2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage - ICC


2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible Storage2018 IFC High-PiledCombustible StorageBased on theInternational Fire Code (IFC )Improve your understanding of the life safety andfire protection requirements in high-piledcombustible storage environments.2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council31

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageNick Youngson - link to - http://nyphotographic.com/ Describe the scope andapplication of IFCChapter 32. Explain the special codedefinitions applicable toChapter 32.2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage42018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageNick Youngson - link to - http://nyphotographic.com/ Explain commodityclassification based onSection 3203 criteria andinterpret Figures 3203.9.1(1)and (2). Interpret Table 3206.2 toapply the requirements forhigh-piled combustiblestorage to plan review andinspections.5TipsGuide to a successful class: Slides contain some text andiconic images to help you learn. Text and commentary is in thehandout. Follow along in the coursehandout. Ask Questions, ask questions,ASK QUESTIONS!!!!2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council62

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageCourse Outline High-Piled Storage Practices General Requirements Commodity Classifications Storage Areas Housekeeping/Maintenance Fire Protection/Life Safety Array Limits72018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StoragePhoto courtesy: The Boeing CompanyPhoto courtesy: Integra Code ConsultantsIFC Definition: High-Piled Storage“Storage of combustible materials in closely packed piles orcombustible materials on pallets, in racks or on shelveswhere the top of storage is greater than 12 feet (3658 mm)in height”.82018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageHigh-Piled Storage (cont’d)Photo courtesy: Integra Code Consultants“When required by the fire codeofficial, high-piled combustible storagealso includes certain high-hazardcommodities, such as: rubber tires, Group A plastics, flammable liquids, idle pallets, and, similar commodities, where the topof storage is greater than 6 feet(1829 mm) in height”.2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council93

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageModule #1High-Piled Storage Practices10Why High-Piled? High-piled storage arrays: allow the owner or tenant to maximize amount ofgoods stored in a smaller footprint, enable rapid construction of large, low-costwarehouses near shifting population andtransportation nodes, and, increase efficiency in product handling within thestorage configuration.2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage11Fire Challenges Increased fuel loads per square foot Increased potential fire loss persquare foot Rapid structural failure First responder endangerment Losses can surpass the buildingconstruction value12Copyright 2019 International Code Council4

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageHidden “Watch-outs”Photo courtesy: Integra Code Consultants “Undeclared” high-piledstorage areas Storage areas withinmanufacturing plants Shipping and receivingareas of any business Speculation warehouses orgeneral storage facilitiesrenting space to individuals Consumer retail sales areas2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage13Code OfficialChallenges Determining fire protection featuresadequacy Sprinkler types and designs haveimproved protection options Sprinkler designs can be morecomplicated Fire detection systems may not besuitable for the environment Commodity classes may change overtime Retailers may have special designs forspecific merchandising plans When in doubt, seek technical assistanceSource: Building Safety Journal Online, August 201614Learning Check1. The IFC authorizes the code official to useoutside resources for technical help.True or False2. Which of the following is not a potentialconsequence of high-piled storage fires?a)b)c)d)Product or structural collapse.Greater dollar losses per square foot.First responder endangerment.Increased tax receipts.2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council155

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageModule #2General Requirements16Chapter 32: Scope/Application Cross-references: General storage – Chapter 3 Hazardous materials –Chapter 50 Combustible fibers –Chapter 37 Aerosols –Chapter 51 Flammable & combustibleliquids –Chapter 57 Paper records storage –NFPA 132018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage17Construction/Operating Permits §105.6.22 Operationalpermit for buildingscontaining more than 500ft² of high-piled storage. §105.7 Fire protectionsystem installation. §3201.3 Approvedconstruction documentsand storage plan –maintained on site.2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council186

