ghtGames.comNARRATIVE PLAYThe Star Wars: EDGE OF THE EMPIRE B EGINNER C AME asks the playersto step into their characters' roles and use dramatic narrative to describe events and advance the story. While this rulebook providesspecific rules on how to resolve actions. the game relies heavily onboth the Game Master and the players to use their 1maginat1onstempered with common sense- to explain what happens.In the Star Wars: EDGE oF THE EMPIRE B EGINNER CAME, combat.placement of characters. and other situations are represented 1nan abstract fashion . Rather than taking a ruler and measuring thedistance between characters on a map, it is preferable for a playerto simply state: ·1·m ducking behind the computer console to getsome cover while I return fire.· That sort of description paints amuch better picture of the action taking place.rules associated with starships and other vehicles commonto the Star Wars universe ChapterVII: Adversaries (Page 44). Several addi-tional opponents for the players to face off against.FANTASYFLIGHTGAMESFantasy Flight Games1975 West County Road 82Roseville, MN 5 51 13USACopyright 2012 by Lucasfilm Ltd. & or TM where indicated. All rights reserved. Used under authorization. Fantasy Flight Garnes and Fantasy FlightSupply are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. The FFG Logo is a registered tradernark of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.ISBN: 978-1-61661-593-2Product Code: SWEO 1Print ID: 1528DEC I 2For more information about the Star Wars: EDGE OF THE EMPIRE line, free downloads.answers to rule queries. or just to pass on greetings, visit us online atwww.FantasyflightGames.comBEGINNER GAME RULEBOOKEDCiE OF THE 'EMPIRE

THE CORE MECHANICThe core mechanic of the game revolves around the skillcheck. The skill check determines whether specific actionsperformed by characters succeed or fail , and any consequencesthat may accompany that success or failure. This core mechanic1n the Star Wars: EoGE oF THE EMPIRE B EGINNER GAME is quitesimple, and can be broken into two key elements:1. Roll a pool of dice.2. After all other factors.if there is at least one Successsymbol, the task succeeds.*-The first element involves rolling a pool of dice. When a character wishes to attempt an action, a dice pool must be assembled. The number and type of dice are influenced by severalfactors. such as the character's innate abilities, skill training,equipment. and the inherent difficulty of the task being attempted. The GM may decide that the environment or the situation warrants certain dice as well. Once all the necessary diceBEGINNER GAME RULEBOOKEDGE OF THE 'EMPIREhave been assembled, the player attempting the task rolls all ofthe dice in his pool.The second element involves interpreting the results on thedice. The players look at the symbols on the face-up sides ofeach die. Certain symbols work in pairs. one type canceling outanother. Other symbols are not canceled, and their effects areapplied regardless of the outcome of the task. After comparingthe first set of paired symbols- Successand Failure Y - theplayers can determine if the task succeeds. Then they comparethe second set of symbols-Advantage t and Threat {§ -todetermine if there are any beneficial side effects or negativeconsequences. Finally, any other symbols are resolved to addthe last details to the outcome.*'This core mechanic forms the foundation of the game.Other rules and effects either modify or interact with one ofthese two fundamental elements-the pool of dice being assembled or the results on the dice after they are rolled.

THE DICEPOSITIVE DICE AND NEGATIVE DICEWhen a character makes a skill check in the Star Wars : EocEOF THE EMPIRE BEGINNER GAME, the dice allow the players toquickly determine success and failure. as well as magnitude andnarrative implications of each task. To accomplish this, the StarWars EDGE OF THE EMPIRE BEGINNER GAME uses seven differenttypes of dice. Each die face will either be blank or feature one ormore symbols that represent various positive or negative effects.Eacl: cJ 1ce pool 1s n1ade up of a number of dice fromscvcrJI cJ1ffcrcnt sources. Essentially. these dice poolsare corripr 1scu of "positive dice" and "negcitive dice .Pos1t1vc dice arc acJded to the pool to l1elp accomplisl1a task or achieve beneficial side effects Negative dicearc acJcJccJ to tr1e pool to l1inder or disrupt a task. or to1nt 1 oclucc tl1c possibi lity of complicating sicle effects.POSITIVE DICEThere are three types of positive dice which provide symbolsthat improve the odds of successfully completing a task orachieving beneficial side effects.ABILITY DICE Ability 1s represented with green eight-sided dice. Ability dice represent the character's aptitude or skill used when attemptinga skill check.BOOST DICE DSpecial advantages. or "boosts." are represented with light bluesix-sided dice. Boost dice D represent benefits gained throughluck. chance. and advantageous actions taken by the characters.PROFICIENCY DICE 0Proficiency is represented with yellow twelve-sided dice. Proficiency dice 0 represent the combination of innate ability andtraining They are most often used when a character is attempting a skill check using a skill he has trained . Proficiency dice0 are the upgraded version of Ability dice (for more on upgrades. see page 7)POSITIVE DICECOME FROMNEGATIVE DICECOME FROMThe skill used toaccomplish a taskThe difficulty of the taskattemptedThe characteristic beingappliedAn opponent's specialabi lities. skills. orcharacteristicsAn applicable ta len t orspecial abilityOpposing forces at workEquipment or gear beingused by the characterInclement weather orenvironmental effectsThe use of Light DestinyPointsThe use of Dark DestinyPointsTactical or situationaladvantagesTactical or situationaldisadvantagesOther advantages. asdetermined by GMOther disadvantages. asdetermined by the GMSETBACK DICENEGATIVE DICEThere are three types of negative dice which impose symbolsthat undermine success or introduce unwanted complications.Certain complications. or "setbacks," are represented with blacks1x-s1ded dice. Setback dice represent problems or minor obstacles during task resolution. Setback dice are not as potentas Di fficul ty dice .DIFFICULTY DICE Difficulty is represented with purple eight-sided dice. Difficulty dice represent the inherent challenge or complexity of aparticular task a character is attempting. In simplest terms, themore Difficulty dice in a dice pool, the more chal lenging it isto succeed .CHALLENGE DICE .Challenge is represented with red twelve-sided dice. Challengedicerepresent the most extreme adversity and oppositionThese dice may be featured in place of Difficulty dice duringparticularly daunting chal lenges posed by trained, elite. or prepared opponents. Cha llenge dice are the upgraded version ofDifficulty dice (for more on upgrades. see page 7).eeFORCE DICE 0The Force 1s abstracted using white twelve-sided dice. These Forcedice 0 represent the power and pervasiveness of the Force. In theStar Wars: EocE OF THE EMPIRE BEGINNER GAME, Force dice O areonly used when the players generate their starting Destiny pool atthe beginning of a session (see Destiny Points. page I 0)BEGINNER GAME RULEBOOKEDGE OF THE 'EMPIRE

