STYLE AND SUBSTANCEJELD-WEN molded interior doors blend style and substance. Select the architectural style thatbest fits your home and complement it with a woodgrain texture or smooth finish. For bedrooms,offices, and laundry rooms, consider adding an optional solid core to reduce sound transmissionbetween rooms. Molded doors come in widths of 1'0" to 3'0" and most are available in heights of6'8", 7'0", and 8'0". Matching bifold doors are also available in most styles.Monroe Smooth Molded Interior Door
FLUSH INTERIOR DOOR DESIGNS AND FEATURESHARDBOARD DOORSPRIMEDEMBOSSED WOODGRAINPrimed options arrive ready to paint.Embossed doors offer the look of real(Varies by region; please see your local dealer)stained wood.(Varies by region; please see your local dealer)FLUSH6'8", 7'0"& 8'0"FLUSH6'8", 7'0"& 8'0"PrimedActual colors may vary from samples shown to due printingprocess and/or differing monitor calibrations.PrimedSnowMendocinoOakWalnutImperial OakWOOD VENEER DOORSSLICED REDOAK6'8", 7'0"& 8'0"ROTARY-CUTBIRCH6'8", 7'0"& 8'0"HARDWOOD6'8", 7'0"& 8'0"CONSTRUCTION CHOICESProCore Solid CoreWood or MDF frame1-3/8" Door1-3/4" Door20-minute fire rating availablein 1-3/4" up to 4'0" x 8'0"Solid Mineral CoreMineral composite frame1-3/4" Door45-, 60- and 90-minute fireratings availableHollow CoreCombination wood/MDF frame1-3/8" DoorCorrugated honeycombcell core 1-3/8” and 1-3/4” flush interior doors are for interior applications only.
MOLDED INTERIOR DOOR DESIGNSFLAT PANELCRAFTSMAN IIISMOOTHCraftsmanSticking6'8" & 7'0"*TMSTUDIO MADISON SMOOTHCraftsmanSticking6'8", 7'0"*& 8'0"*MONROE SMOOTHCraftsmanSticking6'8"*, 7'0"*& 8'0"*BIRKDALE SMOOTHCraftsmanSticking6'8"*, 7'0"*& 8'0"*CONMORE SMOOTHStepped Sticking6'8" & 7'0"*& 8'0"*CAMBRIDGE SMOOTHOvolo Sticking6'8", 7'0"*& 8'0"CARRARA SMOOTHCove & BeadSticking6'8", 7'0"*& 8'0"CAIMAN SMOOTHCove & BeadSticking6'8", 7'0"*& 8'0"SL1006'8" & 7'0"*SLM1306'8" & 7'0"*COLONIST SMOOTHCove & BeadSticking6'8", 7'0"*& 8'0"COVENTRY SMOOTHCove & BeadSticking6'8", 7'0"*& 8'0"RAISED PANELPRINCETON SMOOTHCove & BeadSticking6'8", 7'0"*& 8'0"SANTA FE SMOOTHOvolo Sticking6'8", 7'0"*& 8'0"RAISED PANELROCKPORT SMOOTHCove & BeadSticking6'8", 7'0"*& 8'0"*CAMDEN WOODGRAINCove & BeadSticking6'8" & 7'0"*COLONIST WOODGRAINCove & BeadSticking6'8", 7'0"*& 8'0"JELD-WEN molded interior door skins are SCSGlobal Services Recycled Content certified.CONTINENTAL SMOOTHOvolo Sticking6'8"*, 7'0"*& 8'0"*BEVELED MIRRORLIGHT COMMERCIAL WIDE STILES**IMPRESSION Reverse side:Six-paneltextured only.COLONIST SMOOTHWIDE STILECove & BeadSticking6'8"* & 7'0"& 8'0"CAMBRIDGESMOOTHWIDE STILEOvolo Sticking6'8"* & 7'0"& 8'0"TMCONTINENTALSMOOTHWIDE STILEOvolo Sticking6'8"* & 7'0"& 8'0"*Select styles are ADA compliant**Accommodates commercial-grade hardwareTM
MOLDED INTERIOR DOOR FEATURESSTICKING PROFILESWhether you prefer traditional or contemporary, JELD-WEN has sticking profile options that willdistinguish the interior of your home with beautiful quality and attention-to-detail NGCOVE & BEADSTICKINGSURFACE TEXTURESSMOOTHWOODGRAINSmooth surface doors give yourJELD-WEN interior doorshome a clean, streamlined feeling.with textured surfaces emulateThey feature the classic lookthe woodgrain look of solidof painted wood doors.wood doors.CORE OPTIONSPROCORE SOLID CORECombination wood/MDF or all-wood frame20-minute20fire ratingSOLID MINERAL COREHOLLOW COREAll-wood frame60-minute*20fire ratingWood/MDF frameBlocking behindpanels for support*Available in raisedpanel designs only PROCORE THE QUIET DOOR This upgrade reduces sound transmission between spaces by up to50% compared to hollow-core doors. Enjoy more peace and quiet, plusincreased resistance against everyday dents and dings. Great for bedrooms,bathrooms, and laundry rooms.
For warranty details, visit jeld-wen.com, click Support, and select JELD-WEN Warranties. 2020 JELD-WEN, Inc. All rights reserved. JELD-WEN, the JELD-WEN Logo, the JW Logo, CAIMAN, CAMDEN, CARRARA, COLONIST, CONMORE, COVENTRY, MADISON, MONROE,and PROCORE THE QUIET DOOR are registered trademarks of JELD-WEN, Inc. BIRKDALE, CAMBRIDGE, CONTINTENTAL, CRAFTSMAN III, IMPRESSION, PRINCETON, PROCORE, ROCKPORT,SANTA FE, and STUDIO are trademarks of JELD-WEN, Inc. The SCS GLOBAL SERVICES Recycled Content Certified logo is a trademark of SCS Global Services.10-92820 01/20
1-3/8” and 1-3/4” flush interior doors are for interior applications only. ProCore Solid Core Wood or MDF frame 1-3/8" Door 1-3/4" Door 20-minute fire rating available in 1-3/4" up to 4'0" x 8'0" Solid Mineral Core Mineral composite frame 1-3/4" Door 45-, 60- and 90-minute fire ratings