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageDocuments/Layout Plans Rack locations,dimensions andlayout Design storage height Commodity types Sprinkler: commodityclearance Aisle dimensions Pile volume: Solid pile Palletized Commodityclasses/locations Fire departmentaccess doors Sprinkler controlvalves2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage19Safety and Evacuation Plan §3201.4 Plan submitted with permit applicationParkingLot §403.11 High-piled StorageRefuge/Accountability Area(Plan View: Storage Area)2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage20Safety Plan §403.11.5 Storage area exceeds 500,000 ft2 Class I-IV commodities 300,000 ft2 high hazard commodities Storage area in Group H occupancy Storage area in F or M occupancy Occupant load 500, or, More than 100 above/below level of exit discharge Where fire code official requires2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council217

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageLearning Check1. Which of the following are required to besubmitted at the time of permit application?a.b.c.d.e.Rack locations, dimensions and layoutDesign storage heightCommodity typesSprinkler: commodity clearanceAll of the above2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage22Learning Check2. What is the threshold in square feet for an IFC high-piled storage operational permit?a.b.c.d.250 sq. ft. for high-hazard commodities500 sq. ft. for non-combustible products500 sq. ft.1000 sq. ft.2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage23Learning Check3. Construction and storage plan documents mustremain on the premises of a high-piled storagefacility. True or False4. The fire code official is authorized to require afire safety and egress plan in any high-piledstorage facility. True or False2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council248

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageModule #3Commodity Classification25CommodityClassificationFire protectionrequirements’ foundation2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage26“Commodity” “A combination of products, packing materials andcontainers.”Product: item being storedPacking materials around theitemContainers: pallets, bins orproduct storage methodCoffee mugs, engine blocks, plywood panels,wristwatches, toilet paper . . . .Cardboard boxes with dividers, steel containers,shrink wrap, boxes with foam “peanuts” . . . .Wood or plastic pallets, plastic, cardboard orpaper bin boxes, crates, wooden spools . . .2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council279

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageCommodity Classification Class based on estimated ormeasured heat of combustion andheat release rate (HRR)Influenced by: Material characteristics Material quantity Surface area/density Ventilation2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage28Latent Heat and HRR Heat of Combustion(Btu/Lb.) Heat Release Rate HRR expressed inWatts,Kilowatts, or,Megawatts.2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage29Relative Hazard §3203Commodity ClassFire Hazard RankingHigh-hazardHighest Fire HazardClass IVClass IIIClass IIClass ILowest Fire Hazard2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council3010

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageCommodity Modification“Materials listed within each commodity classification areassumed to be unmodified for improved combustibilitycharacteristics.”“Use of flame-retarding modifiers or the physical form ofthe material could change the classification.”“See Section 3203.7 for classification of Group A, B andC plastics.”2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage31Geometry Influences Product geometry affects HRRDimensional lumber:Class IIICut/assembled intouniform shapes:High Hazard2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage32Section and Table 3203.82018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council3311

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageClass I and II CommoditiesPhoto courtesy: Integra Code Consultants § 3203.2 and 3203.3 Essentially non-combustibleitems Difference between Class I and II isamount/nature of combustiblepackaging Limited amount of Group Aplastics2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage34Class III Commodities § 3203.4 “Ordinary combustibles” Wood Paper Natural fiber Group C plastic Limited Group A plastic2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage35Class IV Commodities § 3203.5Class I, II or III with some Group A plasticGroup B plasticGroup A free-flowing plastic2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council3612

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageHigh-hazard Commodities § 3203.6 Includes: Flammable andcombustible liquids Group A plastics Unexpanded andexpanded Rubber tires Idle pallets2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage37High-hazard Commodities Category unique to IFC for fireprotection strategies andoperational limitations Neither FM Global nor NFPAutilize this commodity designation NFPA 13 uses “commodityspecific” sprinkler designs Roll paperPlastic motor vehicle componentsRubber tiresBaled cottonRecords storage with catwalk access2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage38Plastics (Product or Package) Plastics are ranked into Groups A, B and Cbased on: Heat of combustion Potential heat released upon full combustion (Btu/lb.) Heat Release Rate Group A plastics represent the most severehazard while Group C represent the least severe2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council3913

