Think And Grow Rich Or Wager And Grow Rich:


Think and Grow RichOrWager and Grow Rich:Distinguishing Between theMind of the Gambler & theMind of RecoveryGambling Recovery CenterChristopher W. Anderson, MS, LMFT, NCGCII/BACCAustin, .christopherwanderson.com1



1. Buy a Ticket"You can't expect to win the lottery if you don'tfirst buy a ticket. Be an active participant inyour own success," Fox says. "Each of us hasthe power to effect change in our own lives. Tobe successful, we must understand that and notlook too far outside of ourselves for solutions toproblems.”Alan Fox, Southwest Airlines Spirit Magazine, p. 39, Feb. 20144

Fantasy- Reality Cycle Christopher W. Anderson, MS, LMFT, NCGCII/BACCFANTASYVISIONREALITY5





WHAT IS THE DREAM WORLD OF THECOMPULSIVE GAMBLER?This is another common characteristic of compulsive gamblers.A lot of time is spent creating images of the great and wonderfulthings they are going to do as soon as they make the big win.They often see themselves as quite philanthropic and charmingpeople. They may dream of providing families and friends withnew cars, mink coats and other luxuries. Compulsive gamblerspicture themselves leading a pleasant gracious life, madepossible by the huge sums of money the will accrue from their'system'. Servants, penthouses, nice clothes, charming friends,yachts and world tours are a few of the wonderful things that arejust around the corner after a big win is finally made.10 Gamblers Anonymous, -'COMBO' Book , Page 11

WHAT IS THE DREAM WORLD OF THECOMPULSIVE GAMBLER?Pathetically, however, there never seems to be a bigenough winning to make even the smallest dream cometrue. When compulsive gamblers succeed, they gamble todream still greater dreams. When failing, they gamble inreckless desperation and the depths of their misery arefathomless as their dream world comes crashing down.Sadly, they will struggle back, dream more dreams and ofcourse suffer more misery. No one can convince them thattheir great schemes will not some day come true. Theybelieve they will, for without this dream world, life for themwould not be tolerable.11 Gamblers Anonymous, -'COMBO' Book , Page 11

Fantasy Life“The big win is the booster on the rocketthat tears him loose from thegravitational forces of reason and realityand sends him flying into a weight-freeflight of illusion and fantasy where thereare no limits to what he can do andbecome.”12When Luck Runs Out, Custer & Milt p. 103

INITIAL INTERVENTIONBlock Escape into Fantasy13

Fantasy- Reality Cycle Christopher W. Anderson, MS , LMFT, NCGCFANTASYVISIONCognitive RoadblockREALITYINTOLERABLE14

Steps of the RecoveryJourney1. Recognize my escape into1. We admitted a dream world2. Understand the function of2. Came to believe my dream world3.Choose:a. Continue pattern ofescape (addiction)b. Stop running3. Made a decision 15 Christopher W Anderson, Christine Billone

Think and Grow Richby Napoleon Hill16Original 1937 hardcover

Barnes and EdisonHe presented himself at Mr. Edison's laboratory,and announced he had come to go into businesswith the inventor. In speaking of the first meetingbetween Barnes and Edison, years later, Mr.Edison said, "He stood there before me, lookinglike an ordinary tramp, but there was somethingin the expression of his face which conveyed theimpression that he was determined to get whathe had come after.Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill, p 1710

Barnes and EdisonI had learned, from years of experience withmen, that when a man really DESIRES a thingso deeply that he is willing to stake his entirefuture on a single turn of the wheel in order to getit, he is sure to win. I gave him the opportunity heasked for, because I saw he had made up hismind to stand by until he succeeded.Subsequent events proved that no mistake wasmade.”Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill, p 1810

Barnes and EdisonJust what young Barnes said to Mr. Edison on thatoccasion was far less important than that which hethought. Edison, himself, said so! It could not have beenthe young man's appearance which got him his start inthe Edison office, for that was definitely against him. Itwas what he THOUGHT that counted.If the significance of this statement could be conveyed toevery person who reads it, there would be no need forthe remainder of this book.Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill, p 1910

In the Shadow of ChanceJulian Taber, PhD20

"Unless you know how theythink, you cannot knowthem."In the Shadow of Chance, Julian Taber, Ph.D. (p. 7)21

