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'q5th Legislature2LC 0641/0 1. INTRODUCED3same wage, salary, pension, workers coapensa tion, erviceas3rendered vithiD the law enforcement entity inPEACE4normally employed.FRO!5Section 3,andforallservicewhichheisA BILL FOR5OFFICERS6LIABILITY, AND ALL PENSION,OTHER6assisting officer -- eimbursementin certain cases. The law7BENEFITS TO WHICH THEY ARE IOB!ALLY ENTITLED WHEH RESPC&DIRG7enforcementemployingpeace officer wbo renders8TOgRIS CALLEDTOACTlJ24ORANBILL NO,LC TITIES URDEB THIS ICT. AIDPROVIDIIGWHOSE8assistance shall9payments.OTHER10medical tyfor da aqe to clothing and eguip ent, ity shall be reimbursed by13that requested the serwices out of vhich the payments arose.assistance14Theand priwileges of15compensation cowerageassistance.autual.rights,pay11BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OP THE STATE OF !OHTIIA:Section 1.claimsa12121QentityFOBASSISTANCE TO AMY OTHER PEACE OFFICER WHOlSSISTliCEEmploying entity to pay normal ezpenses forUponemployingmakingsuch payment such law enforce entityprow ideworkers vhilerendering16assisting officers. A peace officer or anyenforcement1617entity of any county or municipality or state qowernment lav1118enforcementtbe assistance of a peace18resulting from rendered assistance. A law enforcement entity19officer from another law enforcement entity within the state19requesting assistance under (section 1 of tbis act] is20of eontana. A peacefor20liable21assistance, has the same powers, duties, rights, privileges,21assisting peace officer, his legal representative in case of22andimmunities as a peace officer of the requesting entity,22death, or the furnishingsection 2.Peace officer rendering assistance entitled23liability enderinq211and 82-4323 that ay result froa tbe232 25to allentity eonA peacelawsuchrequestofficerunder [section 1 of this act) is entitled to thESection 4.forAssistedanyorentityliabilityobligationorlawB I LLforobligationalsoobligaticn to inde nify tbeenforcemententityforanyto indemnify created by 82-4322. J! P

' 5thSB 0119/02LegislatureSl! C119t02Approved by Committeeon JudiciilrySERITE BILL 10. 119sa e waqe. salary. pension. workers' coapensation,IITBODUCED Bt BlZELBl&EB. ROBERTS2other3rendered within the law enforce ent entity inPEACEqnoraally eaployed.PB0853"l BILL POi5OFFICERSlRTOACT chasforservice hichheisEaploying entity to pay norwal expenses forLIABILITY. AID ALL PEISIOR.OTBEB6assistinq officer -- reiaburseaeat in certain cases. The lawBEBBPITS TO RBICB THEY ABE BOR!ALLI BRTITLED RBEI BESPOVDliG7enforceaentaTOBassistance shallFOR9payaents,OTBEB10equipaentT DUE11or12i s p elfDBOffiCER in rendering assistance fOBISJOT OIBBBIISB BITitLBD TO BIIIBORSE!IIT §I9BAS CALLEDFORliDSection serYiceser ice2andlSSISTliC! TO ABI OTHER PEACE OFFICER lBOASSISTAICE10BEIBBORSE!EBTOPEBTITI!S11IITITIES OlDER THIS ACT. AIDPBOYIDXIGRBOSEGDIDILIBESBBPLO!BESASSIST1213B! IT EIACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OPSection 1.14Lawpowers.duties.!01 111:rights.eaployingp.talaiasfOapeace officer who renders1!!1 all wage, pensicn. andliPfii!EJISfor daaage to clothing andfBI OPfiCIB AS A BISU 7 OfOFfiCERtBEOPBBATXOB Of LAW OB A COI!!J l.and privileges of15such16reiabarsed by the law enforceaent entity that requestedser icesUponaakiagshall Itassisting officers. A peace officer or any11entityany county or aunicipality or ! state gcwernaeat1118law enforceaent entity aay request the assistance of a peace18B!DI FOB IIGES AID DAaaGB TO CLQTBIJS liD19officer fro another law enforceaent entity within the state19lJI20of Bontana. l peacefor20JOB TBI OPPIC!B IS OTBEBIJS! EltlTL!p21assistance. has the sa e po ers. daties. rights. priwileges.21OPBBlTIO!22andi aunities as a peace officer of the requesting entity.22alsoSection 2.23e ployees while rendering assistance.2324to all rights25assistanceonlawsuchenfcrceaentrequestPeace officer renderiag assistance entitledrendering211ander [section 1 of this act) is entitled to 3authorizedofficer.JBIlSSIStAICI and StALL fAJ All aedical expeuse incurred officerSECONDR E A D I NGlawenforceaentef !BblCALentitysuchsopay entBJOUIS S.betbevhiea &a paya . . -. PQB ALL PlY!BitS!Q!IlJ!!I jJ!FOB!IP!ISI fOB IRICB IBI!RBB Ill B!P\Oill§ I!!l1IOP Lli OR l COitllCT.provideSection q.workers entityiBI!BOBS!B!BTBYThe eaploying entity sobligationresulting froa rendered assistance. A laM enforceaent entity-2-SB 1\9