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StoragePlastic Hazards Some plastics may exhibitfaster burning rates comparedto ordinary combustibles Plastics can produce 1½ - 3times as much heat per unit ofweight as wood or paper Group A or B Some plastics behavesimilarly to ordinarycombustibles Group B or C2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage40Sample Heat Release RatesABS PipeSource – NFPA Fire Protection HandbookHeat Release Rate (Btu/min)1600140012001000800600400200PVC Conduit2468102018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageTime (Minutes)41Section and Table 3203.82018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council4214

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StoragePlastic Geometry Geometry influences ease of ignition and heat releaserate Plastics have three basic geometric forms: Expanded (foam coffee cups) Unexpanded (rigid, dense sheets or molds) Free-flowing (pellets or prill) Expanded plastics represent the greatest fire hazardwhile free-flowing plastics represent least2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage43Expanded Group A Plastic2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage44Unexpanded Group A Plastic2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council4515

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageFree-flowing Group A Plastic2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage46Limited Amount:Group A PlasticsPresence of Group A plastics alone does not result in highhazard commodity classification Some amounts allowed in a package or carton or on apallet without increasing the commodity classification. Figures 3203.9 (1) and (2) provide a qualified personguidance to assess Group A plastic content by volume orweight. Compare both: assign commodity classification onhigher value2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage47Limited Group A (Example) Light fixture in cardboard box Wt. 3.17 lbs 32 per pallet Table 3203.8 “Housing materials and appliances” “Light fixtures; non-plastic; cartoned” Class II2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council4816

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageMixed CommoditiesFigure 3203.9(1) Mixed Commodities Group A by VolumePercent by Volume of Group AUnexpanded Plastic (PWU)ExamplePVE VPE/VLPVE 38,400 in3/137,216 in3PVE 27.98%Percent by Volume of Expanded Plastic (PVE)2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage49Mixed CommoditiesFigure 3203.9(2) Mixed Commodities Group A by WeightPercent by Weight of Group AUnexpanded Plastic (PWU)ExamplePWU WPU/WLPWU 15.75 lbs/158.4 lbsPWU 9.943 %Percent by Weight of Expanded Plastic (PWE)2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage50Limited Group A : Outcome (Example) Product Originally Class II 27.98% Group A by volume 9.43% Group A by weight What is the commodity classification?2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council5117

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StoragePallets §3203.10 Influence fire behavior of “unit load” Wood, metal or plastic High density, low density plastic Solid or open decks2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage52Commodity Influence §3203.10Pallet CompositionCommodityClassUnreinforced polypropylene orunreinforced high-density polyethyleneI-IVIncrease one classReinforced polypropylene or reinforcedhigh-density polyethyleneI-IIIIncrease two classesReinforced polypropylene or reinforcedhigh-density polyethyleneI-IVIncrease to High HazardOthersI-IVUnless tests proveotherwise,increase two classesImpact2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage53Module # 4Fire Protection/Life Safety54Copyright 2019 International Code Council18

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageFire Protection/Life Safety §3206 Fire protection/life safetyrequirements Area Commodity class Protectionextent Multiple areas2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage55Fire Protection Coverage § 3206.2.1 Protection extent for Table 3206.2 “Lesser of” 15 feet or full-height wallPlan view2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage56Fire Protection Coverage § 3206.3.1 High-piled storage area size, sum: Footprint of storage, racks, shelves or piles Interior aisles Perimeter aisles 44 or 96 in.Shipping/ReceivingAdministration/SupportPlan view2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council5719

