Deloitte SEA Helping You Thrive In Disruptive Times


Deloitte SEAHelping you thrive in disruptive times

ContentsGrowingyour businessSucceeding in arapidly our talent10Managingrisks1214

Capitalisingon digital andtechnologyinnovationEstablishinggood governance1620Gainingcompetitive edgein your industry22Thriving involatile times23About Deloitte SEA24

Deloitte SEA Helping you thrive in disruptive timesSucceeding in a rapidlychanging regionOrganisations today must embrace disruption and volatility as away of life. Business leaders across all sectors face tremendouschallenges as they strive to grow and stay competitive – fromcomplex market conditions to changing customer behavioursand regulatory requirements.Digital technology is also revolutionising the way that businessis conducted. The convergence of computing, data, artificialintelligence and universal connectivity is reshaping operationsin every industry. This ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’, also knownas Industry 4.0, offers businesses huge opportunities to driveefficiency and gain greater customer insights. However, it alsothreatens established operations, creating new competitors andrisks to security and reputation.Southeast Asia is fast becoming a major economic force in Asiaand a driver of global growth. As the ASEAN Economic Communityworks towards transforming the economies of its member statesinto a single market and production base, organisations in theregion must continuously adapt their products and services if theyare to meet consumers’ changing needs.04Deloitte’s valueDeloitte Southeast Asia (SEA) offers innovative solutions to helpyou navigate these complexities. Our regional practices operateout of 25 offices in Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Guam,Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore,Thailand and Vietnam.Beyond ASEAN, Deloitte SEA and the Deloitte firms in Australia,China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand and Taiwan have joinedtogether to create Deloitte Asia Pacific. This increase in scaleenables us to serve our clients even more seamlessly acrossthe region and provide them with innovative and differentiatedservices from a wide range of geographies, businesses andindustry sectors.Our practices share insights, expertise and deep industryknowledge and operating as one firm enables us to haveunparalleled knowledge of the challenges facing intra-regionaland fast-growing enterprises in Asia Pacific.

Deloitte SEA Helping you thrive in disruptive timesGlobal reachWorking with Deloitte means engaging with oursmart, dynamic teams globally. Our people arerelentless questioners, skilled in diverse disciplines.In every engagement, we combine deep sectorspecialisation with a breadth of subject matterknowledge and experience.We help you transform your capabilities in: Growing your business Developing talent Managing risks Maximising performance Establishing good governance Capitalising on digital and technology innovationOur global network of member firms in more than150 countries and territories, with approximately330,000, serves four out of five Fortune Global500 companies. In FY2020, Deloitte’s aggregatemember firm revenue increased to US 47.6 billion,making us the world’s largest professional servicesorganisation.We are fully equipped to help you to take on thechallenges of a changing world so that you canseize the opportunities of this new era.05

Deloitte SEA Helping you thrive in disruptive timesGrowing your businessAs businesses continue to face complex economic, regulatory, and social environments, it is more importantthan ever for senior executives to take a holistic view in understanding their organisation and positioning itfor future profitability and growth.However, managing growth is complicated. Business leaders may be unsure of how to make winningchoices in their most significant strategic issues or how to prioritise their investments in order to growsustainably.Deloitte’s valueExpanding your business into foreign countries can be daunting especially with the complex rules andregulations but we are able to assist you to grow your business. Deloitte’s strategy and operations teamhelps organisations to plan, grow and structure their operations to deliver improved business performance,drive shareholder value and create a competitive, sustainable advantage.We have a strong record of helping organisations navigate effectively through the challenging environmentand to transform in order to deliver new value. Our network of business and technology professionals, as wellas extensive industry-specific experience, means we can rapidly collaborate with you to develop a transformationvision and strategy to grow your business.Legal support wherever business takes youOrganisations need skilled and experienced legal advisors who can assist with day-to-day activities as well as in complex business transactions. Skilled andexperienced Deloitte Legal lawyers work together with other Deloitte professionals to provide holistic guidance on strategic business decisions as well as offersupport services that can increase efficiency and reduce the cost of routine legal activities.By combining senior cross-border experience with deep-seated local law experience, the Deloitte Legal network across Southeast Asia provides holistic legalservices in numerous practice areas and industry sectors which include mergers & acquisitions, financial services, infrastructure, natural resources, structuredfinance, international trade, employment, and general commercial work.The Deloitte Legal practices in Southeast Asia are licensed Law Practices and are members of the global Deloitte Legal network that comprises over 2,500 legalprofessionals in more than 80 countries.06

