Idea Realization With Arduino And Rapid Prototyping


Idea Realization with Arduinoand Rapid PrototypingFangzhou XiaNov. 15th, 2020MIT Splash Workshop

Outline Overview of Mechatronic Systems Project Examples Rapid Prototyping Mechanical design Fabrication tools Electronics Control and programmingAdditional Resources2

About the Instructor Dr. Fangzhou XiaDegree at MIT Mechanical Engineering Postdoc at Mechatronics Research Lab Specialization in control, robotics andinstrumentationMinor in computer scienceResearch: Atomic Force MicroscopeDual B.S. in ECE and ME2 time TA of 2.12 intro to roboticsTeaching Interest Mechatronic systemPrecision instrumentationRobot design and control3

What is Mechatronics?Mechatronic system illustration [ref]4

Mechanical Systems Mechanism designMechanics for solids and fluidsThermal dynamics & heat transferMechatronic system illustration [ref]Fluid and thermal systems5

Jansen's Linkage6

Electronic Systems Embedded in a CarEmbedded systems in car [ref]7

Control Systems: Cubli Balance8

Computer: Vision System9

Background Requirement Math background: calculus, differential equation (18.01/02/03)Electronics: circuit analysis, signals and systems, programing (6.001/002/003)Mechanical: design and manufacturing (2.00/007), system control (2.003/004)Related classes: introduction to robotics (2.12), instrumentation (2.671)Don’t panic, we can start simple to familiarize ourselves with some toolsLet’s do a quick survey firstMIT Hacks fire hose of knowledge [ref]What we mean by drinking from a fire hose [ref]10

Project Examples

Robotics ApplicationsInstructable page for project ideas [ref]12

Mechatronics ApplicationsInstructable page for project ideas [ref]13

Case Study: Mechanized Pedestrian14

Case Study: Mechanized Pedestrian15

Mechanical Systems16

Electrical Systems17

Control Systems18

Computer User Interface19

Mechanical Design

Computer Aided Software Purpose of CAD/CAM/CAE Mechanical CAD Software Computer Aided Design software helps designers to manage complex designComputer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) automates manufacturing processComputer Aided Engineering includes simulation studiesSolidworks/OnShape, UG NX, Catia, Creo/ProE, AutoCAD Fusion 360,Google SketchUp, etc.Industrial Design CAD Software: Rhinoceros. Etc.Animation: 3ds Max, Maya, etc.21

Solidworks Capabilities Create parts, dimension drawings, motion studies, finite element analysis3D component2D drawingAssembly motion studiesFlow analysis22

Solidworks Rendered Assembly Animation Assembly of an Atomic Force Microscope Created using Solidworks23

OnShape Exercise: 3D Modeling Activity time: 20 minutesBreak time: 5 minutesReturn time: 5:00 pmRegister OnShape Account: CAD beginners: follow this video to start experienced user: try model the simplified MIT green building (Fancy Demo) Model as a single part with 1:1000 scaling (1m becomes 1 mm)Data available on Wikipedia: Building (MIT)OnShape interfaceMIT Green Building24

Fabrication Tools

Prototyping Facilities at MIT MIT On-campus maker spaces Tools available at the Makerworks Mechanical Engineering MakerworksLaser cutting (acrylic, paper, wood)Water jet (aluminum, steel)CNC mill and lathe (aluminum, steel)Bandsaw, drill press and hand tools3D printingOff-campus outsource fabrication option Shapeway 3D printingProtoLabs CNC26

2D Geometry Creation Water jet cuttingLaser cuttingWater JetLaser cutting machine27

Machining Tools Milling operationTurning with latheBandsawMillLatheBandsaw28

Additive Versus Subtractive29

Types of 3D Printing31

3D Scanning & PrintingBIBO 3D printer3D scan with Skanect3D printed objects32



Mindstorm EV3 LEGO League35

Arduino Microcontroller Open source general purpose electronic prototyping platformModular design with many extendable shieldsSuitable for data collection or controlling up to kHz rangeArduino Uno [ref]Arduino Mega [ref]Arduino Micro [ref]Arduino Nano [ref]Arduino sensor shield V5 [ref]Arduino motor shield [ref]Arduino Bluetooth shield [ref]25 more Arduino shields [ref]36

Arduino Microcontroller Arduino UNO widely used as starter board for small robotics hobby projectsArduino Micro board used in lab for IMU data interfaceResources: GPIO, 10 bit ADC, 8 bit DAC with PWM, serial UART, SPI, I2CArduino Uno board resources [ref]Arduino Micro board resources [ref]37

Raspberry Pi Cost-efficient mini-computer with SD card for memoryAllows easy installation and modification of operating systemSignificantly higher processing capability compared to ArduinoMore GPIOs but no ADC/DAC ports included in the original designUse with Linux operating system in various robotics projectsRaspberry Pi 4 diagram [ref]Raspberry Pi quick start guide [ref]38

Pokemon Robotics Challenge Mobile Robot Platform Line following, ultrasonic distance, obstacle avoidance, opticalencoder, grey scale sensorsGo to stop with same color as start to catch the PokemonRouteStartEnd39