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageFire Protection Coverage § 3206.3.2 Multiple high-piled areas Aggregate area, or, One-hour fire barriers, or, 100 feet if portPlan view2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage58Fire Protection Coverage § 3206.2.3.1 Storage area size – Mixed commodity classes withHigh-hazard Unless separated: All treated as high hazard Aggregate areaClass I: 2,640 ft2Shipping/ReceivingTreat as 7,920 ft2High HazardHigh Hazard: 5,280 ft2Administration/SupportPlan view2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage59Solid-Piled Storage, ShelfStorage and Palletized StorageAll Storage AreasbCommodityClassI – IVSize of High PiledStorage Areaa(square feet)AutomaticFireExtinguishing SystemAutomatic FireDetectionSystemBuildingAccessSmokeand RaNRNReNRNRNRNRNR501 – 2,500NRaYesiNReNRNR10040100,0002501 – 12,000Public AccessibleYesNRNReNRNR10040400,0002501 – 12,000Non-publicAccessibleOption 1YesNRNReNRNR10040400,0002501 – 12,000Non-publicAccessibleOption 2NRaYesYesYesjYesj10030f200,00012,000 – 20,000YesNRYesYesjNR10040400,00020,001 – 500,000YesNRYesYesjNR10040400,000 500,000gYesNRYesYesjNR10040400,0002018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council6020

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageSolid-Piled Storage, Shelf Storageand Palletized StorageAll Storage AreasbCommodityClassHighhazardSize of High PiledStorage Areaa(square DetectionSystemBuildingAccessSmokeand RaNRNReNRNR50NRNR501 – 2,500Public AccessibleYesNRNReNRNR5030400,000501 – 2,500Non-publicAccessibleOption 1YesNRNReNRNR5030400,000501 – 2,500Non-publicAccessibleOption 2NRaYesYesYesjYesj5020200,0002,501 – 300,000YesNRYesYesjNR5030400,000300,001 – 500,000g,hYesNRYesYesjNR5030400,0002018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage61Table 3206 (Extract)Solid-Piled Storage, Shelf Storageand Palletized StorageAll Storage AreasbCommodityClassI-IVSize of High PiledStorage Areaa(square DetectionSystemBuildingAccessSmokeand umPermissibleStorageHeightdMaximumPileVolume2,501 –12,000Not open topublicOption 1YesNRNReNRNR10040400,0002,501 –12,000Not open topublicOption 2NRaYesYesYesjYesj10030f200,0002018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage62Table 3206.2 – Footnotes“a. When automatic sprinklers are required for reasonsother than those in Chapter 32, the portion of thesprinkler system protecting the high-piled storage areashall be designed and installed in accordance withSections 3207 and 3208.”For what other reasons might a sprinkler system be required?2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council6321

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageTable 3206.2 – Footnotese. Section 503 shall apply for fire apparatus access.Section 503 allows modifications to fire apparatus accessroads when the building is protected by a sprinkler system.What road modifications would you accept for high-piledstorage and why?2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage64Table 3206.2 – Footnotesf. For high hazard commodity warehouses more than300,000, and Class I-IV more than to 500,000 sq. ft., thefire code official can require special fire protectionprovisions including, but not limited to: fire protection of exposed steel columns;Whatadditionalfire density;protection features might increasedsprinkleryou require and why? additional in-rack sprinklers, without associatedreductions in ceiling sprinkler density; or, additional fire department hose connections.2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage65Automatic Sprinklers §3206.4Sprinkler system design and installation must meet Section903. [Normally exempt locations].”2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council6622

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageFire Sprinkler Design NFPA 13, Standard for theInstallation of SprinklerSystems Design and installation guidance Solid-pile and shelf Racks Automated Commodity identification andclassification Rack configurations, height andaisle spacing Owner/insurance underwritermay require greater protection2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage67Fire Detection Systems §3206.5 Required for non-sprinklered storage areasHazard ClassArea (ft2)Open to PublicClass I-IV501-2,500--Class I-IV2,501-12,000NoHigh Hazard501-2,500No2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage68Fire Detection Systems Although smoke detectors are preferred by IFC §907.2.15, heat detection may be more appropriate. Heat detectors are limited to smooth, beam or slopedceilings in a building 30’ in height Ceilings 30’ in height require a performance designfor spot-type heat detectors, or, Linear cable or pneumatic rate-of-rise heat detectionsystem.2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council6923