Deloitte SEA Helping you thrive in disruptive timesWe help you to transform and grow your business through the following services:Strategy andoperationsInvestment &Supply chainInnovation Incentives servicesTreasuryadvisoryValuationservicesInitial publicofferingsFrom evaluating growthopportunities to improvingfinance and operations functionsand managing impactfultransformation programmes,our global network of strategyand operations professionalscollaborates intimately with youto link strategic vision to flawlessexecution. We use cutting-edgeapproaches embedded withdeep industry knowledge andexperience to develop andexecute integrated, tailoredstrategies to meet the futurewith confidence.Local and regional governmentsprovide incentives to fuelyour R&D, innovation, andother business investments,which are available for bothdomestic investments andgrowth opportunities abroad.Our specialists are highlyexperienced in the practicalitiesof applying for and negotiatingof incentives including allaspects of initial reviews todocument submission. Thisallows you to be confident thatyou can achieve your potentialbenefits with minimum timeand effort.Deloitte’s Supply Chainpractice focuses on deliveringpractical, strategy-driven valuethrough advisory servicesthat optimise, reinvent, andimprove the supply chainfrom end to end — designing,planning, sourcing, making,and delivering. We tackleorganisations’ most complexissues by drawing on globalcapabilities that span all areasof business strategy andoperations and industries.Our highly skilled TreasuryAdvisory team can supportyou in treasury transformationand in M&A integration. Wehave intimate knowledge ofcash management, interestrate derivatives and foreignexchange markets. Togetherwith our Debt Capital marketsteam, we can operationaliseend-to-end treasury strategies.We are also technologiststhat will enable businessesto drive efficiency andinstituitionalise better controlsthrough core treasury systemimplementation.Deloitte has extensiveexperience and deep expertisein valuing different assetclasses including businesses,financial instruments andderivatives, intangible assetsand intellectual property rights,plant and machinery, andreal estate. Our experienceextends to a variety ofcommercial contexts. Theseinclude M&A, regulatoryand taxation, reorganisationand restructuring, litigationand dispute resolution, andfinancial reporting.Drawing on our extensivepublic listing experience,expertise and track record, ourDisruptive Events AssuranceServices professionals canassist you to become asuccessful public company.Our specialist knowledge ofthe regulatory requirementsfor Southeast Asia’s exchangesand key markets around theglobe equips us to help youaddress the complexities ofcross-border listings, andfulfil post-offering reportingrequirements.TAXBusiness modeltransformationCost efficient s andglobal tradeMergers andacquisitionsOur consultants are readyto help you capture newgrowth opportunities,reduce costs, improveefficiencies, and stay aheadof consumer preferences. Wehelp organisations set andexecute their strategic visionand dramatically improvebusiness performance.Our deep knowledge of taxand statutory requirementsfor streamlining groupstructure, and significantexperience globally, will assistyour business to adopt aconsistent approach acrossall jurisdictions. We helpsimplify tax managementand oversight while providingglobal visibility for an informedstrategic decision.Our International Taxteams offer a wide range ofcross-border complianceand advisory services. Wehelp companies understandthe drivers of their tax rate,assess risks, and better aligntax management with futurebusiness models.Our transfer pricing networkhelps businesses align theirtransfer pricing models withtheir commercial objectives.Our technology allowsenterprises to meet theirinternational complianceobligations efficiently andeffectively.Our Customs & Global Tradeteams include lawyers, charteredaccountants, customs brokers,former government officialsand industry specialists whoare well versed in customsrules, market access and WTOdisciplines, FTA, export controlsand trade sanctions. The teamprovides tailored advisory andrepresentation on all customsand trade related disputes.Our highly experienced mergersand acquisitions specialists willhelp you to develop corporatestrategies and execute plans thatdeliver for your organisationsand stakeholders. We help yougrow profits by accessing newmarkets, assets, technologies,personnel, intellectual propertyand sources of finance.07

