EIS Data Dictionary 2018/19 - TN


Department of-- EducationEIS Data DictionaryRevision Date: May 2018

EDUCATION INFORMATION SYSTEM (EIS)Data DictionaryContentsAbbreviated Days. 14ADA. 14ADM . 14ADT .14Air Conditioning .14Alpha Grade . 14American Indian or Alaskan Native . 14AM Bus Number. 15AM Bus Begin Date. 15AM Bus End Date . 15Asian . 15Attendance Date . 15Attendance Type . 15Audio/Video Surveillance. 15Black or African American . 15Block Schedule . 16Bus Assistants . 16Bus Garage and Maintenance . 16Bus Number . 16Bus Type . 16Class Begin Date . 16Class End Date . 16Page 2

EDUCATION INFORMATION SYSTEM (EIS)Data DictionaryClass Type. 16Calendar Number . 17Club ID .17Club Membership Begin Date. 17Club Membership End Date. 17Commercial Advertising . 17Completion Document Date . 17Completion Document Period.17Completion Document Type. 18Contracted Bus Drivers with CDL.18Course Code. 18Course of Study . 18Credits Attempted. 18Credits Earned. 18Current Assignment. 18Current Assignment Begin Date . 19Current Assignment End Date . 19Daily Miles One Way AM . 19Date of Birth .19Date First Enrolled in a US School . 19Date First Enrolled in ESL (No longer used as of 2017-18 school year) .19Disciplinary Action Type . 19Disciplinary Begin Date . 20Disciplinary End Date . 20Page 3

EDUCATION INFORMATION SYSTEM (EIS)Data DictionaryDisciplinary Offense Date . 20Disciplinary Primary Reason . 20Discretionary Administrative Days . 20Discretionary In Service Days . 20Discretionary Instructional Days. 20Discretionary Other Days. 20Discretionary Teacher Vacation Days. 21District Extended Day Make-up . 21District ID (District No).21District Name . 21District Stockpile . 21Dropout . 21Dual Enrollment . 21EIS.21Employed Bus Drivers with CDL.22End of Service Action .22End of Service Action Date. 22English Language Background. 22Enrollment Date. 22Enrollment Reason . 22Est Miles Transported. 22Ethnicity .22Event Duration . 23Event Date . 23Page 4

EDUCATION INFORMATION SYSTEM (EIS)Data DictionaryEvent type. 23Fatalities On Board . 23Fatalities Off Board . 23Federally Funded Class. 23First Name . 23Friday Assigned Period . 23Friday Duration . 24FTEADA . 24FTEADM . 24Full Time Mechanics . 24Funding Inelig Begin Date . 24Funding Inelig End Date . 24Funding Inelig Status . 24Gender. 25GPS System . 25Grade Assignment When Class Was Taken . 25Grade N .25Homeless Primary Night Time Residence . 25Homeless Served by McKinney Vento . 25Homeless Unaccompanied Youth .25Honors Class Indicator . 25Hospitalized Overnight or Longer . 26Immigrant Student . 26In Service Days . 26Page 5

EDUCATION INFORMATION SYSTEM (EIS)Data DictionaryInspected by TN Dept of Safety . 26Instr Grade Assignment Date . 26Instructional Days . 26Instructional Calendar . 26Instructional Grade Assignment . 26Instructional Program Number . 27Instr Service Period Type of Service . 27Last Name . 27Licensure Check . 27Local Class Number . 27Local Course Number. 27Local Dual Credit .27Local Staff Key . 28Local Student Key . 28Mechanics Maintenance on Non Bus Vehicles . 28Membership . 28Middle Name. 28Monday Assigned Period .28Monday Duration. 28Mother’s Maiden Name. 28Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. 29Native Language . 29Net Enrollment. 29Normal Progression. 29Page 6

EDUCATION INFORMATION SYSTEM (EIS)Data DictionaryNumber In-Service Days. 29Numeric Grade . 29Occupant Restraints . 29Optional In Service Days . 30Parent Teacher Conference Days . 30Personal Injury Accidents. 30PM Bus Number. 30PM Bus Begin Date. 30PM Bus End Date . 30Postsecondary Institution ID .30Privately Owned. 30Previous First Name . 31Previous Last Name. 31Previous Middle Name .

Data Dictionary P a g e 16 . Calendar Number Source: EIS extracts Data Type: 9(2) The number for this school year the district has assigned to uniquely identify the ca lendar within the district (ex “01”,”02”). Valid v alues “ 01” – “99”. Clu