Wellness PowerPoint - State College Area School District


Health and WellnessBell Ringer:What are the top 10 causes of death in the UnitedStates for people of all ages?!Think about it, talk about with your neighbor

Top 10 Causes of Death HeartDisease Cancer LungDisease Stroke Accidents Alzheimer's Disease Diabetes Kidney Disease Influenza/Pneumonia Suicide

How would you defineHealth is a state of complete physical,mental, and social well-being and notmerely the absence of disease.In other words, just because you feelokay doesn't mean you are okay!

How would you definewellness? Wellness is theinteractive process ofbecoming aware of andpracticing healthychoices to create a moresuccessful & balancedlife! You have to know andunderstand how tobecome “well” beforeyou are “well”

Behaviors that promotewellness Being a smartconsumer Exercising at least 3times per week for60 minutes Having fun – taking Eating a variety offoods from all thefood groups Avoiding alcohol,Eating a diet low infat, cholesterol &sodiumenvironment –surrounded by goodrole models, goodpeople, good social life Learning to controlanger & aggressiontime for yourself toplay/relaxdrugs & tobacco Being in a positive

Benefits of wellness Stronger heart, body and mind Increased life expectancy & betterquality of life Lower cholesterolLess stressBetter able to deal with stressfulsituationsBetter/more positive self-esteemEasier to meet new people andsocialize

Characteristics of a wellnesslifestyle. Strong sense of personalresponsibility Exceptional physicalfitness Positive outlookJoy in life & openness tonew discoveries about themeaning and purpose oflife

Components of Wellness Social Physical Psychological Intellectual Environmental Spiritual

Social WellnessThe ability tomeet new peopleof all ages andinteract withfolks you may notknow that well

Physical Wellness The ability to gothrough your dayand still haveenough energy todo other activities! Being physicallyfit with a strongheart and body

Psychological WellnessAccepting youremotions & feelings,realistically andbeing able toevaluate yourlimitations, workingthrough problems,setting goals!

Intellectual WellnessCreative &stimulatingmental activities,using availableresources toexpandknowledge & skills!

EnvironmentalAbility to care forthe environment,knowing its'resources and howto take care of it

Spiritual WellnessExploring themeaning of lifeAsking; who am I?Why do I exist?Appreciating thebeauty of yoursurroundings!

Wellness Wheel Read each of the statements carefully and decide ifthe statement is never true, sometimes true, usuallytrue, very often true or always true! When finished answering the questions, color in thespaces on the wheel, starting at the inside andworking out. Color in the number of spaces thatmatches your answer.! After coloring the wheel, answer the questions thatfollow to interpret your results.!

Wellness Wheel Read each of the statements carefully and decide if the statement is never true, sometimes true, usually true, very often true or always true! When finished answering the questions, col