Sensors for the Robot Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Infrared sensor 1 channel digital signal for obstacle avoidance4 channel digital line following sensorColor sensor Trig: send pulse, Echo: measure return signal delayUltrasonic distanceAnalog signal output measuring greyscale colorOptical encoder Used for counting rotation roughlyCount changes of digital signal (20 slots on the plate)Infrared sensor4 channel line followingGrey scale sensorOptical encoder set40

Motor Driver Wiring Servo motor: angle control 0-180 Red/Brown: positive/negativeOrange: angel control signalDirect current motor: Continuous rotation of wheelsL298N motor driver for current supplyServo motorGeared DC MotorL298N motor driver41

Assembled RobotRobot isometric viewRobot front viewRobot bottom view42

Control and Programming

Arduino Microcontroller Resources Summary General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) Convert microcontroller digital values to analog voltage signalPulse Width Modulation: approximate with high frequency switching of GPIOInterrupt: handling of special events with higher priorityCommunication Protocols: (UART, SPI, I2C, GPIB, SCSI, etc.) Read analog sensor signal as digital values for microcontroller processingDigital to Analog Converter (DAC) Uncommitted digital signal pin configured for either input or outputUniversal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) communicationSerial Peripheral Interface (SPI) communicationInter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) communicationApplication Dependent Peripherals Analog signal conditioning and digital signal processing blocksCommunication protocol handling blocks: Bluetooth, Ethernet, Wifi, etc.Direct Memory Access blocks, sensor/actuator driving electronics45

Arduino Software Interface Download, install and open the Arduino Integrated Development EnvironmentSelect an example from the drop down for board testingSelect the serial port for the board and change the board time as neededClick on the arrow to upload the code (confirm success at the status bar)Arduino IDE exampleArduino serial port/board selectionArduino code upload46

Arduino Programming Reference Automate register level manipulation with built-in function for easy codingC/C based programing style with specific features for the microcontrollerGood documentation online and examples with the IDEVarious libraries available for operation with external shields and devicesCode general structure: setup() and loop() function Digital input and output functions (pin definition for UNO as pin: 0 13, A0 A5) Set pin mode: void pinMode(pin, mode); mode: INPUT OUTPUTOutput voltage level: void digitalWrite(pin, value); value: HIGH LOWInput voltage level: int digitalRead(pin); value: HIGH LOWAnalog input and output functions (UNO AI pins: A0 A5; AO pins: 3,5,6,9,10,11) void setup(): Initializing variables and modes of Pinsvoid loop(): Run program inside this function continuouslyAnalog input: int analogRead(pin); integer range 0 to 1023PWM analog output: void analogWrite(pin, value); integer range 0 to 255Serial functions: Serial.begin(baud rate);; Serial.println(text);Timing functions: void delay(ms); void delayMicroseconds(us):47

Exercise: Servo Motor Control We are going to control the servo motor angle with a potentiometerGo to TinkerCAD and register an account: into TinkerCAD and select circuitCreate a circuit with Arduino Uno R3, Potentiometer and Micro ServoFollow the demonstration to implement the code48

Final Servo Code#include Servo.h int pos 0;int angle 0;Servo servo 9;// library for the servo motor// initialize servo position variable// initialize angle record variable// create a servo variablevoid setup() {servo 9.attach(9);pinMode(A0, INPUT);Serial.begin(9600);}// setup function that runs once// create the servo motor on pin 9// set the A0 pin mode to input// start a serial port at 9600 baud ratevoid loop() {angle analogRead(A0);Serial.println(angle);servo 9.write(map(angle,1023,0,0,180));delay(10);}// loop function that runs forever// read potentiometer from A0// display the angle value through serial// set the servo angle with mapping// wait for 10 milliseconds

Project Ideas on InstructableInstructable page for project ideas [ref]50

Ventilator Project ExampleOpenVent-Bristol V2.0 bag valve mask ventilator [ref]51

Software Tools for Mechatronics Instructable,, edX, Udemy, PacktPub, Coursera, ROS Ignite Academy Design:Solidworks, OnShape, Fusion 360, AutoCAD, UG NX, CatiaAnalysis: Ansys, Abaqus, Altair Hyperworks, COMSOL, ADAMSEmbedded Systems:Arduino, Raspberry Pi, STM FPGA, LabVIEWElectronics: Altium Designer, Multisim/Ultiboard, EagleProgramming: Python, Matlab/Simulink, Origin, C/C , Java, JavaScript, RRobotics: ROS, TensorFlow, PyTorch, OpenAI Gym, Keras, OpenCVDocumentation: PPT, Adobe PS, Adobe AI, Visio, Word, LaTeXVideo: VideoStudio, Adobe Premiere/AfterEffect, Camtasia, Cinema 4D, 3DS Max52

Thank You!

Raspberry Pi Cost-efficient mini-computer with SD card for memory Allows easy installation and modification of operating system Significantly higher processing capability compared to Arduino More GPIOs but no ADC/DAC ports included in the original design Use wi