I ' ,-.\I,, DICEBOLS Sr RESULTS .The dice used in the Star Wars: EocE OF THE EMPIRE BEGINNERGAME feature a number of unique symbols used to determinesuccess and failure. as well as additional context and consequences during task resolution. Understanding these symbols allows theplayers to more fully contribute to the story, generating memorable details and describing cinematic actions over the course oftheir adventures. This section defines the different symbols anddescribes how they may be used in play.Players gain both effects with each Triumph @ symbol; theydo not have to choose between the Success ':tf or the specialeffect trigger.NEGATIVE RESULTSThere are three negative symbols found on the task resolution dice.FAILUREPOSITIVE RESULTSThere are three positive symbols found on the task resolution dice.SUCCESS Success ':tf symbols are critical for determining whether a skillcheck succeeds or fails. One Success ':tf symbol 1s cancelled byone Failure Y symbol. If there is at least one Success ':tf symbol remaining in the pool after all cancellations. the skill checksucceeds.Success ':tf symbols also influence the magnitude of the outcome. For example. in combat. each Success ':tf symbol is addedto the damage inflicted to the target. Generating four net Successes ':tf would inflict four additional damage.ADVANTAGE t)The Advantage ti symbol indicates an opportunity for a positiveconsequence or side effect. regardless of the task's success orfailure. Some examples of these positive side effects could includeslicing a computer in far less time than anticipated, finding anopening during a firefight to duck back into cover, or recoveringfrom strain during a stressful situation. One Advantage ti symbol1s cancelled by one Threat {§} symbol.YFailure Y symbols are critical for determining whether a skillcheck succeeds or fails. One Failure Y symbol cancels one Success ':tf symbol. If there is at least one Success ':tf symbol remaining in the pool after all cancellations. the skill check succeeds.Multiple net Failure Y symbols have no further effect.THREAT , ,'o"'The Threat {§ symbol is fuel for negative consequences or sideeffects. regardless of the task's success or failure Some examplesof these negative side effects could include taking far longer thanexpected to slice a computer terminal. leaving an opening duringa firefight which allows an enemy to duck into cover. or sufferingadditional strain during a stressful situation. One Advantage tisymbol is cancelled by one Threat {§} symbol.It is possible for a task to succeed while generating a numberof Threats {§}. tainting or diminishing the impact of the success.The GM generally resolves Threat {§} effects. The applications ofThreat {§} are covered in more detail on page 15.DESPAIR @The Despair @ symbol is a powerful result, ind1cat1ng a significantbane or detrimental outcome. Each Despair @ symbol imposestwo effects:It 1s possible for a task to fail while generating a number of Advantages ti. allowing something good to come out of the failure. First, each Despair @ symbol also counts as one Failure Y .in every means previously defined as a Failure Y .TRIUMPH @ Secondly, each Despair @ can be used to trigger potent negative effects. See page 15 for more information on usingDespair @ to trigger effects.The Triumph@ symbol is a powerful result, indicating a significantboon or beneficial outcome. Each Triumph @ symbol providestwo effects: First. each Triumph @ symbol also counts as one Success ':tf ,in every means previously defined as a Success ':tf. Secondly, each Triumph @ can be used to trigger incrediblypotent effects. See page 15 for more in formation on usingTriumph @ to trigger effects.Players suffer both effects with each Despair @ symbol; theydo not get to choose between the Failure Y or the special effecttrigger. As a Failure Y . that aspect of the @ can be cancelled bya Success ':tf symbol as usual. however the second aspect of theDespair @ result cannot be canceled .

(LIGHTS, CAMEACTION!During the course of a Star Wars : EDGE oF THE E MPIRE B EGINNERGAME adventure, characters find themselves attempting a variety of tasks. When the outcome of a PC's task is uncertain, thatcharacter will usually need to perform a skill check to determinesuccess or failure of a particular a

This core mechanic 1n the Star Wars: EoGE oF THE EMPIRE B EGINNER GAME is quite simple, and can be broken into two key elements: 1. Roll a pool of dice. 2. After all other factors. if there is at least one Success * symbol, the task succeeds. The first element involves rolling a pool of dice. When a char acter wishes to attempt an action, a dice pool must be assem bled. The number and .