What is Truth?"In the world of problem gambling,nothing is obvious. Nothing is easy tounderstand at first. You listen andlisten, then you listen some more.You question and question again.Either you crawl inside or you fail atthe door.”In the Shadow of Chance, Julian Taber, Ph.D. (p. 9)22

TheObsession of the Mind(always)?precedesThe Compulsion to 23

Power of Thought an intangible impulse of thoughtcan be transmuted into its physicalcounterpartby the application of knownprinciplesThink and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill, p 2412

Power of ThoughtYou have ABSOLUTE CONTROL over butone thing, and that is your thoughts. This isthe most significant and inspiring of all factsknown to man! It reflects man's Divine nature.This Divine prerogative is the sole means bywhich you may control your own destiny. Ifyou fail to control your own mind, you may besure you will control nothing else.Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill25

CHARACTERISTICS OF THECOMPULSIVE GAMBLER? SOMETHING FOR NOTHING – ‘all the good things in lifewithout any great effort.’ IMMATURITY – ‘.unwilling to grow up.’ PATHOLOGICAL AVOIDANCE OFRESPONSIBILITY ‘.avoid mature responsibility by wagering.’– ‘.the struggle to escape responsibility finally became a subconsciousobsession.’ NEVER ENOUGH – ‘.there never seems to be a big enoughwinning.’ VICTIMHOOD INTOLERANCE FOR AMBIGUITY26


WHAT ARE SOME OF THECHARACTERISTICS OF A PERSON WHOIS A COMPULSIVE GAMBLER?1. INABILITY AND UNWILLINGNESS TO ACCEPTREALITY. Hence the escape into the dream world ofgambling.2. EMOTIONAL INSECURITY. A compulsive gambler findshe or she is emotionally comfortable only when “in action”.It is not uncommon to hear a Gamblers Anonymous membersay: "The only time (place) I really felt like I belonged wasgambling (sitting at the poker table). Then (There) I feltsecure and comfortable. No great demands were madeupon me. I knew I was destroying myself, yet at the sametime, I had a certain sense of security."28

WHAT ARE SOME OF THECHARACTERISTICS OF A PERSON WHOIS A COMPULSIVE GAMBLER?3. IMMATURITY. A desire to have all the goodthings in life without any great effort on their partseems the common character pattern of problemgamblers. Many Gamblers Anonymous membersaccept the fact that they were unwilling to grow up.Subconsciously they felt they could avoid matureresponsibility by wagering on the spin of a wheel orthe turn of a card, and so the struggle to escaperesponsibility finally became a subconsciousobsession. Gamblers Anonymous, -'COMBO' Book , Page 10

WHAT ARE SOME OF THECHARACTERISTICS OF A PERSON WHOIS A COMPULSIVE GAMBLER?Also, a compulsive gambler seems to have astrong inner urge to be a "big shot" and needs tohave a feeling of being all powerful. Thecompulsive gambler is willing to do anything (oftenof an anti-social nature) to maintain the image he orshe wants others to see.Then too, there is the theory that compulsivegamblers subconsciously want to loose to punishthemselves. There is much evidence to supportthis theory.

Think and Grow Richby Napoleon HillOriginal 1937 hardcover31

The First StepDESIRE:The Starting Point of allAchievementBarnes succeeded because he chose a definite goal,placed all his energy, all his will power, all his effort,everything back of that goal.Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill32

The method by which DESIRE for riches canbe transmuted into its financial equivalent 1. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money youdesire. It is not sufficient merely to say "I want plenty ofmoney." Be definite as to the amount. (There is apsychological reason for definiteness which will bedescribed in a subsequent chapter).2. Determine exactly what you intend to give in returnfor the money you desire. (There is no such reality as"something for nothing.”)3. Establish a definite date when you intend to possessthe money you desire.33

The method by which DESIRE for riches canbe transmuted into its financial equivalent 4. Create a definite plan for carrying out yourdesire, and begin at once, whether you are readyor not, to put this plan into action.5. Write out a clear, concise statement of theamount of money you intend to acquire, namethe time limit for its acquisition, state what youintend to give in return for the money, anddescribe clearly the plan through which youintend to accumulate it.34

The method by which DESIRE for riches canbe transmuted into its financial equivalent 6. Read your written statement aloud, twicedaily, once just before retiring at night, and onceafter arising in the morning.AS YOU READ--SEE AND FEEL AND BELIEVEYOURSELF ALREADY IN POSSESSION OFTHE MONEY.(No one can convince them that their great schemes will not someday come true. They believe they will, for without this dream world,life for them would not be tolerable. GA Combo Book p. 11)35