Deloitte SEA Helping you thrive in disruptive timesAt Deloitte, we make an impact that matters with our clients by addressing their specific needs througha deep understanding of their business. This includes having dedicated teams with experienced andknowledgeable professionals who offer customised solutions to help them grow and achieve their goals.Meeting thespecialised needsof clients fromkey marketsRecognising the unique business needsof clients from China, India, Korea andJapan, we have specialist teams focusedon supporting them as they invest inSoutheast Asia.Our teams serve multinational companies already operating in Southeast Asia, as wellas those that wish to expand into the region. Whether a business is contemplatingmarket entry or embarking on a merger or acquisition, our specialised groups helpimplement cross-border investment strategies and navigate associated risks.Bilingual professionals in each of our groups are familiar with relevant cultures andbusiness issues and able to communicate fluently in local languages. Combined withour extensive experience and knowledge, we work with the various service lineswithin Deloitte to deliver seamless services to meet your specialised requirements.08Serving wealthyindividuals,family businessesand privateenterprisesDeloitte Private caters to the specificneeds of high-net-worth individuals, familybusinesses, and private enterprises.We recognise that there is a growing demand for services to help such clients accelerategrowth in their businesses and preserve their private wealth, whilst protecting andextending their legacy. As a result, we have specialised offerings relating to cost efficientbusiness and wealth structuring; fund structuring, family governance, family officecreation and review; succession planning; and next-generation education and leadership.Our tax specialists will also work closely with the client’s professional advisors to addresscomplex issues relating to estate matters, gifts, inheritance, trusts and charitableactivities. This coordination allows us to develop and implement a plan tailored to theclient’s specific needs.

Deloitte SEA Helping you thrive in disruptive timesDeveloping your talentIn today’s economy, attracting and retaining talent is a top priority. A multi-generational,global workforce capable of working through distributed computer networking systemsis now a vital requirement for companies which seek to focus on global growth andscale, boost innovation, comply with constant regulatory change and meet thedemands of a post-digital world. Acquiring and developing such a workforce,however, can present business leaders with a new wave of human resource (HR)and organisational challenges.Demand is driving the talent market. Megatrends such as globalisationand mobility mean that today’s open talent economy works in a morecollaborative, transparent, and technology-enabled way than ever before.Employers and employees can now seek each other out on a playing fieldthat is both broader and more level than anything businesses have dealtwith in the past.To find and retain the talent they need in this increasingly complexenvironment, business leaders must rethink talent strategies at all stagesof the employee life cycle. New, innovative HR programmes, including totalrewards, and learning and performance management initiatives, are requiredto attract and keep critically needed talent.Deloitte’s valueAs a global leader in human capital consulting, Deloitte brings a uniquecombination of industry, business and HR talent, and analytics know-how tohelp you design and execute effective human capital solutions. Our professionalsare broad-based business consultants who specialise in integrating HR issues withbroader business strategy. By continuously developing new tools and methodologies, wecan enhance your organisation’s performance, productivity and profitability.Our human capital capabilities cover areas such as HR strategy, transformation audit, changemanagement and design. We also specialise in incentives and compensation; personal tax,compliance and immigration; employee communication; and learning and development to create valuefor businesses through people.10