SB 0119/02 egoestinqassistance2lie la3the assisting peace4caseSanyiaElie ili*Jaay682-4322.17fu nishad.ando aEoffice ,of death, or theliability[section 1 of this act]unde a li,a iaahisfu nishingobligation82-4323tothat aay is- iodeanify ep esentativeinlaw enforceaent entityfo legalindeanify. esult f oac eatedbythe assistance-lind--3-6SB 119

Sll ()119/0245th LegislatureSl! C119/02saae wage, salary. pension, workers coapensation,SEBATE BILL 10. 119IITBODOCBD Bl BAZELlll!EB, ROBERTS22otherservicerightsforsuchserviceasandfor 11service3rendered within the law enforceaent entity inPilCE4noraally eaployea.PBO!5OTHER6assistiug officer -- reiaburseaent in certain cases. Tbe law1B!IEPITS TO iBICH THEY ABE MOHBALLY EMTITLED iHEI H!SPOIDIIG1enforceaentBTOBassistance sball pay !IK! all wage, pensicn, and9BAS CAllEDFOB9payaents 0OTHER10eguipaentT DUE tO THE OPPICIB AS I RJSOLT OF11or3III BILL POH5OFFICERS6LIABILITY, AID ILL PEISIOM,ORAITOACTRETAilPROYIDIIGFOB t!OIITIESSILIBY,AIDASSISTAIC! TO All OTBiB PEACE OFFICER iBOASSISTIICE10REI!BUBSE!EITOFEITITIES11IITITIES OlDER THIS ACT. AIDPBOVIDliGiBOSEGOIDELlHESE!PLOYEESASSISTBE IT EIICTED BY TBE LEGISLATORS OF THE StATE OP !OITAII:section assistiug officers. A peace officer or any17eutity18la rights,l!Dfli!EITSaise pensesforpeace officer who rendersdisabilityfor daaage to clothing andTB!BA!PJBIIGASSIS!liCB and SHILL PIJ 111 aedical expense incurred byTBE OFFICER in rendering assistance FOB13Ig!HOPEBlTIOI OP LAI OR l COJTilCT.OPFICBBlOT OTIERIISB !ITITLED TOUponaakingsuchrii.Jaeatstate gcwernaent17servicesenforceaent entity aay reguest the assistance cf a peace18BADE FOB iiGES liD DIAl§! TO CLOTBIBG liD EQUifi!!I !!] !Q!officer froa another law enforceaent entity within the stateof ftontana. I peace21assistance, has the saae powers, duties, rights,22andB!QOESlS. be19AI!for20lOB THE OFFICER IS OTBBBiiS! EITITLBQ TO IIIIBORS!!EMT riwileges,21OP!BlTIOIiaaunities as a peace officer of the requesting entity.22alsoSection 2.23eaployees while rendering assistance.24to all rights25assistanceofficer, hileensuchrequestPeace officer rendering assistance r {section 1 of this act] is entitled to the25T H I RDREADING!EQICILshall -1! 1%soreiabnrsed by the lav enforceaent entity that requested19entityBY15!enforce-satB!lJ UBSE!EIT16lawlawISiBIC§enfcrceaeutany connty or aunicipality orand privileges iug entity to pay noraalentity121213section 3.whichtheEIPBRSE fOB iBICB IBITBEB THE E!P!OYl!i !II!!!OF LAW OSprovideSection 4.A COITRA .workers The eaploying eatity feritsobligationresulting froa rendered assistance. A lav enforceaent entity-2-Sll 119

