The Hobbit Musical Overview - Dramatic Publishing


The Hobbit Musical OverviewProduct Code: H03000To help you find the perfect musical for your next performance, we have provided this overview of thevocal and orchestral demands for this title.Solo Songs: YesEnsemble/Large Chorus Songs: NoMain Character Details:Gandalf (m): Bb3-F5 vocals, moderateBilbo (m): C4-A5 vocals, moderateThorin (m): Bb3-G5 vocals, moderateKili and Fili (m): B3-G5 vocals, moderateDori, Nori and Ori (m): Bb3-G5 vocals, moderateOin and Gloin (m): B3-G5 vocals, moderateBifur and Bofur (m): B3-G5 vocals, moderateBombur (m): B3-G5 vocals, moderateWilliam (m): Bb3-E5 vocals, moderateBert (m): Bb3-C5 vocals, easyTom (m): Bb3-C5 vocals, easyGreat Goblin, Patrol Leader and Councillors (m): G#4-E5 vocals, easyGollum (m): C4-D5 vocals, easySmaug (m): B4-D6 vocals, difficultTotal Number of Songs: 19Vocal Demands: ModerateOrchestral Demands: ModerateSize of Orchestra: Large (9 )Ready to Perform?When you are ready to perform, please apply for rights orcontact our customer service department by clicking below.You will be prompted to log inor create an account.We are happy to answer anyquestions you may have

Sheet Music Sample Terms and ConditionsBy downloading this sheet music sample, you agree to the following terms and conditions:-This sheet music sample is available to assist you in the play selection process.-You may view, print and download any of our sheet music samples for perusal purposes.-Sheet music samples are not intended for performance, classroom or other use. For any of these uses,you must purchase playbooks and rent music materials via our website or by phone, fax or mail.-A short sample is not always indicative of the entire work, and we strongly suggest reviewing the entirescore and reading the entire play before planning a production or ordering a cast quantity of scripts.The following pages contain copyright information and at least one page from a variety of songswithin the show.

*** NOTICE ***The amateur and stock acting rights to this work are controlled exclusively by THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY without whosepermission in writing no performance of it may be given. Royalty mustbe paid every time a play is performed whether or not it is presented forprofit and whether or not admission is charged. A play is performed anytime it is acted before an audience. Current royalty rates, applications andrestrictions may be found at our Web site:,or we may be contacted by mail at: DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, P.O. Box 129, Woodstock IL 60098.COPYRIGHT LAW GIVES THE AUTHOR OR THE AUTHOR’SAGENT THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO MAKE COPIES. This law provides authors with a fair return for their creative efforts. Authors earntheir living from the royalties they receive from book sales and from theperformance of their work. Conscientious observance of copyright law isnot only ethical, it encourages authors to continue their creative work.This work is fully protected by copyright. No alterations, deletions orsubstitutions may be made in the work without the prior written consentof the publisher. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmittedin any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, videotape, film, or any information storage and retrievalsystem, without permission in writing from the publisher. It may not beperformed either by professionals or amateurs without payment of royalty. All rights, including, but not limited to, the professional, motion picture, radio, television, videotape, foreign language, tabloid, recitation, lecturing, publication and reading, are reserved. In all programs this noticemust appear:Produced by special arrangement withTHE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY of Woodstock, Illinois MCMLXXII byTHE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY renewed MM byRUTH PERRY (Book)ALLAN JAY FRIEDMAN (Music) and DAVID ROGERS (Lyrics)Printed in the United States of AmericaAll Rights Reserved(THE HOBBIT) Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCE

PIANO-CONDUCTORThe Hobbit1. OVERTUREMusic by Allan Jay FriedmanLyrics by David RogersBook by Ruth PerryMAESTOSO (IN 4)STG. W.W.TRPT.TRB.TIMP.CELLOBASS58BRIGHT (IN 2)TRPT. W.W. 8va-1- Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCE



PIANO-CONDUCTORThe HobbitMusic by Allan Jay FriedmanLyrics by David RogersBook by Ruth Perry2. I, GANDALFCUE: ".and I'm the best hobbit."MAJESTIC - IN 2&C j U̇œ.& C œj œ.BRASSf.? C œ. œJ52œ.JU̇œ9& eyes.œ& œœ? œœbidwww UÓœthe UŒÓTRB.Gan- .œdalf,awwwU œœdark - ling 10CUE: ".and his bandof dwarves."ŒI,wwwF wise.? œSTG. W.W. 8va& w& www .GANDALF: .œœspir - itswww changeœI,A TEMPOwww œGan-11- œwiz - ardwww œœthis#œsignw# ww-œ Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCEandœ dalf, oldœbe - fore .wwwœ œmyœbest