Deloitte SEA Helping you thrive in disruptive timesWe can help you to design and execute effective solutions to overcome your human resource challenges through our following services:1Organisation transformation Shaping workplace cultureRewardsGlobal Employer ServicesA combination of regulatory changes, newtechnologies and often pending mergers andacquisitions are putting today’s businessesunder pressure to transform. This pressurecreates significant challenges including the needfor a new organisational design, culture andbehaviours, and the right leadership and talent.Deloitte’s Organisation Transformation & Talentteam tailors solutions powered by analytics andinsight to drive sustainable change.Compensation and benefit programmes mustoperate in a cost-effective, tax efficient andcompliant manner – for both the employerand the employees’ sake. Deloitte can helpalign your compensation and benefitsprogramme with your overall talent andcorporate strategies, as well as marketplaceneeds. We help address complex tax mattersincluding mergers, right-sizing and generalrestructuring. Our integrated team ofspecialists also helps identify incentives foremployees to successfully carry out companybusiness and talent plans.Today’s global marketplace challengesorganisations to strategically harness the energyand ingenuity of a diverse workforce in whichpeople work from anywhere, anytime. Drawingon Deloitte’s own geographical and culturaldiversity, we help multinational organisationsto assess, improve and transform their globalmobility, rewards, talent and performancemanagement programs. Our multi-disciplinaryapproach includes immigration, social securityand tax within the Global Employer Servicespractice to support organisations in managingthe financial and regulatory risks of deployingtalents across borders.Leadership developmentFor most businesses, leadership remains thetop human capital concern. Companies needto develop new leaders faster and equip themwith the ability to meet global challenges.Deloitte believes that with proper guidanceand investment, people at all levels of anorganisation can become effective leaders.We bring the power of science and a businessoriented approach to help organisationscreate globally aware, innovative leaderswho are ready to make decisions quickly andeffectively.Executing a winning business strategy requiresengaged and motivated employees withshared beliefs, common behaviours and acollective goal. Deloitte helps business leadersunderstand and actively shape a workplaceculture to support their business strategy. Wealso pinpoint existing cultural strengths andgaps, and help organisations continuouslycultivate the culture that is right for them.CxO Executive ProgrammesCxOs of tomorrow are expected to lead, navigate and drive transformation to deliver businessvalue in times of volatility, complexity and ambiguity. The world is also rapidly turning all-digital,signifying the need for a leader’s mind-set to shift from a mere sustained business performanceto one that leverages and integrates digital and technology into the corporate strategy and DNA.Deloitte SEA’s CxO Executive Programmes feature a series of role-based propositions – coveringcurrent and aspiring CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, CROs, CHROs and more – that deliver immersive labexperiences, points of view, forums, insights and solutions to prepare and equip experiencedand aspiring CxOs to lead through the different stages of their career. The programmes harnessthe Deloitte network’s broad domain capabilities and a multidisciplinary team of leaders andsubject matter specialists to help CxOs make an impact and add value in their organisations.11

Deloitte SEA Helping you thrive in disruptive timesManaging risksManaging a business in this current complex and ambiguous environment comeswith various types of risk, with some being so critical that they can potentiallydestroy a business. It is therefore critical that organisations must be ableto pre-emptively sense risks and strategically mitigate them in order to besuccessful.Any number of events can disrupt the sustainability of a global businessand undermine its competitive edge – from pandemics like COVID-19,natural disasters and terrorism to cyber security challenges suchas a computer virus or data leakage - especially in this era of globaldigitalisation. As new risks emerge and existing ones become morecomplex, efficient risk management is vital.In addition, with the onset of the fourth industrial revolution,organisations can no longer afford to ignore ‘black swan’ and ‘blackelephant’ events. While ‘black swans’ are unpredictable events withextreme consequences, ‘black elephants’ - which originate from the‘elephant in the room’ concept - are problems which are predictableand likely to happen but which no one wants to deal with.Deloitte’s valueDeloitte believes that risk management is not simply about makingpeople more aware of risks and more proficient at managing them.Rather, our approach is to intelligently manage risks through SMART - ouracronym for Sensing, Mitigating, Acknowledging & Alignment, Remodellingand Transformation. This will enable businesses to not only understand thenew era of risks but have mechanisms to sense, analyse, mitigate and transformtheir organisations accordingly to fulfil their purpose and remain sustainable whilecontinuing to grow profitably.Using risk analytics, our specialists will work with you to assess the risks you are exposedto and integrate risk management across your business and strategic processes. Our goal is toleave organisations better able to sense both visible and less visible risks and to take appropriatepre-emptive risk measures to create value while responding to and mitigating risks more appropriately.12