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageBuilding Access §3206.6 and .7 Access elements: Fire apparatus access roads Fire department access doors §503 requires fire apparatusaccess roads to all buildings Table 3206.2 sets firedepartment access doors formanual suppressionrequirements2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage70Access Door Exception §3206.7.1 If wall does not face fireapparatus access road,and, Opposite wall has accessdoors Entire interior 150 ft fromaccess door Sprinklered building2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage71Building Access §3206.7.3 – 7.8 Doors accessible without a ladder. One access door in each 125 linealfeet or fraction. Access doors at least 3’ wide by 6’8’’ high. Roll-up doors not to be used unlessapproved. Only approved locking devices. Key boxes may be required.2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council7224

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageBuilding Access: Table 3206.2 Fire department access door threshold:Commodity ClassificationClass I – IVUnsprinklered2,501High-hazardft2501 ft2Sprinklered12,001 ft22,501 ft22018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage73Smoke/Heat Removal §3206.8 Provides aid in salvage and overhaul operations byproviding post-extinguishment ventilation Significant IFC 2015 changes: Draft curtains eliminated Smoke and heat vents only in non-sprinklered storageareas Smoke and heat vents or mechanical ventilation insprinklered areas2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage74Smoke/Heat Removal §910.2.2 When required by Table 3206, with exceptions1. Sprinklered frozen food warehouses used solely for storage ofClass I and II commodities.2. Buildings protected by ESFR or fast response Control ModeSpecific Application (CMSA) sprinklers.2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council7525

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageSmoke and Heat Vents §910.3 Vents must be listed and labeled todemonstrate compliance with: UL 793, Automatically Operated RoofVents for Smoke and Heat, or, FM 4430, Approval Standard for Heat andSmoke Vents.2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage76Vent Spacing §910.3.3Lot LineAt least 20 feet from lot lineor fire wallAt least 10 feet fromfire barrierPlan View: High-piled Storage: Class I-IV No Sprinklers2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage77Mechanical Smoke Removal §910.4 If used as alternate to smoke/heatvents, must: Sprinklered building Design for two air changes per hourbased on volume. Maximum 30,000 CFM per exhaust fan Automatic or manual make-up air Openings within six feet of floor Min. gross area 8 ft2/1000 ft3 ofexhaust2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council7826

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageAisles §3206.10 Limit fire spread Provide egress routes Provide firefighter access Width is dependent on: Sprinkler system designCommodity classificationStorage methodOpen to public2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage79Aisle Widths §3206.10.1.2SprinklerProtectionHazardClassStorage AreaOpen toPublicAisleWidth (in.)YesAnyAnyAny44YesHigh2,500 sq. ft. or moreYes96YesAnyMechanical stockingYes96Yes*HighMechanical stockingYes44Yes*HighMechanical stockingNo24NoAnyAnyAny96* If protected for multiple-row ( 2 adjacent) racks per § 903. IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage80Solid-Piled and Shelf §3207 Shelf, piles and bin boxes 5 feet Shelves 12-15 feet: NFPA 13 Shelves 15: approved protection Pile dimensions per Table 3206.22018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council8127

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StoragePile Dimensions Table 3206.2 Given: Class I-IV commodity Storage area: 2,501 to 12,000 sq. ft. Not open to the publicOptionSprinklersMax. Dimension(feet)Max. Height(ft.)Max. Volume(cu.ft.)1Yes12040400,0002No12030200,0002018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage82Racks §3208 Racks and bin boxes 5 feet Plastic shelves/decks Special fire protection Solid shelves/decks 20 sq. ft. or more Open mesh, slatted or grated 50 % open2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage83Flue SpacesLongitudinalTransverse2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council8428