The Second StepFAITH:Visualization of, and Belief inAttainment of DesireFAITH is the head chemist of the mind. When FAITH isblended with the vibration of thought, the subconsciousmind instantly picks up the vibration, translates it into itsspiritual equivalent, and transmits it to InfiniteIntelligence, as in the case of prayer.Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill36

The Third StepAUTO-SUGGESTIONThe Medium for Influencing theSubconscious MindAUTO-SUGGESTION is a term which applies to allsuggestions and all self-administered stimuli whichreach one's mind through the five senses. Stated inanother way, auto-suggestion is self-suggestion. It is theagency of communication between that part of the mindwhere conscious thought takes place, and that whichserves as the seat of action for the subconscious mind.37

The Fourth StepSPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE:Personal Experiences orObservationsKnowledge is only potential power. It becomes poweronly when, and if, it is organized into definite plans ofaction, and directed to a definite end. This "missinglink" in all systems of education known to civilizationtoday, may be found in the failure of educationalinstitutions to teach their students HOW TO ORGANIZEAND USE KNOWLEDGE AFTER THEY ACQUIRE IT.38

The Fifth StepIMAGINATION:The Workshop of the MindTHE imagination is literally the workshop wherein arefashioned all plans created by man. The impulse, theDESIRE, is given shape, form, and ACTION through theaid of the imaginative faculty of the mind.MAN'S ONLY LIMITATION, within reason, LIES IN HISDEVELOPMENT AND USE OF HIS IMAGINATION. 39

The Sixth StepORGANIZED PLANNING:The Crystallization of Desire intoActionYou will now be instructed how to build plans which willbe practicalAlly yourself with a group of as many people as you mayneed for the creation, and carrying out of your plan .40

The Seventh StepDECISION:The Mastery of Procrastination.LACK OF DECISION was near the head of the list of the30 major causes of FAILURE. This is no mere statementof a theory--it is a fact.PROCRASTINATION, the opposite of DECISION, is acommon enemy which practically every man mustconquer.41

The Eighth StepPERSISTENCE:The Sustained Effort Necessaryto Induce FaithPERSISTENCE is an essential factor in the procedure oftransmuting DESIRE into its monetary equivalent. Thebasis of persistence is the POWER OF WILL.Will-power and desire, when properly combined, make anirresistible pair.42

The Ninth StepPOWER OF THE MASTERMIND:The Driving ForcePLANS are inert and useless, without sufficient POWERto translate them into ACTION.POWER may be defined as "organized and intelligentlydirected KNOWLEDGE.”43

The Tenth StepTHE MYSTERY OF SEXTRANSMUTATION:The emotion of sex has back of it the possibility of threeconstructive potentialities, they are:--1.The perpetuation of mankind.1.The maintenance of health, (as a therapeuticagency, it has no equal).1.The transformation of mediocrity into genius throughtransmutation.44

The Eleventh StepTHE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND:The Connecting LinkTHE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND consists of a field ofconsciousness, in which every impulse of thought thatreaches the objective mind through any of the fivesenses, is classified and recorded, and from whichthoughts may be recalled or withdrawn as letters may betaken from a filing cabinet.You cannot entirely control your subconscious mind, butyou can voluntarily hand over to it any plan, desire, or45purpose which you wish transformed into concrete form.

The Twelfth StepTHE BRAIN:A Broadcasting And Receiving Station ForThoughtThrough the medium of the ether, in a fashion similar tothat employed by the radio broadcasting principle, everyhuman brain is capable of picking up vibrations ofthought which are being released by other brains.46

The Thirteenth StepTHE SIXTH SENSE:The Door to the Temple of WisdomTHE "thirteenth" principle is known as the SIXTH SENSE,through which Infinite Intelligence may, and willcommunicate voluntarily, without any effort from, ordemands by, the individual.This principle is the apex of the philosophy. It can beassimilated, understood, and applied ONLY by firstmastering the other twelve principles.47

Fantasy- Reality Cycle Christopher W. Anderson, MS, LMFT, NCGCII/BACCFANTASYVISIONREALITY48

Einstein’s Office on the Day of His Death49



and sends him flying into a weight-free flight of illusion and fantasy where there are no limits to what he can do and . Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill, p 10 19. In the Shadow of Chance Julian Taber, PhD 20 "Unless you kno