Deloitte SEA Helping you thrive in disruptive timesThese services can help you effectively manage the risks to which your business is exposed:SMARTservicesCyber riskservicesDigital andtechnology riskOur risk-intelligent SMART(Sensing, Mitigating,Acknowledging &Alignment, Remodelling andTransformation) approachhelps you address the entirespectrum of emergingrisks. These range fromtechnological disruption tocyber and geopolitical trends.Our innovative solutions alsocover pursuing intelligentrisk-taking to create value.Global companies mustcombat an endless stream ofcyber security threats whiledemonstrating regulatorycompliance in all jurisdictionsin which they operate.Deloitte’s broad expertiseenables us to address a fullrange of security issues – fromidentity theft, data securitybreaches and informationleaks to cyber security andsystem outages. We ensurecyber security practices arealigned to an organisation’sdigital strategy, governanceframework and risk appetite,to reduce exposure to cyberattacks and ensure theorganisation remains secure,vigilant and resilient.Deloitte helps you developproactive and holisticdigital and technologyrisk strategies to controlinformation and operationalrisks efficiently and withindesired tolerances. Wework with you to transform,optimise and adapt yourapproach to intelligent riskmanagement, while usinginnovation to sense, identify,create and deliver valuefaster. More importantly, wedraw on our deep expertiseand full breadth of functionalcapabilities to help youinnovate. This way, we canhelp you implement solutionsdesigned to deliver businessoutcomes with far-reachingimpact and sustainableresults.Controls,assuranceand continuousmonitoringWe assist organisations tomitigate the risks associatedwith internal systems,business processes, projects,applications, data andthird-party reliance throughcontinuous monitoring. Ourintegrated information andcontrols assurance servicesinclude internal audit;contract risk and compliance;and sustainability and climatechange risk services.Regulatory andfinancial riskcomplianceWe help you tackle broadissues of corporategovernance and regulatorycompliance and financial riskmanagement. We also providespecialised assistance in keyareas such as financial adviceand reporting, informationtechnology, human capital,anti-fraud measures anddispute resolution.13

Deloitte SEA Helping you thrive in disruptive timesMaximising performanceIn an increasingly competitive marketplace, organisations must seek new waysto reinvent their operations and modernise how their employees work. Toestablish high-performance processes, it is often necessary to implement newtechnologies, streamline management and embrace innovation to increaseeffectiveness.Deloitte’s valueDrawing on deep business and industry experience, knowledge andskills, we help clients to improve profitability and productivity by devisinginnovative business performance optimisation solutions to improveyour business processes and reduce costs. These could includeintroducing new technologies, improving the operational efficiencyacross the supply chain and streamlining your day-to-day managementactivities. Our team of data-scientists as well as business and domainspecialists will help you to gain a deeper understanding of yourbusiness issues through a range of approaches and solutions based onan analysis of your entire value chain.We can also help you to use analytics to generate insights from the bigdata in your organisation so that you can make smarter decisions that drivestrategy and improve performance. In addition to being able to look into thepast to provide hindsight into what has happened, analytics will provide insightsinto what is happening today and foresight into what might happen in the futurewhich will be useful in scenario planning and predictive modelling.14