Sl! 0119;02requesting assistance under [section 1 of this act]lia . . lity2lia l 3the assisting peace officer,4caseSany682-4322.17furnisbed.leeaay8 e litatieahislegalte -.indeanifJrepresentativeinof death, or the furnishing law enforceaent entity edbytbat J result froa tbe assistance-I ad--3-SB 119

SB 0119/02SB 0119/0245th Legislaturewage, sal aryo pens i ono workers compensati onolSENATE BILL NO. 1191sa e2INTRODUCED BY HAZELBAKER, ROBERTS2other3render dPEACE4normally employed.FROM534A BILL FOR5OFFICERSANTOENTITLED:ACT ETAINAll ANANDPRIVILEGESIMMUNITIESserviceasSection 3.for1enforcementTO8assistance shall pay HAKE all wage, pension, and9HAS CALLEDFOR9pay.entsy--e s .sOTHER10equipmenh DUE TO THE OffiCER. AS A RESU! I OfASSISTANCE10REIHBU SEMENT11tNTITitS UNDER THIS ACT IST1213BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MONTANA:heofficer -- reimbursement in certain cases. The lawentityemployingANQapeace officer who rendersPAYMENTSdisabilityfor damage to clothing andTHERENQERING11DF12 -pe ftfte THE OFFICER in rendering assistance FQR13THEISASSISTANCE and SHALL PAX ANY medical expense incurred byOFFICERWHICHNOT OTHERWISE ENTITLEQ TQ REIMBURSEMENJ BYassistance14OpERAIION Qf LAW QR A CQNTRACT.and privileges of15suchenforcement16reimbursed by the law enforceMent entity that requestedany county or municipality or A state government17servicesl!ilaw enforcement entity may request the assistance of a peace18 APEfOR WAGES ANQ DAMAGE TO CLOTHING AND EQUipMENT ANQ19officer from another law enforcement entity within the state19ANYMEDICAL20offor20NOR THE OffiCER IS OTHERWISE ENTITLED21assistance, has the same powers, duties, rights, privileges,21 LiUH llE R22and22also23employees while rendering assistance.Section 1.1415authorized16assis ingl1entity23--Lawenforce entpowers,duties, utualrights,officers. A peace officer or anyof ontana.A peaceiw unities ectionto all rights25assistancewhileonsuchrequestas a peace officer of the requesting entity.2.24officer,lawPeace officer rendering assistance entitledofemployment.Apeaceofficerrendering24under [section 1 of this act] is entitled to the25RE F E R E HC E B I L LisEmploying entity to pay normal expenses for8ASSISTANCE TO ANY OTHER PEACE OFFICER WHOallservicewhichassisti ABLErightswithin the law enforcement entity inSENEFITS TO WHICH THEY ARE NORMALLY ENTITLED WHEN RESPONDING6LIABILITY, AND ALL ingettt--e -vl'l h-i!tle-pe 't -ero epaymenttheEQR All PAYMENTSEQREXPENSE FOB WHICH NEITHER THE EHPLQYING ENTITYprovideS ctionsuchshallo If If SO REQUESTS. beACONT .workers 4 AssistedREIMBURSEMENT8YThe employing entity ligationresult.ing from rendered assistance. A law enforcement entity-l-Sil 119

Sil 0119/021requesting assistance under [section 1 of this act]2 e& e-- er--efty-- ab e li e "- e3the dssisting peace officer.4case5anyb Z-4322.11furnished.of deatho or theliabilityandorhisfurnishin obliqation82-4323tolegal s--a iHALL indemnifyrepresentativeinlaw enforcement entity forinde nifycreatedbythat may result from the assistance-End--3-Sti 11'9

SB 0119/02 egoestinq assistance unde [section 1 of this act] is- 2 lie la iaE aay lie ili*J aE a li,a iaa iodeanify 3 the assisting peace office , his legal ep esentative in 4 case of death, or the fu nishing law enforceaent entity fo S any liability o obligation to indeanify. c eated by 6