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P/Cjœ .jœ œ.& œ.26march& -ing, march W.W. 8va3. I, GANDALF-ingonœœ œœ œœ œœ œ œœœ œœœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ& œœœœ3?œœ #œ œ œSTG.W.W.slayL.H. OCTAVES33& .b œœ œ b œ œ œ n œ#& œ . .œ? bœ36&œ3OTHERS:œœœ& œœRALL.? œNow3œdrag 3 - on 333œHetookb # œœœœ #œœœ33and 3œœhemustbeœœœœburned3and# œœœ# ex-13-#œœœ-3œœœ œ œœœlootœœœœœœ-ed. 3œ"ed."333œœœ #œ #œTRPT.b œœ œ3 b œ œ œ3 n œ œ œ3 b œ œ œ3 n œ# œw# wwbœœœ #œœ3toSmaug!œhome-# œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ 3wœœ3œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ # œœ œ œ œ œ œœœœœœœœœœ œ #œœ #œ œ #œœœ #œ œ œour3œœœœ œview.jœœ . # œj œœ .œ# œ .œœœœœœful 3œin aw 3 -œœ# œœ# œœœœœœL.H. OCTAVES one goalœ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœœœœœ œ œ3œ #œ œœ œ #œ œœ œ #œ œ3THORIN:3justjœ # .j#œ œ.œœ œdrag 3 - on, thethe 33withœœ œ3œ& œ30œ.3jj.œ.œœœ? œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ . œL.H. OCTAVES3œThe Hobbitœœ#œe-œ Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCE# œœœ# cutœ-œœœœ"

PIANO-CONDUCTORThe HobbitMusic by Allan Jay FriedmanLyrics by David RogersBook by Ruth Perry3B. 13 MIGHTY DWARVESCUE: "Form up, dwarves,our marching song."2ALL:Thir -teenmight-ydwarves.3W.W. 8vaBRASSSTG. TRB.3L.H. OCTAVES433OTHER SEVEN:SIX DWARVES:we'llclimb moun-tainssteep,we'llford riv-ers38vaL.H. OCT.333-30- Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCE3

P/C2. 13 MIGHTY DWARVESThe ocoTRPT.33L.H. OCT.10slaythe3drag - on, the333aw - ful3drag - on33Smaug.3333333THORIN:13Don't333BILBO:stop till peace - fuldwarves are sack - ers.3STG. W.W.-31- Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCEStopat noon for

PIANO-CONDUCTORThe HobbitMusic by Allan Jay FriedmanLyrics by David RogersBook by Ruth Perry8. MIRKWOODCUE: "Couldn't we go around Mirkwood--somehow?" MODERATO&cBELLS &c P W.W.?c Œ5 & œœgob - lins& ?œ œ œ Œ GANDALF: 3œœ œTo thenorthœhave theirœflings.wwwœœœare œtheœGrayœ œ œœ‰ JœAnd on theœ œæ# æww œ # œœœcrestthedread - edVLN.œ.CLAR.-̇BR.-82-œ œœ œMoun - tains œ(BILBO: Oh!) Ówww Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCE œwhereœthe œ œ .œorcsdo# æww æœ # œœœwww

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PIANO-CONDUCTORThe HobbitMusic by Allan Jay FriedmanLyrics by David RogersBook by Ruth Perry11. I WANT TO GO HOMECUE: "I'll just wait here a moment and compose myself."FREELYBILBO:Theyoff - ered me ad - ven-ture,and what yousign for's what you get.4ven-turemeans hun - grycoldanddrip - pingwet.RALL.-118- Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCEAd-

P/C72. I WANT TO GO HOMEThe HobbitMODERATO - IN 411WhydidIcomesofara-way?There'sBR.STGS. W.W. 8va LOWER15justoneplaceIwantto-119-stay. Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCEI've

P/C3. I WANT TO GO HOMEThe Hobbit19triedad-ven - ture,nowIsayCL.23 CLAR.Iwanttogohome.TheyBRASS27said"There'ssomuch worldtosee."CELLO TRB. 8vb-120- Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCEIt's

The Hobbit Musical Overview Product Code: H03000 To help you find the perfect musical for your next performance, we have provided this overview of the vocal and orchestral demands for this title. Solo Songs: Yes . Book by R