Deloitte SEA Helping you thrive in disruptive timesWe can help you to maximise the performance of your business through these services:The Deloitte Greenhouse ExperienceAnalyticsSupply chainoptimisationProgrammemanagementCombining industryknowledge, broad functionalcapabilities and technicalknow-how, we can help youto use the big data in yourorganisation to generateinsights into your organisationso that you can make smarterdecisions that drive strategyand improve performance.We also offer acceleratorsand frameworks to help yourcompany develop its ownanalytics capabilities.Deloitte offers clients abalanced approach tooptimise their supply chain bytaking business objectives anddirection into considerationbefore diving into detailedanalysis. We then work withour clients throughout theentire journey – from strategyformulation through todetailed network design andsimulation. We also considerany tax implications, whichcan be considerable.Drawing on our robustindustry knowledge anddeep experience, we helpyou achieve your objectiveswhen carrying out complexand large-scale changeprojects. We have expertisein multi-workstream, multigeography and multimilliondollar programmes andoffer relevant skills andmethodologies to ensuresuccess.Business performanceimprovementBusiness processsolutionsWe help you improve profitability andbusiness productivity with insights based onrigorous analysis. By challenging conventionalwisdom, we observe factors that companiesmight have missed and assist in making toughdecisions. We then implement our advice sothat you realise the benefits long after ourwork is done.Our specialists can help you evaluate howyour work is resourced, and better manageyour accounting, tax, and human resourcesprocesses as well as statutory compliance.We also provide outsourcing services andstaff secondment to help organisations meetinternal and statutory deadlines.The Deloitte Greenhouse Experience is Deloitte’s problem solving and innovationaccelerator, created to help clients achieve breakthroughs in business problem-solving,executive alignment and action planning.When we design Greenhouse experiences, we harness the breadth and scale ofDeloitte’s business capabilities, which allows us to bring the precise insights our clientsneed to accelerate their businesses. Each experience is tailored to address our client’stoughest business challenges through thoughtfully designed Lab experiences.Part of a global network of over 40 Greenhouses, Deloitte SEA’s Greenhouse is locatedin Singapore and offers an innovative environment and methodology that changes theway clients solve business challenges. By taking participants outside of their everydayenvironments, Greenhouse sessions disrupt conventional thinking, spur creativity, bringabout new perspectives, and lead to tangible solutions.15

Deloitte SEA Helping you thrive in disruptive timesEstablishing good governanceToday’s businesses face greater stakeholder expectations and public scrutinythan ever before. Growing concerns about public health, societal issues andenvironmental sustainability are encouraging governments to tighten theregulation of goods and services. This development can be especiallychallenging for large, multinational organisations that are exposed to acomplex array of different regulatory issues across a wide spectrum ofgeographies and product categories.As new markets open, the financial accounting of Southeast Asianorganisations must also meet global standards. Financial accountinghas now become much more complicated with the move toInternational Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for many of theworld’s public companies.As some major industry players in the region have already realised,success requires a step change in their regulatory awareness andengagement. Businesses that are thoroughly prepared with a strategicresponse to these challenges will be best positioned to mitigate risks andcapitalise on opportunities.An effective governance framework can prevent corporate scandals and fraudas well as enhance an organisation’s image as a self-policing, responsible entityin the eyes of its stakeholders.Deloitte’s valueOur Deloitte professionals can help you to understand your responsibilities and assessthe effectiveness of your organisation’s governance processes by reviewing your policies,procedures and terms of reference. We benchmark your governance processes against bestpractices and work with you to develop solutions to close the gaps, enabling you to implementcorporate governance processes that meet the needs of your business. We also help you to complywith the rapidly changing country specific regulations.16

Deloitte SEA Helping you thrive in disruptive timesWe provide the following services to help you to identify and close any gaps, thus enabling you to implement best corporate governance practices:Audit of financial statementsDue diligenceCorporate GovernanceAudit is much more than just the numbers that tell a story ofpast accomplishments. At Deloitte, we understand the mostimportant decisions are the ones you are yet to make. Thisis why we use audit to show where things stand now, and tounderstand the trends that are shaping tomorrow, to helpinform the next step in a rapidly transforming world. Withthis assurance, organisations can look ahead with strengthand confidence.Companies undertaking acquisitions should be familiar withtheir business counterparties’ qualifications, reputation, workscope and way of doing business. Any suspicion of regulatorynon-compliance should trigger an investigation for signsof wrongdoing. Working with other Deloitte member firms,we provide an Integrity Due Diligence service that uncoverscomprehensive information about the background, integrityan

experience globally, will assist your business to adopt a consistent approach across all jurisdictions. We help simplify tax management and oversight while providing global visibility for an informed strategic decision. A Local and regional governments provide incentives to fuel