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageFlue Spaces: Table 3208.3 Flue spaces provided and maintained. Table may conflict with the requirements of NFPA13, which is adopted by reference As “code” Table 3208.3 takes preference overNFPA “standard”2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage85Table 3208.3 (Extract)RackConfigurationDouble-rowRack(Option 1)Double-rowRack(Option 2)Flue DesignTransverseFlue spaceIn-RackSprinklers atEvery Tier 25 feet 25 feetAny HeightSize6 inches3 inchesNot RequiredVertically alignedNot RequiredYesNot ApplicableNot Required6 inchesNot RequiredSize3 inches6 inchesNot RequiredVertically alignedNot RequiredYesNot Applicable6 inchesNotRequiredNot RequiredLongitudinal Flue spaceTransverseFlue spaceSprinklers at the Ceiling Withor Without Minimum In-RackSprinklersLongitudinal Flue space2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage86Extra-high-Rack Storage §3208.5 Buildings with extra-high-rack combustiblestorage to be protected with a speciallyengineered automatic sprinkler system.Commodity ClassHeight (feet)I, II, III, IVHigh-hazard 40 302018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council8729

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageAutomated Storage §3209 Carousel storage 500 ft2 Option 1: Smoke detectionsystem 15 ft beyondperimeter of unenclosedcarousel Option 2: Smoke detectionin enclosed area Provide local alarm Stop carousel Option 3: Single “deadman” switch2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage88Final Learning Check1. If used for smoke removal, the maximumcapacity of a single mechanical fan is:a)b)c)d)Based on the volume of the protected space15,000 cfm20,000 cfm30,000 cfm2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage89Final Learning Check2. What is the minimum distance between amanual/automatic rooftop smoke/heat vent anda fire barrier?a)b)c)d)10 feet20 feet30 feet40 feet2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council9030

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageFinal Learning Check3. Class I-IV storage more than 30 feet high isclassified as extra-high rack storage. True orFalse4. In existing buildings, fire access doors may bespaced feet apart.a)b)c)d)1251501752002018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage91Final Learning Check5. In non-sprinklered Class I-IV storage areasopen to the public, what is the area thresholdwhere fire detection is required?a.b.c.d.501 sq. ft.2501 sq. ft.12,0001 sq. ft.500,000 sq. ft.2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage92Summary Describe the scope and application of Chapter 32 of theIFC. Explain the special code definitions applicable toChapter 32. Explain the commodity classification system based onthecriteria in Section 3203 of the IFC and interpret Figures3203.9.1(1) and (2). Interpret Table 3206.2 to apply the requirements for highpiled combustible storage to plan review andinspections.2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible StorageCopyright 2019 International Code Council9331

2019 ICC Annual ConferenceEducational Sessions Handout2018 IFC High‐Piled Combustible StorageFinal ReflectionReflect on the day. What will you take back to thejob and apply? What? What happened and what was observedin the training? So what? What did you learn? What differencedid this training make? Now what? How will you do things differentlyback on the job as a result of this training?2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage94ResourcesBabrauskas, V. (1992). Heat Release in Fires. Gosport, Hampshire,UK: Interscience Communications Ltd.Babrauskas, V. (2003). Ignition Handbook: Principles and Applicationsto Fire Safety Engineering, Fire Investigation, Risk Managementand Forensic Science. Bethesda, MD: Society of Fire ProtectionEngineers.FM Global (2015). Commodity Classifications. Johnston, RI: Author.2018 IFC High-Piled Combustible Storage95International Code Council is a Registered Provider with The AmericanInstitute of Architects Continuing Education Systems. Credit earned oncompletion of this program will be reported to CES Records for AIAmembers. Certificates of Completion for non-AIA members are available onrequest.This program is registered with the AIA/CES for continuing professionaleducation. As such, it does not include content that may be deemed orconstrued to be an approval or endorsement by the AIA of any mater

Refuge/ Accountabili ty Area Parking Lot Storage area exceeds 500,000 ft2Class I-IV commodities 300,000 ft2high hazard commodities . True or False 4. The fire code official is authorized to require a fire safety and egress plan in any high-piled storage facility. True or False